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Would You Be A Wrestler Right Now?


The Shark Should've Worked in WCW
Look, at some point in our lives, I think we've all wanted to be pro wrestlers. We've all had that dream of performing at Wrestlemania, and wrestling against names like Hulk Hogan, Ric Flair, The Undertaker, etc. We may not always say it, but when we were children, we grew up idolizing some wrestler, and thinking, though never outright saying, that when we grew up, we wanted to be like that wrestler.

Sadly, we all know it isn't happening. Whether we don't have the size, the nerves, or even the charisma, it's very rare to see someone take up the job of a professional wrestler. But let's eliminate all of those things that make you feel like you can't be a wrestler. Let's say that we make you 6'2" and 265 LBs. of muscle, with a little charisma added on. If you still had the chance, would you ever be a professional wrestler?

Now, for me, I get that you get paid plenty of money, and that you get to tour the nation. That in itself, is quite the perk. Getting to see the world and travel has always been a fond dream of mine. Plus, in addition, we get to do something that we love, and have a general passion for. You get to work with the big names like Undertaker, Triple H, and John Cena, or if you chose to go to TNA, you get to work with Hogan, Styles, Flair, and other fantastic names.

But we're all aware of the negatives of the business. You never get to see your family. You never get to stay in your own bed, and for that matter, your constantly working. You're always on the road with people that, for all you know, could be after your spot. And, if we may add, there's a very dark side for the business. Beneath the layer of glitz and glamour, there's a dark underbelly of steroid and drug use, which is pretty much necessary to stay at your optimum level. I'll liken to what Bobby Heenan said regarding becoming a wrestler:

Just think if I said to you that you were going to be a wrestler:

"Well, what will I have to do?"

You'll have to work where I send you, far away from home

"Will I have any days off?"

No, no

"Will I make a lot of money"

Probably not... And we'll want you to take these sharp pieces of razor and stick it into your face whenever we tell you to. And you're going to have to go out to the people and incite riots.

"Will I get any hospilization?"

None at all, none at all.

"Will i get a car to drive?"

No, you'll have to drive your own car, pay yor own gas.

"What about the hotel rooms?"

No, stick nine of you in a room, for all I care.

"Will I need anything to get ready for the job?"

Just a lifetime supply of performance enhancing drugs, and prescription pain pills that will be the only way to block out the daily pain of your job.


Look, we're all aware that wrestlers tend to live shorter lives than most other professions. There's no other way around it, wrestlers die at a relatively early age, mainly between their forties and fifties. So, at least for me, I couldn't put up with knowing my life was in constant danger.

But that's simply just me. If you could, would you be a professional wrestler?
Yes,even knowing the potential dangers and time away from home,I would still become a wrestler.Being in the wrestling business is the only dream I've ever had.To be completely honest,I would be content wrestling in an indy fed in front of 300 people just because that's how much I love it.But you gotta believe that the business has cleaned itself up a bit since Heenan's day.The wellness policy really kind of prevents the whole steroid issue to some extent,and with the whole PG era wrestlers don't blade at all anymore in the WWE.I'd also like to think I have the size,heart,and charisma necessary to be a professional wrestler as well.I may not be The Rock on the mic but I sure as hell wouldn't let The Miz show me up in front of several thousand people.In summary,I want it and I want it BAD
I would love to give it a try. I did some backyard work so I know I can take a bump. The concrete is harder than the ring mat. At the least, at least I'm sure I can work a mic. I might crap my pants the first time around, but I know that once I get going I can go on that aspect. As a performer, I wish there were an academy around here. I would really love to try out legit pro wrestling. But not as much as I would love to commentate. A dream to sit one day on a cardboard table next to Jim Ross calling the main event of Wrestlemania. Damn, that would be it for me. I've always been told I could be a radio DJ, but since I hate that line of work being a play by play analyst would really do it for me.
I dont think I would do it

I have always fancied trying out a wrestling training school, there is one in Manchester where I live that is a pay by the session school so even now, when I have my own flat to pay for, a live in girlfriend and have started a career after university, I am still tempted to go and give it a try....


The travelling, the sacrifices that have to be made, the constant pain, the concussions, the blading, the temptation to try steroids, pain pills etc... and the low possibility of ever making it to the WWE just make it not worth it to me.

