Would Randy Savage Be As Big Today


Totally Reeking of Awesomeness
I was quite interested in the Andre the Giant thread like this, and I was given permission to continue it. So the question is would Randy Savage be as big today? I think possibly he could be even bigger. He was ahead of his time in the ring, and that was at a time where smaller guys didn't get ahead to often. He won the IC title once, and the WWF World Heavyweight title 2 times. He won some world titles in WCW to, but I lost track of him there as I feel he was never used right there with the cluster of main event talent they had. Just my opinion. Was also the king of the WWE during his heel run after losing the title to Hogan. I think Savage in his prime today would be every wrestling fan's wet dream. He could be an effective heel or face, and would even work well as the heel everyone refuses to boo. Just his promos alone would be a breath of fresh air for today's fan. Imagine the matches with Punk, Bryan, Jericho, and Ziggler just to name a few. I think he would also be able to add more to his top rope arsenal in this day as well. So now that you have mine, what is your opinion? Would Savage be as big today?
Savage would be big time over. Hell, with today's booking Savage would have at the very least tripled his number of WWE title reigns. Plus character would fit in pretty well now days. People like to talk about intensity, well few were as intense as the Macho Man. He could play the unstable baby face or the psychotic heel better than anybody. If this sounds like I'm marking out for Savage, it's because I am and have been since I was 5.
Perhaps even more so than he was without Hogan looming over him all the time. Savage was a complete one off, there is no one else in the history of the business like him, a unique character with a unique promo style and to top it off he could work as a top face or top heel and be a main event guy as either, just an incredible talent and one of the top 5 in-ring performers ever IMO.
I was quite interested in the Andre the Giant thread like this, and I was given permission to continue it. So the question is would Randy Savage be as big today? I think possibly he could be even bigger. He was ahead of his time in the ring, and that was at a time where smaller guys didn't get ahead to often. He won the IC title once, and the WWF World Heavyweight title 2 times. He won some world titles in WCW to, but I lost track of him there as I feel he was never used right there with the cluster of main event talent they had. Just my opinion. Was also the king of the WWE during his heel run after losing the title to Hogan. I think Savage in his prime today would be every wrestling fan's wet dream. He could be an effective heel or face, and would even work well as the heel everyone refuses to boo. Just his promos alone would be a breath of fresh air for today's fan. Imagine the matches with Punk, Bryan, Jericho, and Ziggler just to name a few. I think he would also be able to add more to his top rope arsenal in this day as well. So now that you have mine, what is your opinion? Would Savage be as big today?

totally agree with your post, and I'm glad you felt this way... I was honestly going to flip out when I read the title of this post and thought that whoever was posting was going to say Savage wouldn't be over in today's WWE.... I was prepared to bust out Savage vs Steamboat as stealing Wrestlemania 3 in terms of wrestling... I was ready to bust out any of his promo's which were always over the top and enjoyable (and would be even better today because of his delivery..) I was going to bust out all of these things, but honestly you said it best in your post... It'd be amazing if he was just arriving now, but hey you can't complainbecause we got years and years of enjoyment from him in the past..
He would be much bigger today. This is a guy who reached the very tip-top of his profession during a literal Golden Age of pro wrestling in terms of business and talent level. The watered-down talent pool of today compared to the 80s and 90s means he would stand out even more as a special talent.
I think he would be. Randy Savage had "IT". There are very few wrestlers that I actually like to hear talk and MACHO MAN OHHH YEAH is one of them. Not only was he entertaining as hell on the stick he was great to watch in the ring, only so many Superstars these days are blessed with both abilities and do it half as well as Savage did. R.I.P. Macho Man
Of course he would.

Savage had IT. He had the full package, simple as. He could talk, he could play a face or a heel, he had the look, the intensity, the charisma and certainly the in-ring talent.

With the WWE today lacking bona-fide superstars, a young Macho Man would be able to rise to the top extremely quickly, he would offer something different and would have some phenomenal matches with the likes of Punk, Jericho, Orton and Cena.

He captivated the audience so easily, his promo style would be totally different than anyone else in the business and his ring style would still be as popular today as it was then.

He would at least triple his total of 2 WWE title reigns, probably even quadruple it.
I think Savages problem wouldn't be making it as a star today as he had it all but actually getting though the door in the first place.

I could see him as a raw rookie turning up at FCW, them taking a look at his beard, relatively small frame and hyper-personality and not getting it at all.

