Would the Wargames work in the wwe


Pre-Show Stalwart
my qustion is would the war games work for the wwe as it did for wcw and nwa if you dont the rules of this concept here are they below which wrestlers would you want in it and would it benfit the tag divsion anyway im sorta new to wargames and only seen the fall wargames 1998 match and i no very little about cause it was really confuseing for me as for the teams i would want miz and morrsion the colons and maybe cryme tyme in it

The WarGames match consisted of two teams of either four or five men each facing off with each other in staggered entry format.

The setup of the cage consisted of two rings side by side with a giant ring-encompassing cage that covered both rings, but not the ringside area. Doors were placed at far corners of the rectangular cage so the two teams didn't come into contact before they were supposed to.

The match began with one member of each team entering the cage. After five minutes, a member from one of the teams (theoretically determined by coin toss, but always the heel team) would enter the cage, giving his team the temporary handicap advantage. After two minutes, a member from the other team would enter to even the odds. Entrants alternated between teams every two minutes, giving the coin toss-winning team the temporary advantage in the numbers game before giving the other team the advantage with the freshest man and even odds.

Once all eight or ten men (depending on team size) had entered the cage, what was referred to as "the match beyond" began. Both teams would brawl in the cage for as long as it took until a member of either team submitted, surrendered, or was knocked unconscious. There was no pinfall and no disqualification, which often led to brutal and bloody confrontations.

Note im sorry if this was a bad thread take it down if you must i though it was good topic of discussion its just im not the best person to explain it and i hope you dont fault me for that
I don't think so. The biggest draw of "Wargames" was the fact that a fan was able to see ALL of the big stars of the NWA/JCP at one time. This was the time before monthly pay per views. That special drawing power is long gone. Every month, hell almost every week, we can see all of the biggest stars in one show. Right there the concept loses half it's power.

As far as the actual match itself goes? Well, I guess it would work and add something new to WWE, but that being said, the talent in WWE is not nearly as strong (in ring work wise) as it was in the NWA/JCP and it could easily degrade into a clusterfuck of epic proportions.

All in all, I'd leave the concept alone.
I think it could work. Although, it would be the Survivor Series version of the Elimination chamber. I guess if 2 stables existed at the same time it would be a good way to give em a big flashy fight.
The WWE has the superstars to make a match like this work. They have the high-fliers to mix in with the ground-and-pounders, and they have the faces and the heels, but they don't have the storylines available to make it happen.

Let's face it. They can barely put together a good Survivor Series match. Back in the Attitude Era, and maybe even during the Invasion, they could've pulled it off, as stables ruled the wrestling world, and fans loved them.

The only stable right now, is Legacy. Randy Orton would be a great choice for a match of War Games caliber. However, if DiBiase or Rhodes even got mentioned, I'd probably cry. They may have great careers ahead of them, and may have the talent to make it work, but they're not nearly as big as the greats that have participated in past War Games matches like Sting, Luger, Flair, Anderson.
I've always been a fan of War Games. I dont know if it was the announcers, or the expressions of the wrestlers coming out to the ring, or just the ominous cage but you always got the feel everyone knew these guys were about to enter the cage and go through hell. Sure the WWE could make War Games work but it will take just that....work. As pointed out, Legacy is the only group/stable in the WWE right now and they are still one man short of completing a team. I think eventually they will add a 4th guy and i also believe Randy Orton is the guy who would be perfect to lead a team into War Games from a heel standpoint. As far as opposition against him the only guys i get the feel who have that in their character to lead a team into a match like this would be for sure Triple H and John Cena. I dont think you can just throw 4 guys together though as a team. One of them as a leader yea that is necessary but you probably need a tag team in their that maybe is feuding with Rhoades and DiBease. You cant just have 4 random guys vs. a Group.

If Vince wanted to bring back War Games i think he could, and if he did it right i think it would equal a good buy rate for a PPV.
I definately think it would spike the buys for survivor series(assuming thats when it would take place) and it would add a lot of interest to a ppv that is rapidly becoming stale and losing its rep. However, in order for it to work more stables would need to be created so that we dont just see a team of random faces vs. a team fo random heels. Also another big time drawback to using the wargames is that now the wwe ppv scene is starting to become overloaded with gimmick matches. You would have the traditional war games now at survivor series, then in 2 months the royal rumble match, then the next month the 2 elimination chambers and then the next month money in the bank ladder match. Its a bit overboard in my opinion but im sure the fans wouldn't notice at all. So in conclusion, why the fuck not. Might as well use it to pop the numbers.
The purpose of a War Games match is to finish a long feud between a group of wrestlers. Right now, it couldn't work. It's not like Survivor Series where you can just stick random wrestlers together for a 10 man tag team match. Like someone said earlier, with Legacy it could work, if they added another person to the group, and all the members were built up as solid upper mid-carders to lower main-eventers. It has to be people that were feuding with Legacy, and not just Cena or Triple H feuding with Randy Orton, and getting random wrestlers like CM Punk or Kofi Kingston to help them. All the wrestlers had to be feuding with them.
New guy here. I've been reading your posts for a while and I thought it was pretty cool. Wargames is my favorite match from JCP/WCW. I think it could work in the WWE if it were stables vs stables or at least stables vs teams with common agendas. You're right Survivor Series sucks now because none of the pairings ever make much sense. But wargames could be the ultimate climax for fueds. Before Fall Brawl and WrestleWar, Wargames was held at the Great American Bash so why not let it be the feature match of the ppv? Why we are throwing out hypotheticals, why not have Legacy (with a meaningful 4th edition) face the McMahons, Triple H and a returning Batista (July is about the timeframe for his return). Something like this would make sense. How about not even announcing the 4th team member until the final participant enters (heels always win the coin toss). Have the faces get their asses beat every week leading up to the ppv so that it looks like they don't have a chance then have Batista enter, help the McMahons win while gaining a measure of revenge...Thoughts/comments?...
i think that war games would be awesome! they should make it a 4 or 5 man(per team) interpromotional match(raw vs smackdown). Do it a ppv and then the promotion that wins gets first pick in draft. Or something of that nature.
wargames would work because they have made survivor series work. take one one of the survivor teams and place them in war games or have the heel survivors versus the face survivors in a war games scenario. It could work
Wargames and the worldwars or whatever they were, are the matches i miss most from wcw. It was something unique.

As much as I want to see it happen I dont think it will ever happen though
It won't work for reasons that was said WCW/NWA always had stables in fueds that went into wargames; either the horseman vs Stings team; Dungeon of Doom vs Hulkamaniacs, NWO vs WCW, Wolfpac vs Black/White it all made sense; right you would HHH,HBK,MVP,R-Truth, vs Legacy with the Brian Kendrick or some stupid shit like that.
You should try to get your hands on a War Games tape from 87. The best ones by far! But no it wouldnt work today. Not enough factions.
It won't work for reasons that was said WCW/NWA always had stables in fueds that went into wargames; either the horseman vs Stings team; Dungeon of Doom vs Hulkamaniacs, NWO vs WCW, Wolfpac vs Black/White it all made sense; right you would HHH,HBK,MVP,R-Truth, vs Legacy with the Brian Kendrick or some stupid shit like that.

And your telling me that you wouldnt pay to see that?

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