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Worst wrestling angle or storyline

The Earl

Dark Match Winner
Ok men. I was just running through some of the last few weeks of Impact I have DVR'd and hadnt gotten around to seeing yet. But watching the horrible neverending Kurt/Karen storyline got me to thinking...

What was the absolute worst storyline you have ever seen? If you havent actually seen it unfold, then dont bring it up.

I thought about it and came up with a top (or Bottom) 10.

In no particular order, these are too horrible to rank..

Big Bossman's Pepper Steak-1999
Katie Vick-2003
Choppy Choppy Your Pee Pee- 1998
Quakeburgers- 1990
SHOCKMASTER!!!(O damn he tripped)- 1993
Perry Saturn in drag-1999
The Beach Blash mini-movie-1993
It's STING!!!! And...Robocop?-1990
The Big Show's Daddy and the Blues Brothers funeral-1999
Evil Under-Brian Lee-Taker-1994
Judy Bagwell on a pole!-2000
(Actually, anything involving Judy Bagwell)
(Hell, now that I think of it...anything involving Buff Bagwell)
Mike Awesome-Fat Chick Thrilla!-2000
The KISS Demon-2000
Fit Finlay's Dog-2000
David Flair and Stacy Keibler pregnacy angle-2000
Sid Vicious- Lost in Shreveport-2000

Damn, that's more than 10 isnt it? Sorry, I got to thinking about WCW in 2000 and got on a roll there...
How could anyone say the "Choppy Choppy your Pee Pee" is a horrible storyline? Sure it was ridiculous but it was pure entertainment. I'd be sad if that had never happened because I laughed through that final scene.

I'd have to say the Katie Vick storyline was the worst overall for a serious storyline, the Henry/Mae Young storyline for sheer stupidity (thanks Russo), and the Shockmaster storyline for the worst idea ever from every possible angle of that storyline. The guy was wearing a Storm trooper helmet! How low budget is that?
For TNA, by far the WORST storyline they ever used was bringing in Pacman Jones. He did nothing for the company, wasnt allowed to wrestle in any of the matches, yet he miraculously won the tag titles. He was poor on the mic and the "making it rain" segment was just stupid.

I think the only reason for Pacman Jones to be there was to put Ron Killings over.
Katie Vick, is without a doubt, the worst, most tasteless storyline ever. As horrible as some of the others have been, they didn't feature a mostly naked HHH wearing a Kane mask, simulating rape on a mannequin that was supposed to be the long dead body of a cheerleader. Necrophilia is NEVER a good storyline idea for wrestling.

After that, I would go with the Mae Young/Mark Henry Sexual Chocolate thing, which culminated in Mae Young giving birth to a hand. That was just...yeah. Okay. Can I get those minutes wasted from my life back please, Mr. McMahon?
Big Bossman's Pepper Steak-1999

Dunno what was worse....the angle or the match that followed! Bossman of course gets rewarded with a main event push!

Katie Vick-2003

Was just another excuse for me to hate Triple H!

Quakeburgers- 1990

Sorry to nitpick...but that was in '91! But the segment on PTW, I actually thought was quite funny!

SHOCKMASTER!!!(O damn he tripped)- 1993

Yeah sure it was bad....but I still laugh my ass off nearly 15 years later, especially learning what Davey Boy was saying during the whole deal.

Perry Saturn in drag-1999

Yeah, that was quite disturbing...I'm almost starting to think that was to kill his momentum intentionally because he was getting over quite well during the Raven feud.


Wouldnt've been so bad, if WE HAD ANY IDEA WHAT THE HELL ANY OF IT MEANT!

The Beach Blash mini-movie-1993

I'd so mark-out for Cheatum if he were to return sometime and feud with Hornswoggle!

It's STING!!!! And...Robocop?-1990

Hahaha...just watched it on Youtube! Still not near as bad as "Chucky".


Again, I'm nitpicking, (sorry), that was 1990....same nite 'Taker debuted! Yeah, this is when I think we truly knew the golden era was over!

The Big Show's Daddy and the Blues Brothers funeral-1999

I'm sorry, but the sight of Big Show being dragged away on top of the casket never fails to crack me up!

Evil Under-Brian Lee-Taker-1994

Ah the Underfaker....again....what was actually worse, the angle, or the match?

