Worst WM main event EVER!!!

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Pre-Show Stalwart
That match was so terrible i will tell you what. Seriously from the start of Cena vs. Miz i was completely not into this match. I mean the live crowd was so dead. From the intros there were more boos than i have ever heard in a main event at Mania. There were no cheers for either wrestler. No wonder Rock had to be brought in because this main event was the official worst Wrestlemania Main Event in the history of wrestling. There were not good points in this match. And it ended in a Double Count out? Are you kidding me? What a pathetic way to end a main event at Mania. If the Rock wouldn't of been there, the main event would of ruined the whole show, which i was actually entertained by for the most part.

P.S. Rock and Mae segment was pretty epic! Also the stare down with Rock and Austin was one of the best moments.
The crowd got into it as soon as Miz kicked out of that AA. everyone was jumping and screaming, they should have let the match go on and seen how they could have done with the crowd behind them. Instead they took what little momentum had been gained and lost it all with the double count out. And no don't blame Miz for that! Its the writers who decided it. Miz actually looked good in the ring tonight, Cena looked like he didnt care about it.
the double cout out and restart makes perfect sense.

it doesnt really make miz look weak but it doesnt destroy cena either. the inevitable restart and rock bottom gives a cena a decent reason for the loss and sets up cena rock down the line.

on paper miz v cena might not look appealing but it had a great build up, and they both carried off a decent match. i think sometimes we expect every mania match to be a classic but thats not always the case

on the whole slightly off topic it was a very decent mania by far not the worst ever. we as fans need to judge each wrestlemania on its own not compare it to previous ones gone by

listen wwe are taking a gamble with the youth movement but it is a gamble they are being forced into due to hbk, hhh, undertaker, jericho, batista either not being around or on limited appearances.

yes it will mean a bit of lack lustre shows here and there but they are trying and vince should have kudos for it. Its like the early 90s and the new generation over again. vince knows wrestling and a bit of perseverance will see most of these new young guns rise to the top. to compensate for the lack of start power in the ring he brought back rock, austin and stratus and different roles and it all complimented each other perfectly
i think its safe to say tht rocks involvement, his backstage interviews minus the pee wee herman one, (i thnk another staredown with some other guy like hhh for example wud have been better) saved the show. hhh vs taker was cool. i liked the mysterio vs rhodes. edge vs del rio was good too BUT WTF Y THE HELL IS THE WTH MATCH THE FIRST MATCH.... cole vs lawler was a bit boring but the last call making cole the winner was the worst thing anyone cudv done.. yea sure u wanted the gm to look even worse but still... had it not been for the rock i thnk this wudv been a sucky wrestlemania... at the moment il rate it 6/10
Was this WWE's way of making fun of TNA and their Jeff Hardy situation and how their main event ended cause it sure seemed that way.
Cena totally looked out of that match, From the moment he came out he didn't have the Hulk-Hogan-like enthusiasm, he barely awknoledged the fans like he usually does and he was terrible in the ring, wasn't selling Miz's moves properly, What was up with him 'tripping over' Miz?? Something was not right with Cena tonight and we didn't see him really at all after the countout and Rock coming out, only him getting back in the ring and then getting Rock Bottomed. Something was definatly up with Cena.
I think my biggest problem was how most of the matches ended. you had the undertaker getting straight slaughter by triple h. triple h was disrespecting taker, doing whatever he wanted to, even tombstoned him, and it ended with..... a submission? not with a strong taker comeback with him beating triple h's ass.

Since when did winning the royal rumble mean opening wrestlemania? better yet, warming the crowd up for... cole vs king and snooki. the match was good but damn, it's messed up it happened at the beginning. maybe edge or adr had something else to do and had a flight to catch. i also thought that christian was gonna knock edge's ass out with that pipe in typical wwe fashion. celebrate with your buddy, the hit him with something and stand over him and scream at him. it was all set up for that. kinda upset they didnt pull the trigger on that one tho.

The corre match was a total joke. its like they just told them "guys, you have two minutes, make a lasting moment then santino do the cobra and big show do your no-name punch and that'll be it.

The snooki match was also a horrible match, half of the people in it (zig, jo-mo, and layla) didn't even get tagged in. just so snooki's midget ass could do a flip (which I, like about 99% of the people watching didn't see coming)? horrible.

