World Wrestling Federation


Quick thoughts, Proph - great start to Monday Night RAW with Austin and Rock in the ring together. Battle of words between the two tonight, good call, they don't need too much physicality to build for a match really. I remember their promo going into Survivor Series during the Invasion angle when they were singing and then out of nowhere, Rock hit the Rock Bottom and uttered that 'The Rock will never ever forget' ... It was amazing. I'd keep them away from physically battling each other until their match. However, from what was said, I suddenly got the feeling that Rock might not get a WWF Title match. A Battle Royal seems to suit that idea - maybe Rock is going to get screwed once more?

Hardcore Title match: Kane vs. Raven. I liked the touch at the start of Kane not bringing any weaponry, cool touch. Raven was on a roll heading into WM17 and his performance in the Triple Threat match justified him getting this rematch. Edge and Christian with Rhyno making the attack on Kane was a good idea - Kane looks like he is heading into the Tag Team Title feud with E&C so him having the Hardcore strap was not a good idea with him. You've furthered the feud between E&C and Kane - I'd like to see something now with Raven, who was getting cheers before WM17, turning face over the help he was given from Rhyno to head into Rhyno vs. Raven maybe?

I love how you write Kurt Angle's promos, you've got him spot on. He is an arrogant p***k as a character and it shows. Refusing to talk about Benoit was classic but he couldn't resist guaranteeing a win at Backlash in the end. I'm still confused over where you're heading with the Crash Holly and Triple H thing - I'm willing to give you chance but for me it's dragging Triple H down. When you started building Triple H for the Battle Royal later, I couldn't take the idea of him winning seriously - he's just lost to Crash Holly! I liked the jist of what Hunter was saying but then Crash interrupted him and announced that he wanted respect from HHH. There's got to be something bigger coming with this so I'll hold my word for a while until I know where it is going.

Chyna squashes Lita. Hmmm. I would have preferred to see Lita built up more here, the whole Chyna squashing the Divas division doesn't intrigue me at all. Hope you've got more in mind for her down the line, something more with RTC would be good. Later, we heard from RTC when Steven Richards complained about Chyna but it needs more momentum to make it PPV worthy - not sure how Goodfather, Bull Buchanan and Val Venis can feud properly with Chyna though, could be interesting. I thought Chris Jericho's interview was a little short too - it got the point across but I can't see Jericho not going on a bit longer. Vince and Austin discussing WCW and Shane was interesting, I like how you keep making little mentions of this but not making a big deal of it yet. Big Show teaming with Austin is a good call, adds to his heel status and gives him some muscle to 'protect' him - I don't mean Austin needs protection but the idea of him having somebody to assist him makes him more heel.

Jericho vs. Radicalz - I like how you built Jericho up in a losing effort but it was Eddie Guerrero who eventually got the pinfall. Perfectly booked but Jericho takes another ass-kicking after the match. Not much mention of Regal this week which is good - stops him becoming tiresome - but I wonder how he will be involved come Backlash. The later tease of Jericho pitching an idea to Vince McMahon is also interesting - what could a face Jericho suggest to Vince that he likes?

Austin and Show defeat APA, good match there, well written. I half expected you to have Show do something stupid to lose the match but you didn't and it appears that the Show-Austin alliance is now confirmed. Like I said earlier, Show with Austin is a good idea as it adds to Austin's heel persona. Angle squashing Too Cool but then just escaping Benoit was interesting again - this is my favourite feud so far although how much further you can take it, I'm unsure. You need a gimmick to continue the feud - IRL, did Angle have his medals stolen or something? Benoit must be difficult to write for. I don't envy you with it!

Loved the Austin, Rock, Triple H and Taker wordless meeting. Four of the top guys in the business. Really would love to see Judgement Day feature some kind of Fatal Four Way between them all. Rock wins the Battle Royal after more problems caused for Triple H by Crash Holly. You are really building Crash up aren't you?! Austin facing Rock at Backlash then, will be good, I already know you'll make it amazing. I'm starting to get into this BT now after the disappointment of you ending 'Unleashed' before. Keep up the great work.

Time to get caught up on the Book This threads. Im gonna start with you Proph cause I like the throwback to the Attitude Era. Here are my reviews. They're on every show, so you can see them in the Spoiler Tags.

Raw: Let the Games begin:

Austin's promo to kick the show off was quite graphic and didn't really sound like him at times. But I guess this where you're trying to go with his character which is a good step. Interesting.

Good opening match with the Hardyz and X-Factor. Nice to give these guys time to shine.

Nice interaction between Regal and Y2J. I was hoping Regal would want a rematch, but I guess if you can't beat him, find someone else who can.

Austin vs 'Taker at Backlash?? Hmmm....

I like the idea of Jericho vs Latino Heat. Maybe Title for Title?

The Rock's promo came off like he was whining and that doesn't sound like him at all. Just food for thought dude.

Edge and Christian vs The Hardyz for the Tag Titles. Hell Freakin Yea! That makes the Hardyz loss really should be taken in effect dude. They prob shoulda won that match against X-Factor.

Squash match for the Bros. of Destruction. LOL. And maybe challenging for the Tag Titles.....interesting.

Ban Chyna from the WWF? Something new for the RTC. I like how you're continuing their feud and having them rob Chyna of her match and they didn't jump her. Playing Mind Games seems like a new tactic with these guys instead of a usual beatdown.

Main Event was chaotic just as the Attitude Era should be, but I felt as if Rock should've just beat on McMahon until Austin came down. They brawl until Vince gets back up and the numbers game caught up to him, or.....hell I can't tell you what to do haha. But I like where this is going so far.

WWF SmackDown: Toothless Agression

What better way to kick off SmackDown with Kurt Angle! Nice interaction between Benoit and Angle. Angle was berating Benoit for a good while before he came out and it should it should be an interesting tag team match. Like that you're continuing this feud.