In Savage's day, they were allowed to develop and utilise their promos and personality - a scripted Savage minus all the tinkering they would have done with his image and clothing would have probably put him in a position where he would have never made it to the big leagues sadly. You could say exactly the same thing about Jake "The Snake" Roberts and Bruno Sammartino; they just wouldn't have got past first base.
Savage would be bigger today. First of all he was held back by being in Hogans shadow. I don't disagree with him loosing to Hulk at Mania V but it is a shame that was their only go-round Hell Savage and Hogan should have been established as the greatest fued ever. Could you imagine Hogan vs Savage at WM 10 looser leaves? Would have been the bigest match ever, I dont think Hogan had made the move to WCW at that point so it could have technically happened I guess But by today's standard he would have many more title reigns and if he were in his prime today I think he would be the #1 guy. He is the greatest of all time as far as being both the heel and face and I've always wondered why he didn't cross over into movies like hogan and Rock. I could imagine him being an even better actor than wrestler
I think Savages problem wouldn't be making it as a star today as he had it all but actually getting though the door in the first place.

I could see him as a raw rookie turning up at FCW, them taking a look at his beard, relatively small frame and hyper-personality and not getting it at all.

In Savage's day, they were allowed to develop and utilise their promos and personality - a scripted Savage minus all the tinkering they would have done with his image and clothing would have probably put him in a position where he would have never made it to the big leagues sadly. You could say exactly the same thing about Jake "The Snake" Roberts and Bruno Sammartino; they just wouldn't have got past first base.

This is a good point .... and that's why wrestling sucks today for the most part. It's way too scripted. All the wrestlers look basically the same. They've all been crafted and molded to follow suit.

The Macho Man would have probably pursued his baseball career rather than fall in line at the FCW.

But if he somehow made it through without a blemish then, yeah, he would be the #1 guy out there.
Savage was a great overall package... a great look, fine wrestler, fantastic charisma.... connected with audience. He could have been over in any era.
He was also equally comfortable playing a beloved babyface or a mega... mega heel!

If Hogan hadn't have been around at the same time... there is a good chance that Savage could have been the flagship bearer of the company in the late 80s/early 90s.

In terms of the current era.... there are few megastars around that could possibly rival Savage. There was alot of star quality on the roster in Savages era... if he could shine in that era, there is no question that he could so so with this era

Randy had it all!
I have sort of a lengthy rant here but I do promise that it has a point that goes along with the topic of hte thread.

He'd be just as good but he wouldn't be as big, at least not among internet fans. As I've said in numerous posts, the internet has killed the mystique of wrestling. Over the past 15 years or so, we've had the ability to find out most of the ins & outs of pro wrestling. We've found out how things generally work, we read spoilers for upcoming events, spoilers for possible upcoming feuds & matches, etc. Nothing necessarily wrong with that except when you come to a forum and bitch about how predictable wrestling has become.

Also, a LOT of net fans have gotten so used to the anonymous nature of the internet and so casually state our opinions, no matter how outrageous they are at times, that they honestly believe themselves as being much smarter than they truly are when it comes to wrestling. There are FAR too many armchair bookers who only seem to want to pick apart everything if it doesn't mean with their insane, often times ridiculous vision of what wrestling should be.

All this pertains to the Macho Man in the same sense as it pertains to CM Punk, Daniel Bryan, Dolph Ziggler, Randy Orton, John Cena and many others. If Savage was a young man and was doing the Macho Man character, he'd be endlessly criticized by loads of internet fans for everything from his look, his size, his voice, his promos, mannerisms, entrance theme music and a dozen other things. Just as all these wrestlers I've named, and they're just the tip of the iceberg & are among the favorite targets. For a lot of them, the criticism only really began once they were wrestling in main event programs. Savage would probably follow suit with some. He'd be praised and hailed as a fantastic wrestler but once he made it to the main event spot, here would come the various Macho Man hate threads ready to pick & pluck at him.

The internet is full of smarks that seem to draw no enjoyment in wrestling other than running it down for not meeting their visions. Unfortunately, it'd be no different for Savage. Thankfully, the VAST majority of wrestling audiences isn't made up of smarks that're only out to shit all over the wrestlers.
I see where your coming from Jack Hammer.... Hogan gets his fare share of flak from the internet fans... so imagine what people would be writing online about the Hulkster had the internet been available in the late 80s/ very early 90s.

However the internet fans makes less than 10% of the overall wrestling fanbase... and whilst your correct.. Savage may get stung by sections of the IWC... his larger than life personality would still appeal to mainstream /casual fans... and a Savage in his 30s... was still a great wrestler
hell yeah. great in the ring,can cut a promo and had a unique look. sound at all like a current wwe champ? i would love to see a savage/punk feud. i think it would be awesome. he was one guy you just believed when you watched. the madness would rule wwe today if he was around.

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