Worst...... Wrestlemania..... EVER!!!!


The Shark Should've Worked in WCW
Well, we all are gearing towards Wrestlemania. Nostalgia's riding high. People are starting to get amped. The World will be watching. It's most Wrestling fans Christmas!

But before we get too excited, let's remember; Wrestlemania is easily able to blow chunks, just like any other pay per view out there. There have been some amazing Wrestlemanias out there. There have also been some that didn't amount to Butkis. So, with that in mind, I want to hear Your Worst Wrestlemania.

Mine is very easy, has to be Wrestlemania 11. When you look at Wrestlemania, even the bad ones have a Wrestlemania moment that lives on forever. Every Wrestlemania has that one "Holy Shit" moment, in which leaves you mystified. Sure, the rest of the Pay Per View might have sucked. But that one moment is going to live on as Wrestlemania moment. I'll call up some examples of (In my opinion) crappy Wrestlemanias, and tell you what I believe to be there redeeming factor:

Wrestlemania 2: Boy, I will admit, this one sure did suck. But realistically, even this was better than 11. The standout moment is going to be Hogan V.S. Bundy, which, for what it's worth, is still better than Lawrence Taylor V.S. Bam Bam Bigelow. But my moment of memory is actually, I feel, a very underrated match, one between the British Bulldogs and the Dream Team. This was a very good match, and in my eyes, will be the saving grace of Wrestlemania 2.

Wrestlemania 4: For me, it has to be Savage winning the Heavyweight belt. His four matches, along with Strike Force facing Demolition, made this Wrestlemania salvageable.

Wrestlemania 7: I know, the Wrestlemania that was so bad, Vince had to move it into a new arena. The saving grace here is Savage and Warrior (Notice a pattern of Savage having to save Wrestlemania for me?). That was the moment that's going to live forever, in spite of the WWE's attempts to erase such a match from your memory. This also featured the debut of the Undertaker at Mania in a well worked match with the Superfly, and HBK's first win at Mania, with a solid match against the Barbarian and Haku. so whi;e a pretty bad Wrestlemania, not the worst.

Wrestlemania 9: Now this one could have EASILY taken the cake. This Mania was horrible. As I look for my saving grace, I tell you, up until the latter portion of the night, it's very difficult. As a matter of fact, i'm going to take up the fact that this is my second least favorite Wrestlemania. But, lo and behold.... What's this? A rare gem........... FROM LEX LUGER, OF ALL PEOPLE! I feel his match with Mr. Perfect was a very good match, and coupled with Yokozuna's winning of the WWF title against Bret Hart (A very good match, and quite frankly, the best you'll ever get out of Yokozuna) and another spectacular performance by HBK against Tatanka (watered down by a lame ending) leads me to say that while this is a perfectly good candidate for Worst Wrestlemania Ever, it still ranks above Wrestlemania 11.

Wrestlemania 13: Again, horrendous. But if Austin V.S. Hart in the I Quit match isn't the best Mania match ever (Yes, I did say ever), it is easily in the top 5. That, plus a well worked match between Goldust and Trips, leads me to say not as bad as Wrestlemania 11.

Wrestlemania 15: What's the deal with odd numbered Manias here? Anyway, again, poor show, but the saving grace is Rock and Austin. Wrestlemania 15 will be known for this match up, and that's more than can be said for Wrestlemania 11.

2000: I actually kind of liked this Mania, in spite of the main event. The ladder match was very good, and allowed the WWE to first get a glimpse of what these Hardys, Dudleys, and Edge and Christian can do. Plus, a great triple threat between Kurt Angle, Chris Benoit, and Chris Jericho salavages this Wrestlemania.

After these, I have a very difficult time calling out an absolute worst from the next group. So then, allow me to build my candidacy for Wrestlemania as the Worst..... Wrestlemania..... EVER!!!

Wrestlemania 11: As stated before, my view is that every Wrestlemania either has a moment that's going to live in history, or at least a match that contends for Match of the Year status later in the year. Looking for either of these during Wrestlemania 11 is like Jacques Cousteau finding a dry spot in the ocean. Let's review all of the matches, shall we?

The Allied Powers (Lex Luger and The British Bulldog) defeated The Blu Brothers (Jacob and Eli) (with Uncle Zebekiah): Not a good match by any stretch of the means. The man that I feel sort of saved XI has a big hand in this match, and quite frankly, the match stunk.

Razor Ramon (with The 1-2-3 Kid) defeated Jeff Jarrett (c) (with The Roadie) by disqualification: Do you know how many times this match would be offered in the next upcoming pay per views? Besides that fact, it wasn't even that great of a match. Thumbs down again.

The Undertaker (with Paul Bearer) defeated King Kong Bundy (with Ted DiBiase): Arguable Taker's worst match at Wrestlemania. There was no hype from it. And the highlight of it was.... King Kong Bundy being slammed. Um, Vince, didn't you offer that up to us nine years ago? Thumbs down.

Owen Hart and Yokozuna (with Mr. Fuji and Jim Cornette) defeated The Smoking Gunns (c) (Billy and Bart). Don't make me laugh. Owen did all he could. But again, this just wasn't a good match, and it didn't even make that much sense. So why would Yokozuna return to the WWF.... and go after tha tag titles? With a Canadian? What type of sense os this. Thumbs down.

Bret Hart defeated Bob Backlund. Um... Didn't we get this match six months earlier at the Survivor Series. It was much better watching it then, than it was watching it now. Thumbs in the middle.