Good little opening match between Raven and Test. Good win for Test.

I don't why, but the Hardyz segment has me a bit unsettling. Seems like something just might happen in their match tonight.

I like this RTC angle with Chyna. They are really going to the extremes to have Chyna taken off WWF Television.

The continuation of this Jericho/Regal is a tad pointless since he isn't the one challenging Jericho for the title at Backlash. I woulda preferred Eddie confront him here.

I liked the Tag Team Championship Match, but where was Matt when Jeff got pinned? Anyway, I like the possible Bros. of Destruction vs E & C feud.

I liked the Rock/Benoit promo. No complaints there.

A nice way to get Eddie some more Heat as he jumps Jericho from behind and makes his actions clear. Regal is really stacking the deck against Jericho and that Handicap match is no fair. Good job making him come off like a douche.

WHOA! Crash Holly upset The Game!! WTF? I can't wait to see where this is gonna go!

Loved the WM X7 Highlights. A little dose of nostalgia goes a long way.

Main Event was great with the Attitude Era style. Benoit has his match with Angle and The Rock gets a bit of revenge for Monday Night RAW. Their feud looks to be heating up rather than cooling down.

RAW: The Battle Royal:

Great exchange between Austin and Rock to open the show. Really shows the hatred they have for another carried over from WrestleMania. I could play this out in my head and it's great.

Great Hardcore Match between Kane and Raven. Some great spots and the interference by E & C makes sense. Just gets their feud with the Bros. of Destruction really kicked off. They wanna make sure Kane and Taker are put on notice.

You nailed Kurt's promo there. I could actually hear him in my head acting and saying all that. LOL great job with that.

I liked the mic exchange between HHH and Crash. You must really see something in Crash if you have him feuding with The Game. I like how it's sort of like The Bully vs The Little Guy type feud. Lookin forward to see where this is going.

Nice little squash for Chyna to make her look dominant. I was surprised there was no RTC sighting in this match. Maybe a bit later on then...

I liked the Jericho promo backstage. Sounds like him which doesn't hurt me a bit.

LOL at the Austin/McMahon reaction. I see Vince is quite worried about WCW.

Jericho just can't catch a break. First, X-Factor, then The Radicalz. I like how this feud is building up. Eddie getting the win and holding both belts. Can't wait for their Backlash contest. Should be a good one.

Austin and Big Show beating the APA seems to be a bigger win in its own right. Great win for McMahon's Boys.

I wonder what Jericho talked about with Mr. McMahon. Hmmm....? Also Vince giving Richards the Green Light to take care of the problem himself? That can't be good. Who knows what RTC is gonna do.

Nice to have Angle in a squash. Showing that vicious side he's ready to unleash on Benoit as Backlash. Speaking of which, always nice to have a brawl to end a segment to really keep the heat up on this feud.

Great Main Event with this 10 Man Battle Royal. Also, you did a great job continuing the HHH/Crash feud as Crash is the reason he got eliminated. I'm sure that will NOT sit well with The Game.

But the bigger story here is that Rock won and the much anticipated rematch for the WWF Title will take place at Backlash. It should be a good one.

This completes my reviews. The Backlash Card looks good so far and all the matches have a good build built off of WrestleMania. I'm really looking forward to seeing where you take this HHH/Crash feud. I'm very intrigued. I'll be keeping in touch. Good to see you re-ignite the WWF here. Cheers man and keep up the good work.
World Wrestling Federation
Thursday Night Smackdown| April 12, 2001
Philadelphia, PA

~ Opening Video

~ Pyro

Michael Cole: Welcome everyone to another edition of Thursday Night Smackdown. We are here in Philadelphia tonight for what promises to be an amazing show. Tonight Kurt Angle will face off against The Rock. After competing in a tag team match against each other last week Kurt Angle has requested a one on one match with The Great One. Can Angle continue to build steam as we move toward Backlash and his match with Chris Benoit? As always I’m joined by my broadcast partner, the human suplex machine, Taz.

Taz: How exciting is this Cole? It’s Smackdown and tonight we are going to see Kurt Angle vs The Rock in our main event. Plus tonight a champion vs champion match will take place between Chris Jericho and Steve Austin. It’s one of the only times you will ever see the Intercontinental Champion vs WWF Champion and we have it tonight.

Taz: Let’s get this thing rolling.

You’re Gonna Pay!

“Rollin”, what a way to kick of things this week on Smackdown. With the crowd standing on their feet, while cheering, The Undertaker and his brother Kane walk out. With ‘Taker sporting a new leather jacket and Kane in his trademark mask they enter the ring. After walking around the ring for a moment while the crowd cheers them on, Taker grabs a microphone from the top of the steel step. He steps back, standing next to his brother, and begins his address.

The Undertaker: I’m not someone who likes to sugar coat anything, so I’m gonna cut right to the chase. You see, I’ve been watching two little punks run around claiming to be the best damn tag team this company has ever seen. I’ve been hearing that these two little kids want to prove that they are the best and that they will defend their tag team titles at any time. It doesn’t matter if it is raining, sunny, or even snowing they will defend their titles. Well I say we put their word to the test. I say we make them man up or shut up right here tonight.

The crowd cheer as soon as ‘Taker pauses.

The Undertaker: I’ve been in the business long enough to know that unless you beat the biggest dog in the yard you haven’t done anything. Now Edge and Christian you guys are the puppies and you are in my yard. The WWF is the yard of The Undertaker; this is considered hell on earth for everyone else in the company because I run the show. I’m the biggest bad ass that this company has ever seen and you two punks need to realise that you don’t want to make me mad.

More support for ‘Taker.

The Undertaker: You two have only three (puts his fingers up) options at this stage. Number 1, you come out to this ring and put those titles on the line right here tonight!

Big pop.

The Undertaker: Number 2, you don’t come out, Kane and I go back there and kick your ass just for fun.

Another pop.

