Would Jamie Noble have been better?

Brahma Bull

Getting Noticed By Management
We all know that Evan Bourne returned tonight to defeat Sheamus. But i think it would have been better if jamie noble returned. as most of you probably know, sheamus "retired" jamie noble in one of his first matches on raw, where as cm punk injured bourne. i know evan bourne is bigger than jamie noble, but i think his return would have been better, returning to take revenge on the guy who put him out for over a year. they could have had bourne save orton from a beatdown or something, but i think noble should have taken his place.

agree, disagree?
I want to see Jamie Noble in the ring as much as I would like to a see another Cena v Orton fued.
I marked the hell out when Evan Bourne came out, I don't think Noble could get that kinda response from people.
I mean while it would have made sense...is that really something you want to see?? o_O
LOL no way.

Jamie Noble wouldn't have a place in WWE now, mainly in WWE, he's an after thought now. Evan Bourne was a fine choice to be Sheamus' opponent given his return. Even though Sheamus had been Pedigreed to hell, it was still cool for Evan Bourne to come back like that and get one over one of the big dogs in the yard.
no, he would be in japan or roh hes a 2nd rate wrestler with 2nd rate talent. his only big accomplishment winning the cruiserweight title? yawn. He was nothing and if he was around today he would be nothing enough said.
Once again the people who know better speak. Jamie would wrestle circles around bourne. Probably also since Jamie is an agent behind the scences in WWE. You watch any of his ROH match, damn even his back in the day CCW in the state of florida tapes you would eat your words. So please don't speak when you don't know. That way you don't sound stupid you just look it.
Now I liked the Borne return on Raw. But u know what though, I see where u coming from. But that's been so long ago. And everybody bout basically forgotten about that onslaught on Noble. So much has happened since he injured Jaime Noble. WWE Title Reign, Feud with Triple H, Feud with John Morrison, and King of the Ring Winner. Although I wouldn't mind seeing Jamie Noble come back from that neck injury, Evan's return was well needed. Problably in the future we can see an Evan Bourne and Mistico Cruiserweight showdown one day.....#Just Saying.
no, he would be in japan or roh hes a 2nd rate wrestler with 2nd rate talent. his only big accomplishment winning the cruiserweight title? yawn. He was nothing and if he was around today he would be nothing enough said.

A second rate wrestler with second rate talent? No less than what I'd expect to hear from someone who has HHH, Austin, AND Orton in his name. You're right about Jaime's accomplishments in WWE. However, when put into an environment where people his size can excel, he did it and did it well.

Second point: I don't know what you're smoking calling Japan and/or ROH second rate, but I gotta know why you're not sharing. You'll deny you said that, but calling Jamie Noble second rate and saying he'd be in Japan is calling Japan second rate. Japan wrestling is far better quality than the piss-poor "sports entertainment" we get fed week to week. Give me a Misawa-Dr.Death match over Cena-Miz or Orton-Punk any day...Oh wait, I don't think you know who Mitsuharu Misawa is.

Back to the topic at hand: Yes, it would have been interesting for Noble to come back, but let's be honest: Evan Bourne's going to be in the MITB match and he needed a big comeback. Who better than to return against than the King of the Ring if you're not going straight for the world title?
Jamie Noble's not a believable character for a 'returning to face up to the big bad bully' role. He is simply squash material. You don't think Seamus would just rage right through him again in seconds?
I disagree, I think Evan Bourne was a better choice than Jamie Noble. Noble's been out of the spotlight for a long time and before the "career ending injury," he was completely irrelevant to most wrestling fans. I would actually be surprised if a majority of today's wrestling audience has even heard of him. However, I did enjoy Noble's in ring work and feel that that a return for revenge against Sheamus would be interesting. Before that could happen, I feel that Noble would have to overhaul his character. The Appalachian stereotype is a blemish on the ass of a by-gone era...Hillbilly Jim anyone?
What the hell are you people talking about? Some of you are saying Jamie Noble is "squash material", and that he "hasnt accomplished anything in wwe, but the cruiserweight title"...What.....the HELL....has Evan Bourne done? The guys been squashed more than anyone EVER. He's a friggen JOBBER in the wwe. I dont really give two craps about who came back tonight, but dont bash Jamie Noble, when EB hasnt done anything even remotley better than him, in wwe.

The only thing crazier in this thread than somebody getting mad about Jamie Noble not getting the spotlight, is that there's EB marks on here acting as if he's accomplished anything MORE than Noble.
What.....the HELL....has Evan Bourne done? The guys been squashed more than anyone EVER. He's a friggen JOBBER in the wwe. I dont really give two craps about who came back tonight, but dont bash Jamie Noble, when EB hasnt done anything even remotley better than him, in wwe.

Jamie Noble spent the last year of his time in WWE getting squashed left right and center, plus, look at him. Does he look like a future champion to you? Even close? He looks like he'd have a tough time competing against Swagger, let alone avoid being pummled by Seamus.