As far as the rock "hosting" mania, he didn't do too much hosting, especially with the huge build up to this. he just cut some promos, just like if he was still via satellite because 90% were backstage.

as far as cena/miz, i think that cena was out of it. something wasn't quite right. maybe it was from taker getting hurt, or from the dead crowd and boos, or maybe he felt wwe disrespected the business he loves so much by all the horrible coles, kings and snooki's but he was off. or maybe it was his color choice. red isn't cena's shade, lol. he's used to the orange and purple now.

was i the only person who was hoping to hear that stone cold glass break while the rock was watching miz celebrate? stone cold goes to the ring, stuns miz's ass out the ring, brawl with the rock, and drink more steveweisers!
Have to dissagree. The main event was not terrible. Theway it worked out was exactly as people expected. Miz is over. Cena is still cena sadly.
listen wwe are taking a gamble with the youth movement but it is a gamble they are being forced into due to hbk, hhh, undertaker, jericho, batista either not being around or on limited appearances.

Its silly to blame the "Youth Movement" on this years Mania disappointment.

A lot of the disappointments came from the established stars and from the booking. The Corre vs Random Old Guys was a total letdown due to bad booking.

Ziggler v Morrison with assorted eyecandy was a disappointment because we didnt see the two young promising talents go at it.

Danielson and Shaemus wouldve been a great match, yet for some reason dropped from the card.

Miz and Cena was just not a...good match and they are your established stars.

A lot of the younger guys have some real momentum and unfortunately it wasnt capitalised on for Mania and in some cases, it was totally destroyed.
Not even close. I've seen the main event of Wrestlemania 25, way worse than this. Wrestlemania 11, Bam Bam vs LT? Worse. I don't feel like thinking too hard to come up with anything else, that's just off the top of my head. It really makes me think that those who make these ridiculous claims just started watching wrestling last year.

Look, I wasn't a huge fan of the main event. But although the actual wrestling was kind of lame and the booking was a bit screwy, I got the results that I wanted so I was more than happy with the outcome. The Miz reign continues, I've never looked forward to a Raw this much.
" It was fitting that this craptacular match was chosen as the main event, as it exemplifies the absolute disgrace that this show was. I have been a prophet in the wilderness as far as Miz is concerned, preaching diligently about how talentless this unctuous toad is, and how he portends WWE’s decline if his push is continued. Miz proved me right by putting on the worst main event in the history of wrestling PPV. Much like the rest of the show, Miz’s idea of working a good match is hitting finishers and having his opponent kick out for near-falls. Hitting cena once or twie then tryin to pin him for the win. There was no storyline, Miz is incapable of creating natural heat with aggressive offense, he has no ring presence, and he moves around the ring like a rookie after his first week of practicing bumps. "
I thought the entire ppv was kind of disappointing, especially considering the hype going into it. The del rio, edge match was good and the undertaker vs triple h match was probably the stand out. Even then it felt as though triple h was carrying the entire match (which wasn't a suprise taking into count taker's injury). Undertaker at the end was seriously banged up, I thought the chairshot to the head and the tombstone didn't help his cause. Having said that it would have been better to finish off with the streak match instead of cena and miz. The finish of the main event was so predicatable, aside from the count out. The entire feud felt as though it was platform for either superstars (more so cena) to face the rock at summerslam or WM 28. This WM felt like a tribute to argubly the greatest WM of all time, WM 17, but failed so misrably. A decade ago, we had the same if not similar matches. Undertaker vs triple h, big show vs kane vs raven but this time round big show and kane were on the same team. If you compare the two main events of WM rock vs austin and miz vs cena, you can really see that the miz vs cena match just did not live up to expectations. I know that putting on a main event of WM like the rock and austin did a decade ago is asking too much but we were promised that this WM would be "the greatest WM in history" and I know that the rock was jumping hoops with the statement but I think I would have been more than happy if the quality of last night's main event was even 25% of the quality of the main event 10 years ago, if even that.
The issue I had with the main event, has been the same one since miz has been champion.
He has yet to have a clean victory over big time main eventers. His two title defenses against orton were tainted. As well as this victory over cena. WWE is trying to hard to figure out ways not to make cena/orton look weak. In the process it makes miz look incredibly weak as the WWE Champion. There big time money match is obviously the Rock/Cena encounter that were in-store for soon. But this finish just reinforces the fact that miz's reign is nonsense, the WWE Title is just a prop passed around like a hot potato, and creative blew any or all momentum the miz had going into this match. Not to mention The Rock totally buried the miz after "the match" to close the show.

Please give us a legitimate champion, just for old times sake will ya vince???
There isn't a /facepalm picture big enough to describe this monstrosity of a post. I'm pretty bored at the moment, so let's break it down shall we?