The Undertaker: Or number 3,you come out here and get your ass kicked like men. So Edge and Christian they are your three options. Now I don’t have a problem with either of the three but number one does sound the most appealing to me.

Kane: I like number two.

The Undertaker: Number two is a fine choice Kane. So Edge and Christian what will it be? Are you going to come out here like men and fight us or will you continue to ran away like children?

Pause from ‘Taker as he waits for an answer.






The Undertaker: That doesn’t surprise me, in fact I was expecting that. After what you punks did on Raw to Kane, I know this big guy is pissed off. So whenever we find you, and we will find you guys, I’m going to let this big red monster break every single bone in your body. Then after Kane rips you apart, I’m going reattach your bones and then break them again.

Doctor ‘Taker everyone, the crowd cheers this attempt of body modification.

The Undertaker: Edge and Christian you want to be the best tag team in the WWF, well to be that you need to go through us. You don’t become the best without beating the two demons of Death Valley. You don’t rise to the top of the mountain without going through the big red machine and the American bad ass. You claim to be the champions, I say if you two want to prove yourselves then defend those titles against us. Now I’m gonna give you one last chance to man up and face us. Come on!

The crowd looks to the entrance ramp for Edge and Christian to make their way out to the ring to face Kane and The Undertaker. Unfortunately the tag champions are nowhere to be found and don’t look like they will be making their way out to the ring anytime soon. This pisses off ‘Taker more then he already was.

The Undertaker: You want to play that way, that’s fine, I was kind of hoping it would end up like this. Ever since I’ve been here I’ve had to teach a lot of young guys like you two lessons. From people who never made it to legends like Shawn Michaels. They have all been taught a thing or two by me. So I don’t want you to think that this is a special treat or anything, this is common business for me. I don’t want disrespect in this to me or anyone back there that works hard. And all I see from you two punks is disrespect. I’ll give you a warning, we are coming for you. We are going look all over this building to find you and when we do, you will experience the biggest ass kicking that this world has ever seen.

“Rollin”, the brothers exit the ring and head up the ramp on the hunt for Edge and Christian. With The Undertaker leading the charge, and Kane following behind, the WWF fans go crazy.

Michael Cole: The hunt is on ladies and gentleman, The Undertaker and Kane want a piece of Edge and Christian tonight.

Taz: If I were Edge or Christian I would be running out that door quickly.

Michael Cole: Stay tuned to see what happens next as Smackdown rolls on.

{Commercial Break}

Back from the break "This Is A Test" hits and out comes Test and his partners for this match The Dudley Boyz. The crowd gives a solid response for these three men, nothing mind blowing but it shows that the crowd has something invested in them. "What About Me?” changes the mood in the arena. With some good heat from the fans Raven, the NEW WWF Hardcore Champion, steps out with X- Pac, Justin Credible and Albert. Out of those three it will be X- Pac and Justin Credible competing tonight while Albert watches on from the outside of the ring.

Match 1# - The Dudley Boyz and Test vs X- Factor and Raven

Match Summary: Basic tag team opener from these guys tonight. All of them are solid workers with Raven being the best man out there. During this contest the announcers talk about last week and how Test pinned Raven and the possibility that he could be the next in line for a tonight match. Plus Test got the victory clean over Raven so he does have a claim to the gold. The match was more so Raven controlled with the heels beating up the faces in the corner with a numbers advantage. X- Pac was his arrogant self, making fun of the faces when they were in trouble in the corner. The match isn’t anything to amazing, in fact the best bits were probably The Dudley Boyz going their “What’s Up” head butt move. After five minutes of average in ring action the ending sequence begins. A right hand from Raven has D- Von Dudley going backward towards the ropes. Raven slings D- Von across the ring and then runs toward him, connecting with a big forearm in the corner. As Raven steps back D- Von stumbles forward and right into the arms of the Hardcore Champion. With his arms spread out Raven tilts his head back, grabs D- Von and nails the DDT for the pin.

Result: X- Factor and Raven def. The Dudley Boyz and Test at 05:30/ Raven pins D- Von

"What About Me?”, victory once again for Raven, that’s twice in one week! Being the dark and mysterious force that he is Raven shows no emotion about the victory while X- Factor, mainly Justin Credible, thinks it is the greatest thing in the world. As X- Factor celebrate outside the ring Raven grabs his title, slings it over his shoulder, and jumps the guard rail so he can walk through the crowd of people that are chanting he sucks.

Would Someone Hit Play On The Video Please?

Narrator: It was a time of fierce battles that seemingly had no end.​

The Rocking hits the Rock Bottom on Steve Austin and then Austin hits the Stunner

Narrator: Two men who were destined to take each other to the limit​

Chris Benoit is shown screaming in pain at the hands of Kurt Angle

Narrator: Three teams took extreme to another level​

Several clips for the past TLC matches between The Dudley Boys, The Hardy Boyz and Edge and Christian

Narrator: They all thought that the fighting was over​

Steve Austin celebrating his title win with Vince McMahon after beating The Rock

Narrator: They were wrong​

The attack from Austin to The Rock is shown

Narrator: That was only the beginning of the war​

Several clips of WWF superstars fighting each other

Narrator: Now comes ...​

Vince McMahon standing in a suit with Steve Austin behind him

Narrator: Backlash!​


Michael Cole: What an event Backlash 2001 will be Taz. The main event on that night will be The Rock facing off against Steve Austin for the WWF Championship. You don’t get much bigger then that do you Taz?

Taz: The two biggest stars in this business face off in a rematch from WrestleMania, you couldn’t write a better story. This is a huge match and it’s a must see for every fan of the WWF.

Michael Cole: Well speaking of the pay per view, not everyone has a chance to be there. Last week here on Smackdown Jeff Hardy suffered an injury that will put him on the shelf until November of this year.