Diesel (c) (with Pamela Anderson) defeated Shawn Michaels (with Sid and Jenny McCarthy): Arguably the worst world title defense at a Wrestlemania. No build up for it, really, and just not the best of moments. This was actually the match that forced HBK to turn face. And while HBK was ok as a face, we all know how much better he works as a heel. Thumbs in the middle.

Lawrence Taylor defeated Bam Bam Bigelow (with Ted DiBiase). I'm not going to even bother trashing it; By now, you know how bad it is. And if this is to be my moment that lasts forever, remember; this was a football player against a wrestler who was great in his prime... But nowhere near it at this point. Thumbs waay down.

And with that, I'm pretty sure I've made a pretty strong case. Although, I am open for persuasion, should I find your argument good enough.
No doubt about it it has to be number 11. Not only did the card suck like you mentioned, the atmosphere and venue was terrible as well. Nothing against the city of Hartford Connecticut and whatever that arena was called but that doesnt strike me as a Wrestlemania city or arena. Wrestlemania is usually reserved for either big cities or big venues and this had neither. When you watched it you never actually felt like you were watching a Wrestlemania if you know what I mean. The crowd was pretty lackluster too but I guess looking at the card who could blame them?

Another Wrestlemania that I thought wasnt very good that you didnt mention was WM23 and unfortunately that one happened to be the only one I attended. The Taker/Batista match was solid as was the Cena/HBK one but outside of them 2 it wasnt very good. It lacked alot of star power too cause HHH was out with injury at the time, Angle recently left WWE so he wasnt there, same with Y2J, Flair wrestled a dark match so he wasnt part of it of it either. Plus guys like Edge, Hardy and Orton were only in the MITB match so they never really got a chance to stand out in a real match.
I'll go WM 2. The whole 3 venues thing was just overly complicated and served no actual purpose. You had main events of a wrestler/celebrity boxing match, the tag title match which was the only good match on the show, and the worst Hulk Hogan feud ever being blown off. The whole thing just makes you scratch your head. It made me thing Mania 1 was just a flash in the pan and the next year it was revamped completely. Factor in also: IT WAS ON A MONDAY. Wrestlemania happens on Sunday. Itjust does. Seconds worst is easily 11. Another big vat of nothing.
Wrestlemania 2 was pretty terrible, considering the three venue thing. I honestly didn't mind the Piper vs. Mr. T match, because it was a proven big money feud and people cared about it. It had enough momentum to go a year plus, and it ended when ti needed to. Any Wrestlemania that has Uncle Elmer on the card you know is going to be just terrible. The whole three venue thing was done to counter Starrcade who pulled off a two arena showing, that's all. A game of one upmanship that was just terrible.

Wrestlemania 7 was pretty craptacular as well. Sure we got to see the Undertaker debut, but at the time it meant nothing. YOu knew that Jimmy Snuka had no chance at the time, and history has made this more significant then anything. Even Hulk Hogan vs. Sgt. Slaughter was a colossal let down at the time. Even at the time, I thought that the Slaughter angle was just bad and I was old enough to comprehend the storyline at the time, and didn't like it then. The only redeemable thing of the night was Savage and Elizabeth reuiniting, other then that, a truly terrible show.

Wrestlemania 9. Equally as awful as the previoius installments. Truly nothing memorable about this show. In fact, there was nothign good about this show. Maybe some set up for Mr. Perfect and Shawn Michaels for a feud later on, but nothing. The outdoor venue and teh Toga party was just plain awful.

Wrestlmania 11. For reasons obviosuly stated. All you have to do is see LT and Bam Bam Bigelow in a main event of Wrestlemania, and you need nothing else.

Wrestlemania 15. While I don't like Wrestlemania 23, I can't possibly put it in the worst category. It was bad, but not bad. Wrestlemania 15 was the last truly craptacular pay per view. A hardcore title match featuring if I remember correctly an Outlaw, Sparky Plugg, and Lief Cassidy, yeah, exciting. A tag title match that featured a thrown together team fighting Jarret and Owen Hart, yes, even mroe wonderful.

Butterbean beat Bart Gunn in all of 10 seconds in one of the more laughable affairs in wreswtling history. Brawl for All was truly terrible, and it took a fat overweight carnival fighter to come in and end the thing for good.

The one redeemable match of the night, Mick Foley beat Big Show, in a decent match to further the storyline of who was going to be the referee. Honestly, the eb and flow of the who is the special referee made the show feel like a glorified Raw.

Then you get to the match where the least talented guy in the amtch one. The otehr outlaw beat Val Venis, Goldust and Shamrock, yup, awesome.

You get Kane beating Triple H by DQ, and then the culmination to a kick ass "stalker" angle with Sable vs. Torrie. Then you get Shane McMahon, Shane Mcmahon vs. X-pac on a Wrestlemania card. How in the holy hell was that justifiable by creative. This followed by the most forgettable Undertaker Mania Match and Hell in the Cell Match of all time, quite an accomplishment.

All this, and the main event. Quite possibly, the most over rated main event in wrestlemania history. The rock vs. Austin in this scenario was so overly boring and terrible it was ridiculous. Held Steve Austin made it seem so important that he forgot to pack his ring vest, yup, exactly what you want to do.