The issue I had with the main event, has been the same one since miz has been champion.
He has yet to have a clean victory over big time main eventers. His two title defenses against orton were tainted. As well as this victory over cena.

Ok smart guy, show me an instance of a cocky heel going over the top faces of the company clean, and maybe you're opinion could be taken half seriously. Until then, you're just plain wrong. Heels don't win clean unless they're monster heels, I'm getting really fucking tired of you people failing to understand how wrestling works.
WWE is trying to hard to figure out ways not to make cena/orton look weak. In the process it makes miz look incredibly weak as the WWE Champion.

No they aren't, and no it doesn't. Orton, yeah maybe. An argument could be made that Punk should have won but in no way should it have been clean. Orton is a bigger star and (kayfabe) is better than Punk, so he should have to cheat. Plain and simple. Miz absolutely looks just like he's suppose to; A brash young heel who finds ways to win the title when everyone knows he's outmatched. Christ, you people infuriate me.

There big time money match is obviously the Rock/Cena encounter that were in-store for soon.

This is true, which is the ultimate payoff.

But this finish just reinforces the fact that miz's reign is nonsense, the WWE Title is just a prop passed around like a hot potato, and creative blew any or all momentum the miz had going into this match.

You're fucking kidding me, right? Miz has held onto the title for the entire damn year up to this point. Hot potato? Give me a break.

Not to mention The Rock totally buried the miz after "the match" to close the show.

Yeah, totally. Miz won the WWE Title in the main event at Wrestlemania, but he got buried. You seriously should have thought twice about saying anything publicly, as you clearly have no idea what you're talking about.

Please give us a legitimate champion, just for old times sake will ya vince???

He has. Miz is the most legit champion we've had since 2008. The length of his reign says that.

Furthermore, what about this actually makes the match bad? Did you bother to read the topic of the thread or were you so full of your smarky hatred that you just had to come in here and vent with your equally clueless peers? The match was mediocre, but the fact that Miz won dirty had nothing to do with it.
To an extent, I disagree. Can I just say at this point that I think that this was one of the best Wrestlemanias for a while. Probably my second favorite, next to X-7. It's an opinion, don't knock it.

The hype going into the match was solid enough, even if Rock took it over a bit (and by a bit, I do of course mean a lot). The start of the match wasn't too bad. Nothing special but it was decent enough. It seemed to get worse though; the crowd weren't reacting to much that Miz was doing. but as soon as Cena brings out the "five moves of doom" (incidentally, thats bullshit; he knows at least 9. yes, I counted) the crowd got more into it. A-Ri's interference got good reactions, as did Miz kicking out of the AA (just remember that when you say he's being booked as weak; he might not win clean but this shows that he has fight in him).

The end was a bit sucky; I thought that the way it happened was awesome though. If the match had continued from that point, it would have been better for me. It was an interesting, if not too overly booked decision. But it was the perfect way to bring Rock into the match.

At this point I want to point out that I wanted Miz to win, but fully expected Cena to. Rock-bottoming Cena was more or less a foregone conclusion, but I expected Rock to RB Cena, then either RB or Peoples Elbow Miz and let them fight after, or just beat on both after the match. I was shocked that he actually cost Cena the match.

It definitely won't be remembered as a classic, but there have been worse main events down the years. Better than HHH/orton from WM25, at any rate. Plus, the main hype around it was the involvement of the Rock, and I for one was pleased with how that turned out. Here's hoping for Rock/Cena at some point down the line.

(Also, I agree with those wondering about Cena. he looked like he had an off night, which is VERY unlike him. Can't help but wonder if Taker is legit hurt.)

Overall I was pleased with it as a main event. It did everything I expected, and even suprised me in a good way, too (after all, when was the last time NO world title changed hands at WM since the brand extension?). Mission accomplished, as far as I'm concerned .
incidentally did anyone listen to the commentary by jr and king... just like old times. and the best thng is tht king got his high pitched scream type thng back...

jr literally made king a bttr commentator during those matches tht they called.

and loved the stunner on matthews and booker. LOL totally uncalled for yet totally awesome. and giving michael cole the win sucked beyond measure
I realise WWE hates the IWC, but it now seems they hate lives crowds as well. If I'd have paid to be there I'd be pissed. First up, don't blame Mizanin and Cena for the god awful ME. It's not often I'll miss a chance to beat these guys for ruining the business, but this was down to booking. If you put two mediocre wrestlers in a match, who don't sell moves well normally, you can't be surprised if you get a cowpie. The crowd was waiting for the the Rock from the opening bell. Why that merited the double countout false finish I have no idea. Rock vs Cena at either SSlam or WM28 is a bigger payoff than Mizanin v Cena, so from that point of view, it was a logical finish. But that's no excuse for poor execution.