I am content to be a fan, and knowing how hard the business is, I have HUGE respect for anyone who loves the wrestling business enough to put up with the all the shit, all the risks, and all the sacrifices to do what it is they love and to entertain us.

Thanks guys
No freaking way!

Truth be told, I always wanted to be a wrestler when I was younger but you know what it is like to be naïve when you are a child. Back then, I had literally no idea what it took to become a professional wrestler and it just seemed like something that would be entertaining and getting to the WWE was something that would be attainable. Now, don’t get me wrong, if I was going to attempt to make it to the WWE, I would do everything in my power to make sure that I got there. I am a person who throws everything at something that I want to do and when I get started, I am so committed to achieving my goal, even if that goal is completely out of reach.

However, as I got older and understood what it took to become a professional wrestler, I began to think that I would be best served just being a fan and enjoying that. Sure, there is always that little boy in me that thinks I could still make it but why in the hell would I even want to? Having read Edge’s autobiography, I couldn’t bring myself to make half of the sacrifices that he did and it really showed me how much these guys have to put up with in the wrestling business. The WWE has the market cornered and unless you are wrestling with them, or the main draw in TNA, then you are not going to be making enough money to even cover you travel costs etc.

To me, there is not a less attractive job prospect in this world. Sure, I love the WWE and watching wrestling but I am quite happy leaving it to the professional and be happy with that. It is a completely thankless task and your career can be made or broken in an instant. Look at Bryan Danielson. He wrestled in the indies for 10 years and then finally made it to the WWE. I will assume that this is the biggest thing that has ever happened to him but o his Raw debut with the Nexus, his WWE career is cut short as he chokes Justin Roberts with a tie.

It is just too competitive and thankless for me. A hard job that will literally reduce the years that I live. No thank you!
Yes. Honestly, I believe that this is my eventual destiny and I wish to accomplish the dream of one day working for a highly-regarded company of the sport. Many people around me think that I am stupid working towards a brass ring that I am not tall enough to reach, but when I wake up and look at myself in the mirror analysing myself, the only conclusion I get from an objective perspective is that this person staring back at me was meant to be a professional wrestler. Every aspect of my life revolves around attributes needed for the world I have yet to enter. I am known to play several characters, either as an inside joke or because of a certain situation, that are an extension of me. I work virtually every day and I hate myself for taking days off. I'd trade my life, friends and family to work every day if I could. I've been a sports freak ever since I was 6 and wish my body was capable of doing more because I love it.

However, at this current point in time I am going to restrain myself. My main goal before I even consider entering the business is to get myself into a shape other than round and increase my stamina levels. For an overweight guy, I can go... but with what's required as a wrestler, I can't see myself working a five or ten minute match without looking sloppy due to fatigue. Once I overcome this, I will join the wrestling circuit. The time that I become completely serious about professional wrestling is when I am well on my way in getting a degree so I can fall back on a solid job if I fail or quit or whatever. It's a good thing too, because this degree will lead me to my second profession that I have a passion for and will be in high demand for quite some time in Australia.

I don't care for the risks nor do I care about my own safety. I want to be able to tell my kids someday that I was a professional wrestler who made it without cheating my way there (i.e. the use of drugs, politicking, etc.)... even if it kills me. Who wants to live until they're 90 anyway?
I don't care for the risks nor do I care about my own safety. I want to be able to tell my kids someday that I was a professional wrestler who made it without cheating my way there (i.e. the use of drugs, politicking, etc.)... even if it kills me. Who wants to live until they're 90 anyway?

In my previous post, I have said I respect someone who loves something so much they they are willing to take the risks to achieve something that means alot to them, but as you have mentioned that you want to tell your kids that you were a pro wrestler....I am sure I speak for everyone when I say I would rather be alive to watch my kids grow up, get married and then have children themselves, rather than them know I was a pro wrestler who died early.

I know I would rather have my Dad alive for many years, to spend great times with him and have a father figure in my life, rather than him willingly sacrifice so many years of his life die at 40-50 and tell me he was wrestler.
Yes, I would definitley become a pro wrestler and I actually plan to begin my training in a few years. It's been a dream of mine since I was a kid, and even now knowing full well all the risks and faults of the buisness, I couldn't imagine doing anything else. I'm a small guy, but I could do pretty damn good on the mic and I'm planning on buffing up in these next couple of years.