All of this coming after a Wrestlemania the year before that was truly a great mania. Wrestlemania 15 gets the nod for me because the otehrs are too easy. The Rock vs. Stone Cold and the rest of the card was just complete and utter shit, and it's easily the worst mania of the alst ten.
I think Wrestlemania 11 takes the cake considering all following factors... a football player defeated a wrestler in the main event. So pretty much, Vince McMahon said a football player can whoop one of the biggest and baddest wrestlers in his own environment. Way to put over your product. The WWF title match culminated into nothing and the worst WWF Champion in history retained. Shawn Michaels easily deserved to debunk Diesel, considering he brought him into the WWF in the first place and could have been the first heel to win a title on the show but Vince likes his big guys. Bret Hart, one of the biggest faces of the new generation... I don't even remember who he wrestled! Was it Bob Backlund or something?

Every other Wrestlemania had that ONE moment. For example...

Wrestlemania: Muhammad Ali, Mr. T, Hogan, Roddy Piper BAM, a tradition is born.
Wrestlemania II: Hulkamania runs wild all over King Kong Bundy in the very first (and to date) only steel cage match at the event.
Wrestlemania III: Hogan vs. Andre. Steamboat vs. Savage. Nuff' said.
Wrestlemania IV: World title tournament. Savage wins the gold for the first time.
Wrestlemania V: The mega powers collide.
Wrestlemania VI: The ultimate challenge.
Wrestlemania VII: A real American defeats an Iraqi symphatizer at the end of the Gulf War. Slaughter had SO MUCH HEAT a threat was made against his life.
Wrestlemania VIII: Ok, not much is memorable about this one either, I remember Yokozuna won, making him probably the first heel to be triumphant at a Wrestlemania title match but I also remember Hogan winning the belt at the end.
Wrestlemania IX: Wasn't this one out in daylight? Haha.
Wrestlemania X: Ladder Match, the Harts steal the show and Hart beats Yokozuna.

I could go on and on...
I'm going to have to agree with JohnTentaforHOF and say that Wrestlemania XI was the worst Wrestlemania ever.

Some of the manias that have been mentioned I actually enjoyed. In particular, Wrestlemania IX and Wrestlemania XV. Wrestlemania IX didn't have any standout matches (Tatanka/HBK, Steiners/Headshrinkers, and Hennig/Luger were solid matches, but certainly not amongst the best WM matches ever), and the ending with Hogan basically stealing the title was a really lame ending, but I loved the whole atmosphere and theme of it. I wish more Wrestlemanias would take on themes like they did for Wrestlemania IX. I really liked the outdoor setting (which was eclipsed with Wrestemania 24 in Orlando), and cheesy or not, I was entertained with the togas and whole Roman theme. Seeing Bobby Heenan riding into the arena backwards on a camel was classic, and it was Jim Ross's WWE debut. I actually think Wrestlemania IX is underrated. Again, no standout matches, but I don't think hardly any of the matches on it were terrible (excluding Hogan/Yoko, which wasn't even really a match and more a segment). It was a fun, entertaining show, for my tastes.

And yeah Wrestlemania XV didn't have any great matches. And the first Stone Cold/Rock match is probably one of the more overrated matches in Wrestlemania history (their matches at X-7 and XIX are far better), but again like with Wrestlemania IX, Wrestlemania XV wasn't necessarily so much about great, classic matches, but more about the overall show. It did play out like a big episode of Raw, but it was highly entertaining for me. I haven't watched the show in a long time, so I may not enjoy it as much now. But back when it first happened, it was the prime of the WWF during the Attitude era, when for me, almost anything they did was entertaining. This was the last few years where I was more of a mark for the show and just simply got taken away from reality and enjoyed the show and didn't really think about wrestling like a smark does. I liked the Big Show/Mick Foley match that built up to who would be the referee. And then Vince getting knocked out and Foley helping Stone Cold regain the title. It was cluttered, but it was exciting. Butterbean/Bart Gunn was a low point though, and the Boss Man/Taker HIAC wasn't too great. None of the matches were classics, but as an overall show, it played like a mega episode of Raw. And yes I enjoyed it at the time it happened. Therefore, I don't think it's one of the worst Wrestlemanias ever. I'd put it in the middle, maybe on the lower spectrum of the middle. I can see why others think lowly of it though. I just don't.

Wrestlemania 2 was pretty bad. Mr. T and Piper was actually one of the better matches of the show, just for the pure entertainment factor. It didn't have near as much wrestling in it, but I'd much rather watch it than Steamboat/Hercules, and Jake Roberts/George Welles. Hogan and Bundy was entertaining considering it was a cage match. It was a solid match. And the tag team championship match was a great match. I think the worst thing about Wrestlemania 2 was the commentating. Some of the commentating was just absolutely horrible with the celebrities they had as guest commentators. Terrible. I'd certainly rank it as one of the worst. But not THE worst.

I'm one of the fans that loves Wrestlemania IV. It didn't have any standout matches except for Savage/Dibiase (which actually wasn't quite as good as it should've been), but once again, this was more about the theme of the show moreso than putting on classic matches. Two of my favorite concepts in pro wrestling are Battle Royals and tournaments. And this Wrestlemania had both. You had both the rise of Demolition (who won the tag titles for the first time against Strike Force) and of the Hart Foundation, and in particular Bret Hart (who got screwed out of the battle royal by Bad News Brown). The Islanders and Bobby Heenan against the British Bulldogs and Koko B. Ware was okay. Seeing Heenan getting chased by the bulldog was classic. And then you had the great world title tournament which featured some solid matches with Steamboat/Valentine, Rude/Roberts, Savage/Valentine, Hogan/Andre, and ultimately a classic Savage/Dibiase matchup. Wrestlemania IV is for my money the most underrated Wrestlemania ever.