Judy Bagwell on a pole!-2000
(Actually, anything involving Judy Bagwell)
(Hell, now that I think of it...anything involving Buff Bagwell)

Yeah, they really did drop the ball with Buff!

Mike Awesome-Fat Chick Thrilla!-2000

Think Santino will become the "Glamazon Thrilla"???

The KISS Demon-2000

At least we got a tag match with Norman Smiley out of the deal!

Fit Finlay's Dog-2000

HAHAHAHAHAHAHA....Forgot about that one!!! Who would've thought Hornswoggle would be a step UP!

David Flair and Stacy Keibler pregnacy angle-2000

Ah yes, the infamous sight of David Flair putting the figure four on the mailman..."ARE YOU THE FATHER? ARE YOU THE FATHER? ARE YOU THE FATHER?" (LMAO!)

Sid Vicious- Lost in Shreveport-2000
So bad, I barely remember it!

Now onto my top ten:
1) David Arquette WCW Champion!
(Is an explenation neccesarry? Maybe if Vince Russo was posting on here, I might have to explain why this was idiotic, because he obviously still doesen't get it).

2) Ric Flair in 1999.
(The heart attack, the "president for life", the nWo mugging in the middle of nowhere, David's betrayal, the heel turn, the title win, the loony bin, the DDP feud...BAD BAD BAD!)

3) McMahon limo explosion!

4) Katie Vick.
(Pretty much destroyed Kane..IMO, he still hasn't recovered from that).

5) Pacman Jones.
(What an assclown).

6) The Invasion.
(The very definition of dropping the ball)

7) Anything with Mark Henry.

8) At home with Raven!
(Usually something this bad is still quite funny....this was just completely useless! And I hate The Sandman!).

9) New Jack/Vic Grimes feud!
(I just found the incidents with these two to be outright disturbing).

10) Viagra on a Pole match!
(Between Kidman/Douglas. WTF?)

Honouorable Mention:

Jean Pierre Laffite steals Bret Hart's jacket!
(At least we got a great match out of the deal, I just wished they would've focused more on the angle with Laffite stealing the Bret Hart sunglasses from a kid on "Superstars", at least THAT made a bit more sense!)

Shawn/Bulldog/Diana Triangle.
(Not so much bad as it was just tedious and boring! And had no conclusion. One of the many reasons Shawn didn't draw well as champion)

Warrior's Magic Mirror, that wasn't magic to anyone...except Bischoff!
(I should've put this in the top 10...again...it was bad...but I laughed).

The nWo B-Team feud!
(It's bad enough they all sucked, and we had to watch them fight in various matches for like 3 months, even after the nWo issue was pretty much dead once Hogan got hurt in '99).

Anything in XPW!
(I just found most of there feuds REALLY weird and quite morbid at times).

Donald Trump vs. Rosie.
(WOW! HORRIBLE! At least we got a decent angle in the long run).

Dustin Rhodes and his RAT!
(I refuse to call him by that other name, because that gimmick was just so bad. The Rat just made it worse).
I have a few to add to the list.

1991-WCW-Cactus Jack- "Lost in Cleveland"
After Vader gave Cactus Jack a powerbomb onto the concrete floor, Jack went insane and was admitted to a mental institution that he escaped from and led a group of homeless people around.

1993-WCW-Paul Roma joins the Four Horsemen
What hasn't been said about this one? Everyone thought the new Horseman would be Tully Blanchard, or Sting, Instead we get Paul Roma? Talk about a major letdown.

1994-WWF-"Undertaker goes missing"
Taker lost a casket match to Yokozuna at Royal Rumble 94 and wasn't seen again until Summerslam, when he would fight a fake Undertaker brought in by Ted DiBiase. Leslie Nielsen was hired as a detective to solve the mystery and they actually had people calling in saying that they spotted Taker on beaches and in random areas, etc.
can anyone say the JR hospital Feud? The Eddie is in hell? I also didn't like the Dominic angle. Bret screwed Bret aftermath angle. Goldberg ending the streak to Nash. Rey Mysterio vs Vickie angle didn't make much sense, you think he'd be happy she is moving on... Crossing over into other sports count for many errors (Pacman, Floyd, Taylor, etc). There are soo many.
So far, Katie Vick is in the lead with 4 votes. Henry-Mae Young is in second, with Shockmaster and Pacman in third. Also, UT going missing after the Yokozuna match eventually led to the Fakertaker angle, so that one kinds of rolls together.
I thought that the Vince/Shane vs Shawn/God angle was pretty ridiculous. The bit in the church was practically blasphemous and I'm not a really religious person
how can anyone criticize kerwin white? a non white person said on screen "if its not white, its not right!!" that was brilliant haha!!

