Worst End To A Money In The Bank Match...


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I'm currently sitting here watching the most recent Mitb pay-per view on DVD, and after watching the Raw Mitb match, I got thinking, was this the worst ending to a Mitb match ever? The end looked like it was going to be great, with Del Rio ripping Mysterio's mask from his face and shoving him off onto another ladder. All good so far, and then Mysterio's ladder begins swaying, and falls onto Del Rio's ladder, knocking both the ladders over. And while watching this happen, you're left thinking that this isn't really the end, and someone was about to get in there and stop him. But no, Del Rio awkwardly picks the somewhat broken ladder up and climbs with out any opposition to the top and removes the briefcase..

Out of the 6 Mitb matches I've watched, the ending to this one had to be the worst. Right idea, poorly executed.

Now, in your opinion, which ending to a Mitb match was the worst? Whether it be one that you thought was botched, anti-climatic, or just disappointing in general.
totally disagree. It was booked very well but a slight mistake happened but it really was nothing major. In my opinion you cannot look past jack swagger. It seemed like he was up there for a lifetime trying to unlock the briefcase. A lame mitb match. A lame ending. A lame cash in and a lame world title run.
Del Rio's win was 2nd worst, I hated it too, it seemed anti-climatic

But the worst of all was the simple fact that Jack Swagger won, I knew it would be crap and it was. His World title reign was the worst since Khali's reign
swagger is not really the worst guy ever to win mitb. That goes to Mr Kennedy/Anderson...seems like everyone forgets that he won, he didnt even cash it in either. People seem to forget that rvd also won it.
I'd say The Miz's win was the worst. Now don't get me wrong I have nothing against The Miz and I really like him. But there was nothing special about the way he won. Orton was reaching for the briefcase and Miz pushed the ladder down then climbed and took the briefcase. His win was a mark out moment but the way he won wasn't really good in my opinion.
I'd agree with the Swagger win being the worst. He was up there forever and the crowd actually peeked then died down. At least you could say Mysterio tried to take out Del Rio by falling off his ladder. Swagger had no excuse.
Swagger's win was by far the worst ending to a MITB match. The whole time he was climbing up the ladder I was waiting for someone, anyone to come and push him off, but it just never happened.
Definitely Swagger. The ending of a Money in the Bank match should be the winner taking out whomever is trying for the briefcase, him getting to the briefcase, the crowd coming alive as they realize this guy is the winner, and the winner taking down the briefcase. Swagger's win had this, but his inability to take down the case sucked the life out of the ending, and was a nice indicator of the title reign to come.
Gotta go with Mania 25 (in my view a very terrible mania besides HBK Taker) I love Punk now but at the time he was very stale and seeing him win again was a big letdown for me
Jack Swaggers win at Wrestlemania 26.I find it so boring when you just smash the breifcase at someone and they just fall off,add to the fact that he was up there for so long because he couldn't undo the breifcase and i was thinking someone must come and tip him off but it didn't happen.Also this lead to a flop of a Title Reign and like someone stated above,one of the worst World Title runs since The Great Khali one the title.The match itself at Wrestlemania 26 was nothing compare to others ones we have seen in the past,that makes it even more worse!The match was forgetable and so was his title reign.
Swagger's win was extremely anti-climatic as he was on the ladder trying to retrieve the briefcase for about 20 seconds. The worst part is that you could tell it was the finish and it was supposed to end right there. also, the announcers were confused on what to say. The WWE knew how bad it looked an edited it to about 2 seconds on the Wrestlemania DVD.
Wrestlemania 25 where CM Punk won. It was appearing to be a sick finish with Christain and Shelton Benjamin two ladders. Christain and Shelton were on the same ladder and it tilted over to the ropes. Christain stopped himself on the rope while Shelton fell out of the ring. Christain then pushed the ladder back to the briefcase. The crowd was going nuts and it should have ended there with Christain getting the win, but, the Kane and CM Punk got rid of Christain and Punk kicked Kane off the ladder to win. The end was very anti-climatic and the crowd was booing when CM Punk won and he was supposed to be face.

Here's the link to check out the ending:

I liked the Del Rio finish. It made the match look more real. Ladders were not created so two guys could fight on top of them...there's no guarantee those two could have done their spot without falling. Del Rio falling made the match more suspenseful. I remember wondering if someone was going to jump into the ring and climb a ladder. The only disappointment was that Del Rio's fall wasn't more dangerous. It was a weak bump.

The worst finish would have to be Jack Swagger's win. It took him 2 minutes to unhook the briefcase.
Jack Swagger's win was without doubt the worst ending to a MITB match. He took too long to retreat the briefcase which made it anti climatic and then his cash in was poor and his title reign was poor, so the worst ending to a MITB match goes to Swagger.
Swaggers win is easily forgotten about and his horrible title run was even more horrible.. I didnt believe back then he'd make a credible challenger let alone a credible champion... I give Creative credit though at least they tried something different giving swaagger MITB win and a short title run!!
Swaggers win is easily forgotten about and his horrible title run was even more horrible.. I didnt believe back then he'd make a credible challenger let alone a credible champion... I give Creative credit though at least they tried something different giving swaagger MITB win and a short title run!!

You know who else had a horrible first world title run? CM Punk. Just sayin'

I'm going against popular opinion here and going to say the worst MITB end was Rob Van Dam's, I was an RVD fan, at the time but I would have rather seen someone like Shelton Benjamin, get his shot

Maybe even Kennedy's mitb win. Just because he never really stuck me as a main eventer, so it was a "wtf" win, in my mind
Swagger's was not good because he certainly wasn't champion for long, was he? And now, he's a regular on the mid-card circuit. I also didn't like Daniel Bryan's win, however, he may prove me wrong in the coming months. Bryan can wrestle and he's getting better on the mic, however, he has losses to both Wade Barrett and Christian (which is nothing to whine about) recently so right now with all these losses, he doesn't look much like an MITB winner.
Kane's was pretty anti-climactic. The match itself was good (Money in the Banks usually are), but to get the win Kane just sort of shoved Drew McIntyre off the ladder and then grabbed the case. CM Punk's second win comes in second for doing essentially the same thing, only with his foot. He was also tied up in the ladder as Kane was about to win, which had some poetic justice about it as that's how he won the year before, but he was able to escape and get the win.
I'd say The Miz's win was the worst. Now don't get me wrong I have nothing against The Miz and I really like him. But there was nothing special about the way he won. Orton was reaching for the briefcase and Miz pushed the ladder down then climbed and took the briefcase. His win was a mark out moment but the way he won wasn't really good in my opinion.

agreed. his win was also a mark out moment for me but the way he got orton off the ladder is something we usaully see in every ladder match ( usally is also the first fall from the ladder of the match) and defenitley nothing compared to the other ways mitb matches are won (my favorite was RVD) titlting orton off a causing him to fall onto the ropes like any generic ladder spot isnt anything to the prevous MITB matches
While Jack Swaggers' win was very bad live, I feel that the worst ending so far has to be when CM Punk won at Wrestlemania 25. Now, I actually like CM Punk but I feel the ending would have been better had it been Christian winning right after the ladder tipped and he stopped himself from falling by putting his foot on the ropes. The crowd popped pretty big for that moment. CM Punk winning was understandable and it did lead to a great feud but for me it's the worst ending of all the Money in the Bank matches.

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