Would a DIVAS invasion work?


Cena fan since Word-Life
Going back and watching some old RAW's, I stumbled across the Nexus Debut (I think we can all agree, if you want to make a debut, THAT is how you do it), and it got me thinking:

1 - Whilst it appears not that much came from AJ's Total Divas 'pipebomb', it seems that the Divas division is divided up into two parts; those who ARE on Total Divas and those who are not

2 - It seems that AJ is out on her own (albeit with Tamina on her side), and could possibly use a bit of backup

3 - NXT has some top notch divas down in Orlando, that could really use some main event exposure

Could we be seeing an NXT divas invasion similar to the one we saw with the Nexus? Perhaps a Divas v Wrestlers angle?

Just an idea, Merry Xmas to you all
I could buy that. My only problem is I wouldn't know who those NXT would be the only people I've seen on NXT is Paige, Flair's daughter & the girl that does the arm dance. I don't hardily ever watch NXT.
There's so much that could work, but WWE would start it and then drop it two weeks after like they do with most angles the Divas are given.
I could buy that. My only problem is I wouldn't know who those NXT would be the only people I've seen on NXT is Paige, Flair's daughter & the girl that does the arm dance. I don't hardily ever watch NXT.

The girl that does the arm dance is EMMA, wonderful girl she is. Met her at an NXT event once, lovely to talk to and loves the business
That would actually be a good idea, to have the women of NXT take over the division.

The Nexus took out Cena, Punk and destroyed the ringside area to make a name for themselves. But they were still rookies, nowhere near their primes. Indeed, many of them aren't actually that great, Barrett and Bryan are the only ones that got anywhere. But yeah, they did make a name for themselves and get a lot of buzz.

The difference with an invasion by the NXT divas is that many of those divas down in NXT are a lot more talented than most of the divas on the main roster. You take Paige, Bayley, Emma and so on and you have them attack the Total Divas, led by AJ, and you've got a great angle on your hands.

The problem with the divas division is that the Total Divas are challenging for the divas title. AJ is the best women's champion we've had in a long time, but her challengers have been lacklustre. I mean, apart from Kaitlyn and Natalya, who is there? The Total Divas should be completely seperate from the title picture, and an NXT invasion could do that. Bring in the NXT divas, led by AJ, then have the faction implode and turn on each other so that you have genuine challengers, while the Total Divas can do what they do best. Which is nipslips and trying to act like they're not being booed.
If they really wanted to do an invasion, here's how I would do it…

You have the total divas cast in the ring on Raw taking part in some stupid thing (musical chairs, whatever.) then you have any combination of as many of these women as you can get: Lita, Kharma, Molly Holly, Victoria, Maryse, Michelle McCool, Eve Torres come to the ramp and stare at the "total divas", then from the crowd out comes Paige, Charlotte, maybe Sara Del Rey, a surprise Knockout or two from TNA like Velvet Sky or Angelina Love…and then you have some kind of altercation, maybe a stare down and then they just shrug of the total divas and leave, or maybe someone gets slapped, just not an all out brawl.

The next week, the veteran divas that re-debuted the week before cut a promo about how they are the definition of "diva" smart, powerful, sexy, etc. That these girls are just models not divas, but they've found the next real divas (here we get the formal introduction of Paige, Charlotte, etc.) and a speech about how things around here are gonna change. Then for the weeks leading up to WrestleMania this is almost an NWO/Nexus type thing where this new/old Divas bad girl club is running roughshod over the current crop of total divas, ultimately leading to a 7 on 7 or something at Mania, at which point AJ makes a face turn to help the total divas cast and says that no one is going to dominate the women's division but her, and she becomes the captain/leader of the total divas team for WM…except at WM she turns on them and aligns with the new heel divas team, which will ensure future feuds and also debut several new divas all in one shot.

After mania, the previously retired Divas can all go back to being legends as they will have done their part to advance the story line, while in the process reminding us how much better the division was a decade ago and give them all another memorable Mania moment.
This is an amazing idea! I'm all for it! But bringing this many divas on the roster would need to call for sometbing else for them to feud for. "Divas tag titles" without that it's going to just be meaningless
My only problem with it is that the NXT Divas have no exposure. At least when Nexus debuted they had a somewhat decent national television run with the start of the NXT program on SyFy. You knew who they were, even I you didn't care who they were.

With this plan, the NXT Divas would be completely unknown...and that's where this angle will fall flat. Maybe is WWE gets its Network going and there is a show featuring the NXT Roster as a whole...
It's possible that it COULD work. We've seen invasion storylines before, but never with anything revolving around an invasion of women. There are several women in NXT, especially Paige, that could be of real benefit to this new growth of the Divas as a whole on the main roster.