Taz: It’s a big hit for not only the fans but for the tag team division. Over the last couple of years The Hardy Boyz has been at the top of the tag team world and now Matt is left without a partner.

Michael Cole: Let me take you back to last week, it was The Hardy Boyz vs Edge and Christian in a tag team match. It was going great, the fans were into the match and then this happened.

{Recap: Last Week}

He fires away with a head butt with everything on the line for The Hardy Boyz tonight. He is fighting to stay alive in this match and he is able to send Edge stumbling back to the mat. Down goes Edge and Jeff looks to be getting a second wind at this moment. However this is cut short when Christian rushes over and pushes Jeff off the turnbuckle and to the outside of the ring.

He hits the ground in a dangerous position with his knee looking like it bent the wrong way. The official quickly heads to the outside of the ring and seems to have words with Jeff. At that moment the camera is taken away from Jeff and switches to the face of his worried brother Matt. Nobody knows what has just happened but both Edge and Christian are chopping at the bits to get back on the attack. While all this madness is going on a tag is made between the champions and the official does see it. After a delaying of about one minute the official begins a ten count for Jeff. To the surprise of the announcers Christian goes to the outside and attacks the injured leg/knee of Jeff Hardy. Michael Cole describes it as a sickening attack while Taz brings up the argument that it is competition. With Jeff being the walking wounded Christian doesn’t waste time on beating up a dead horse. He gets Jeff back into the ring and he hits the Unprettier. Ever the arrogant wrestler Christian doesn’t look the legs as he covers Jeff.




Edge and Christian defeated The Hardy Boyz @ 09:01

{End Recap}

Michael Cole: After that incident Jeff Hardy is out, he is unable to compete with the WWF until November. Tonight we will here from Matt Hardy and hopefully get an update on the condition of his brother.

Taz: Hopefully we will hear some good news about Jeff and when he will be back in action.

Michael Cole: Our thoughts go out to the Hardy family but the show must go on ladies and gentleman. Stay with us as Smackdown rolls on.

{Commercial Break}

"Man Beast", we are back here on Smackdown and with his music in the background The Man Beast, Rhyno, charges down to the ring. We last saw Rhyno on Raw is War where he helped Edge and Christian take down Kane during his title match against Raven. Next “Slow Death” hits to a solid pop from the crowd. With a water bottle in hand Crash heads down to the ring. In something a little different from Crash he gets up onto the ring apron and spits water up into the air, remind you of anyone? Some members of the crowd laugh at it while some find it annoying.

Match 2# - Rhyno vs Crash Holly

Match Summary: This wasn’t the most interesting contest of the night from a fans perspective at first but toward the end of the match the people did get behind Crash Holly a fair bit. The crowd was by no means off their feet going crazy here but they were reacting to the cheap shots from Rhyno and then the comeback from Crash. It was your standard mid card match from these two and what they put on was really good for the most part. You can’t complain when you have Rhyno using his strength advantage to throw Crash around a little and then Crash doing some amazing counters to get himself back into the contest. Anyway around the five minute mark Rhyno was still in control. He struck with right hand shots to the head of Crash before hitting a suplex. The pin attempt got a two count so the match continued. Rhyno was able to keep the pressure on as he hit several high impact moves ranging from shoulder block, scoop slam and a superplex just to name a few. None of these moves were enough to put Holly down for the count and it looked like Crash wasn’t going to give up. He showed so much heart in this contest and even made a comeback to boot. Crash was able to counter the Gore and turn that into a huge DDT in the middle of the ring. Just as Crash Holly looked to get some offense going however Triple H came running down to the ring and attacked Crash. The assault caused the match to be thrown out but this was the least of Holly’s problems.

Result: Crash Holly def. Rhyno at 06:45/ Triple H attacks Holly causing a DQ

As the crowd boo very loudly at this assault Triple H drives his fist into the skull of Crash. Like a machine gun Triple H fires away while holding Crash with his left hand. The little guy has no defence this attack. Each punch is strong then the last from Triple H who now screams at Crash to man up and fight.

Michael Cole: This is sick damn it, stop this!

Taz: It’s a pure fight out there ladies and gentleman. It is on and ready to go.

Michael Cole: Triple H has just jumped Crash Holly when he wasn’t looking. This is ridiculous.

Crash tries to fight back to his feet, hitting a few right hands to the face of Triple H sending him stumbling backward. The crowd pop as Crash gets to a vertical base and hits a forearm to the face. He then sends Triple H into the ropes but is countered and hit with a facebuster.

With Crash holding his face Triple H grabs him by the head and throws him over to the top rope and to the outside. Quickly The Game steps to the outside and begins to lay the boots into Crash. With his hands around the head of Crash, and the crowd giving him some great heat, Triple H slams Crash into the guard rail. He doesn’t do this once but he slams Crash into the rail a second time, a third, fourth, fifth and a sixth.

As Crash lays on the ground with blood on his face, Triple H looks around the ring for something. Something comes to mind as Triple H looks under the ring and pulls out… … a sledgehammer!

Michael Cole: Not this! Come on, stop this.

Taz: This is brutal.

Triple H looks at the sledgehammer like it is a sword of power. His eyes pop out of his head as he stares at the weapon in head. Just as Triple H places the weapon in the attack position Crash begins to get back up. He is totally unaware of what is coming and can’t stop the huge shot with the weapon! The Game sends Crash crumbling down to the floor and after the attack a sinister grin comes across his face. The people are all booing this attack as Triple H begins to move up the ramp.

Michael Cole: This isn’t right Taz, what Triple H just did was disgusting.

Taz: You can’t say he doesn’t send a message.

Michael Cole: Well moving on from that ladies and gentleman, at the moment we have Matt Hardy on the line waiting to give us an update on his brothers condition. After suffering an injury last week Jeff is going to be out until November so he will miss most of 2001.

Taz: It’s a shame to see but things like this happen in our business.

