Would Bad News Barrett be better suited to a role in the Authority?


R.I.P Mustang Sally :( :( :(
Wade Barrett has been confirmed as part of the Royal Rumble match last week. His short segments have been amusing to me personally. However, it wouldn't be wrong to say that Barrett has been on a somewhat downward slide since the Nexus. Multiple gimmick changes for a guy as good on the mic as him, with a good well-built look, and from what I have seen, a natural heel, of course,being a Brit obviously helps in that regard,tbh.

Currently Kane is in a Corporate role as a sort of an enforcer for the Authority. Whilst he has done an ok job thus far, there are ways available to have him become the Monster again, which is a very successful gimmick in itself. I do believe we will see Kane in action very soon, whether he dons the mask & becomes the monster again or not is unclear at this point.

I think that Wade Barrett would be perfect in a role like Kane's, if the opportunity presents itself. He could keep the Bad News gimmick and use it as well, but with a more defined role as part of the Authority. A possible permanent SmackDown booking role(No need for GMs anymore,lMO) with occasional matches when the time calls for it(like Kane in the current Authority-CM Punk angle). This type of role can give him the Leadership role he had with the Nexus but in a different light as part of a Bigger Group.

Your thoughts?
I agree that Barrett could work as a Authority figure with his new gimmick. It would help give him some direction and some relevancy again. Some of his segments just seem pointless and don't lead to anything. However currently there way too many authority figures like HHH, Stephanie, Kane, Maddox and Guerrero and I don't think there's a spot for Barrett.
I agree that Barrett could work as a Authority figure with his new gimmick. It would help give him some direction and some relevancy again. Some of his segments just seem pointless and don't lead to anything. However currently there way too many authority figures like HHH, Stephanie, Kane, Maddox and Guerrero and I don't think there's a spot for Barrett.

Well, Maddox and Guerrero are just about disposable at this point. No major need for GMs anymore without the Brand Extenstion,lMO.
Kane can be tied into the Wyatt storyline somehow, or even go face again against the Authority.
3 of those gone, and Barrett can then be announced as the New Director of Operations, making him relevant again as a Heel character on the show.With his ability on the mic to rub people the wrong way, I could see him garnering great Heat in such a role,tbh. It is better than standing on a podium,isn't it?
I think the last thing that that an already cramped and stale on-air authority figure angle needs is one more on-air authority figure. You have Kane, Brad Maddox and Vickie Guerrero, with Triple H & Stephanie's appearances being more rare as to feel like more of a big deal when they do pop up. Either Vickie & Maddox are snapping at each other over who's generally the biggest suck up to The Authority or Kane & Maddox have this pseudo-competition with each other to see which can outdo the other while Maddox continues to cower, somewhat, in fear.

I think the best idea for "Bad News Barrett" is to be booked simply as this very tough, very aggressive, no nonsense brawler. Barrett's a big guy who I think can generate that aura of intimidation necessary and he has a documented history as a successful bare knuckle boxer. Leave behind the smarmy, somewhat cocky & strutting heel persona behind and push him as a monster heel. I'm almost tempted to say that, given enough time, that Barrett could prove to be a strong contender for Big E. Langston's Intercontinental Championship, but I honestly get this somewhat queasy feeling when I think about it. The three times Barrett has been IC champion have resulted in near crippling blows to his career, so a fourth run might be put him on life support. :p
It's an interesting idea but I don't think Barrett would fit into it well.

Since his Nexus and Corre days, they've been trying to cast him as a loner, the guy who wades (no pun intended) through the throng, carving his way to whatever goals he's trying to reach. Results seem to indicate he's not well suited to the role.

Instead, Wade has proven to be a very effective leader of people. When Nexus was formed, I felt they chose the correct guy to lead them. He was able to issue orders even while engaging in the fray himself; he handled the transition between both functions so smoothly it seemed he was born to it.

