Worst Tattoo's in the Business

Who has the worst tattoo(s) in wrestling?

  • AJ Styles

  • Tomko

  • Ken Anderson

  • Scott Steiner

  • Other

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Over the years more and more wrestlers have gotten tattoo's. What was once seen as a random occurrence seems to happen more often than not. Whether for intimidation purposes (Batista's back tattoo) or character fitting (Takers dozens of tatts) who do you feel has The WORST Tattoo(s) in the business?

My vote goes to the most recent one I've seen. It doesn't fit the wrestlers character imo, it's gaudy, huge, unhidable, unintimidating and down right stupid looking. That tat belongs to The Phenomenal One AJ Styles!

Does Brock Lesnar count? His chest tattoo has always freaked me out. I don't like it at all. But since he is in MMA now I'm not sure if he would have been included

But even if he didn't count I would have chose "other" anyway, for Orton. I used to like the tats he had when there weren't so many. I hate the sleeve tattoos he has now, the color and the intensity of them makes me think of algae growing on his arms when I see them.

So either way I would have voted "other".
I would have put Lesnar in the poll for that tattoo too but refrained since he didn't get it till he left wrestling. Hence the input of Scott Steiner's chest tattoo. Not a fan of Randy's sleeves either. But yea past and present wrestlers count as well.
I don't know. I think the worst is Vance Archer's. Kinda hard to be taken seriously as an intimidating guy when you got a nice trampstamp.

I also always thought Batista's sun thingie over his belly button was a bit weird as well, but ultimately, I think I have to go with Archer.
Agreed YEDemon. A tramp stamp and Belly button tat should be banned for men. I never paid enough attention to Archer to even notice lol. Batista's sun tat was always a bit disturbing, thankfully the clawing dragon offset it.
I think the WWE does a pretty good job of trying to hard Archer's trampstamp, but I've heard that back in TNA it was pretty obvious.

Still, I like Archer. He has a good look, I think, and I'd like to see him get a push.
It would have to go to Rey Mysterio for me...Tattooing your race (in case you forgot it) across your stomach is beyond stupid. AJ's and Vance's trampstamp are a close second though...AJ's is so awful that it actually drew the focus away from his incredible match with Angle last night for me.
AJ's is so awful that it actually drew the focus away from his incredible match with Angle last night for me.

It did for me too. The whole match I was thinking WTF was he thinking getting that done?

MR Anderson's always looked like it was done with a Sharpie to me as well.
It did for me too. The whole match I was thinking WTF was he thinking getting that done?

MR Anderson's always looked like it was done with a Sharpie to me as well.

Yeah I don't like that one either. The one on his arm is worse though imo. I read some interview a while ago where he said even he hated it and might get it re-done.

Really the only one on the list that I wouldn't agree with would be Tomko. I like his tattoos.
I think Brock Lesnar's chest tattoo is awful but if you can't count that then it's CM Punk's pepsi sign tattoo, it's just pointless and stupid.
I think vance archers tattoo has to be the worst because of where it is and evertime he wrestles i just can stop thinkin why would you get a tatto there he had to be under the influence when he got it. And people saying aj tattoo is bad those 3 dates are when his kids where born so please relax on aj's tat.
Scott Steiner clearly only had that chest tattoo done because he'd lost a lot of muscle on his chest. You can't have his gimmick and have what looks like Poland's Syndrome.

I like Lesnar's, personally.

Punk had all his random and very shitty tattoos tied together with a blue wavey background, says it all really.
For some reason, Rey Mysterio's tatts just annoy the hell outta me. I mean, why get a tattoo of a necklace on yourself? Then in between some kind of weird wings on your shoulder blades up front? I mean I'm all for creativity, but that's right up there with the belly button tat that Batista has, just :wtf: I can handle a belly phrase tattoo, Thug Life, or Straight Edge, etc...but some of that just is way off the charts bat shit crazy stupid.
Scott Steiner clearly only had that chest tattoo done because he'd lost a lot of muscle on his chest. You can't have his gimmick and have what looks like Poland's Syndrome.

I thought he did that to cover up after surgery?

