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Would a Cruiserweight/Lightweight division help the WWE?


Pre-Show Stalwart
This is my first thread, so I apologize if this has been posted before, but.....

Do you think WWE should bring back/start a Cruiserweight/Lightweight division?

I personally think it would liven things up and would help some of the smaller guys lost in the shuffle. It would also add another title match slot on the pay-per-views.

Maybe I'm wrong? What do you guys think?
i think it could help the wwe. like ive said a few other times in previous threads, the wwe dont need 2 womens titles with the 10 divas they have. a cruiserweight title could help. look at all the cruiserweights they have...chavo, bourne, mysterio, kaval after nxt, gabriel after nexus, primo, the dudebusters, thats 8 and im sure that the wwe could find at least 2 more if needed. unify the divas titles move it to smackdown along with most of the divas and move all the cruiserweights to raw and bring back the title
Well to put it simple no.Creative and Vince have other things to take care.They dont give a shit about high flying jobbers.They can barely do 2 feuds at once that have some sense; and that is in the main event picture.If the US and Intercontinental championship have little attention then i doubt they would fit in story lines for Cruiserweights, besides "I HATE YOU I WANT TITLE, WE FEUD NOW!" and other bullsh*t.
NO NO NO NO NO NO and NO. I'm so sick of the "Would bringing back the _____ title help (insert wrestling promotion here)" There is a reason they got rid of the belts. There was no need for them. Having one midcard title one maincard title and one divas title on each show is plenty. If you have more titles then it becomes a clusterfuck like TNA. So to answer this question in about as simple as I can get, If it ain't broke don't fix it.
Even though i am a fan of cruiserweight wrestling i think it might hurt wwe a little bit. I say that because the guys like rey mysterio and kaval and evan bourne would be stuck in that division. Which means the chances of them goin for a top title or having a fued with a top superstar would disappear.
I don't think they need to bring back the title (I mean I wouldnt mind it) but they could use them more efficiently. I mean give them a spot on the roster and utilise them early to get the show started, and in the middle of the second half of the show to get the crowd into things.

But they would really have to let them be as spectacular as they can, give them at least 10 minutes.

Just My Opinion
It wouldn't work for one reason, and that reason is Vince Mcmahon. He has tried lightweight / Cruserweight titles in the past and he just does not know how to book them properly
In my opinion, it should be brought back. A lot of these guys can put on great matches, yet are just wasting away on Superstars. High flyers are fun to watch, it would add variety to the show, give many of the people stuck where they are at something to actually contend for, which would in turn raise interest in them which would in turn boist their popularity.

Guys who can benefit from it: Evan Bourne (stuck), Justin Gabriel, Yoshi Tatsu, Chavo Guerrero, JTG, Primo, Kaval, Zack Ryder, Del Rios, maybe Joey Mercury. I may have missed a few, but it seems that they are adding new guys all the time, and they can easily bump someone down to the division if needed. Some of them are stuck where they are at without being able to move up and need a boost, either way it will make them all halfway relevant again.

There is a problem though, if having Hornswoggle as your last reigning champion doesn't devalue a title then I don't know what the hell does. If they brought it back they need to revalue it and Hornswoggle must be absolutely squashed and re-squashed in the first round of the tournament, by none other than Chavo. Also I think Rey should compete only to lose in the finals of the tournament to who would win the first title (either Gabriel, Bourne or Ryder) which would add prestige to it given than Rey is a former heavyweight champ. Basically they need to do the opposite of what they done with the Women's division and actually treat it like a real division not pee break time.
There's already enough complaints about the lack of time that plenty of performers are getting. Adding another division would almost guarantee that they'd require some air time at least once every other week, which would probably be taken from the midcard and/or female's division on the respective brand.

I did personally like SmackDown's cruiserweight division, but with the WWE trying to target a female audience, I don't think only having the "Divas" on only one brand would be beneficial to then in the long run. The female divisions on each brand are probably the strongest they've been as a whole in a couple years. Sure, Beth Phoenix might be hurt, but it seems like there are actually more credible contenders for each belt than there have been in a long time. Cramming both divisions on to RAW (Assuming the Cruiserweight title would be brought back to Smackdown) would cause at least a few firings, as they wouldn't be able to showcase that many women on just one show, especially how RAW is jam-packed with stars this year.
Damn how many times does this question get asked? I know it's your first thread post, so I'm not saying anything against you, but shit. I'm sick of these Should the WWE bring back the Hardcore Title, Should they bring back the European Title, it could help out the smaller guys. Fucking sick of it.