Michael Cole: Let’s head to the back where Jonathan Coachman is standing by with Matt Hardy.

He Spells Things With Z’s

Backstage, Jonathan Coachman is standing by with Matt Hardy.

Jonathan Coachman: What a night we are having tonight and it only gets better because The Coach is here on Smackdown. If you would all welcome my guest, Matt Hardy.

Hardy steps forward and takes his place next to Coach.

Jonathan Coachman: Matt everyone knows why you’re doing this interview, the injury to your brother has left you without a tag team partner, The Hardy Boyz are no more. The injury to Jeff has put him out until November at least. How are you doing and how is Jeff doing since last week?

Notably sad Matt runs his hand through his hair before answering.

Matt Hardy: What can you do? These things happen and Jeff knows that. We both knew what we were getting into when we joined the WWF and it was only a matter of time before a major injury happened to one of us. I’m glad it wasn’t me but at the same time I’m upset that my brother is out of action. I know how much this business means to Jeff and for him to be unable to compete is eating him up inside. I watched him walk out to that ring each week more pumped than ever. He never lost the drive to compete and it really is a shame to see him on the shelf. He saw a doctor a couple of days ago and they basically said the same thing, he will be out until November.

Jonathan Coachman: Where does this put you as in competition? Will you find another tag partner or is it a singles title hunt for you in the future?

Seemingly annoyed at the question Matt points to his shirt which has the Hardy Boyz symbol and a picture of the two brothers on it.

Matt Hardy: How could I replace my own brother? We are blood; we are The Hardy Boyz for life Coach. Nobody can replace my brother and even if someone could, I wouldn’t dream of leaving Jeff. We have been through so much together that it would feel wrong to leave him in his time of need. I’m going to stick with him and wait until November and wait until I have my brother back. The bond we have is stronger than ever and now with one Hardy down I need to step up. I’m going to fight for Jeff and win for Jeff. I’ll become better than ever and when he returns we will be the tag team champions again. We will prove to the world that we are the best tag team ever in the WWF.

Jonathan Coachman: While you say all those things I conducted an interview with you last week and it seemed like you two were on edge. How was the relationship between you and Jeff before he was injured?

Matt shakes his head in disapproval.

Matt Hardy: As I said we are brothers, we fight some times. Just like everyone who has a brother, you don’t always get along like best friends. But at the end of the day you come together as family and that is what Jeff and I will do. I’m here to represent Jeff and the Hardy Boyz from now on. I’ll do my best to win and make my family proud. No matter if its two Hardyz or just one, we will always fight. So next Monday on Raw is War I will get some retribution for my brother. You see I spoke with William Regal and he granted me a match with Christian.

The crowd pops for that announcement with a few jeers coming through because the match isn’t taking place tonight. Hardy makes his way off the set as the camera switches to another section of the arena.

I Was Never A Fan Of Hide And Seek

For the second time tonight, probably not the last either, Kane and The Undertaker are seen walking around the backstage area. They look around corners, inside the janitor’s closet and even under a table for Edge and Christian. Funnily enough they have no luck and the champions are nowhere to be seen.

The Undertaker: Come on, let’s try over there.

The two brothers head over to the area ‘Taker was talking about as Michael Cole and Taz chime in to lead into the commercial break coming up.

Taz: It doesn’t look like the brothers are having any luck in finding Edge and Christian tonight. If anyone knows how to escape capture it’s E and C man.

Michael Cole: But for how long? How long can the champions keep this up? At one point they are going to have to fight instead of running like this.

Taz: It’s mind games Cole. Edge and Christian are trying to get Undertaker and Kane angry so they lose focus and then bam! E and C will strike like they always do.

Michael Cole: A more likely scenario is that The Undertaker and Kane will catch them and beat them to a pulp.

Taz: Edge and Christian aren’t some random punks Cole. These guys are the tag team champions, who have proven they can hang with the best.

Michael Cole: As The Undertaker said Taz, you haven’t proven anything until you beat him. The question remains, will Undertaker and Kane find Edge and Christian? Find out when Smackdown returns from the commercial break.

{Commercial Break}
The Game And… … Kevin?

Smackdown returns from the break Kevin Kelly trying to catch up with Triple H.

Kevin Kelly: Triple H! Excuse me Triple H.

The Game stops walking and turns to Kevin.

Triple H: What the hell do you want?

Kevin Kelly: Could I get a quick word on what you did to Crash Holly? Why? What’s the purpose of the attack?

The Game pokes Kevin in the chest as he talks.

Triple H: That was message. I told Crash Holly on Monday that he better not push my buttons but he did anyway. I gave the kid a warning before I knocked his teeth down his throat. I tried to help him, but that idiot thought it would be funny to try and play with me. He wanted to fight and tonight I gave it to him. I made sure Crash got what he wanted. After all the pleading to get a chance I gave Crash a shot to become something more than the little Hardcore Champion that he was but once again he failed. I beat him so bad that I doubt he’ll be able to walk again and I take pride in that.

Kevin Kelly: But you attacked the man from behind, how can you be proud of that? What kind of man does that?

Triple H examines Kevin Kelly, looking up and down at him.

Triple H: What kind of man does that? I’d say a man who is a former world champion, a former Intercontinental Champion; I’ve held nearly every title in this company so I would say that makes me a pretty damn good man. I would think that I’m the type of guy people dream about being. That’s the type of guy Kevin, guys like me who don’t take a step back for anybody. In fact I’d do it again in a heartbeat because I’m that type of guy, I love seeing people in pain Kevin. I enjoy seeing people like Crash Holly beg me to stop beating them up, I love every second of it. If Crash Holly can found enough strength in his pathetic little body to come to Raw on Monday I’ll be waiting.

Kevin Kelly: You’re saying you would want to face Crash Holly again?

The Game chuckles a little.