The Zombie on ECW was pretty bad, but at least it didnt last...

Eugene - was funny for a while but in the end they shudve just done an angle where he got hit too hard and went normal coz that guy can actually wrestle!!

Hornswaggle McMahon, as much as this brought some funny tv time it did dissapoint so much!!

Extreme Elimination Chamber - technically a match but the whole build up and actual match was horrendous...from the moment Bobby qualified for the match it was clear he would win, but for 2 weeks before that it was pretty obvious too...Weapons filled?? why advertise something as weapons filled to just put 6 weapons in??? and eliminating the other faces straight away so fans have to cheer for Lashley? Awful, just Awful!!! But then with the exception of the Hardys match, which wasnt great, December to Dismember was absolutely diabolical!
The Zombie really doesnt count as a storyline...that was pretty much a one and done deal to put over the Sandman. Kerwin White didnt run long enough either, the plug was pulled on that when Eddie died. As far as December to Dismember is concerned, that PPV pretty much sums up the whole ECW rebirth angle in 2006. That entire concept was as bad or worse than the Invasion angle.

The Invasion angle was good on paper, but got WWE'd into just another McMahon fued.

Bret screwed Bret was the catalyst that turned around the WWF. This launched the popularity of DX as well as killing the impact of Hart in WCW. While some of it was crap, the storyline itself was huge.

Come to think of it, going through everyone's list, the worst angles seem to coincide with the worst years:

1990 gave us Robocop(WCW) and the Gooker(WWF)
1991 gave us Quakeburger(WWF) and Cactus in Cleveland (WCW)
1992-A good year for both companies WWF got it right with Flair and WCW rocked with the Dangerous Alliance
1993-WCW produced Roma and the Horsemen,the Shockmaster and Beach Blast
1994-WWF gave us the Fakertaker angle for most of the year
1995-WWF-Bret Hart-Lafittes..surprised nobody has come up with another one yet...
1997-The best year for WCW, and the WWF started coming back with Attitude
1998-Best overall year for the business...but we did see come crap as WCW started to go downhill -WCW- Raven Bueller's Day Off, the Warrior debaucle
WWF-Choppy Choppy
1999-Russomania runs wild!!!
WWF-Peppersteak, Big Show Blues Brothers,Henry and Mae
WCW-Saturn in drag,NWO B Team, and Crazy Naitch
2000-So long WCW, dont let the door hit you on the way out!
WCW-Judy on a pole,Fatchick thrilla, Kiss Demon, Dog, David Flair and Stacy,Sid lost in Shreveport,Viagra on a pole, David Arquette

Once WWF got the monopoly, their storylines started to go to crap..
2003-Katie Vick- still maybe the all time worst
2006-ECW "rebirth"

And last year was pretty damn bad as well...

Hornswoggle,Rey and Vickie,McMahon limo, Vince and Trump.

TNA also presented some gems last year as well:
Dustin and the Rat, Pacman Jones, and Serotonin.
Katie Vick, is without a doubt, the worst, most tasteless storyline ever. As horrible as some of the others have been, they didn't feature a mostly naked HHH wearing a Kane mask, simulating rape on a mannequin that was supposed to be the long dead body of a cheerleader. Necrophilia is NEVER a good storyline idea for wrestling.

After that, I would go with the Mae Young/Mark Henry Sexual Chocolate thing, which culminated in Mae Young giving birth to a hand. That was just...yeah. Okay. Can I get those minutes wasted from my life back please, Mr. McMahon?

Is Necrophilia EVER a good storyline idea for anything?

How could anyone say the "Choppy Choppy your Pee Pee" is a horrible storyline? Sure it was ridiculous but it was pure entertainment. I'd be sad if that had never happened because I laughed through that final scene.