I also feel Wrestlemania VII is underrated too. There was a lot of lower-card matches on the show, but for some reason, I enjoyed every match on the show. This is probably because this is right around the time I started watching wrestling, so I'm probably gonna be a bit biased towards it. But yeah, I cared about every wrestler on the show, even the guys in matches that meant nothing. Savage/Warrior is one of the great matches in Wrestlemania history. Hogan/Slaughter was a great match too, and somewhat underrated. And Roberts/Martel in the blindfold match, while it didn't turn out to have much action in it, was still good and unique. In reality it shouldn't have had a lot of action anyway. The guys were wearing blindfolds for crying out loud. So in theory they didn't know where the other guys were. They should've spent most of the match in the ring trying to find each other. A very underrated and misunderstood match. And you had the importance of the debut of the Undertaker, and also Bret Hart's last major match with the Hart Foundation before going solo. The Rockers against the Barbarian and Haku was a solid match. LOD had a fun squash match against the Power and Glory. And I found Hennig and Boss Man entertaining. And the commentating was fantastic of course. I like Wrestlemania VII.

Wrestlemania XIII I've come to appreciate a bit more over time, although it was still a lackluster show. Hart/Austin saved the show. Having the greatest Wrestlemania match ever will do that. But even the LOD/Ahmed Johnson vs. NOD street fight was highly entertaining and probably my 2nd favorite match on the show. I liked Sid and Taker, especially as I was younger, because I always wanted to see them to go at it. And I loved it for Taker finally winning the title for a meaningful reign. Bulldog and Owen against Vader and Mankind was really disappointing, because that should've been an awesome match, but it wasn't.

Wrestlemania 23 I feel was the worst Wrestlemania of this decade (with X8 followed behind), but it was not one of the worst Wrestlemanias ever.

So that leaves the one and the only, Wrestlemania XI as the worst Wrestlemania ever. There was only one good match on the show (HBK/Diesel). Backlund/Hart should've been fantastic as well (as their Survivor Series 94 championship, for my money is one of the most underrated matches ever), but the "I Quit" concept just didn't seem to work for the two. JohnTentaforHOF's breakdown and analysis of the show was pretty spot on. The only disagreement I have was Bigelow/Taylor. It was a much better match than it should've been, and much better than anyone could've expected. Until Big Show/Floyd Mayweather at last year's Wrestlemania, it was easily the best match featuring a celebrity ever at Wrestlemania. Yeah it sucks Bigelow lost to a football player (one of the biggest legends in football though), but the match itself was decently solid for a guy that never wrestled before. But nonetheless, it was a terrible show with mostly terrible matches, a poor city and arena for a Wrestlemania (no offense to anyone from Hartford), no theme other than celebrities being everywhere (I think XI had the most celebrities of any Wrestlemania in the '90s). Just a really bad show, and IMO easily the worst Wrestlemania ever. I don't think any Mania comes close, except for maybe 2.
i feel like the reason WM 23 fell short here is because while it wasn't a terrible PPV, it really didn't have the Mania magic or feel to it that the other's had. There wasn't anything special about it, even though had it been a "backlash" or "Vengeance" It would have been fine.
I have only watched the past 5 Wrestlemanias(20-24) so i pick the worst of those.

Wrestlemania 20

This one is actually my favorite as well as having one of the best matches i have seen in a long time. There was a lot of stand out matches in this Wrestlemania. Cena picking up Show was a big highlight. Lesnar and Goldberg had a great match despite staring at each other for 20 minutes. Evolution vs. Rock and Sock was great even though evolution won. All three main events were great matches. We got to see some vintage Eddie in the Eddie and Angle match. Kane vs Taker had one of the most innovative and exciting build ups I have seen for a match. And my personal favorite match was HHH vs HBK vs Benoit. This was just a extremely great match(probably the best match i have ever seen) combine that with the fact that both Benoit and Eddie won that night and you have on of the most memorable Wrestlemanias ever.

Wrestlemania 21

I dont have much love for this Wrestlemania. The most memorable thing about it is the movie trailers the superstars re-enacted. Maybe that is too harsh..... The most memorable thing was probably the first MOTB match which was extremely good. Other than that there was the Batista/HHH match which had a good build up to it.

Wrestlemania 22

Some decent matches came out of this one. Kane and Big Show tag match was good just for the fact that they were so dominate.... probably the last time Kane was dominant in the past 5 years. The HBK/Mr. McMahon match was pretty entertaining especially the ending. And once again HHH loses at wrestlemania and once again HHH taps.

Wrestlemania 23

This is one of my personal favorites seeing as it was Jeff Hardy's return to Wrestlemania. And just like he said he stole wrestlemania when he did that massive leg drop onto edge through the ladder. Nothing else really stands out other than the Cena/HBK match and it kinda sucked because HBK is soo much better than Cena can ever be but he lost.

Wrestlemania 24

I would love to say this is the worst just because of the ridiculous Show/Mayweather match. But I cant. The main reason this one cant be worst is because of the spectacular Flair/HBK match but there were some other notable matches. The MITB was a pretty good this year with the underdog Punk winning it. The Kane/Chavo match (if you can even call it that) was good because Kane showed some dominance which we havent seen in quite some time. The Triple Threat match Orton/Cena/HHH was a decent match with a good finish. I dont really care too much about Taker matches but it was pretty cool to see Edge pass out from the Hells Gate.