Triple H: I’ve never turned down a fight in my life and I don’t plan on starting now. If Crash wants to face me again then all he has to do is ask. Next week on Raw is War! I want Crash Holly to come down to the ring and ask me. If he does I’ll say yes, if not then he will never get another chance to wrestle the best in the business again.

What a huge announcement from Triple H tonight, he will face Crash Holly again if challenged this Monday night. The Game smirks once again before walking away from Kevin. We leave Kevin for the foreseeable future and head to ringside.

A Latino Who Is The European Champion Facing A Canadian

“Whatever”, this will probably by the best all round wrestling match of the night and the only one that will be written in full. Out first is the Canadian, Chris Benoit, who gets a very good pop from the crowd. Being that this is the homeland of the former ECW promotion and Benoit was made famous there he is treated like a hometown guy. Next is Eddie Guerrero, who cocky as ever steps out from behind the curtain with his European Championship sparkling in the lights. He heads down to the ring, without any of The Radicalz in sight tonight. A little bit of history is that Chris Benoit used to be in the group so these two know each other so well.

Match 3# - Chris Benoit vs Eddie Guerrero

This should be fun. We are underway here tonight and straight away the technical skills of both men come into play. They grab hands in the middle of the ring with Guerrero pushing forward toward the corner of the ring. They move back and forth for a moment with their hands locked in tight. Guerrero has the better footing between the two men and he uses this to twist Benoit’s arm around and cause him to go down onto his knees. With the leverage advantage Guerrero leans forward causing Benoit to lower even more then he already is. They have struggle in this same position for a while now and after having Guerrero bend his hands around and around Benoit tries to break it. He gets both feet up into the stomach area of Guerrero and then pushes from the mat. With their hands still locked Guerrero goes up… comes back down… hits the mat himself and sends Benoit off the canvas and over his by using the same move as his opponent (feet to the stomach for anyone not keeping up). The two men lay head to head still with their hands locked. In a cool spot both men power off the canvas without using their hands to do so. They spin around and break the hold and then both men go for dropkicks at the same time.

After that sequence both men pause from the moment and stare into the others eyes. They show no sign of backing down and the crowd await the next contact from these two warriors. Ever the antagonist Guerrero does a little dance for Benoit which gets a mixture of cheers and boos from the people. The action starts up again, they lock up this time getting up close to each other instead of just holding hands, and Guerrero gets control with a side headlock. He pulls for position but can’t get in the right spot quick enough as Benoit pushes him off into the ropes. Quickly Benoit runs forward and grabs Guerrero off the rebound with a snap overhead suplex of sorts. The crowd cheer Benoit so goes for the cover, 1… KICK OUT. Benoit doesn’t waste any time here, quickly grabbing Guerrero by the arm and pulling him to his feet. With a couple of right hand shots, Benoit sends Guerrero into the corner, he then runs forward and connects with a dropkick.

With Guerrero in the corner Benoit stands back up, gathers himself, and strikes away with the famous chops. The crowd make some type of sound as each chop connects, the announcers of course make no mention of what the notion is, and each chop is stronger than the last. Benoit kicks into another gear here and the chops start going super quick. He strikes and strikes again like a machine and the chest of Eddie Guerrero is red all over now. Ever the aggressor Benoit pulls Guerrero forward, strikes with a punch, and then lifts him up high in the air before dropping him down with a big suplex. Another cover from Benoit, 1… 2… NO! Only a two count there and now Benoit goes right back on the attack. He strikes with two forearm shots before stepping to his feet, pulling Guerrero up, attempting another suplex… Guerrero counters this time with a knee to the ribs. He breaks away from the grip and then rushes forward, gets his legs up and connects with a headscissors. Benoit goes rolling forward and Guerrero tries to capitalise with a succession of quick right hands to the head. He then kicks Benoit in the stomach and hits a vertical suplex, he keeps the hold and pops his hips before hitting a second, the crowd now what is coming next and Guerrero nails the third. Cover by Guerrero, 1… 2… NO.

Benoit gets the shoulder off the canvas much to the dismay of one Eddie Guerrero. The champion in this situation stands up, looks around the ring mainly eyeing off the top rope, and grabs Benoit by the leg. He drags him over to the turnbuckle and stomps on him to keep Benoit down. Feeling safe for the moment Guerrero climbs up onto the top rope but is able to see Benoit roll a little early away from the corner. Quickly Guerrero steps down off the turnbuckle and he goes back to work on Benoit. Benoit is already up off the ground and he meets Guerrero with offence. The two trade shots with the crowd cheering Benoit on. In a very smart moment the two men are firing back at each other and Guerrero takes the chance to duck one of the punches and counter with an uppercut to send Benoit down to the canvas. Guerrero falls into the cover, 1… 2… …KICK OUT. Still not enough to put Benoit down and now Guerrero punches the mat in frustration. He looks around the ring for a possible way to cheat but he comes up with nothing. Or does he? Guerrero scurries into the corner and unties the pad on the turnbuckle to expose the steel without the official seeing it. Like a true Guerrero, Eddie drops back down to the mat and acts like he is really damaged.

He even allows Benoit to take the advantage to make sure his plan goes unnoticed. Benoit has no idea about the exposed turnbuckle and luckily for Guerrero he even steps toward the corner. They struggle, with Benoit striking with knees. Now Guerrero goes for his plan, with Benoit holding him in a DDT position Guerrero pushes forward driving Benoit into the exposed steel. The official has no idea and doesn’t even check the corner because Guerrero executes a small package, 1… 2… NO! Denied once again even with the cheap tactic. The look on Guerrero’s face is priceless as he has no idea why he didn’t win. Everything was in perfect shape for the Latino Heat to grab a victory but he is denied. Once again Guerrero hits the mat before getting up. He looks very angry now and Guerrero shows his frustration by letting out a big yell “Get up homes, come get some heat”. The crowd boo as Guerrero connects with an arm drag, another arm drag and Guerrero fakes a third, instead he pokes Benoit in the eye directly in front of the official. It isn’t a DQ offense by any means but still a very cheap tactic from Guerrero. Roll up by Guerrero, 1… 2… KICK OUT. Yes! The crowd pop big time for the kick out and Benoit is still going. Guerrero can’t believe it, he thought he had the match won. Latino Heat shakes his head; he can’t see this going on anymore. Guerrero grabs the official by the shirt and tells him that he won, he says this match is over but the official replies that Benoit kicked out.

