Would Undertaker take off today?

Spaceman Spif

Getting Noticed By Management
Not sure if there is/was a thread on this.....

but what if The Undertaker debuted tonight at the Bash or on Raw tomorrow... witht he exact same gimmich he debuted with the first time? Would it work, would the magical lightning and thunder, raining in the ring, vanishing in mid-ring, the magic ern... would that fly in today's world? I don't think it would. I think the reason it still todays for Taker is because of his legacy, people are holding on to that and thus a part of them still believe in the magic and mystic that surrounds Taker, but would the fans be so apt to buy it now? Or would Taker be treated like a comic book hero like The Hurricane?
I think if he debuted today with that gimmick he would quickly be sent back down to devolpment to get repackaged. The only reason it works today is like you said is his legacy and for the fact that we grew up with this character. And even today he doesn't quite have the "power" that he used to have. But then again Vince probally would try a gimmick like this if there were no Undertaker to try to capture the imagination of a younger audience with this new PG era that is under way.
No I think it wouldnt but I dont think they would start him like that. The way they put Takers gimmick into the WWE back then was the way the generation was it was a good way to put it in..I think if they were to do it today there would be tons a tweeks and changes to it but overall would be the same concept. Being a huge Taker fan myself I think he would of presented a little more modern but still the same type of Character.
Not sure if there is/was a thread on this.....

but what if The Undertaker debuted tonight at the Bash or on Raw tomorrow... witht he exact same gimmich he debuted with the first time? Would it work, would the magical lightning and thunder, raining in the ring, vanishing in mid-ring, the magic ern... would that fly in today's world? I don't think it would. I think the reason it still todays for Taker is because of his legacy, people are holding on to that and thus a part of them still believe in the magic and mystic that surrounds Taker, but would the fans be so apt to buy it now? Or would Taker be treated like a comic book hero like The Hurricane?

I was recently watching the Undertaker DVD and obviously there is a lot of his early stuff on that...as I sat there I found some of the things that character was doing so difficult to believe and usually I'm able to suspend my disbelief.

The original Undertaker character was obviously a product from the cartoon era of the WWE and don't get me wrong the particular gimmick that Mark Calaway debuted with was great in its day but when I look back on it I don't think it would realistically work in today's product.

Of course, I could be wrong but I prefer what he is doing now...yes he is still presented as this supernatural character but it is much more toned down compared to the original that on the few occasions where he does summon fire from underneath the ring (i.e. Summerslam, Hell in a Cell with Edge) or fire lightning bolts, I am much more willing and able to believe it.

The old character is classic but if I'm being honest I don't think it would survive in today's WWE where there is a much greater emphasis on realism...though in saying that it all depends on the age of the viewer, it could go over huge with the kids but I can only offer my thoughts from the perspective of a 19 year old!
As much as I love the guy (no Homo) I have to agree with everybody above me. If WWE decided to launch the Undertaker Character in todays market it would be an EPIC fail just like it would be for almost every other superstar that was around in those days.

The Undertaker character is Legendary (hince my User name) and the fact we all grew up watching and believing in his gimmick is the only reason it still flies today. The Product is far to different to launch a cartoonish character in todays reality based market
Depends. Mordecai might've taken off if WWE were more patient with their newer, younger stars. WWE probably would've got bored of him. And why wouldn't you. I'm assuming this thread relates to the boring Undertaker that made his debut in 1990.

But the gimmick is something that would still get a reaction today. Although not necessarily the one WWE would want.
I don't think it would work because they would have to introduce the character as a heel. At the same time, if they could make it work, they'd have to make it scary. WWE doesn't tend to have a huge amount of patience and i think if undertaker was to get over, then patience would be required. At the same time, as said above, the undertaker is a gimmick and WWE dont do gimmicks anymore. They should do a few more gimmicks, im bored of everyone using there real name and having no personality. Maybe this is where teh undertaker, had he have debuted, would have had an advantage.
I doubt it, there have been similar gimmicks used in the modern day WWE that were never really given good shots to get over (Mordecai, Kevin Thorn, Hade Vansen) or turned into comedy wrestlers (The Boogeyman). While if given time the Undertaker would be over if it debuted in this day & age but I doubt it would be given a decent shot.

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