From the opening WHC title match (I'm pretty sure if you rewind to RR it says 'winner goes to the main event at WM', not the warm up act), the whole show was predictable. Which is ok when you thrown in extra suprises, but there was no Christian involvement, nothing. Likewise, Taker goes to 19-0 as expected, but no HBK. I'd also wager the finish was ad-lib due to Taker injury, otherwise it makes no sense.

For me the worse aspects were a) the scheduling, i.e. non Danielson v Seamus, Orton v Punk so early, Snooki et al so late. and b) Cole v Lawyer. This was always going to be bad, but the match was horrific (worse then VKM v Hart), but to then change the result - ludacrious. The consensus after the 'Fargot' tweet is Cole needed to be off TV after WM, even more than before, and yet now he stays entangled in the GM story, his character survives, he beats Lawler (officially) and Josh Matthews, who was on the receiving end of the tweet, gets laid out with a stunner? Shambolic.

When you have that basis going into a main event, with two guys who need to be carried in a match, you can't be surprised by the result of it stinking.

Normally I'd accuse Bitchoff and Hogan of trying to copy WWE on a minor budget, here, Creative and Vince seem to have aimed at replicating a TNA clusterfuck ppv on a multi million dollar budget. And to make something so expensive look so bad is quite an achievement!
i also think cena was not in the right state of mind during that match. from the moment miz walked out you tell that he was so excited to be main eventing wrestle mania, i mean come on, you gotta be happy for the guy. its something he's wanted to do his whole life and he did and look at where he came from, that is pretty awesome (no pun intended) if you ask me. the match could have been better and they should have never done the double count. i wish they could erase that and act like that never happened and then have the rock come out. and the miz is doing a great job as the heel champion! as for cena i'm sorry call me a hater but i think he is god awful and his overrated reign on top of the wwe needs to end.

btw y the hell was sheamus vs bryan off the card?? i wished there was no cole/king match and i wished it was just jomo vs ziggler not the tag match cause that would have been a good match. and y have orton act "injured" the whole match? to me those are the most boring matches when they play off "injuries." and the undertaker should have just dissappered after his match leaving the trainers not knowing where he went, that would have been cool! and best match of the night rhodes vs mysterio hands down!

wrestle mania could have been great and one of the best but leave it to the wwe writers to screw up multiple awesome situations to make this wrestle mania just an ok over-hyped wrestle mania.
decent mania, bad main event. cena and the miz just showed that they both suck at wrestling, and it really damaged what was otherwise a decent mania. the opening match was great, and you didnt know how it would turn out. cody really fucking shined tonight, and i see a whc for him before next mania. corre vs misc. was a sad way to completely distroy any credibility that the corre had. orton vs cm punk was booked great, but i am getting really fucking tired of super orton, i really wanted punk to win this one. (the wwe just destroyed both the corre and the nexus, what was the whole fucking poing of the nexus and corre if neither side did ANYTHING memorable after the split?) lawler vs cole is what i expected, but the ending was kinda dumb. i think they just spoiled that cole is the gm. taker vs hhh was one of the best matches i have ever seen. definately on the same level as taker vs hbk. hhh making taker stay down, and almost winning, then taker finds the perfect way to win, even after all the abuse. for the first time in close to ten years, i legitamently thought that the streak was over. the tag match, fuck wwe do you not give a shit about morrison and ziggler, who didnt even fucking wrestle but the fat rodent snooki got a pin on one of the best female wrestlers that you have had in a while. that match was a fuck you to morrison, ziggler, michelle, trish and layla.

so my count is 4 good matches, one that we knew would be how it was (cole lawler) and two fucking embarrassments. then we had the miz and cena. the miz did not special or unusual except kick out of a move. read that again, the miz's wrestlemania appearance was only special because he kicked out of the aa. cena didnt even seem to want to be there. the rock salaved it, but just barely.

but one thing i will say, the miz looked exactly how he should. heels should not win cleanly over heels!!! how is this fucking hard for people to understand? unless they are huge monsters, heels win through cheating and sneaky tactics. you know, the very things that make them heels in the first place.