All the time wasted on arguing with the official may cost Guerrero because Benoit crawls up from behind and gets him with a roll up, 1… 2… KICK OUT. Near fall ladies and gentleman, both men are up, clothesline by Guerrero is ducked by Benoit, dropkick countered into a catapult. Benoit goes up and lands on the second rope, he jumps backward and misses Guerrero who gets up and runs off the ropes attempting to hit an elbow. Of course Benoit moves out of the way and goes for his own elbow… which misses. Several elbow attempts are traded back and forth with not a single one connecting. After about three goes each both men goes for an elbow at the same type and Benoit realises what is happening. He acts first, grabbing the arm and going for the crossface much to the delight of the crowd. Everyone stands as Benoit gets the arm locked under his leg. He begins to move his arms forward, trying to get them across the face of Guerrero. The champion is fighting like never before, Guerrero tries to block the hands of Benoit coming together. He is able to grab hold of the right arm but this isn’t anything to break the hold. All that Benoit needs to do is bring the hands together and this match will be all but over.

They continue to struggle, this back and forth contest is brilliant. Guerrero is freaking out here; he must not lose this match. Benoit needs a victory heading into his match with Kurt Angle, he needs a win tonight. Both men are fighting for survival here. Both men are fighting to stay at the top. Everything is being put out on the table as Benoit inches closer to his target. The atmosphere is amazing, the crowd is cheering. Guerrero struggles to keep this match alive; he struggles to remain with a chance to come away with the victory. After fighting this battle Benoit inches closer and locks in the CROSSFACE! He wrenches back to apply pressure and this match could be over. Ever the warrior that he is Guerrero will not tap. He holds on fighting to get to the bottom rope. The moves forward a little but the hold is draining him dry. The well is empty, Guerrero is out on his stomach here ladies and gentleman. There is nothing left. Benoit pulls back even more to take down Guerrero. He uses every bit of strength in the tank… … GUERRERO TAPS!

Result: Chris Benoit def. Eddie Guerrero at 13: 56/ Guerrero taps to the crossface.

After a very intense contest Benoit has no energy left. He is drained after giving a great performance and so is Guerrero. Benoit uses the ropes to get back up, managing to stay up right afterward, and makes his way over to the official. The crowd cheer Benoit as his hand is raised in victory.

Taz: What a match between Chris Benoit and Eddie Guerrero here tonight Cole. This is what Smackdown is about; we get the best damn matches every single week. You have both of these men go out there and fight for the respect that they deserve. Great match up tonight.

Michael Cole: Couldn’t agree more Taz, no matter what you think of Guerrero you need to give him credit for that match. He and Benoit may have stolen the show with that match. And I have to think that after seeing that, Chris Jericho is going to be feeling the heat coming into Backlash.

Taz: No doubt Cole, Chris Jericho is under all kinds of pressure. I don’t see how Jericho can walk out of Backlash with the title. Eddie has been on fire since WrestleMania and even though he lost Guerrero fought like never before.

Benoit staggers up the ramp while Eddie Guerrero is just getting to his feet inside the ring. He can’t believe he was forced to tap out tonight but he should be proud of that performance. Guerrero grabs his European Championship from ringside and begins his walk back up the ramp as we cut away…

{Commercial Break}

How Many U’s Are In Unification?

The action continues tonight in the backstage area with a man we just saw moments ago, Eddie Guerrero. The crowd boo at his appearance and then boo again because the WWF Commissioner, William Regal, steps into the view. The look on Regal’s face isn’t good as he address Guerrero.

William Regal: Great performance Eddie, you looked very good out there tonight.

Eddie Guerrero: Of course I did. I’m a champion homes, I’m a Guerrero. You don’t get any better than a Guerrero, especially Latino Heat.

Small Y2J chant that dies pretty quickly.

William Regal: It’s good that you’re confident Eddie; you need to be going into Backlash. You understand that as long as Chris Jericho is the Intercontinental Champion that the title belt means nothing. He is a disgrace to the title and anyone who has ever held it. I’m counting on you to take it from him Eddie. I need you to take it. I myself would do the job but being the WWF Commissioner I can’t be taking part in wrestling matches. I need to focus on my duties backstage and that is why you’re here. You will take that title off Jericho and we will have a champion we can be proud of once again.

Solid heat for Regal.

Eddie Guerrero: You have nothing to worry about homes I’ll beat Jericho at Backlash and I’ll have two belts to carry around.

William Regal: That’s wonderful Eddie that you bring up the belts because that is what I wanted to talk to you about today. It seems that Jericho was talking to Mr McMahon and he came up with a little added stipulation for the match at Backlash. It happens to involve that.

Regal points to the European Championship as Eddie freak.

Eddie Guerrero: No, no, no, this can’t be happening homes. You said I was going to fight for the Intercontinental Championship, you never said anything about my title. You better explain yourself homes.

William Regal: As I said Eddie, Mr McMahon made the decision, it wasn’t me. I tried to help you but Jericho made the case that both of you should put the titles on the line. In fact whoever wins keeps their respective championship alive while the other will be retired from active competition.

Eddie’s eyes nearly pop out of his head.

Eddie Guerrero: So you’re telling me that if I lose to Chris Jericho the European Championship is gone forever?

Regal nods.

Eddie Guerrero: So I’m risking everything while you’re just sitting back watching? When are you going to step in homes? You need to talk to the big man and settle this thing out. I never agreed to this, I didn’t want this homes.

