Would a one-on-one Elimination Chamber match ever work?

"Cool Guy" Jensen

Undertaker for Champ!
Ok, so we saw the debut of the demonic structure designed to punish the human body back in November 2002. Since then we have seen 9 Elimination Chamber matches occur, with 2 more occuring in just a couple weeks on February 21st. It was always one of my favorite match types to watch, but it has since diminished quite a bit, since it's done twice a year.

Anyway, each one of the Elimination Chamber matches we've seen has consisted of exactly 6 men, fighting over a championship or #1 contendership.

With that said, do you think a one-on-one Elimination Chamber match would ever work? It can somewhat be compared to a Steel Cage or a Hell in a Cell, except it's made of chain. With that said, I don't see anything wrong with seeing a one-on-one Elimination Chamber match, but I would think it would have to cultimate an extremely lengthy and personal fued.

If not, why don't we take it even further than that... Would a tag team Elimination Chamber work? Or maybe a Diva's Elimination Chamber match? What I want to know is do you think that an Elimination Chamber match would work in a way outside of it's traditional 6 man match, with a fresh member entering every 5 minutes? Thoughts?
It could work , two men in a chamber trying to eliminate the other but then there would be no need for the PODS or countdown clock. The Chamber looks amazing, it is my favorite match stipulation and well without 6 guys it would just be a a punishing structure that wouldn't be unique because of the more popular punishing structure, Hell in a Cell.

So a Chamber match with 2 guys would work but it just won't be anything special, in my opinion.
For one thing it is called the Elimination Chamber for a reason. It is to 'Eliminate' Opponets. Having it be a 1-1 match wouldnt be that great at all. There really isnt anything great about the match already. Most of the elimination chamber matches have been very predictable. And really seeing one live isnt that great either. (I have seen 2 of them) The chamber is put together very well but it is really hard to see action if you are sitting in the arena. I got tickets for this years in St. Louis but got bowl seats so I can at least see whats going on.

A 1-1 match would just be a boring match to me. I would much rather see a hell in the cell where it has proven to take more out of competitors.
In one word...No it wont work. The Chamber was Bischoff's little bastard child that has actually turned into an interesting cultimation of matches. It was and always be meant for 6 man competition. That being said I guess a tag match would work, however I dont think it would be very good. As far as the Diva's, I would watch that, but once again I don't see it ever happening.

The only thing I can see is that would be different is a unification of the IC and US titles in a chamber. Both champions and the 2 top challengers for each.

Pretty much you don't really have to have 6 men in this match, but its what we know and it works, and works pretty well.
you could do a triple threat tag elimination match in EC, with 1 person released at a time and the team of the survivor wins, or even a six team tag, with both members of the team in the pod, and once 1 member is out, the team is out. I would actually like to see a 6 team tag match, but that is a lot of people you are taking out of the WWE and WHC title matches. They could have DX vs MizShow vs SES vs Hart Dynasty vs CrymeTyme vs Worlds Strongest Tag Team. That would be a very good match.
A one on one Elimination Chamber would never work. The match rules have four combatants start off in pods and come in at 5 minute intervals. In a one on one match this aspect of the match is eliminated (pardon the pun). There is no suspense because after one pinfall the match is over. A Diva match is also a bad idea because noone wants to see those beautiful girls slamming each other into glass and chain. This would soften the chamber. I liked the idea you had with the tag teams though. Three teams we'll call it DX,Miz and Big Show, and Punk/Gallows. Compete. One of the teams would have both members start off in the pods givong them the advantage. If a member of your team is pinned or submits your team is elminated. Or they could do it with the remaining member continuing on in a Handicap Match scenario to try to win the tag belts or number one contendorship by himself. This could be tried once or done anually depending on the success of the concept.
I believe a one on one EC match could work, if done right. It would give the 2 workers tons of room to work with, and maybe if they were to keep the pods, what they could do is have each pod filled with a certain type of legal weapon, chairs in one, some tables in another ect. and every 5 min a new weapon would be introduced, kind of like in the ECW EC back at December to Dismember. That way they could still have the spot of someone being whipped through the "Bullet Proof" glass, and have some one go through a table or 2. I think that would make for an exciting match.
It defeats the purpose of the pods there to hold the other wrestlers. I just think why tear down a match of it's not how it was originally meant to be

Yes a tag match would work. Look at Smackdown vs Raw they have been having 6 man tag matches on the game for a while now with the last team standing winning. Yeah it's just the game, but that obviously means WWE was thinking about it as well. In the future maybe we will see it. Even three tag teams in one chamber for tag gold

but one on one, no. Just takes the excitement of the match away because it's not what it was designed for.