There's no need for a Cruiserweight Title or any new titles in WWE. Like someone already said, it would pigeon hold the smaller guys to this division and they would be less likely to break out. Also it just wouldn't make sense because the small guys are all split on different shows, and it would have to be defended on Superstars, which no one watches. Just not a good idea for this title to be revived.

I apologize for getting angry it has nothing to do with the OP but these forums in general. I'm just sick of seeing the same shit on these forums over and over again.
i think it could help. it could potentially be like tna's x divison. i also think that wwe should make a title like that but not have a weight limit.

1. evan bourne
2. tyson kidd
3. justine gabriel
4. kaval
5. daniel bryan
6. john morrison
7. yoshi tatsu
8. cm punk
9. chavo guerrero
10. dolph ziggler
11. joey mercury
12. kofi kingston
13. matt hardy
14. rey mysterio
15. the miz (even though i want him to be a world champ)
16. tyler black (once he debuts)

ther would be some great fueds here and amazing matches. it would also help put some of the younger wrestlers over.
Like many of the people have said I would say no just because WWE is already doing a horrible job with the US and IC title. Adding another title in the picture would make things even worse. Although I like the Cruiserweight Title, it wouldn't be used correctly.

If the WWE were to bring it back I would love to see it turned into a Main Event type title. I personally hate watching Cruiserweights battle 250lb guys and beat them. It is complete BS. I understand why it happens though. A guy like Rey Mysterio, who is a top guy, needs to win big matches but in the real world there is no way a guy like Rey Mysterio could beat The Big Show or beat Kane. But if there were two divisions and both divisions had main event players it could be something fun to watch. However since that would never happen don't bring the Cruiserweight title back.
I've always marked out at wcw's crusierweights and wwe's early 2000's crusierweights.If it wasn't for Vince McMahon putting down lightweights, I'd say it would work wonders for smaller guys and give them an opportunity to be on television. With talent like Alberto Del Rio, Chavo, CM Punk, Joey Mercury, Kofi, JTG, Dudebusters, and Tyler Reks, Smackdown could benefit a lot. As for time, there shouldn't be a problem. Some of the matches could be on superstars too. Lastly, I think calling the belt the Lightweight Championship or the Junior Heavyweight championships would sound cooler.
I was a huge fan of the cruiserweight/lightheavyweight division back in WCW, but it wouldn't work now in WWE. The WWE never really took that title or that style seriously in the past expect maybe for a short period in time. They have a lot of guys that fit the weight limit or can work that style. I still don't think it will work mainly because most of them or beyond that level.

It would be a step backwards for some like Gabriel, Dibease, and Bourne. It would be a even bigger step back for Bryan,The Miz and Rey Mysterio. I don't think it would be very exciting to see Heath Slater, Yoshi Tatsu, Primo, and Chavo Guerrero feuding over the title.
I personally think that WWE could put away the United States championship (since it is not a true WWE championship, as it started out in WCW) and replace it with the Light Heavyweight Championship (which is a true WWE championship). WWE can then allow the Light Heavyweight Championship to help a WWE superstar achieve Triple Crown status, something that they can't do with the US title.
On a side note, I fail to understand why so many people want WWE to get rid of the Divas Championship. If you think about it, the Divas Championship has more competition than the Tag Team Championship does. Seriously consider this. The tag titles can be defended on both Raw and Smackdown. But how tag teams are there on Raw and Smackdown? The Hart Dynasty, the Usos, The Gate Crashers, the Dudebusters, and probably SES. Compare that to Raw's womens division. There is Natalya, Tamnina, Eve, Maryse, Melina, Jillian, Gail Kim and the Bella Twins. The Divas chmapionship has more competition in one brand than the tag team championship has on two brands.
While I love the idea of having a cruiserweight division, I dread the idea of how lackluster it is promised to be. There is plenty of talent to fill out a competent roster: Mysterio, Bourne, Gabriel, Primo, Del Rio, Kaval, Slater, Bryan, Chavo, Kidd, Barreta and Croft.

