Worst day I've had, in a very long time.


Once again I find myself having a horrible day, and all I can do is get on an Internet Wrestling Forum to vent. So here you guys have it.

I was in dance practice, the girlfriend's dad came in and called her out. Turns out, her baby hit her head, rather hard. They had to take her to the Emergency Room. Fortunately, everything is fine with the baby, according to the doctors, and what my dance instructor told me around 3 hours ago.

But, the girlfriend doesn't have a phone until Thursday due to her mother's lack of responsibility to pay the phone bill. So I can't even call to check on her, and I'm about ready to cry, and have a nervous breakdown. Due to being that darn nervous over my amazing girlfriend.
1) Girlfriend has a baby? How old are you guys? At any rate, I suppose it's fine if you're okay with it. No need for me to pass judgement.

2) Her baby is fine, no? Calm down.

3) No need to get worked up. Calm yo self, dude.
Wow Milky. You make me feel like not going to work and pulling a sicky(wink wink) is really bad. I hope all gets better.
1) Girlfriend has a baby? How old are you guys? At any rate, I suppose it's fine if you're okay with it. No need for me to pass judgement.

I'm 16, shes 18. I have to take absolutely no responsibility for the baby, nor am I ready to anytime soon.

2) Her baby is fine, no? Calm down.

I'm not worried about the baby, as I actually stated. I'm worried about my girlfriend. :\ She just recieved word her child's head was severly injured, so shes obviously worked up about it, and her parents not wanting me around makes it to where I can't go and see her; Then with her mom's stupidity to pay the phone bill makes it where I can't simply call and check up on her. I feel so, useless where I really am needed.
I'm 16, shes 18. I have to take absolutely no responsibility for the baby, nor am I ready to anytime soon.

I'm just saying, a baby is a huge responsibility. I definitely would not be able to take such a responsibility now, and I'm almost 20. But if she's got her shit settled, and you're fine with the idea, more power to you.

I'm not worried about the baby, as I actually stated. I'm worried about my girlfriend. :\ She just recieved word her child's head was severly injured, so shes obviously worked up about it, and her parents not wanting me around makes it to where I can't go and see her; Then with her mom's stupidity to pay the phone bill makes it where I can't simply call and check up on her. I feel so, useless where I really am needed.

Well, her parents not wanting you around is lame. But you can't really do anything about that. You've just got to calm yourself, and not go fucking crazy in the time being. Distract yourself with whatever you can, and be sure to get some sleep. Trust me, depression and anxiety only get worse as you get more tired and exhausted. Fucking take some Nyquil if you can't conk out when you normally do.
Wait, she has a BABY? Then you go on and bitch about her parents not paying her cell phone? Umm....If she is responsible enough to have a fucking baby. Then she is responsible enough to pay her own phone. Without mommy or daddy.
Let me not forget this....

Once again I find myself having a horrible day, and all I can do is get on an Internet Wrestling Forum to vent. So here you guys have it.

I was in dance practice, the girlfriend's dad came in and called her out. Turns out, her baby hit her head, rather hard. They had to take her to the Emergency Room. Fortunately, everything is fine with the baby, according to the doctors, and what my dance instructor told me around 3 hours ago.

But, the girlfriend doesn't have a phone until Thursday due to her mother's lack of responsibility to pay the phone bill. So I can't even call to check on her, and I'm about ready to cry, and have a nervous breakdown. Due to being that darn nervous over my amazing girlfriend.

She's 18 and has a baby, yet it's her mom's fault she doesn't have a phone?

Girlfriend, I am disappoint.
I think if you have a fucking baby at all you should be able to take care of it. Also yourself. It's called responsibility. I'm not saying if it wasn't my daughter I would completely shun her. It's just called discipline and responsibility. If you have a kid, then YOU need to take care of it, not anyone else, and you should be out on your own.
Let me not forget this....


James Van Der Beek, my N----!


Getting back on topic though, I'm 24 and the last thing in the world I want right now is a kid, or to even be remotely involved with a girl who has a kid. Is the baby yours?

Does she have an internet connection? Kids that age can't live without Facebook. If you have no other way of getting in touch with her, get in touch with her either through there, or get in touch with one of her friends through there.
It's natural to feel depressed when you're helpless. Just remember that to your girlfriend you are far from useless. There must be an emotional connection in order to have a relationship. The fact that you share that with someone speaks volumes in itself.

Phone or not, baby or not, tough times or not...this will pass and if she truly feels something for you, she will find a way to talk to you. And vice versa. Having a few options taken away is different than having no options.
I'm glad to see that Monkey and Jane can take over trolling duties when I am otherwise hasseled by my semi-Face status. It's the tragedy of being a Tweener, after all.
Well, of course he has a point. All trolls normally do, or else they're horrible at their job.
Isn't everyone who posts in a thread a troll though? I mean really. I just gave my opinion on the matter. My bad...


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