With all that being said I was going to pick 22 as the worst until I remembered one of my favorite WM matches took place on that PPV. The Edge/Foley match. Lots of vintage Foley along with a great finish.

Although my favorite superstar Jeff Hardy did return at 23 and stole the show...... it was the only memorable moment of the entire evening.

So WM 23 gets my vote for worst WM ever.
WM 24 has to be it be a long shot...Big Show - Mayweather was just awful, I hate that little piece of crap, and it was really believable that he could actually win that match, Watching Maria kissing snoop was disgusting and almost made me throw up, really, they couldn't get any better guests than those 2??, I remember, they had Run DMC and Mike Tyson(who had a decent role), and before he went way way off the deep end...and the Flair - HBK match was not at all impressive, I don't understand why everyone is talking it up as some kind of God vs Jesus match, it was old, fat and should have retired 20 years ago vs i'm a born again lying christian who clings on to my youth and to the back of my wrestling pimp HHH...the match was boring...The triple threat championship match you couldn't even see which sucked, but I liked Orton retaining...The only 2 matches worth watching were the UT - Edge and MITB matches, but even they didn't make up for the other horrors
So which Wrestlemania of the ones you mentioned would you select as the worst ever Shockmaster?

In my giant jumbled discombobulhoweverthehellyouspellthiswordated post, I guess I probably wasn't very clear.

Out of my list, I went with Wrestlemania 15. While I truly feel that Wrestlemania 11 may have been worse over all, the product in context of the times was pretty par for the course. 1995 for me remains quite possibly the worst year of wrestling out of the last 25, and I would be hard pressed to find a year where I was more disinterested in the product then this year. That being said, Wrestlemania 11 in context with the year was just par for the course.

In 1999 the WWF was riding a huge wave of momentum and back on top of the Monday Night War. They had been putting on pretty solid show after solid show. Arguably the only truly terrible the WWF had had in that time frame was Judgment Day 2008, other then, pretty decent shows.

Then you get to the biggest card of the year, and essentially, the WWF didn't try to put on a good show. It was pretty much nothing more then a glorfied Raw. The WWF ends storylines at Wrestlemania, it shouldn't be continuing them. The whole night was about who would be teh Special Refereee, a giant cluster F of a storyline that took away from the actual show itself. And of course, the #1 guy in the company didn't even bring his proper gear. It seems the WWF spent to much time partying int he pretime about with it's return to dominance as opposed to actually putting on a good show.
Ok, first off i was at WM 24 and it was deff. not the worst Mania ever nowhere near. Ok i have a couple Its not 15 because that was one of my first and Hbk vs Austin was a great match along with Owen and HHH. But i will go with WM11.
I agree with it being quite possibly the worst mania ever. It really has nothing to look foward or anything i could watch over again. Also im gonna go with WM2000 or 16. I mean the only match really worth watching was the Kurt angle vs Jericho vs Benoit match other than that the card sucked.

Big Boss Man & Bull Buchanan def. D-Lo Brown & The Godfather w/ Ice-T

Hardcore Battle Royal
Hardcore Holly was the final winner in the Hardcore Championship Battle Royal that also included Tazz, Kaientei, Mean Street Posse, The Headbangers, Viscera, The Acolytes and Crash Holly to become Hardcore Champion

Test & Albert w/ Trish Stratus def. Al Snow & Steve Blackman, w/ Chester McCheeserton

World Tag Team Championship Ladder Match
Edge & Christian def. the Dudleys and Hardy Boyz to become new champions

Terri def. The Kat

Too Cool & Chyna def. The Radicalz

Intercontinental and European Championship Triple Threat Match
Chris Benoit pinned Chris Jericho to win the Intercontinental Championship; Chris Jericho pinned Chris Benoit to become European Champion; Kurt Angle was never pinned but lost both titles

Kane & Rikishi def. Road Dogg & X-Pac

Fatal Four Way Elimination WWE Championship Main Event
Triple H w/ Stephanie McMahon def. The Rock w/ Mr. McMahon, Mick Foley w/ Linda McMahon and Big Show w/ Shane McMahon to retain.

I mean really terri vs the Kat was better than the opening match.
Also there is one more match that stands the only one anyone remembers and that is the triangle ladder match. The main event was not fulfilling Mick Foley didnt win nor was it his last match. And of course NO STONE COLD that right there takes away from it.
How could it be WM 24? It wasn't great but it was by no means bad. HBK and Flair is a lesser version of Hogan and Andre. it's not meant to be a technical masterpiece. The match is all about the symbolism of it and the long term effects. That was Ric Flair's final match and he gave it everything that he had. The show was his send off and he got a great treatment that he earned. The show was at least passable entertainment. Shows like 2 and 11 just weren't. Instead of having shades of badness to them like 24, they had flashes of okay. 24 is in the middle of the pack at worst.
For me it's got to be Wrestlemania 2000. Although there were two great matches on the card (The tag ladder match, Jericho v Benoit v Angle), it still was wrought with problems.

First of all it only had 1 one on one match, and that was a catfight between The Kat and Terri Runnels, which isn't really a one on one match. This in itself isn't that much of a problem, but it just underlines the theme of the show; namely that WWF caught TNA syndrome and tried to crow bar everyone onto the card.

This meant that in addition to the tag team title match between 3 teams, you also had Head Cheese v T&A and DX v Kane and Rikishi and, worst of all, Bull Buchanen and Bossman v Godfather and D'lo Brown. None of these matches was inspiring and none of them served any real purpose.