Infact I still say Hell in a Cell is more dangerous because they go the whole match, but the chamber is just bigger and more intimidating, but guys are fresh and dont have to fight the whole match and there are no weapons like you can acquire in Hell in a Cell even if it was an Extreme Elimination Chamber

and Hell in a Cell is better than the Punjabi Prison Match

but basically the Elimination Chamber has its own uniqueness and if you take that away it becomes another one on one caged structure match, we dont need that
A one on one match would be like hell in a cell with an extended floor. Which happens to be my favorite aspect of the chamber. no, i dont think that would work.
the tag match could be intersting seeing as you could do it 3 ways.
the most sensible would be have 3 teams and put 4 of them in pods and the last team standing wins the tag belts.
they could also have 4 teams and have one member of each team start off, like a fatal 4-way, and have the other member of the team in a pod to be released at a random time. the other way would be to have 6 teams and put 4 teams in pods and have 2 start off. the only problem with that would be room though. the chambers just big enough for 6 people and if there were 12 it would get really crowded. not to mention fitting 2 people in a pod at the same time. they'd need a bigger structure for this and quite frankly, i dont think it would fit in the normal arena.
The divas match would be an interesting one. I dont think it would work now but back in the day where there were divas cage matches it might have. it'd definatly be interesting to watch though.
a 1-on-1 i think could work but it really wont b anything new, it would just be like a 1-on-1 hell in a cell. so it can work but its not sumthing special with just 2 men
also a 3-on-3 EC match could work! its been in SvR and it seems pretty cool. but there would hav 2 b sum kind of 3 member stables to make it. and there doesnt seem to b any good stables here in the wwe. and what about a 2-on-2-on-2 Elimination Chamber match?! that would b so kool! Edge n Christian vs Hardys vs DX or sumthing would b awesom
it wont work because it is called Elimination Chamber. Elimination means having to pin or make an opponent tap to move to the next opponent.

I sorta like MizisAwesome's idea on the 6 team Elimination Chamber match but hopefully have it like a regular tag team match rules where they can tag each other in and out but being in a pod.
Hey, y2straightedge, that's Tekkno Jonnie's avatar, and I use it! Now, answering your question on if this one-on-one elimination chamber would work, my answer is a simple verse of song lyrics. It goes a little something like this: "No chance, such as what you got/No chance in hell/I hate Bret Hart/Batista appeared on Raw last night for no reason/I faked my own death, only to admit I wasn't dead a week later/ Cause you've got No chance!/No chance in hell!"
That's how it goes right? "No Jonnie, and you aren't funny at all."In short, this would never work. They use Hell in a Cell for these kind of matches that involve one-on-one. If it was a one-on-one elimination chamber, there would only be one elimination. Correction, there would be another elimination. People's attention span. Not funny, made no sense? Well you can make like a horny chick with a *****, and go fuck yourself. Still not funny? Well you can forget I ever said any of those things that may or may not have been funny, probably not though. Okay, I obviously have A.D.D. Back on topic, this wouldn't work because people would be wondering what the hell those four pods were for, and they would wonder why there is such a big structure and only two people. And people would be confused as to what is actually going on inside the ring because they probably wouldn't be able to see inside the chamber as well as a cell, or a regular ring. This wouldn't work because have you ever noticed how long matches go on after there are only two left in the chamber? No more than five minutes. Do I need to go on any further?
One possible way for a one on one matchup to work would be to include the presence of backup. Let's say Edge and Undertaker are in a Chamber match. Both men start off in the ring and are the only 2 who can get a pinfall or submission. In one pod could be a pair of chairs; one pod could hold a pair of tables. In the remaining two pods could be a selected buddy, an insurance policy. Kane would backup Taker, and Christian could backup Edge. This could add suspense to the match. Countdown reaches 0 and in comes Christian. Taker is disadvantaged, and Kane seethes. The kayfabe brothers pound the Deadman. Pod 2 opens and the tables are accessible. Christian and Edge are teaming up on Taker, and we see a few near falls. Taker even gets put through the wood, but kicks out at 2. Pod 3 opens, and Kane is itching to get out, but it's time for the chairs. Crowd is into it, on the edge of their seats. Taker fighting against the odds, and E and C getting the upper hand. Both Canadians are wielding steel, waiting for Taker to get up. Countdown, 5, 4, 3, 2, 1; Kane breaks free and stops the conCHAIRto. This buys Taker some time. Kane fends off E and C, while Taker freshens up. The Brothers are on fire, and E and C are fading. Kane takes care of Captain Charisma, while Taker sets up Edge for a tombstone. Christian is incapacitated, and Taker goes for the cover. At 2, Kane slams Taker with a chair, pulls Edge on top, and Edge picks up the win. That's the best scenario I could come up with to justify the one on one matchup. As with everything, utilized properly, this could work. Stables could get involved, and a new element of surprise would be present. Look at Legacy. Would Cody side with Ted or Orton? Whom would he help? What about DX? Would Triple H get payback for the unwarranted Sweet Chin Music or would he help his long time friend? If semantics are an issue, just call it a Chamber match. That's what I think.
It's not that I don't think a one-on-one elimination chamber would work, because it would technically work, but there's not really a point for it because then it would essentially be a cage match. No one is entering from the chambers at different times because there's only two in the match and then there would be no need for the chambers at all. Unless the chambers were used to contain something else that could handicap the match or something, then I don't really see a point.