For me it is Mysterio just for the sheer number of what were you thinking tattoos he has. I am glad I was not the only one disturbed by batista's belly button. AJ's new eyesore is absolutely distracting. I do think Orton is going to eventually look too weird if he keeps it up.
Sandman and anyone else with a sharpie-esque tat or badly done portrait. (MVP, Husky Harris, Lesnar, Steiner, Murdoch) I can't even tell what Randy has on his arms since he's always oiled up beyond belief. :rolleyes:

A couple of Santino's tats aren't that great, but I like his lion tat.
AJ's tat isn't THAT distracting. Well, to me it ain't.

I chose Other cuz every time I see Archer I tend to look at his "tramp stamp".
Mysterio doesn't have his race on his chest he has his ethnic heritage. i dont get the wings and the necklace is just tacky though :disappointed: to make things worse it some how to my mind makes his size and weight, which i have tried for 5 years not to look at stick out.

I always found the sun tattoo around Batista's belly button feminent and bisexual looking.. :icon_neutral:

Orton's old tattoos looked funny to me like mangled lawnmower blades. I like the sleves but he shold had gotten a few more things just before the skulls took over.

I hate Edge's stars they look so kiddish. The big show's tats stick out on his big flap of white he calls an arm, get more or get ride of 'em.

I feel Nash's new sleve was an attempt to make him look young or a midlife crisis. I also ALWAYS SINCE I WAS LITTLE could never understand why he covered that little tattoo up with his big arm band. I also hated that tattoo because it seemed like he did.

Perry Saturn's body looked like he was being surrounded and lifted up by a tornado, he also covered up some decent tats he had before.

Lita's shit was soo random. I love Santino's back portrait though.

The cake is taken by Booker T. though :) to quote a PWI article (which still 7-8 years later cracks me up) on bad tats on wrestlers "the benefits of contrast are lost on the Book for obvious reasons.":lmao:
First off, aj's tat isnt that bad, he just needed to put it someplace better.

But for the worst, I will have to say jeff hardy's back tatoo really is annoying to me, i just cant bring myself to like it. It just seems out of place.
Personally, I am going with any woman with tattoos. Thank gosh, the Divas aren't covered like some of the broads in TNA. Just me, but I think tattoos on women are so trashy.. No matter the sentiment, such as Maryse's tattoo of her dad's name.
Personally, I am going with any woman with tattoos. Thank gosh, the Divas aren't covered like some of the broads in TNA. Just me, but I think tattoos on women are so trashy.. No matter the sentiment, such as Maryse's tattoo of her dad's name.

If your gonna say that i might as well say all the Black wrestlers. D-Von, Booker T, Shelton Benjamin. If you aren't at the most MVP's complexion its just not gonna work :(
It's not that I don't like AJ's tattoo; it's just the placement on the ribs is what makes it distracting for me. Although, I wouldn't give it the honor of worst tattoo. That should go to Rey Mysterio's necklace and angel wings. I can understand the Mexican one but that combination just doesn't belong. I seriously can't look at Mysterio without laughing at the tattoos. If anything put the wings on your back but he should have never got the necklace.
It's not that I don't like AJ's tattoo; it's just the placement on the ribs is what makes it distracting for me. Although, I wouldn't give it the honor of worst tattoo. That should go to Rey Mysterio's necklace and angel wings. I can understand the Mexican one but that combination just doesn't belong. I seriously can't look at Mysterio without laughing at the tattoos. If anything put the wings on your back but he should have never got the necklace.

I agree. What would the artist say when you come in asking for a necklace and angel wings around your neck? Granted, Batista's belly tat is quite something, but not near as ridiculous as the randomness of Mysterio's tats of the necklace and wing shape. I even give Edge's pot of pink flowers on his one arm a smiley face with hearts for effort, because I had to do a double take, so he must have a very special story behind that, (hopefully). But as much fun as we poke at these people, I would 'hope' there's a good story for those tattoos they have. I would say one of the WORST female tattoos had to be Ashley Masaro after she left WWE, and got a dragon on her back, ala Batista, it looked pretty hideous, but it did kinda distract you from her botched face lift. But that is my two cents on the tattoo piece. Although, I can't diss people for ink, I'm quite inked myself, but I think you have to have a fluidity to it, and not let it look ridiculous wherever you put it.
I was looking for a picture of Jeff Hardy's back tattoo and I saw a pic of one I had forgotten about. Taker's "Sara" tattoo on his neck that he had on his neck. Now, we all know you never get a your significant other's name tattooed on you in case it doesn't last, but to do that AND get it on your neck? I love Taker, but man, I'll bet he regretted that after they ended up leaving each other.

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