Would you be for or against a new Legacy stable?


Championship Contender
2 things made me wonder about the possibility of a new Legacy. First, they reformed Evolution, which is something I never thought I'd see. So I started to think about what if other stables from years past reformed? Secondly, where is Cody Rhodes going? Ever since losing the Tag Team Championship with Goldust, they've lost all momentum. I believe that Cody should turn heel again and have a match with Goldust at SummerSlam. But after that, what would he do? I think he is good enough to be the head of a new Legacy and one day contend for (if not win) the WWE World Heavyweight Championship. And with all the 2nd generation stars in WWE, there would be no problem in finding stablemates for him. Every stable needs a main eventer, a midcarder, and a tag team in my opinion. This is who I'd put with Cody to form the next Legacy:

Curtis Axel - Yes, right now he is in the tag team that might be the #1 contenders to the gold, but we're talking about this summer (around or after SummerSlam). By then, Rybaxel will certainly be nothing again as I believe it's time to turn Ryback face again and set him free as a singles competitor. Even if he never wins, the WWE could try to right the wrong they made by turning him heel when the fans were completely behind him. This will leave Axel out in the cold he's been in ever since they took Heyman away from him. If anyone would belong in a new Legacy, it would certainly be the son of Mr. Perfect. Axel could be back in the midcard and IC Title picture if he were part of a relevant faction.

The Usos - At the moment, the only tag teams in WWE that are 2nd generation guys are The Usos and Los Matadores. If Los Matadores went back to being The Colons (Epico and Primo), they'd have just as good of a shot of being worthy of Legacy, but that doesn't seem to be happening anytime soon, if ever. The Usos are are an exciting, high-flying team who are clearly the best WWE has to offer. Yes, the division is awful at the moment, but they're still very good. While the crowd loves them, by this summer, they'll likely have grown tired of them and ready to see new champions. With The Ascension's debut coming any time now, they'll likely see that happen by this summer. It might be hard to see The Usos as heels after the way they've gotten over, but bigger and better stars have made surprising heel/face turns and made it work.

Now, the only problem with 3/4 of this group would be their lack of mic skills. Rhodes is the only one who has any mic skills at all, in fact. So you'd need a manager to make up for that. Who should that manager be? There's Zeb Colter, who is a great talker, but he's found a great niche as the manager of The Real Americans (who will still exist, with Cesaro being replaced soon I'm sure). So I think you bring in a former legend who can talk circles around them all, like Roddy Piper, Ted DiBiase, or even Cody's father himself, Dusty Rhodes. Dusty is a natural face though, so for the sake of keeping it realistic, I'll say Roddy Piper would be the best fit because he knows how to be the most annoying, loud, and most importantly, get the crowd to care.

So would you be for or against the realignment of Legacy? And if you would be for it, what changes would you make, if any?
I wouldn't mind seeing it, as I'm a fan of more 3 man teams. I don't think the Uso's would be a good fit, even though they are 3rd generation guys, their personalities don't really mesh well. I would rather have somebody like Bo Dallas and somebody else, like Richie Steamboat if he's available. I wouldn't mind having a female valet either, like maybe Flair's daughter.
I was a big fan of Legacy. I definitely think Curtis Axel and Cody Rhodes both need a push in their run. However, I just don't see Usos fitting in this. Maybe Tyson Kidd? I can't remember many 2nd gen wrestlers other than those above and Orton. Primo and Epico are a joke and wouldn't fit the cult either ways. If only Ted D came back, it would be awesome.
I don't think they should reunite Legacy or create a new one because the first Legacy failed so badly that all three superstars would end up falling off the ladder for a long period of time, one ended up quitting. I remember back in 2009, everyone was on the Ted DiBiase bandwagon and referring to him as the next Orton but the group failed beyond belief. They broke the group up way too soon, if anyone benefited from it, it was Cody Rhodes who had a decent run with that "dashing" persona.

Evolution on the other hand was everything Legacy was not, it developed two marketable names. Randy Orton was built slowly, winning the IC title and then going on to have a dominant reign beating the likes of Mick Foley, Edge, Shelton Benjamin, Shawn Michaels in solid matches. Eventually beating Chris Benoit for the World Title, way too early but it is what it is. In the long run, it allowed Orton to establish himself further and eventually transition from upper-midcard to main-eventer. Batista on the other hand was built perfectly from day one, he was the man who made sure Triple H never lost but once he had his sights on the thing he was protecting HHH from losing, things got interesting. He got the classic, winning the Rumble, headlining Mania push and it worked well. Establishing Batista as a top talent from that point on.

