Would Austin Aries work in WWE?


[This Space for Rent]
We all know he had his run in TNA due to fan popularity and that pretty much failed, because TNA didn't utilize his talent to the full extent and instead just screwed around with him and a stupid "Starr" gimmick.

However, if Aries were to go to the WWE I'm pretty sure McMahon would be smart enough to utilize his mic-talent and not slap him with a dull gimmick, but instead allow him to be the cocky, arrogant jerk he has come to be in ROH. So, the question I'm curious on is.. if Austin Aries were to ever move back up to the "Top 2", namely more so the WWE, would he work?

I personally think he'd thrive on ECW or Smackdown, especially against guys of similar styles to him. Such as Christian, Morrison, Hardy, Punk & Ziggler. However I don't think he'd ever be anything better than the #1 guy on the #2-3 show. He could be amazing on the mic, and one of the best overall talents they could pick up for the future.. but he just doesn't have the overall size value to be the top guy on Raw.

Punk failed at that level, and I don't think Aries would be any different - even though I do believe Aries is vastly superior to Punk.

I'd love to see Aries debut on ECW, and become the star that Jack Swagger should've been to that brand this year - before he was foolishly and quickly traded to Raw.

So, to answer my question for myself - yes, I believe Aries could thrive in the WWE as long as hes able to keep his personality about him and not be transformed into someone, or something, he's not. What does everyone else think?

Please make sure to explain why you feel the way you do. Add as much detail as you can, and give plenty of opinions. Thank You.
I think so.

Right now, Zack Ryder is really doing well for WWE and seems to be pretty over. He has a decent following on the internet, and it looks like to me he gets good heat from the audience. And the reason I bring his name up is because his character is in a lot of ways a lot like Austin Aries current persona, but you know what? Aries is ten times the worker and promo cutter Ryder could ever dream of being. So, yes... if Ryder can do well in WWE, then Aries definitely could as well.

And understand this is coming from someone who was never a fan of Austin Aries until recently. I mean, I've always loved about handleful of his matches, and I didn't have anything against him, but I never did get the hype. I always thought his best work was good only because of his opponents and not him. But looking back at it, I was completely, 100% wrong. Aries is just a great worker and a natural heel. He's hard to like, even when he's babyface. But since he's won the ROH World Championship, he's opened my eyes to just how talented he truly is. His run thus far as ROH World Champion has been incredible, and the best heel run ROH has had since the Summer of Punk. And speaking of CM Punk, look how he's doing in WWE as we speak. Just like with Ryder, If Punk can make it in WWE, then I fully believe Aries can as well (same case for Bryan Danielson, for that matter).

But, I don't see him going there for a long, long while, if ever.
Depends, he's short and he doesn't have the indy name value or a Punk, Joe or Danielson.

WWE has had plenty of wrestlers who can talk over the year, they've done very little with most of them. If you look at how many stars they've actually made in comparison to how many people think that somebody in particular has star quality, it's a very small number.

Obviously he could work. But so could most wrestlers who go to that promotion who are given a good push.
Aries doesn't have indy name value?

What are you talking about??
Aries has insane indy name value!
He's been a mainstay in PWG and ROH.
He has the same followings Punk, Joe, and Danielson have/had.

But anyways...back on topic...
I was never huge on Aries, I didn't hate him and I liked some of his matches, for example vs. KENTA at a ROH show back in 2006. And I was a fan Of Generation Next (Aries, Strong, Sydal, Evans). And then when he was introduced into TNA, I was still not the biggest fan of his, and TNA didnt help that by pretty much burying him. But lately I've been getting really into him, mostly becuase I've been watching tons of PWG, and I recomend all of his matches from that promotion to anyone who's a wrestling fan. And I'm becoming more of a fan of a ROH work as of late.

If he went to WWE, I think he would fit nicely in ECW. But I really don't see him working on RAW or Smackdown. His move set isn't too risque, so he could use almost all of his moveset. Besides the 450 of course. But i'm sure he could use his brainbuster, pedulum elbow, etc. And I don't think I've ever seen a move like the Horns Of Aries done on WWE, so that would be cool.

So in conclusion, I think WWE ever picked up Aries, he could definately be a top guy on ECW, if used correctly.
Aries doesn't have indy name value?

In comparison to Danielson, Punk & Joe.

What are you talking about??

His lack of name value when you put him side by side with one of the three I listed above.

Aries has insane indy name value!

Not really. He's got it because of how few big indy stars there are these days, but he's hardly a superstar.

He has the same followings Punk, Joe, and Danielson have/had.

But with fewer people talking about him.
Austin Aries has loads of talent and could work anywhere. We all know he has a rather stort stint in TNA. But lets remember, he begged to be let out of his contract. This happened because TNA pulled all of it's talent from the ROH as a result of the PPV deal. Aries chose to work for ROH instead of TNA.

As far as the WWE is concerned, he could be successful there. He's not a very tall man- I think he's around 5'7 (same height as Evan Bourne), but he has a great build. He's obviously much smaller than a large majority of the WWE locker room, but Vince has given smaller guys the opportunity to shine on occasion. Rey Mysterio would be the obvious example here.

I think most people here know that Aries runs a close second only to Bryan Danielson on my list of favorite wrestlers. I love watching this guy in ROH. I love the Austin Starr gimmick he did in TNA and I would love watching him in a WWE ring if it would ever come down to it. The fact is, Aries can work. He has great ring presence and is tremendous on the stick. He's a well rounded performer who is just flat out exciting to watch.
Well, Austin Aries is very similar in look to CM Punk, so I don't see why not. His work since his heel turn has been phenominal and he's doing great things as RoH champion (including *gasp* getting Kenny Omega over). However, I'm not sure Vince is completely sold on these "smaller" workers. Yeah, Punk is World champ, but it seems as if it's a matter of attrition since Jeff left, Edge is hurt, and Taker was out. Bourne is over, but has yet to been given a real chance to run with the ball. I think the focus right now is on smaller physiques, not shorter guys...Aries might be just under their desired height limit.
And then when he was introduced into TNA, I was still not the biggest fan of his, and TNA didnt help that by pretty much burying him.

Burying him?? What are you talking about?? He was given a decent gimmick of Austin Starr, one which he is has honed and sharpened to be the Austin Aries, he has become today. Not only that but in TNA, they associated him with Kevin Nash and put him in a feud with Bob Backlund. How in the world is that being buried?? They were investing time in him. His attitude got him in trouble there because he didn't want to do as requested and as a result, he got suspended and asked for his release. TNA didn't misuse the guy. He took an opportunity for granted.

Now for the thread, no. He wouldn't do well in WWE. He couldn't even take simple direction in TNA without catching a fit over it. Can you imagine how he'll fair in the WWE where you catch backstage heat just for not walking the proper way. He'd be done. Not to mention, his height doesn't do him any favors. Austin wouldn't be a good fit there.

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