Would Benoit Have Made it in TNA?


Bueller.....Bueller...... ?
I got to thinking that the way that Impact is (supposed to) emphasizing "wrestling", and you look at Styles, Daniels, and the X division, --do you think that if Benoit were alive if he would flourish? Now, do NOT take into consideration Bishoff or Hogan holding him down, or any of the political stuff that is going on, or would go on. Just think of it down the middle....Benoit against Angle (again), or Benoit against one of the Motor City Machine Guns (where are they anyway?). I read the book of Benoit on a flight to Dallas, and it stressed over and over how he was a student of the game, how he did 1000 push ups because he missed a spot to punish himself, etc, and I think he could really bring a lot to the table in the company. I think he would need to be left on his own and no alliance for him to really shine---but Benoit against Hardy, or Kazarian, or even when they bring in outsiders for an X division PPV. What are your thoughts??
I think this is a pretty pointless question but I feel inclined to share my views.

Yes, of course he would have flourished - just like he did in WWE. Benoit would have joined TNA as a major name, he was a fantastic wrestler and wasn't too shabby on the stick. All points to good for TNA and Benoit.
If Benoit was alive and came to TNA, TNA would most likely push him to the moon for the simple fact that he's a former WWE/WCW guy. They've done it with so many other names that've been established in one or both the bigger companies, there's no reason to think that they'd change the strategy with Benoit. If Benoit was alive and in the same general level of physical fitness he was when he killed himself, that in and of itself would warrant him being pushed to a high profile spot.

In terms of in-ring ability, Benoit could easily hang with anybody in TNA and certainly outshine most of them overall. A program with AJ Styles would potentially create dream match scenarios if TNA promoted the feud, hyped it as if it were a big deal and gave the matches time so that they really shined.
What the fuck? Really?

Of course!

Why wouldnt he be just as over as any other ex WWE guy?

If Benoit went to TNA he would have been a multi-World Champion and Kurt Angle vs Chris Benoit would have main evented Bound for Glory in a 60 Minute Iron Man Match as TNA has copied most WWE done things, even the screwjob, so then we'd be instead having a thread of "Which Iron Man Match (was- or -will) be Better?"

Benoit's fantastic ability wouldve made him an insta-star over there already, he wouldnt need any mic skills really or big character as TNA wouldve needed his name more than anything and his in-ring stuff is what speaks for him... that and his intensity, that rivals Kurt's in what wouldve been the best BFG main event of all time
I don't see why Benoit would not be one of the top stars in TNA. he never had any trouble in WCW. right now he would also have the name value that he would have gotten as being in WWE.

there are 2 other names that come to mind that were not that big in WCW but went on to be big in WWE. the late Eddie Guerrero and Chris Jericho.
Chris Jericho right now if he was to sign with TNA would automatically become one of the top stars, largely because he had so much success in WWE and is well known not only in wrestling but also entertainment.
Eddie Guerrero if he was still alive right now also should have success in TNA.
however both these 2 guys who were not as successful in WCW was because at the time their bodies were not as big, they didn't have the size. Guerrero especially.

unfair as it might be, size helps.
if you're not that well known and you're small, you just are not as likely to have big success. right now I think an example of that is Austin Aries. I don't see him being anywhere near the main event scene any time soon, despite his talents.
I hate to jump on the bandwagon, but of course he would have made it in TNA.

We all know what a great wrestler Benoit was, but he had much more. It is so hard to build a wrestler as a guy that could genuinely 'hurt' you. For me, this was the appeal that Benoit had, he was a constantly threatening character. Deadly from the top rope, lethal on the mat and solid everywhere inbetween.

In TNA right now, there are so many options for 5* match-ups and the idea of Benoit Vs. Styles has me salivating, almost as much as the impossible proposition of seeing Eddie go up against AJ.