Legacy is one the most generic stables in the history of not only WWE but pro-wrestling, consisting of Randy Orton and two Randy Orton clones without the credibility of Randy Orton. I thought Cody Rhodes and DiBiase were on the path to becoming top talent, going over the likes of DX but I guess it was never meant to be. Cody Rhodes still has a chance.

No other talent on the WWE roster should have to suffer the pain of being compared to generic stable that is Legacy. It would be like reuniting The Corre. Pointless and may even hinder a talent's push rather than move it further.
Meh, I honestly can't say I'm all that interested in another faction made up of 2nd and/or 3rd generation stars.

As far as Curtis Axel goes, the guy just doesn't have the goods to go any further than he's already gone. He's a solid mid-card wrestler and that's where he's best.

As far as The Usos go, they don't need to be part of a Legacy faction because they're already a pretty over babyface tag team. Personally, I'd rather see them do a little more to move away from their familial ties to the Anoa'i family, or at least their ties to their father by no longer dancing.

With the direction that WWE looks to be heading in, and with what looks to be a growing lack of 2nd or 3rd generation wrestlers, it's more about "the future" and what young guys have going on for themselves rather than being part of big league wrestling heritage. Not a bad thing as far as I'm concerned because I've heard enough references to heritage of Orton, the Rhodes brothers, DiBiase, The Usos and others.
I personally wanted Ted Dibiase and Joe Henning to reform a "Legacy" tag team but since Dibiase is gone now, I'd say Rhodes & Henning (Axel) would be the perfect team. I've said before that Axel & Ryback just don't gel together and Goldust probably isn't staying around much longer. Start the stable with Rhodes & Axel and MAYBE build on it later. The WWE could possibly have Natalya join them as their valet.
haha I forgot about legacy, well it would be interesting to see the stable reestablished but I prefer USO's as a face to be honest, their skillset and charisma is much better suited as a face.
Legacy bombed and bombed in spectacular fashion. They had some decent moments, but they never established themselves as a dominant stable. The ending felt rushed and was incredibly sloppy...the fans decided to turn Orton face, and the WWE decided to capitalize on his new popularity, but unfortunately it came at the expense of Rhodes and DiBiase. If either or both of them had been able to turn face on Orton, that could've helped give them a nice push into their singles career, but staying heel and losing to Orton obviously did nothing for them. As soon as the stable ended, both were given brand new gimmicks and everybody just decided it was best to pretend the stable never existed. And it should stay that way. So no, I wouldn't bring it back.

If you want to create a stable of 2nd/3rd generation wrestlers, they'd be better off with a brand new name. But, honestly, I'd say just get away from the idea altogether. I see people talk about how they should emphasize who so and so's dad or grandfather was, but I think history tells us that guys usually succeed in spite of who is in their family, not because of them. Rocky Maivia was a huge deal because he was the first ever 3rd generation superstar...and he was one of the most hated faces in wrestling history, until he became The Rock and they completely stopped talking about Rocky Johnson and Peter Maivia. Cody Rhodes sucked in Legacy as mentioned, and didn't get anywhere until he became "Dashing" and everybody forgot he was Dusty's son. Dustin Rhodes was a jobber until he painted himself gold. You don't have to completely ignore their famous relatives like they've done with Bray Wyatt, but they need to get over on he heir own merit, and then once they're firmly established you can bring up the family connections.
I actually think thats a pretty good idea but I don't really think the idea of Cody Rhodes leading the faction is one that should be entertained.

I feel that Legacy should reform with Randy Orton as the head of the group. With the current reforming of Evolution they can play out the story as HHH, Kane and Batista three main prospects of the group and Orton is the one who always ends up being sacrificed. One day Orton finally is fed up and snaps and punts HHH which subsequently takes him off of TV and gives him time to focus solely on his backstage roles. Come WM HHH Vs. Orton is a potential match but we've seen it before so I don't know about that.

Anyways that leads to a three on one situation with Evolution Vs. Orton. Orton however talks to Rhodes and gets him on board. This leaves the spot for a third man in the group and it will not be Ted, in fact I think it should be a young man from NxT who I think gives off a Randy Orton vibe, Corey Graves.