As a result, I can't see him in a program with other people in which he isn't the leader.....yet, you can be sure that as a member of the Authority, Wade would have to follow, not lead. Yes, the Authority could use him as a "town crier" type, issuing proclamations on behalf of the Levesques', much as he's doing now in his "Bad News" identity......but that seems like a poor use of Wade's leadership qualities.
I think Bad News Barrett would make a good RAW GM. Brad Maddox does nothing, and I like a GM who wrestles now and again too!
I really like the idea of Wade Barrett in a role dealing with The Authority in some way. I do agree there are a lot of people in The Authority so it probably be wise to get rid of 1 or 2 first. I figured he could serve in a politician type role that if done properly could work or another idea would him being a bodyguard type figure for Brad Maddox. While Maddox gets pushed around a bit, Wade can be the guy who delivers the "Bad News" so Maddox doesn't have to take any heat.
I really like the idea of Wade Barrett in a role dealing with The Authority in some way. I do agree there are a lot of people in The Authority so it probably be wise to get rid of 1 or 2 first. I figured he could serve in a politician type role that if done properly could work or another idea would him being a bodyguard type figure for Brad Maddox. While Maddox gets pushed around a bit, Wade can be the guy who delivers the "Bad News" so Maddox doesn't have to take any heat.

I'd actually prefer if it was HHH and Stephanie running the show as they are. Whilst instead of Kane in the DoO role, I think Barrett in his role of delivering Bad News would be perfect. Of course, Brad Maddox and Vickie Guerrero would have to go as well, honestly from all I have observed of them both, their roles are pretty redundant,tbh. The whole Special GM for each show is not needed anymore as it was during the Brand Extension.
It's an interesting idea but I don't think Barrett would fit into it well.

Since his Nexus and Corre days, they've been trying to cast him as a loner, the guy who wades (no pun intended) through the throng, carving his way to whatever goals he's trying to reach. Results seem to indicate he's not well suited to the role.

Instead, Wade has proven to be a very effective leader of people. When Nexus was formed, I felt they chose the correct guy to lead them. He was able to issue orders even while engaging in the fray himself; he handled the transition between both functions so smoothly it seemed he was born to it.

As a result, I can't see him in a program with other people in which he isn't the leader.....yet, you can be sure that as a member of the Authority, Wade would have to follow, not lead. Yes, the Authority could use him as a "town crier" type, issuing proclamations on behalf of the Levesques', much as he's doing now in his "Bad News" identity......but that seems like a poor use of Wade's leadership qualities.

What my idea was, yes, he would be under the Authority PowerCouple of Triple and Stephanie. However, I would get rid of the GMs and have Bad News Barrett become the DoO in the place of Kane(who would become Masked guy again). Like Kane is doing now, running SD, Barrett would do the same, but with a more defined role, whilst also appearing on RAW. His ability to be so hated especially due to the way he speaks means such a role is tailor made for him. And whilst HHH and Stephanie would be higher than him, being a major part of Authority would mean he would have some muscle to lead at times, in and out of the ring.
Surely such a role would make him somewhat relevant again,wouldn't it?
I thought he was going to be apart of The Authority last summer. He kept being fed to Bryan.

It would be a good move for him at this point. Worst case, just add him to The Real Americans
I thought he was going to be apart of The Authority last summer. He kept being fed to Bryan.

It would be a good move for him at this point. Worst case, just add him to The Real Americans

Him with the Real Americans as a Tall,Big Man stable would be cool. But Zeb would have to go if it happens, cuz Wade would probably do the talking.
I don't know. I'm starting to really enjoy Bad News Barrett and his magical rising podium. It's absolutely hysterical.

I wouldn't want anything to risk that awesomness.


He gets an even taller podium because he'd be all important and shit because the Aunority said so. Then yes, do it.

Barrett would be better than Kane in role in Authority. I can imagine starting out slow with something like picking on Natayla and have TJ get involved working way up to Bellas/Cena-Bryan. I know it sounds stupid using the Barrett and Females but gives TJ something meaning for a little allowing Barrett to work his way up the card

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