However, the reality is, had the tragic events of Benoit's demise not occurred, would WWE have ever let a performer like him go and would he have wanted to go there? Were Benoit still with us today, he would still have pleanty of great matches with the current WWE roster and be the most believable World Champion they could possibly put the belt on.
As long as he was alive, hell yes, he would have been a number 1 or 2 guy in the company; It would definatly take a lot some pressure off of Angle from time to time. Benoit could definatly take the feuds with Angle, Styles, Samoa Joe (submission match, F!). I think a long feud with Benoit would have put Roode over more than a weird BFG Series.

But, If he wasn't alive It might be a little low brow, but that seems like the kind of stunt TNA would try and pull; I don't see Benoit being as effective on wires.....what..?
No. The same people who forced him to leave WCW are the same people in charge of TNA. The same people who always referred to him as a "vanilla midget". He would have gotten a strong X-Division Title push. He would have had great PPV matches vs. Styles, Daniels and Joe, but same as those guys, they would never have put the TNA Title on him for a long period of time. And Hogan/Bischoff/Russo definitely would never have made him the center piece of the company.
"Hey, if this guy who everyone pretty much agrees was a great wrestler switched promotions, would he still be a great wrestler?"

Benoit's dead. In far less than honorable circumstances. I'm not saying "erase the guy from the world", but seriously, is there a point to this thread? Did you post it waiting for the first guy to bitch about how asinine it was? (This guy, I suppose, so 8 posts.) Could Zack Ryder or Kelly Kelly make it in TNA/IW? Now there's a question which could have some yes/no to it, some discussion beyond "duh, of course". Why not ask if Eddie Guerrero would have been successful in TNA/IW? Why not ask if Bret Hard would have been?

I see your point, but seriously? This is exactly what the IWC does on a regular basis. We propose what could have happened. Yes he is dead, but this question has as much relevance as asking who would win in a fight between Superman and Batman or how sport stars of the past would compete in today's world leagues.
It's all pure fantasy, but it makes for interesting discussion. Or at least it would, were the answer not an incredibly obvious YES!
"Hey, if this guy who everyone pretty much agrees was a great wrestler switched promotions, would he still be a great wrestler?"

Benoit's dead. In far less than honorable circumstances. I'm not saying "erase the guy from the world", but seriously, is there a point to this thread? Did you post it waiting for the first guy to bitch about how asinine it was? (This guy, I suppose, so 8 posts.) Could Zack Ryder or Kelly Kelly make it in TNA/IW? Now there's a question which could have some yes/no to it, some discussion beyond "duh, of course". Why not ask if Eddie Guerrero would have been successful in TNA/IW? Why not ask if Bret Hard would have been?
I know i read it waiting for the first guy to bitch about him waiting for the first guy to bitch about how assinine it was. Get a life, get a hobby, get over it.. His demise did not concern you :disappointed:

I think the op is asking where Benoit would be on the roster in comparison to Angle and how is wrestling ability would be rewarded. I am not sure if he would had made it to TNA because i could had seen WWE making him the Verne Gagne of ECW. ECW might had still
been going strong under CB. He would probably dominate the X divison and the World title divison because he fit well in both. He would also be a prime candidate for the tv title due to his work as WCW World Television Champion. Maybe holding all three at once. I think he would be a ratings bananza and have major fueds with Samoa Joe and Styles. He would give a jump start to anyone in the company w/o charisma because Benoit's charisma was his wrestling skill. I think alot of coworkers would block the TNA brass from trying to continue discriminating against him like some actually were around to do in WCW. It would had been better for his healthto have a TNA schedule anyways..
I should have probably clarified when starting this thread (but hey, I'm at work and was trying to get posted before I started work)---