didnt really care who won the match. the only thing the miz is decent at is mic skills, and it still seems forced to me. and i have been tired of supercena for close to four years now. if the rock wasnt there, i legitametly would have stopped watching after the morrison match (i legitly thought i would get to see morrison and ziggler go at it.)
Ending Wrestlemania like you end a Go-Home show Raw was pretty Awkward, and all around killed much of the show.
The first half of the show definitely showcased some great matches, but the psychology, athleticism, and showmanship for Cena/Miz just wasn't there. Kicking out of a finisher doesn't make a match a classic, the double count out/reset was ok, It's a textbook way to make a build up bubble over into the 2nd match, but Rocky's interference is just a sour note to end on. I think this match could of been placed before Undertaker's anual kick out of 12 finishers match, or Del Rio/Edge for wrestling moments, and the finish wouldn't of felt so bad.
Even being a Miz Mark, I found that the finish puts Rock/Cena above the WWE title, something that usually leads to people downrating ppvs in reviews.
All I have to say is pull out some old tapes. Look at the quality level difference between the Golden Days (early Wrestlemania, Royal Rumble, Great American Bash, and Starcade) and compare that to now. Back then you had classic and clean matches. Now, it's all theatrics. I don't know. I just think these events were much much better before the admission of wrestling being entertainment with scripted endings. Good thing I don't buy these PPV's and waste my money. My wife is always amazed that I pick out the winners and who might make a run in on a match. Especially during Raw. Shoot, I would bet that 100% of WWE fans had predicted the Rock would determine the main event. Seriously, wouldn't it have been better had the main event been a clean match with Rock challenging Cena the next night? At least from what I have read, Michaels didn't interfere with HHH / Taker. Though I was very disappointed in the ending to that match as well.
i still think the title for worst WM main event should go to Hogan Sid Justice which was awful and had an even worse ending... a random run in by papa shango (who i liked but it and why isn't his name brought up more often) and a short haired ultimate warrior... so F'n random... even bam bam LT was better since it had nfL players and was a celeb match so i never expected much, but at least it also had bam bam one of the more underrated guys of all time.

This main event was FAR from great though, just not the worst. Why do ppl keep bringing up a taker injury for cena looking out of it, i didn't read anywhere that taker was legit hurt, wasn't that just part of the angle? If anyone looked legit hurt it was cena who looked like he landed face first on that double countout. I just don't get why WWE used wrestlemania to set up a huge main event between cena rock... why not have it play out at EC and then have that match at Mania... I said this before I don't think WWE has the balls to set up a match a year in advance adn so what is going to happen? Are we getting Cena Rock sooner than later? Even Summerslam is a ways off and I;m not sure how they can keep the heat going on this match that long... All in all this was not the worst main event but again, it was also pretty damn far from the best.
The main event wasn't bad,in my opinion.It was just uninteresting.Not to mention the crowd absolutely killed any momentum they could possibly build.Everyone was looking at the ramp waiting for The Rock's music to hit.It's WWE's fault.They kept building and building and building Rock.Why the hell would they give most of the momentum to the guest host?It's ******ed and it makes the WWE title match look pointless.Nobody was watching the title match to see who would win.They watched the title match to see what The Rock would do to Cena and The Miz.

I'm just really irritated by the fact that the WWE seems to want to build The Miz up,but he ends the PPV on his back.Super Cena gets KO'd from one Rock Bottom.In the end the WWE Champion and the face of the company end the night staring at the ceiling while their guest host,who isn't even technically a wrestler at this point,is the one with his hand raised.

Anyway,sidetracking from my main problem with the main event.There seemed to be something up with Cena.I don't know if he got injured or if he's just out of it,but it was just weird watching him in the ring with no energy or intensity.Definitely not the usual Cena.
I agree this match was poor. The Rock saved the match, and rightly so - stole the show at the end. Miz and Cena both were crap in the ring, not entertaining and neither of them deserved to be the man standing on the turnbuckles at the end. Will be interesting to see what happens tonight on RAW regarding this, but I haven't seen a Wrestlemania Main Event as bad as this for yeeearrrs!

Thank you Rock for making this pile of trash main event even look an ounce entertaining.
i quite enjoyed the match really, i think the Miz did a fantastic job in carrying Cena...yeah i said it, but it's like you said, there seemed something...wrong...with Cena throughout the match? They kept saying how his 'equilibrium seemed off' and it really did, could have been some great selling of something...but of what? Miz didn't hit him with anything particularly hard prior to this, he just seemed in a weird daze throughout...but anyway, i thought the match was ok, but yeah there was a bit of waiting for the Rock to show up which you're right, did make the match seem less important, but either way, im glad Miz walked out with the belt having 'technically' beat Cena twice in the same night
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