You also had the Hardcore battle royal. Not only was this rubbish becaue it was a crap match, nor was it rubbish because it gave each member of the Mean Street Posse a title reign, but it was the third longest match on the card. So, a match that contained both members of Kaientai and the Headbangers, was deemed more worthy of screen time than Angle v Benoit v Jericho, who at that time were amongst the best midcarders of any promotion ever.

Finally, the main event. I don't have a problem with it per se, but there are two clouds that hang over it that block me from allowing myself to take it at face value. Firstly, Foley wrestled about 7 weeks after retiring, which made his retirement match absolutely redundant. It was a bit of a slapin the face to those who had paid good money to witness his last match at No Way Out, and questions the company's integrity. There was no real way for them to explain his return logically. I mean logically to wrestling standards, not normal standards.

The other thing about this match, is that it is the point where the WWF became the McMahon Show. Vince's role in the late 90s was essential, but did all four McMahon's really need to be in the main event at Wrestlemania? It seemed to me, and still does, that this was one indulgence too far for Vince, and it hampered the significance of the wrestlers to the match.
I have to go with Wrestlemania 21, and it's not even close to me.

First of all, could the crowd have been anymore DEAD? I mean, my God... they barely made any noise all fucking night, which is astonishing because the night before they gave a tremendous response to Hulk Hogan's Hall of Fame Induction. But all night all they did was sit on their ass.

The opening match was decent, but no where near as good as I, and I'm sure everyone else, was expecting.

The Money in the Bank match was okay at best. Edge winning made it cool, but it was still nothing special and nothing near as good as the Ladder matches to take place at Wrestlemania in the previous years.

The Undertaker vs. Randy Orton was by far Match of the Night and one of the greatest matches in Wrestlemania history, in my opinion. This was really the only match the crowd popped hard in, too.

Kurt Angle vs. Shawn Michaels was good, but also overrated and the crowd, again, didn't make a fucking peep throughout the match except for a high spot or two. These two would face each other at Vengeance a couple of months later in a match that ended up being LOADS better then this.

Trish vs. Christy was shit, but I'm sure everyone was expecting that.

The Big Show vs. the sumo wrestler was beyond shit.

But what really makes this the worst Wrestlemania of all time for me was the main events.

John Cena vs. JBL was absolutely pathetic. It got about five minutes of time, and the crowd was asleep the entire five minutes. What a terrible fucking way to start the Cena Era. Absolutely fucking terrible. This was the match I was looking forward to most on the card because I was/am a HUGE Cena fan and I knew he was going to win, but I was expecting it to happen in an amazing fashion, even if he was in there with a piece of shit worker like JBL.

And Batista vs. HHH bored me to tears. I don't like either wrestler to begin with, but this match was atrocious. Their Backlash match a month later was awesome I thought, and their Hell in a Cell match was pretty good too. So it's not because I don't like either one of them why I didn't like the match; the match just fucking stunk. It was anti-dramatic and anti-climatic. If the crowd was into it it probably would've been watchable, but they still haven’t woken up from the Cena/JBL beforehand.

Wrestlemania 21 was the first WM I ever spent MY money on instead of my mom's, and I regretted it once it was over. But after that, I've always been careful to which pay-per-views I order, and which one's I don't, so it did teach me a lesson I guess.
my vote has to go with wm 23 undertaker vs batista good match and pretty much every one knew taker would win michels vs cena good match but it lacked star power bue to angle leaving hhh injured edge orton and the hardys were in mitb so they couldnt shine in a real match other than the hardy leg drop the show sucked it was a glorfied royal rumble
2000: Pretty fucking bad. Only great match that you can say deserved to be on the plateau of WrestleMania was the era-defining triangle ladder match. Remember the feeling that you got when Jeff Hardy swanton'd off the ladder? While many matches allowed me to appreciate the business, the TLC matches really ignited the passion and interest for it. So it's such a shame that such a great match is brought up in the same breath as Bull Buchanan and Big Boss Man v.s. Tha Godfather and D'Lo Brown :dark2:

X-8: Think of this. The only memorable matches were Hulk Hogan-The Rock (decent in build-up and crowd reaction but definitely not a catch-as-can-can match) and Triple H-Chris Jericho for the Undisputed Champion (major letdown, not the performers' fault, as they were expected to follow up Hogan-Rock, and the crowd weren't really into it.) Now think of this... Can anyone even REMEMBER any other match on the card?

20: Same problem as before. You have a Triple Threat for the World title (Amazing match. One of, if not, the best technical main events in WM history. Makes you even more distressed that Benoit would just throw away a legacy that was topped off by this masterpiece) and Guerrero-Angle for the WWE title (Two technical genius for the big belt at Mania is a smark's dream come true and they didn't disappoint. The fact that they were able to carry the momentum into Summerslam in a match that was on par with the previous is a testament to both men. It also had satisfying outings from Jericho-Christian (great match with a nice twist ending, just should have gone five minutes longer with some more near-falls) and Undertaker-Kane (Great build-up and even better opening with the return of Paul Bearer and Taker walking that aisle like only he can, and watching it live the match was fulfilling, but re-watching it I realized the competitive nature that they had at WM 14 wasn't there. Apart from a few hits here and there, it looked like the Passion of Kane. They made Taker squash him to make him look like a beast and I personally hate watching that type of match on PPV.) But apart from them, the other matches were lack-lustre and un-WrestleMania worthy. Playboy Evening Gown Match (Good to look like but I'd had rather watch Trish-Lita in a grudge match that really should have been done at 21 or 22 at the least) and the two Fatal-4-Way tag teams (Quite frankly the wrong people won, but that wouldn't have mattered if the matches were decent...which they weren't.) and the other matches weren't even worth putting on the card. I swear if I was there I would have done everything in my power to start a FIRE RU550! or TNA! chant. And personally, I think TNA sucks.