I'd have to say the Katie Vick storyline was the worst overall for a serious storyline, the Henry/Mae Young storyline for sheer stupidity (thanks Russo), and the Shockmaster storyline for the worst idea ever from every possible angle of that storyline. The guy was wearing a Storm trooper helmet! How low budget is that?

You forgot that the Storm trooper helmet was covered in glitter!

I think any Eddie angle is in bad taste too. Randy Orton telling Rey Mysterio that Eddie was burning in hell...yeah that's pretty awful. Katie Vick was probably the single worst storyline in human history in any medium not only wrestling.
For me, no storyline can beat out the Gobbeldy Gooker of 1990. I mean, for weeks we saw this egg, they sold tips on the hotline on what it could be, we waited forever to find out, and then, on PPV, we watch a big chicken come out of the egg. Seriously, a chicken. I was 6 years old and I found the whole storyline to be idiotic. The angle was so poorly done that it was dropped as quickly as possible.

Some other horrible angles include Undertaker vs. Undertaker, Dungeon of Doom, anything involving Ed Leslie (Brutus Beefcake, Bootyman, Zodiac, Disciple, Butcher...etc.), and Zeus.

the Henry/Mae Young storyline for sheer stupidity (thanks Russo),
I'll tell you what, that Vince Russo fellow is a GOD.

I mean, he wasn't even working in the WWF in 2000 when the Henry/Young storyline started and he still managed to get McMahon to book it. Simply amazing.
For me, no storyline can beat out the Gobbeldy Gooker of 1990. I mean, for weeks we saw this egg, they sold tips on the hotline on what it could be, we waited forever to find out, and then, on PPV, we watch a big chicken come out of the egg. Seriously, a chicken. I was 6 years old and I found the whole storyline to be idiotic. The angle was so poorly done that it was dropped as quickly as possible.

Some other horrible angles include Undertaker vs. Undertaker, Dungeon of Doom, anything involving Ed Leslie (Brutus Beefcake, Bootyman, Zodiac, Disciple, Butcher...etc.), and Zeus.

I'll tell you what, that Vince Russo fellow is a GOD.

I mean, he wasn't even working in the WWF in 2000 when the Henry/Young storyline started and he still managed to get McMahon to book it. Simply amazing.

Wait are you saying anything involving Brutus Beefcake? not the other aliases. I never disliked him. We did get the infamous Rockers breaking up on his show which led to Shawn going solo and the rest is legendary. Zeus was bad in every aspect that whole angle from No Holds Barred was bad but I wouldn't list it on worst ever not in a top 10 or even 20. I don't remember Gobbeldy Gooker but yeah that is bad too
Wait are you saying anything involving Brutus Beefcake? not the other aliases. I never disliked him. We did get the infamous Rockers breaking up on his show which led to Shawn going solo and the rest is legendary. Zeus was bad in every aspect that whole angle from No Holds Barred was bad but I wouldn't list it on worst ever not in a top 10 or even 20. I don't remember Gobbeldy Gooker but yeah that is bad too
Anything that Ed Leslie was around, sucked. Period. I mean, he was a barber who wore pants that were cut out around his butt. Seriously. Awful.

If Zeus doesn't make your top 20, I'd love to see what does. It was completely pointless, led no where, and did nothing. It was far more atrocious than Shockmaster or Val Venis weiner, or a hand birth.

And, if you don't remember Gobbeldy Gooker, count yourself lucky.
We did get the infamous Rockers breaking up on his show which led to Shawn going solo and the rest is legendary.

Another Rockers Breakup sighting! It's contagious today!!!

Sly, your list was, dare I say it, definitive. Very well done. I'd like to add to it.

The Ultimate Warrior vs Papa Shango. Charles Wright, not the bar room mainstay. Warrior comes to the ring to fight a jobber, Shango comes down and steals his armband. Warrior takes a little while dispatching of the jobber, Shango allegedly uses the armband to put a spell on Warrior that makes him spew pea soup like the creepy girl from Exorcist. The feud goes no place.

The New Rockers. Speaking of The Rockers, the 2nd incarnation featuring Jannetty and Leif "Al Snow" Cassidy was puss oozing from an open, infected wound.