Evan Bourne can accomplish. He's got the look of a future champion, his aerial assaults are incredible and he has a solid following. Bourne's got an edge that Noble didn't have.
I always liked Noble and think he is a great hand to have. In ROH Noble really got to shine which he wasn't really allowed to do in WWE. I'm telling you if WWE put together some of these guys like Punk vs Bryan or Punk vs Bourne, & etc and gave them like 20 minutes they would outshine everyone in WWE, but they won't do that because god forbid someone take the spotlight from Cena.
The only thing crazier in this thread than somebody getting mad about Jamie Noble not getting the spotlight, is that there's EB marks on here acting as if he's accomplished anything MORE than Noble.

Did Jamie Noble ever get a reaction from the WWE crowd? Were the fans ever pushing for Jamie Noble to receive a push in WWE? Did Noble ever have a run even slightly to the upper card like Bourne did?

The answer to that is no.

I am not dissing Noble, I have seen him actually given a chance to show his talent in ROH, and he is damm good. WWE stuck him with a stupid gimmick and then did nothing with him. However, a Noble return would have achieved nothing, most fans would have no idea who he is. Evan Bourne, however little actual success he has achieved is already a far bigger name than Jamie Noble ever was and could ever hope to be.
Don't get me wrong. I actually like Jamie Noble a lot. As far as cruserweights go, he was way more entertaining than most both in the ring and outside of it. The major problems are these: his time is past and the WWE would never give him an even break. He's too small and his character was, at least at the end, a wannabee giant killer (it's just that he was always the one that ended up getting killed.) This is a pity as, in an ideal world, he would have gotten just enough victories to keep being entertaining, but that's just the way it is.

Evan Bourne has the advantage of being part of the youth movement. He's young, fresh-faced, and extremely dynamic. I'll be the first to say that Bourne is not as good on the mic as Noble, and a sudden return for vengeance would have been a good story, but let's remember that Bourne had plenty of reason to want physical payback on Sheamus as well, so it worked out. Bourne can afford to move up and down the mid card for a while. Jamie's running out of time and the WWE wouldn't even allow him to go out with dignity, let alone any measure of success.

Jamie would be better in a company that actually appreciates cruserweight style wrestling, and that isn't WWE.
ok you shouldn't compare noble and bourne, bourne was made to look ok, noble wasn't, and the only reason the fans right now want to see bourne it's just the "shooting star press", i'm not taking anything away from both noble and bourne, but you shouldn't treat him like a future star when IMO he talks worse than Sin caras ( in english, he doesn't speak english so, yes it is sarcasm. at least noble can cut a promo)...

so resuming Noble shouldn't have comeback, and the actual return of bourne was logical and well placed(although i don't like the way wwe destroyed sheamus but what the hell). in the end don't crap on noble if you don't know him or don't know his story and in ring skills...
Or, you know, we can stick with the guy who didn't announce his official retirement. Jamie Noble retired and is a trainer now. But more importantly, who would care? Sheamus beating up Noble barely drew him heat when he did it. The peak of Noble's career was when he was Cruiserweight Champion and won the lottery in 2002-03. There is zero point in bringing him back over the returning from injury Evan Bourne.

Evan was coming back. He needed steam. Sheamus wasn't doing anything, so there. One plus one equals two.
Let me start by saying that Jamie Noble is a better wrestler, and has better mic skills than Evan Bourne. Jamie also played a heel for most of his WWE run while Evan has been a face, so thats the ONLY reason Evan is more "over" than Jamie. I like Evan Bourne, but WWE has almost made into a one trick pony similar to Justin Gabriel. Evan is a jobber plain and simple. I hope he can break through someday, but it hasn't happened. For Evan to succeed he needs to be on smackdown when he can wrestle guys with similar styles. Actually a Jamie Noble/Evan Bourne match might be nice.

With that being said, people knew Evan Bourne would be returing for WM and MITB so it was what we were expecting. I would like a Jamie Noble return is they actually pushed him. He could attack Sheamus, feud, lose, then move to Smackdown.

So I guess Evan was the right choice, even though it would make more sense for Noble from a storyline standpoint. I just don't feel now is the right time to bring Noble back. Afgter mania would be better.

And also let me point out how stupid the whole thing with Sheamus was last night anyhow.
And Sheamus' jobber streak continues, they need to have something planned for him after Mania before people stop taking him seriously. As for Bourne and Noble, yea Bourne is more over with the fans and better in the ring but he's a robot, at least Noble had an entertaining gimmick. I would say theres no way in hell Bourne is a future world champ, but if the Miz can do it hell Josh Matthews could be champ one day
No way. People have long forgotten about Jamie Noble at this point. In fact, I had forgotten he was ever on the WWE roster before I saw this thread. He was a jobber before leaving WWE and he'll simply be the same if he came back. Frankly, Evan Bourne had more to gain by beating one of RAW's top dogs (even if he was beaten up by Triple H beforehand). Noble is an afterthought at this point. If he came back, the majority of the audience probably wouldn't remember him.

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