21: Pretty bad. Bad venue. Bad crowd. And two main events that should have never have been put there in the first place. Even though Randy Orton-Taker was an awesome match, if I was booking, I'd had put the WWE title match as JBL v.s Taker and the World title as HHH-Orton and have Cena-Batista as the cross-promotional (Besides, they could have given Cena the belt at Judgment Day if they were so adamant on pushing him, rather then at Mania and stinking up the joint) Noticeable matches were Guerrero-Mysterio (Great way to kick off, thoroughly entertained up to the upset ending), RKO-Taker (Proved Orton has what it takes to get through the glass ceiling- and stay there) MITB (Good match to kick the tradition off, great spots, and nice to see the right guy won too) And HBK-Angle (Why be surprised though? It was, at the very least, going to be a great match). To be honest, seeing Big Show wrestle a god-awful match in a sumo trunks offended me in every way and ruined anything good that happened on that PPV though.

23: I actually liked this one. Think about it. Apart from Melina-Ashley and Khali-Kane, every match on the card was the very least, good. Think about all the other points before you call this one the "worst of the decade" Who ever said that is clearly not been watching enough "sports-entertainment".

So, in the end, I say the worst one is X-8. The 2000 WM may have featured the racially-profiled black token character v.s the security guards but hey, at least I remember that one...
2000: Pretty fucking bad. Only great match that you can say deserved to be on the plateau of WrestleMania was the era-defining triangle ladder match. Remember the feeling that you got when Jeff Hardy swanton'd off the ladder? While many matches allowed me to appreciate the business, the TLC matches really ignited the passion and interest for it. So it's such a shame that such a great match is brought up in the same breath as Bull Buchanan and Big Boss Man v.s. Tha Godfather and D'Lo Brown :dark2:

You didn't enjoy the 2 Falls Triple Threat? It started the 'Angle can't win WM title matches' trend.

X-8: Think of this. The only memorable matches were Hulk Hogan-The Rock (decent in build-up and crowd reaction but definitely not a catch-as-can-can match) and Triple H-Chris Jericho for the Undisputed Champion (major letdown, not the performers' fault, as they were expected to follow up Hogan-Rock, and the crowd weren't really into it.) Now think of this... Can anyone even REMEMBER any other match on the card?

Yeah easily, Taker v Flair which was a great effort by Flair, Euro title match DDP v Christian, Hardcore Title Match Maven v Goldust which led to a bunch of hilarious segments resulting in Maven winning his title back from Christian, and finally IC title match, RVD v Regal. Oh, and Scott Hall v Austin which was a 15 minute stunner-fest.

20: Same problem as before. You have a Triple Threat for the World title (Amazing match. One of, if not, the best technical main events in WM history. Makes you even more distressed that Benoit would just throw away a legacy that was topped off by this masterpiece) and Guerrero-Angle for the WWE title (Two technical genius for the big belt at Mania is a smark's dream come true and they didn't disappoint. The fact that they were able to carry the momentum into Summerslam in a match that was on par with the previous is a testament to both men. It also had satisfying outings from Jericho-Christian (great match with a nice twist ending, just should have gone five minutes longer with some more near-falls) and Undertaker-Kane (Great build-up and even better opening with the return of Paul Bearer and Taker walking that aisle like only he can, and watching it live the match was fulfilling, but re-watching it I realized the competitive nature that they had at WM 14 wasn't there. Apart from a few hits here and there, it looked like the Passion of Kane. They made Taker squash him to make him look like a beast and I personally hate watching that type of match on PPV.) But apart from them, the other matches were lack-lustre and un-WrestleMania worthy. Playboy Evening Gown Match (Good to look like but I'd had rather watch Trish-Lita in a grudge match that really should have been done at 21 or 22 at the least) and the two Fatal-4-Way tag teams (Quite frankly the wrong people won, but that wouldn't have mattered if the matches were decent...which they weren't.) and the other matches weren't even worth putting on the card. I swear if I was there I would have done everything in my power to start a FIRE RU550! or TNA! chant. And personally, I think TNA sucks.

What about Rock'n'Sock v Evolution or Cena beating Big Show for his first title?

21: Pretty bad. Bad venue. Bad crowd. And two main events that should have never have been put there in the first place. Even though Randy Orton-Taker was an awesome match, if I was booking, I'd had put the WWE title match as JBL v.s Taker and the World title as HHH-Orton and have Cena-Batista as the cross-promotional (Besides, they could have given Cena the belt at Judgment Day if they were so adamant on pushing him, rather then at Mania and stinking up the joint) Noticeable matches were Guerrero-Mysterio (Great way to kick off, thoroughly entertained up to the upset ending), RKO-Taker (Proved Orton has what it takes to get through the glass ceiling- and stay there) MITB (Good match to kick the tradition off, great spots, and nice to see the right guy won too) And HBK-Angle (Why be surprised though? It was, at the very least, going to be a great match). To be honest, seeing Big Show wrestle a god-awful match in a sumo trunks offended me in every way and ruined anything good that happened on that PPV though.

