Would WWE be interested in a Jeff Hardy Return?


Pre-Show Stalwart
Jeff Hardy is a six-time world champion, having held the WWE Championship once, the World Heavyweight Championship twice and the TNA World Heavyweight Championship three times, a four-time Intercontinental Champion, and has held the Light Heavyweight, and European Championships once each. He is also a former Hardcore Champion, having held the championship on three occasions. Between WWE and TNA, Hardy has won 22 total championships.

There's no doubt jeff is a All Time Great!
Jeff Left wwe In Good Term's "I never heard jeff bash wwe any since he left"
WWE could always use a good face just in case cena gets hurt again, so they won't have to push the big slow "sigh".

The only reason i could see why wwe wouldn't want hardy is the thought of hardy getting on drugs again, but they hired rvd who has had some heat for drug's in previous years, so i think wwe would give hardy a 2nd chance, even if hardy was a part time worker, they could get him to the 2nd top seller in the wwe, hardy has always been big in kid's eyes, i wouldn't be shocked to see every kid wearing his arm band's.

So Does wwe want hardy, what left is there to do with hardy?
would he be regular like he is in tna, or would he be a part time like rvd, or a few matches a year like brock lesnar? where would you see hardy in the wwe?
Would I personally want to see Hardy return? Sure. Why not? There are plenty of wrestlers he could face now. The last time Jeff Hardy competed in WWE was in 2009. It does not feel like 4 years ago AT ALL. I would like to see him feud with Sheamus, Daniel Bryan, John Cena, RVD, Lesnar, Christian (plenty of history there!) and Del Rio. They could also restart either of the feuds with CM Punk or Randy Orton since more than enough time has passed for these matches to work. While I think WWE might hesitate to have him hold the World Heavyweight or WWE Championship title again anytime soon after some of the choices he has made if he does return, he'd still be able to provide the fans with good matches. Just keep him off the mic, please.

The fans really like him so he would certainly make the WWE money and that's what it's about at the end of the day, and there are a number of potential feuds they could do whether he gets placed in the world title scene or not. He could go after the Intercontinental Championship again or maybe he could form a tag team with someone like Christian or RVD. Hardy has never held the US Championship, so there's that option if for whatever reason they do not want to place him in the world title scene. There's so many different things they could do with Hardy if he returned and I'm sure the fans would like nearly any of them. I don't think it will happen though. Jeff Hardy will probably stay with TNA. If he does, there's nothing wrong with that. He's one of the biggest names they have on their roster. If he did return to WWE though then I would not be against it.
I think if he became available they would definitely reach out. Hardy was white hot, more so than Daniel Bryan ever got, back in 2008/2009. He was the number two guy for a while.

Jeff seems to have gotten his shit together and would definitely be good for business. Some really good fueds he could have in WWE right now.

I have always said, Jeff Hardy, Sting and Kurt Angle are the only three WWE would be REALLY interested in bringing over - they are made names already. Styles, Samoa Joe, Anderson, Roode, Magnus etc are not on their radar in the slightest.

I give this a thumbs up.
I'd love to see him back (obviously) where I think he belongs. I think there are two problems with him making a return though.

1.) Part of what led to his burning out and ultimately bad attitude and drug use was the incredibly hectic WWE schedule when his career was taking off, this is what led him to TNA. I don't think he cares about money or fame, and wants that much time away from his wife and young daughter.

2.) Even though I love Jeff for his innovate look and attitude as much as what he does inside the ring, I'd say most fans really remember Jeff for crazy things swantons off the titantron, but Jeff is 36 now. While that might be young for your time on earth, in the wrestling world with the things he's put his body through I don't think he would put on the kind of performance the fans would expect of him. Which means a week after his return, he'd be getting the same kind of treatment RVD did "he's slow" "he's old" etc. etc.

I think if Jeff could make a part time return, more than Lesnar, but less than RVD, and not work any really crazy spots outside of his finisher, he would be a great attraction for some of the bigger PPVs and could still have a lot to give.
WWE would take him back in an instant and push him to the moon. They'd promote him how TNA should've promoted him from the off and he'll sell lots of merch.

Obviously he'll be kept below Cena level. But then again, everybody is.
Yes, if Jeff is truly clean (and he seems to be) then of course WWE would be willing to take the risk of bringing him back, he is guaranteed to make them money and that is the main concern for Vince.

Jeff Hardy has always had a bond with the audience, they love the guy. Always have and always will, his unique look and style and the fact he has always taken crazy death-defying risks just makes the fans adore him, and he sells a lot of merchandise.

If they brought him back I can guarantee they would give him a good push, just like Van Dam and would probably give him some kind of deal where he could take time off after completing a set number of dates, again like RVD and Chris Jericho. This would allow him to keep coming back fresh each time, and would prevent him from getting too burned out on the road, which is what contributed to his addictions and demons in the past.

I dont really think Jeff wants the strain of being back on the road for long periods of time, but with the money WWE would throw at him (as he is one of the few genuine BIG names out there who would still draw in the 'E and can still go), I'm sure a deal would be worked out to everyone's satisfaction.