Techno Team 2000. Let's wrap wrestlers in tin foil and send them out. People like sci fi, they'll get over!
I think one of the worst angles was the "doink's" v jerry lawlers team at survivour series. This was played out by the commentators as if it was going to be a classic tag team match up. Fair play to the commemtators during the match itself they did a great job of selling the silliness but the sight of men on a mission (dumb idea as it was on it's own) riding around the ring on scooters dressed as clown was terrible. Then we had the sight of the headshrinkers slipping on banana peel. But to top the whole thing off there was no doink in the match (mom were joined by the bushwackers dressed as clowns). It was a disaster of a match and possible the lamest match ever to end a feud!
Actually, the one youre talking about was Survivor Series 1993 with the 4 Doinks vs. Bigelows team (Bam Bam/Mike Shaw/Samoan Swat Team)
The fued itself was continued until Wrestlemania 94 where you had the classic Doink and Dink vs. Bam Bam and Luna.

Zues was brought in to push Hogan's first movie. And Beefcake was one of the most over faces in the late 80s. He got a great reaction from the crowd, and was a decent wrestler until his parasailing accident. The spandex with holes in the ass...that was an 80's thing. However, Leslie in WCW was horrible, apparently he was a price WCW had to pay to bring in Hogan.

Kevin Sullivan's Dungeon of Doom in 1995 goes on the list, although by 97 with Meng, Barbarian, Konnan, and Hugh Morrus, it got a whole lot better...especially the Benoit fued.

Orton/Rey in 2006 was almost as tasteless as Katie Vick, IMO. And they actually used this to build up Wrestlemania!

Warrior- Shango was bad, but it was short...not as bad as his classic work in the late 90s.
I think one of the worst angles was the "doink's" v jerry lawlers team at survivour series. This was played out by the commentators as if it was going to be a classic tag team match up.

The Doink/Jerry Lawler match at Survivor Series was pointless.
Doink, Dink and 2 other little clowns against Jerry Lawler and his 3 little wrestlers. Then after the match all 6 midgets throw pies in Lawler's face.
To me the worst storyline would have to be Katie Vick. It was the epitome of bad taste, it didn't accomplish anything at all, and if I remember correctly it was done in an actual funeral home. I get that WWE wanted to be edgy and over the top but this was just too much. It barely advanced the storyline at all and soon after this the character and story was dropped and hasn't been mentioned since. It's fine to make fun of most things, but to go to an actual funeral home is just not right in the slightest.
Wow. So many bad angles to choose from. So I will go outside the box and go with a genre of angles. And that is the Momma angles.

1. Momma Bagwell- So let me get this straight. Rick Steiner is tired of getting beat up by his brother and Buff Bagwell. So what does he do? He goes out and brings in Buff's Momma to be his tag team partner? OMG, this was just too much to even bear even years later.

2. Abyss's Mom- James Mitchell brings out Abyss' mom in order to bring him back into the fold as being under his control again and to not give in to Sting's influence? And then later on, Mitchell drops the (obvious) bombshell that he is dun dun dun dun.... Abyss' father! Shocker? Yeah, I know.

3. Undertaker's Mom(well kinda)- After months of speculation, and the apperance of Undertaker's brother Kane in the WWF, Taker's long time manager Paul Bearer makes the revelation that he porked Taker's mom and is Kane's Daddy! OMG! How shocking! How amazing! How gross! And in the funeral parlor no less. I mean they could have at least went to the Motel 6 down the street. They keep the light on for ya. lol

4. Momma Benjamin- Now I have to say that I am a long time fan of Thea Vidal's. She is one of the funniest, raunchiest, and most sexual comedians of all time. So what in the hell was she thinking taking on the part of Shelton's loud, overbearing, and deceitful mother? Absolutely nothing. Which is why this angle went as soon as it came. Which was very very good.

5. Big Bad Momma- If you ever watched G.L.O.W(Gorgeous Ladies Of Wrestling) then you know what I mean. ANY angle that she was in was extremely bad. Especially when she did a guest spot on Married With Children.

6. Sapphire- Not sure who's mother she is, but this was one extremely awful angle from beginning to end.

7. Mae Young becomes a Momma- A human hand? Come on. This is just bad writing all the way around.

Honorably bad mention- Katie Vick, Sexual Chocolate, Big Boss Man drags Big Shows dad behind the Blues Mobile.

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