WM21 is my pick for worst WM i've seen. Did we really need to waste PPV time with a Hogan appearance that involved Eugene and Hassan/Davairi? But then we'd never have had HBK v Hogan otherwise would we? (Not that i bothered to watch that match). The company's 2 vets plus Angle and Orton were the only thing holding the show together imo

Also, what about 22? Only the Triple Threat ME was worth watching for that one as well as Foley/Edge, but i've watched that match to death now. HBK beating on Vince was nothing special either.

23: I actually liked this one. Think about it. Apart from Melina-Ashley and Khali-Kane, every match on the card was the very least, good. Think about all the other points before you call this one the "worst of the decade" Who ever said that is clearly not been watching enough "sports-entertainment".

This was actually my favourite Mania this decade. A mid-card guy won MITB and gave a great promo to follow. Hair vs Hair wasn't a bad match, and involved Austin actually doing something, Taker beat Batista in probably his best WM match this decade (even if we knew he would), and there was no HHH in either title match. Perfect imo

WM19 wasn't that awesome either tbh. The best match on that card was Jericho v HBK and (begrudgingly i'll also say) McMahon v Hogan. Lesnar v Angle wasn't that great tbh, HHH v Booker was mediocre, Handicap match against Taker was nothing special etc etc, but i still say WM21 is worst.
Worst WrestleMania ever?
WrestleMania 23
the only decent match was the MITB Ladder match
The rest of the event bored the shit out of me.
Like Kane vs Khali. they only did that soo kane could bodyslam khali just like WM 3, 23 Years later and kane lost.
Battle of the billionaires, terrible build up and two of the worst wwe wrestlers to pick. IT shudve been the main event and have Donald Trump choose the rock and MCMahon choose Austin. And that ecw 6 man tag, i was hoping for a hardcore match with blood and gore but noooooo, it was your typical 6 man tag match that wudnt even have been good for sunday night heat.
I'm goin with WM 25!
ALL THE MATCHES EXCEPT MITB AND HBK VS. TAKER WAS CRAP! and the card seemed AWESOME! and Punk won MITB twice? WHY? they should open doors and bring mid carders to new heights so they can become future main eventers! TOO MANY BABY FACES WON! they should have had atleast 4 heels win! and Cena winning just pist a the living crap out of me so I'm goin with WM 25
To find the worst, you have to find one with no redeeming qualities about it. While horrible, Wrestlemania 2 had the fantastic Bulldogs vs Dream Team. Wrestlemania 11 had a pretty decent Shawn Michaels vs Diesel. Wrestlemania 4 had Savage's title win. However, Wrestlemania 9 not only doesn't have any good qualities about itself, but it has so many negative ones. Hogan winning the title set the WWE back a couple years and undid all of the good since Wrestlemania 8. The tag team title match didn't have a finish. Yokozuna, the man who needed to look strong, was made to look bad. After an amazing Royal Rumble performance, Bob Backlund was made to be a jobber to Razor Ramon, thus making the Rumble performance meaningless. Shawn Michaels and Tatanka had one of the most forgettable IC title matches in WM history. The only decent part of the show was the Steiner Brothers vs The Headshrinkers and even that wasn't anything exceptional.
I'm goin with WM 25!
ALL THE MATCHES EXCEPT MITB AND HBK VS. TAKER WAS CRAP! and the card seemed AWESOME! and Punk won MITB twice? WHY? they should open doors and bring mid carders to new heights so they can become future main eventers! TOO MANY BABY FACES WON! they should have had atleast 4 heels win! and Cena winning just pist a the living crap out of me so I'm goin with WM 25

I agree 100%, when it comes to crap Wrestlemania #25 takes the prize. What puts Wrestlemania 25 over the top was the build up then total disappointment. The tag team title unification was bumped off the show to make room for Kid Rock. MITB was a carbon copy of the previous year, the divas battle royal was nothing more than an extended bathroom break, and the months and months of build up for Randy Orton was crushed by HHH.
Anyone notice

anyone notice that any WM u mention as the worst doe not intale Hogan in it..... Maybe you should look at that....

Without him WM is a bland PPV event
Anyone notice

anyone notice that any WM u mention as the worst doe not intale Hogan in it..... Maybe you should look at that....

Without him WM is a bland PPV event

Not true. Someone said Wrestlemania 21 was the worst one. Hulk Hogan made an apperance at that Mania saving Eugene from Muhamed Hassan and Khosrow Daivari.
I feel all WrestleManias should have been Main Evented by the WWE World Heavyweight Title and / or Hulk Hogan. With that being said, I feel that WrestleMania XI is the worst WM ever. Even Pam Anderson and Jenny McCarthy couldn’t save this Mania. The undercard wasn’t even that great and this is supposed to be the Granddaddy of them all in 1995. Yes, the WWE Title match was the Match of the Year that year, but that, itself, is heavily disputed. I don’t know, compared to the other Manias, this, to me is the worst.
I feel all WrestleManias should have been Main Evented by the WWE World Heavyweight Title and / or Hulk Hogan. With that being said, I feel that WrestleMania XI is the worst WM ever. Even Pam Anderson and Jenny McCarthy couldn’t save this Mania. The undercard wasn’t even that great and this is supposed to be the Granddaddy of them all in 1995. Yes, the WWE Title match was the Match of the Year that year, but that, itself, is heavily disputed. I don’t know, compared to the other Manias, this, to me is the worst.

MOTYC perhaps. But MOTY over Bret vs Diesel (Both, but especially Survivor Series) and Bret vs Davey Boy at IYH?

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