"One to Remember"----yes, that's exactly what I mean. I know that yes, he more than likely would have been picked up as an aquisition, and the locker room could have benefitted from his training regime and knowledge....but remember when RVD was hailed as the second coming, and now he's just another poster boy for a flaggeling ECW picture? My whole point is---would his presence be a long term push (i.e. Bubba Ray, AJ) or would he simply fade to black? I LOVE the scenarios he would bring as far as matches---you can't tell me that him and AJ wouldn't have match of the year potential, but the argument here is--would EB and HH keep him down still after all this time, or really REALLY try and help the promotion succeed?
I think he would have been the #2 or tied with Angle as the #1 guy in the company. There is no doubt in my mind that if he jumped ship around or a little after Angle did that he would be a made man right now, working a light schedule, holding world titles, and putting on 5 star matches with the superb talent TNA has to offer.
I have wondered that one from time to time!! Hell yes he would have flourished big time he would have been the guy no1 in the company!! matches with AJ would have been epic incredible and a clinic on what wrestling is supposed to be!! The lighter schedule might have helped his health!!! People on here can say what they say but Benoit should have been in TNA as soon as 05 IMO!! His health could have improved if that was the case!!!
Benoit would've been great in TNA if he would've jumped in let's say 05 or 06. Being that he was established for years and finally won a major championshio in WWE, he would've been contending for TNA's title right out of the gate. But if he were alive and was there when Hogan and Bischoff arrived, he probably would not have wanted to stick around due to his tenure at WCW. I think he might've been a good mix in the MEM.
Benoit would have done fine in TNA. He could have been a great guy to use for helping put over younger guys because working with someone at that level of skills would help them improve in the ring. I think Benoit would have gotten a great run in the X Division, perhaps a tag team run if he had a good partner, and a few show stealer potentials if he faced Angle for the world title again. A feud with guys like Sting, AJ, or even Jeff Hardy would have been quite entertaining too. It is too bad that we will never know now how well Benoit might have done in TNA. Honestly I think he would have been a big help for them.
I should have probably clarified when starting this thread (but hey, I'm at work and was trying to get posted before I started work)---

"One to Remember"----yes, that's exactly what I mean. I know that yes, he more than likely would have been picked up as an aquisition, and the locker room could have benefitted from his training regime and knowledge....but remember when RVD was hailed as the second coming, and now he's just another poster boy for a flaggeling ECW picture? My whole point is---would his presence be a long term push (i.e. Bubba Ray, AJ) or would he simply fade to black? I LOVE the scenarios he would bring as far as matches---you can't tell me that him and AJ wouldn't have match of the year potential, but the argument here is--would EB and HH keep him down still after all this time, or really REALLY try and help the promotion succeed?

They kinda dragged RVD out of retirement thought. There was no legit reason to believe he was the comming of anything because there was a break between his disapointing run atop WWE and his transition to the top of TNA which also had no proper build up. Like I said Benoit was a good fit for the World, X, and TV titles so they would allow him to dominate lower divisons first then work his way up perhaps keepin his titles. Benoit is at his best when his journey is up hill and we loved to watch him work his way up. How many times did we see him as TV champ before he became U.S. Champ then WCW champ. How many times was he I-C champ before he was WHC? Its easy for a company to get miles off of Benoit. I really believe he would had held three belts at once in TNA.
If Benoit went to TNA he would have been a multi-World Champion and Kurt Angle vs Chris Benoit would have main evented Bound for Glory in a 60 Minute Iron Man Match as TNA has copied most WWE done things, even the screwjob, so then we'd be instead having a thread of "Which Iron Man Match (was- or -will) be Better?"

Are you really an idiot, or do you just play one on the Internet?
Iron man matches hardly began at wwe. WCW had two of them before Vince ever decided to do it, and NWA had them before that (though not by that name).

Why is it that you always want to give Vince credit for things he copied from other promotions, but attack TNA anytime they do anything vaguely similar to something done in the wwe?

Other than that, I agree that Chris Benoit would have done extremely well in TNA, as he had held both the WCW and wwe world titles. This means he would not have been easy for hogan/bischoff/Russo/whoever to hold back, and he was actually one of the greatest in ring performers ever.

Forget not that Christian, after lingering in mid card hell for years in wwf, found his footing and a chance to shine in TNA that Vince would never have given him.

TNA would have been a great place for Benoit, and it may just have saved his life the way I believe it saved Kurt Angle's. Doubtful, but possible.

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