I have little doubt we will see Jeff Hardy in the WWE again at some point.
I'd love to see him back in the WWE. But only if he can keep himself clean. I dunno, I have a feeling that Hardy vs Bryan would be an incredible series of matches........
Unlike Angle Jeff seems to be turning things around. If Jeff Hardy proves he can stay clean while enduring a life on the road the WWE should be interested.
WWE would take him back in an instant and push him to the moon. They'd promote him how TNA should've promoted him from the off and he'll sell lots of merch.

Obviously he'll be kept below Cena level. But then again, everybody is.


He gets better billing than anyone else in TNA period. I agree with you on everything else except the Cena stuff. Hardy is probably the only guy who could take Cena spot popularity wise and merchandise wise. They'd be stupid to hold him back instead of bringing Cena up to his level. WWE Corp likes to say nobody is bigger than the WWE.. Hardy is probably one of two exceptions to that rule.

He gets better billing than anyone else in TNA period. I agree with you on everything else except the Cena stuff. Hardy is probably the only guy who could take Cena spot popularity wise and merchandise wise. They'd be stupid to hold him back instead of bringing Cena up to his level. WWE Corp likes to say nobody is bigger than the WWE.. Hardy is probably one of two exceptions to that rule.

not sure if I agree...I think given his history that they may not want to push him too hard. Also, he's horrible on the mic, that alone is enough reason why he could never surpass Cena.

For the record, I respect what Cena has done but am not that big of a fan of his...

If Jeff Hardy was a free agent, WWE would most certainly get in contact with him. He's a top name that people still talk about when the idea of returns come up, he's got a large following, and -- most importantly -- he'll sell merchandise. He'd be a bonafide money maker.
not sure if I agree...I think given his history that they may not want to push him too hard. Also, he's horrible on the mic, that alone is enough reason why he could never surpass Cena.

For the record, I respect what Cena has done but am not that big of a fan of his...

Given everything is heavily scripted, that problem pretty much solves itself.
fair point, but it's ultimately up to the wrestler to deliver on their promos, and Hardy has never been known for his "pipe bombs" :)
fair point, but it's ultimately up to the wrestler to deliver on their promos, and Hardy has never been known for his "pipe bombs" :)

Actually jeff is not terrible, he's average on the mic, the thing though is it takes to be better than average, but if hardy went to wwe, and they gave him a pipe bomb to say everyone would say he's a good talker.
If he can generate more revenue, I don't see why not. I'm pretty sure he can still generate good business for the company with his merchandise and what not.

Personally, I am extremely erratic with my feelings towards Jeff Hardy. Sometimes I love him; sometimes I hate him. I have not seen him in 4 years, and from what I have read he seems to be doing great. I would like to see the daredevil back. I'm not sure he will at this point, but never say never.
Actually jeff is not terrible, he's average on the mic, the thing though is it takes to be better than average, but if hardy went to wwe, and they gave him a pipe bomb to say everyone would say he's a good talker.

How do you figure he'd be a good talker when given the chance to "pipe bomb" shoot?

I don't see him really having a lot of the same pent up frustrations as a lot of the other "pipe bomb" people have had. Austin, Foley, Hart, Punk, Jericho, etc who have all had a chance to fully shoot, somewhat shoot or at least "act" like they're shooting (kind of how I see Jericho's tantrums in WCW).

A lot of what Jeff has had in his career negatively has come from his own decisions. He was one of the kings of the tag teams from pretty early on, I don't think he really has any of the same "being held back" angles that the above mentioned do.
Jeff Hardy can make money for the WWE so they would definitely consider giving him a job. Jeff is very entertaining in the ring and their are many different names he could feud with. Jeff Hardy was incredibly over and if it wasn't for drugs he would have been massive. People overlook how well he was doing when he was WWE champ and, while he won't ever reach that level, he can still be have an influence.

Even just a year or so would be worth it. Feuding for a mid-card or WHC title makes sense and between Extreme Rules, MITB, TLC his presence makes the deal worth it.
Well if there ever was a wrestler who could return to WWE and make them lots of money ( you know the kids will eat that shit up ) and be still relatively young, I mean hes what, 36? that's 2 years older than most guys on the roster who are not and prolly will not ever be as over as him ( example would be curtis axel, i'm sorry I think he is decent but he's a flop ).

He could have good matches with loads of talent on the roster, posters above me already mentationed them.I think at this point if WWE and Jeff can reach an agreement it would be very good for business and for Jeff.

I can just imagine how the place would explode when that music of his comes on, I'm not a huge fan of Hardy, but his entrence and his theme were pretty good and catchy.

Seeing how they dont trust Kofi to be more than a spot monkey every now and then and Ziggler and that Joe Henning is going nowhere.I think Hardy could actually help a lot.

For some reason now I really want him back ( little bit hyped up ), I just have a gut feeling that it would be really cool, something I didnt feel when writting about Kurt Angle in his thread.

But at the same time, they prolly pay him decent money and he doesnt have to work as much in TNA so he would prolly not want to leave unless WWE just comes out of the blue with huge offer.
If Jeff Hardy were to return just think of all the feuds he could have, a renewed rivalry with The Best in the World CM Punk or a Hardy/Bryan feud or a Hardy/Orton feud or Jeff Hardy could even feud with Cena, Del Rio or even Ziggler or Hardy he could even feud with The Corporation too if he were to come back

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