Honestly, I could care less if wrestling is the hardest job in the world, if it shortens my life, it's all I wanna do, I'll never quit training, even if I'm pissing out blood, and bruised up as fuck, I'll still train. Becoming a wrestler is all I ever think about, and I honestly couldn't imagine doing anything else cause for all its faults, it's got a lot of upside. If you make it in a big company, or become a well known indy wrestler, you can make quite a bit of money. And whats not to love about wrestling? Working the crowd, cutting promos, putting on a great match, it all seems fun as shit.

So yea, in short, I would be a wrestler, and I WILL be a wrestler here in a few years.
First of all, thank you for the quote about the wrestler's interview. It gave me a good solid chuckle.

Would I be a wrestler, though? If I had the physique, the ability, and the training, then absolutely. I'd come up with the absolute strangest gimmick ever and play it to the hilt to both entertain and appall the audience. Had I the necessary qualifications, you bet.

Now, I'd have to be specific, though. If it were the WWE, then sure. They at least got the wellness policy as well as taking better care of their wrestlers in a lot of ways these days, even though it wasn't always like that. TNA? A little iffier, but I could handle bleeding from time to time as long as the blade is sterile. Performance art and sacrificing for your craft this may be, but on the other hand, I'd have no desire to die in the ring. Realistically what use are all your accolades if you don't survive to enjoy them?

But, in my case, it's all fantasy. I can dream, I can play them in online games, I could even make a professional wrestler a central character in some of my writing, but I don't have what it takes to be in the ring.
It's a hybrid of athletics and show business, which is the only reason I've decided against doing so. It's not the fact that it'll take me a while to get established (if it even happens) and get to a point where I can live comfortably, but it's the fact that even that comfort isn't guaranteed because most wrestlers are lucky if they make it to forty and are still doing worth while work. (Not to mention the extreme possibility of getting future endeavored before then) That part I can't really handle, of course, there's always the option of getting a day job after that (I'm a year away from having a degree now.)

Also, I don't have aspirations to main event wrestlemania or be a world heavyweight champion or do date someone that looks like Kelly Kelly and most people feel that people without those aspirations or goals don't do well in "the biz" anyway. As much as I'd like to prove them wrong I'm 75% sure I'll get a day job. My wrestling training won't go to waste though, I'm sure it'll come in handy when (or if) I have kids. ;-)
Hey I'm 6'4 250. I've dream of becoming a wrestler but football is much easier to do. Now I've dreamed of performing at wrestlermania but I'm the type of guy who'd rather perform in a gym with 300 screaming fans. Wwe makes their stars, id rather make a name for my own self. Yeah id love to become a wrestler. All it takes is a thousand bucks and you can enroll in OVW. But I don't see how they do it. Id be so paranoid my girl was cheating if I was on the road all the time. Lol
I don't kinda wanna be a wrestler because if I do that type of job then I watch it on tv I will be sick and tired of it.

If I do, I wanna start as a luchador in Mexico even though its dangerous in north Mexico right now. Still once I finish in Mexico and Japan I'll go to TNA with Konnan after I lose my mask. I could do a program as a bad guy with Konnan (maybe with a new LAX with Carlito) vs Hector Guererro. Hector will try to get me to be a good guy.

I wanted to go to WWE and run in Chavo's match with Hornswoggle and help out Chavo or beat up Vicky's boyfriend and say like Chavo, " Stay away from my family. You are not a Guerrero!" Course knowing Vince and WWE they'll be like," Hmmm... Were going to have to change your name." Oh well, so much for continuing Eddie's legacy.
Not at all, considering I'm not a fan of being addicting to pain killers or being on the road for 300 days a year. Doesn't sound too appealing to me.

Plus, knowing that people will chuckle at you every time you tell them what your profession is and the fact you'll be out of the profession by the time you're in your 40s unless you are one of the .01% that somehow become successful and can just dick around with the WWE for the rest of your life.

Plus, touching other dudes? No thanks.

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