If not, why don't we take it even further than that... Would a tag team Elimination Chamber work?

I think that could actually be pretty interesting. Would both partners be in different chambers or the same one (that would probably look funny) and do you tag out by stepping in and out of the chamber or is it that once you're out, you're out? It would be interesting if it was some kind of tag match, even just one team versus another team, and your partner's chamber remains locked until you press a button or something. And then when you're not fighting, you have to wait in one of the chambers until your partner presses the button. It would raise the stakes a bit because your partner isn't readily available to come help you if you're struggling and it would build a lot of frustration if you can't run in and save your partner. If your partner gets pinned are they eliminated and you continue on your own? It would be like a Survivor Series/EC hybrid or something.
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Yeah, It's the ELIMINATION CHAMBER. You must have the ability to eliminate somebody, otherwise it's pointless.

How about doing Survivor Series in the elimination chamber? Traditional survivor series matches are elimination matches anyways. That could work.

How about a War Games style Elimination Chamber. Two elimination chambers next to each other. One with the RAW guys, one with the SD! guys and then they can cross over into each cage and eliminate each other. Not sure how the title changes hands, but we can work that out.
No no no, absolutely not. It wouldn't work, and it shouldn't ever happen. If you want to see a one on one Elimination Chamber match, just look away until four of the men are eliminated. This idea of yours is nothing more than a suped-up Hell in a Cell, so you should rename the thread, "When are we getting a new HiaC?" What would 'elimination' have to do with two men? Besides one eliminating the other, which makes the pods pointless, and thus a waste of time setting the whole thing up. Instead of looking at changing the number of participants, you should try to work with six and see what sorts of combinations you come up with. Three on three, three tag teams of two, one against five, a tag team against a faction of four, etc. Overall, I would never want to see this happen, it ruins the entire premise.
This idea = superfail.

The pods and the countdown and "elimination" factor is what makes the match exciting. All your left with is a Hell in a Cell or Cage match with a different looking cage. There would be no point to it at all. It would be like having a Royal Rumble match where the only way to eliminate your opponents is by pinfall. Or a ladder match without a ladder. That's really all that can be said about it. Hell in a Cell sucks now sans blood, cage matches I've never been a big fan of, and a 1-on-1 EC match would be just as awful.
They already have that...it's called Hell In A Cell!!!

ok, ok, I know, "they're not nearly the same thing, you cant go outside the chamber, theres no metal floor in the cell," blah blah blah...my point is, HIAC is basically the singles version of EC. In principal, both of them are gigantic structures made of a ton of steel/metal/hard stuff that hurts like hell when you're slammed into it, designed not to allow anyone in or out, and refuses to let anybody leave unbruised, unbloodied, and unbeaten. Sure, there are the subtle differences like the ones mentioned above, but in the end, if a one-on-one, or a multi-man free-for-all match were to take place in either the EC or the HIAC, the end result would be the same...everyone leaving a bloody mess and the fans going home happy with an awesome match.
Two words: Elimination chamber. Elimination - The process by which people are taken out of a match gradually, not one victory and then the match is over. The chamber itself has 4 chambers in which the superstars are introduced throughout the match. Your proposed method would include a match with 4 empty chambers. That doesn't make sense.
It could, to some extent. Obviously, structurally, it won't. However, stipulations can be made.

You can imagine something like.. Wrestler A has a couple friends. Wrestler B either has a couple as well, OR the friends of Wrestler B have a grudge with the backup of Wrestler A and want a piece of the action.

So, they make it.. special. Wrestlers A & B fight first and the man to get the first pin fall unleashes one of his henchmen and then you have the normal countdown to determine how long it takes for someone to come out. Obviously it would then take turns, in terms of which side got the next release. Getting the first pin fall would only win you the advantage. Then, you could only get the second pin after everyone was unleashed and you had to take that time to punish each other. Which would make sense, considering it'd be a match with serious feuds.

Not saying it's the GREATEST idea, considering I literally just thought of it, but I'm just using this as an example of something that would work.
[QUOTE="Cool Guy" Jensen;1776991] do you think a one-on-one Elimination Chamber match would ever work? [/QUOTE]

Not really, it would be too similar to a Hell in a Cell match, so they might as well just leave it as a Hell in a Cell match since what makes it an Elimination Chamber match is the fact that eventually another chamber opens to bring in another person. You can't do it that way with just 2 guys.