That's a dozen wrestlers right there. There are less women in the diva's division and they have 3 titles amongst them. The problem is that the midcard titles barely gets attention as it is so imagine how little time another title will get. Even worse, just look at how the cruiserweight championship was booked before it went defunct. Hornswoggle was the damn champion. Enough said.
i say yes they should, wwe has a lot of cruiserweight's to name some evan bourne, kaval, Justin Gabriel, Yoshi Tatsu, Chavo Guerrero, JTG, Primo, Zack Ryder, Del Rios, rey mysterio and i think there is more. this could give all this people a push or if they have a push a title or two.
No they shouldn't bring the title(s) back. Bad call on their part if they do. They don't have enough talent in that weight division. Evan Bourne vs Yoshi Tatsu isn't something that would really draw. Look at it this way, wouldn't you rather see guys like Evan Bourne get a shot at the US or Intercontinental title? Yeah of course you would. If they had a WCW-esque cruiserweight division then I'd say yes, but with the current roster... No.
people are saying if they bring it back people wll be stuck in that division but if they don't bring it back people like chavo,jtg,nxt rookies,primo,zack ryder,archer,shad could actually be used and then get rid of one of the divas title so they can write storyline for the cruiserwieghts and put it on smackdown and swap the us title and the intercontinental title
Yea, you're wrong. Pro-wrestling or at least WWE's version of it (aka Sports Entertainment) has no place for a viable i.e. profitable, Junior's division. The most basic reason is WWE doesn't follow a weight-class division of talent (even when they have belts that supposedly do). Big Show can battle Rey Misterio or to a lesser extreme Daniel Bryan can tangle with The Miz. WWE likes that unpredictability and occasionally they like that little guy as an "underdog" story.
Granted WWE wouldn't have to make the division participants exclusively wrestler each other, but honestly then that defeats the purpose of having the division in the first place and we're almost back to square one and the reason the title was axed in the first place. Basically to make it work, thrive and prosper WWE would have to change too much of it's style and more importantly actually give a damn about little guys (which has never been a priority for Vince).
Actually scratch that, the most important thing is they'd have to find a division full of cruiser-weights who actually possess more charisma than your average cinder block. Most western cruiser-weights don't understand that they are still entertainers and have to work the crowd and not just put on "clinics" in the ring replete with a million (and one!) mindless illogical spots.
Good god I hate these threads. But I'll play along.

First I wanna address those in the future, as well as those that already have mentioned the fact that ... can compete in there. No, no, no! The majority of them aren't in the weight class, so get off the lists. There's like 5-6 people worthy of the cruiserweight class. The rest needs to loose weight, which would be unfair for them to actually be allowed to fight in a division that very little would care about.

The cruiserweight division has done what it was supposed to do. Showcase the smaller guys, we have very few smaller guys anymore, at least to the extend that we'd care for watching the division. We keep believing that "Yeah, it'll be awesome". No it won't, Rey Mysterio is the only one remotely close that would be able to do jack shit in that division, alongside Evan Bourne, and Evan Bourne is the only one that isn't above it already. Would be awesome to watch Evan fight a division of lacking wrestlers would it? Sure...

Tyson Kidd is probably the only other small talented guy, but he's fighting in the tag team division, and should stay like that for a while. He has no business in the cruiserweight division.

And the rest, well they're overweight like I said. So the division would be incredibly lacking, and generally awful. We should not see it back, and it sure as hell wouldn't help WWE.
I created the same sort of thread about a month or two ago and since then I have changed my mind. I now don't think it is needed there wouldn't be enough superstars to fill it. It would have 4 or 5 people in it whichh isn't enough for an entire division.
I really don't understand this constant obsession some have with Cruiserweight/Lightweight divisions. I bet I've seen at least a good 20 threads on WZ forums over the past year that keep asking this exact same question. At various times throughout its history, the WWE has tried to do the whole Cruiserweight/Light Heavyweight thing and it's just never really clicked.

With American audiences in general, limiting wrestlers to certain divisions based on how much they weigh has just never really taken hold. It just doesn't work here, nor has it ever. The closest thing to glory a Cruiserweight division has had in American was WCW's. They did often put on the best matches you'd see on WCW programming, but that's all they were used for. There was never any real depth to it. For the most part, they were told to go out, do their matches, shut up and get paid. That's pretty much it.

With so many new talent coming into wrestling and young wrestling talent in general being on the smaller side physically, the ways of looking at smaller wrestlers might have to change. There are a lot of "smaller" guys in WWE right now. A lot of them are billed at being heavier than they actually are due to the way a lot of American fans view "little guys". For instance, how many complaint threads have been written regarding Rey Mysterio being World Heavyweight Champion despite being less than 200 pounds? For me, if a guy's got the talent and the ability, then let him be the top guy.
The Cruiserweight division is definitely not needed anymore. The minority of wrestling fans only like cruiserweights but they were only used to put on filler matches which for the most part is not needed in the WWE today. The rosters are already full as it is so wrestlers who have no charisma and are basically just there to perform spotty wresting won't be good for the WWE. The small guys today can get over as top performers without having to be held down in a division.

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