This leads to Legacy ( Orton, Rhodes and Graves ) Vs. Evolution ( Batista, Kane and a third up and coming heel like Cesaro )
I am against the idea. Successful teams or stables are those... or rather, a team or stable becomes so successful that they engrave their names in stone- when they don't have any filler or jobber member in the squad. LAX, Main Event Mafia, DX, Evolution, The Shield... compare them with teams like Nexus, Corre, TNA Frontline, Paul Heyman Guys, and Legacy... You'll see the difference. When you have fillers in a team, you will know that one guy (the leader) will get pushed forward with all the attention and hype, while the other two/three/four guys will be pawns that are sacrificed in the process. Eventually, that one guy will break apart and move forward on his own (CM Punk and Cesaro comes to mind from the last one year), while the other two are left in darkness where they have to find the light through a near-impossible maze. Such a team can never achieve true, long-term greatness, and thus I'm against the idea of Legacy reuniting/reforming/starting from the scratch with the names that you mentioned, or with other similar names.
It has run its course for me... nothing to extract gtreat memories from, apart from the appearance of The Million Dollar Mar Ted Dibiase (Sr.)...
Didn't think Ted Jr. was a big deal of a wrestler, nor do I think Cody Rhodes is top quality material.
As for other wrestlers: the Usos don't need it; Curtis Axel (just "burying" himnself next to Ryback these days, IMO) has given all he's got and hopefully for him he will have a nice little paycheck for the years to come as a mid-carder / eventual jobber; Tyson Kidd would reform the Hart Dynasty if something like that were to happen. So in a nutshell: no, thanks!
Legacy is way in the back of one wrestling fan as a temporary stable that no one cares about in the present day.
I'm unsure as to whether another form of a group such as this is necessary. During the last decade, we've seen two forms of this sort of group, Evolution and Legacy. The former was more successful than the latter, however both were really enjoyable. My issue with another stable such as this is that we've seen it twice before, and maybe it's time things are switched up a little.

I am not a hater on stables, I love them, they're great ideas, and some really work. Look right now, we have The Shield and The Wyatt Family. Out of the six guys there, four of them are guaranteed to be big stars in the future. They've proven they can do it without a big star at the helm, and sometimes that's what is best, because it pushes the younger guys to go further with what they are doing. Of course we cannot forget the best stable of them all, 3MB.

My point here is that these two stables have shown that they don't need another Legacy type stable. However, an old idea that comes to mind is pairing two young guys up and giving them a legendary mouthpiece of sorts. For example, when he was in the company, you could have had Ted DiBiase with Curtis Axel in a team, with the Million Dollar Man as their manager. Just a thought, but this pairing makes sense as they're both considered "fortunate", and the Million Dollar Man is a good talker. This is an okay alternative that doesn't continue the trend, because eventually, it could get boring having the recycled Legacy type faction. Just my opinion though, I'm sure many would be up to it.
Not interested. They already tried this idea before and while I wouldn't consider it a failure, it did not go as well as what might have been expected. The original Legacy was Cody and Ted's chance to shine and they missed a huge opportunity for a face turn with a big push for Ted toward the end, but oh well. Legacy ended up being little more than bodyguards for Randy Orton. I won't get into Manu and Sim Snuka's involvement in the stable, that's really not worth discussing. The stable had its moments, I'll give it that. I am not interested in seeing another one though.

Who would even be in this thing? Cody Rhodes? The Usos? Curtis Axel? The best combination using those wrestlers is Cody Rhodes leading it with The Usos and Axel all being bodyguards for him. That would be worse than the original Legacy. I'd rather see them each where they are now. A divas Legacy angle might be possible with Natalya being the focus. Tamina could be in it too and Charlotte when she gets moved up to the main roster.

I think it's safe to say Legacy was a failed experiment. Rhodes and Ted never rose to a high level, and now Ted is gone, and Cody is still a mid card talent at best. They tried to build a storyline with Rhodes and Ted turning on a selfish and abusive Orton, but things didn't work out that way. Instead, the fans were going nuts for Orton on the road to Wrestlemania 26, and WWE had to turn Orton face in the process. It all started with the win in the triple threat match at Mania, and Cody didn't see any real success until he started the disfigured character.

Evolution was a success, because it's remembered as the springboard for Orton and Batista as main eventers. In the end, there's no point in resurrecting a mediocre at best (Cody and Ted had a few good matches with DX) stable that's remembered for one main eventer, and his two lackeys/career mid carders.

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