[QUOTE="Cool Guy" Jensen;1776991] Would a tag team Elimination Chamber work? [/QUOTE]

Probably not. A triple threat tag team match using an Elimination Chamber would turn into a cluster-mess VERY quickly. Even if the victory is determined by elimination, it seems like the booking would get far too complicated. The same goes for a regular 2 VS 2 tag team match using an Elimination Chamber.

[QUOTE="Cool Guy" Jensen;1776991] Or maybe a Diva's Elimination Chamber match? [/QUOTE]

While it would be an interesting idea to see someday.... not anytime soon. None of the divas are hardcore enough (kayfabe-wise anyway) for us fans to be able to support them having such a dangerous match right now. Then they'd also run the risk of it failing terribly if they tried to mix the usual diva contests (swimsuit competitions, etc) with an Elimination Chamber, that runs the risk of becoming a cluster-mess as well as just far too odd to work. WWE could do a divas Elimination Chamber sometime but not until they have enough girls who would make the match believable enough for the fans to care. TNA's Knockouts could do it, but that's a topic for another thread.

[QUOTE="Cool Guy" Jensen;1776991] What I want to know is do you think that an Elimination Chamber match would work in a way outside of it's traditional 6 man match, with a fresh member entering every 5 minutes? Thoughts? [/QUOTE]

I can't think of many ways that they'd be able to change it that would be effective, honestly. Perhaps having all 6 chambers open at the beginning of the match? The fact that you don't know who's chamber is opening next is half the fun of an Elimination Chamber match sometimes. I like the traditional 6 man method, they should keep doing it this way for now because it has been rather successful.
The selling point of the elimination chamber is that it has eliminations. You actually end up with a lot of different matches going on in there, and it is a very big structure. That's important because it means that it's rather expensive a set up for what would be a minor part of a long show. The main reason though is that it essentially presents a hell in a cell match, but without some of the more exciting things, such as geting up on the roof. The elimination chamber is a far better prospect as a multiman match, and the only variation I'd attempt would be one with three teams in it.
A one on one EC Match would not fit in with the whole purpose of the elimination chamber. Like theCUTTINGedge said on the first page, a good way to make a singles EC Match would be to have weapons, that way you'd utilize the Counter and The PODS. Without some sort of gimmick like weapons we would be watching a chained version of Hell in a Cell.

The Chamber utilizes a countdown timer to release the next wrestler into the fray.

Wrestler one would enter the match, stand around, twiddle his fingers until the countdown hit zero, then wrestler two's pod would open and we'd have a HIAC. Not much more to that without adding some sort of gimmick to the PODS like TheCUTTINGedge said.

So in my opinion, no, it wouldn't work at all considering the concept of the Elimination Chamber.
I like the idea of a 6 man tag in the chamber because there's still the drama of the elimination/count down system and the potential for double or even triple teams. One on one though, eh, it wouldn't exactly be an elimination chamber. I can't see the point and honestly I haven't seen a worthwhile ec match since the first one in 2002. WWE really needs to stop doing two of these things a year especially on the same night. It was much more interesting when they were a year or more apart. Also, there really aren't 6 major contenders for the title on each show. I know watching these things that no way in hell is MVP or Big Daddy V winning the match and becoming number one contender. (they were both in No Way Out 08 smackdown ec match) I think that's one of the big problems. It's usually pretty obvious who's going to win or at least who isn't. Maybe they should do one ec, once a year, and do an inter-promotional with the winner becoming #1 contender for whatever title. Kinda like MITB except not cheapen the title like they do (I hate the fact that no MITB winner has ever legitimately won a title, in fact only one actually had a match instead of 1/2 finishers+ pin= stupid)
The only way a one on one type match would work is if there are still 6 guys in the actual chamber but there's only ever 2 released at any given time. Say it's Edge and Punk in the chamber starting things off, the next guy, say Taker, can't come in until either Punk or Edge is eliminated and the cycle continues. That being said I wouldn't like it as much. The great thing about the elimination chamber is it's kind of a cross between the rumble and HIAC. There's eliminations and new competitors and there's also a hardcore structure to deal with.

The tag team idea is pretty cool but I think it would be cool having a whole team in each pod. Say DX, Punk/Gallows, Miz/BigShow and Hart Dynasty in pods and MVP/Henry and Croft/Barreta starting things off (It was hard to come up with 6 teams). I think this could work really well although it could get crowded but that's the beauty of eliminations. But imagine like 8-12 guys in the chamber at one stage of the match, could be pretty cool.

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