In order for it to really come off, in my opinion, it'd take a good deal of planning and commitment to seeing it through. They have the capability of doing the necessary planning, but the problem is ultimately keeping Vince interested. There's a strong possibility of Vince being on board with the idea but having a sudden change of heart just as it starts to get off the ground. It happens on a fairly regular basis, we've seen it happen the past few months with Big Show's involvement with The Authority & Randy Orton. I think it also happened when Natalya & Beth Phoenix started the whole "Divas of Doom" thing in which they declared war on the various "Barbie Dolls." It had potential, but either there was never any real intention of doing anything with it or Vince quickly lost interest.

Triple H has brought some real change, focus & stability to WWE's developmental system and if he was THE power in WWE, I think this could have a good chance of succeeding. The problem is, as I've alluded to, is that Vince still has the final word on whatever goes down. I'm not saying that Trips wouldn't or won't change his mind sometimes, but Vince is notorious for either going back & forth on certain things or losing interest right out of the blue, sometimes for no apparent reason that anyone can make sense out of. The result of Vince doing so can be some chaotic booking that, sometimes, doesn't make one bit of sense.

The idea of a "Diva Invasion" is one that has promise if Vince would stay committed to seeing it through, was willing to devote the needed time to the women in the ring & on the mic and was willing to give the women as a whole the needed time to see whether or not it could pay off in the long run rather than scrapping the idea if the first couple of segments don't draw.
Of course it would work. I could see some NXT talent invading the television show, then Smackdown and RAW. They should play it off like it's all the big faces plus AJ against everyone else. And they could throw an Austin-esque serve by turning one of the better wrestlers like AJ to the lead the invasion.

Realistically though the angle is never going to leave the mid card. And it likely wouldn't last but a PPV cycle or two. It'll probably end with a giant clusterfuck of a match, or a battle between the two leaders in a lumberlack match. It would work only under the premise that it would give the division as a whole something to do. And it would introduce some of the talents waiting to come up from NXT. I'd prefer an angle like that over another Search or Tough Enough whatever.
My only problem with it is that the NXT Divas have no exposure. At least when Nexus debuted they had a somewhat decent national television run with the start of the NXT program on SyFy. You knew who they were, even I you didn't care who they were.

With this plan, the NXT Divas would be completely unknown...and that's where this angle will fall flat. Maybe is WWE gets its Network going and there is a show featuring the NXT Roster as a whole...

Whilst you make a very good point about lack of exposure, surely the debut of The Shield shows that they don't HAVE to be known to make an impact. I live in the U.K, and I understand that NXT is handled differently over in The States in terms of what people see. However I do recall a few people being surprised at the sight of Ambrose, Rollins and Reigns because they didn't know who they were
sounds good to me, but the first they should take out is eva marie. take her out for a while, and teach her how to do her damn job. than bring her back.
how bout this. let some of them invade and beat down the divas and after a little while. have the divas go to trips and stephanie and say ......hey we cant work under these restrictions(meaning 2 min matches) let us do what we need to do and let us go all out. i mean yes the divas are boring to most, but they are restricted to moves and time frames. let them allude to these restrictions and that they need to be lifted in order to combat these new stronger girls. hey a 5 min match is better then what they have now
In my opinion, it would not work. Most of the divas are really bad wrestlers, and so the invasions and the brawls would mostly consist of hair pulling and screaming, which will make them look more like a bunch of trashy women fighting in the street, rather than wrestlers doing an invasion.
Nexus had a two big guys- Sheffield and Tarver, three brawlers, a guy good in tag team matches, a guy that could deliver a 450° splash, and a ruthless leader that won the first season of NXT.
Now compare that with the rookie divas- the bad dancer, the other lady with pale face, the red haired lady, the singer etc. And they are gonna making a statement by taking out who? Mid-card divas like Funkadactyls, Tamina, Rosa Mendes, Alicia Fox? Bella Twins are never gonna job to the rookies when they are with the top 2 guys in the company, so you can forget that. So that basically leaves AJ and Natalya.
The idea would have been good if you had better performers at your arsenal, but with the current lot, its not gonna end well.
What if the Divas Division got it's own show like a Raw or Smackdown type show??

Terrible idea for the fact that A.) there aren't any workers besides AJ that are all that interesting and B.) women's wrestling historically has never been a draw. Besides, Total Divas fulfills that role anyway.

As previously stated, this idea wouldn't really be anything special as far as being able to evolve into a big time angle, but it would promote some chaos inside the division. Which is really kinda needed at this point.
An NXT Divas invasion would be great considering most of the Divas fight each other in WWE & NXT already. Technically there's already 3 factions.

Total Divas
Heels that aren't in either of the above

That said, I think a good wrestlemania match would be.

Natalya V AJ V Paige

then have all the other divas around the ring.

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