William Regal: The decision has been made Eddie, I can’t do anything.

Regal attempts to easy the situation is effortless to say the least. After thinking that it would just be for the Intercontinental Championship at Backlash, Eddie Guerrero now finds himself in a unification match with his European Championship on the line. This match is no longer just about Chris Jericho surviving because things are even now. Jericho has played his final hand and this could turn the tables in his favour. Regal takes off backstage to do his job as the commissioner while Guerrero stands looking at his title. We cut back to ringside…

It’s Like Alphabet Soup With A Side Of Smackdown

“Protection”, it’s tag team time here tonight on Smackdown with the APA going up against the PG supporters Right to Censor. The rough and tough APA makes their way to the ring sporting their protection shirts. Bradshaw and Faarooq enter the ring with a beer in hand each. They take a pre match sip and then they chug the entire can old school Austin style. “Annoying Siren”, the arena goes red as the siren is heard buzzing. Dressed in a shirt and tie Steven Richards and Val Venis head down to the ring with Bull Buchanan and The Goodfather following. No sign of Ivory tonight and it appears see will not be at ringside during this contest. Once again Richards has a microphone in hand and will take the chance to use this public forum to voice his opinion.

Steven Richards: Once again the RTC is here to spread the message of censorship. Times are changing for the WWF and it is because of us. We are making the changes because it is the right thing to do.

Boo’s from the crowd.

Steven Richards: We don’t do it for ourselves, we do it for you. We do it for the children who watch this show and are faced with the disgusting images of Chyna and the other women walking around with their boobs hanging out for everyone to see. We are helping this world become a better place and once Chyna is gone for good the WWF will be better. Not only that but the entire planet will be better because we will not have to see her private parts on television every week.

No love for Richards tonight.

Steven Richards: I know for a fact that nobody here tonight wants to see someone like Trish Stratus in bra and panties do they?

Big pop for Trish and Richards isn’t happy at all.

Steven Richards: The WWF does not need these women wrestlers or strippers as I call them. The WWF only needs women like Ivory who don’t strip down for a dollar. We need a real women’s champion and soon enough we will have one. Ivory will be the champion again because Right to Censor will make sure it happens. We will make sure that Ivory defeats Chyna at Backlash when she cashes in her rematch clause in her contract.

Small amount of heat.

Steven Richards: Chyna your days are number here in the WWF. Our petition to have you fired grows by the second and soon enough Vince McMahon, who gave me his full support, will have no other option but to fire you.

Match 4# - APA vs Right to Censor

Match Summary: With one member of The Hardy Boyz being out until November the WWF needs teams to step up in the division. This was a chance for two teams to take a step up and get noticed by the important people, otherwise known as the fans. The match showcased both teams with the APA getting some good offense in. As the match progressed Cole and Taz hyped the APA up as tough guys who aren’t afraid of a bar fight. The crowd responded well to the APA with many of the males being fans of the two hardcore drinkers. On the flip side of the coin Right to Censor was being booed by most of the audience. The team of Steven Richards and Val Venis worked well and with Richards charisma the crowd wanted to see them get beat up. The final minutes of this match saw Right to Censor in control with Richards being the legal man. Richards set up for the Stevie Kick but Bradshaw ducked and connected with a huge clothesline. The cover was made and that got the three count for the APA to a solid pop from the crowd.

Result: APA def. Right to Censor at 06:43/ Bradshaw pins Steven

“Protection”, after a very good showing out there tonight the APA grab the victory over the impressive Right to Censor. With the numbers in the favour of RTC the APA exit the ring so they aren’t ambushed from behind or anything. They head up the ramp, probably to have a beer or something as Smackdown goes to a commercial break.

{Commercial Break}
Can You Smell What The Rock Is Cooking?

Smackdown returns and goes right into a place where legends are made… The Rock’s locker room. Inside this palace of wisdom (see what I did there?) The Rock is putting on his elbow pads for his match with Kurt Angle tonight. Being the amazing superstar that he is, The Rock gets a major pop for being on screen. The crowd show so much love of the peoples champion and he hasn’t said anything yet. Suddenly The Rock looks up and raises an eyebrow. Someone has entered the locker room of The Rock and they didn’t knock!

The Rock: Well looks like you and The Rock are meeting again on Smackdown. Oh, The Rock doesn’t mind, The Rock enjoys seeing you man. In fact The Rock thinks you’re one of the most talented people in the WWF, outside of yours truly of course. So tell The Rock what you came to say.

The camera flips around to reveal Chris Benoit which gets a big pop from the crowd.

Chris Benoit: Rock I just came to say how much I appreciated you agreeing to be my partner last week. I got a pinfall victory over Kurt and now I have a rematch at Backlash. I’m sure you know how it feels to be robbed out of a victory right?

That happy go lucky face of The Rock changes quickly after that comment. The Rock stands up and puts out his chest.

The Rock: Hold the phone Wolverine and put your claws away for another day. Sure The Rock has been screwed before but you don’t have to come into this locker room and talk about it. That’s in the past and The Rock isn’t going to think about that anymore. No more. Listen The Rock says this, in just a few weeks The Rock goes up against Steve Austin for the WWF Championship the biggest rematch of all time.

Chris Benoit: Second biggest.

The eyebrow goes up again and The Rock steps back a little in shock (he’s pretending).

The Rock: Second? What are you talking about Chris Benoit? The Rock wants to know what rematch is bigger than Austin vs Rock. Tell the millions of The Rock’s fans which rematch was bigger? You talking about Hulk Hogan vs Andre, Sting vs Flair, Mankind vs The Rock, explain yourself Chris.

Chris Benoit: Those are all good Rock but I was thinking more Benoit vs Kurt Angle.


The Rock: That’s cool The Rock understands that. But it still doesn’t match up to Austin vs The Rock at Backlash. The two biggest stars in the industry fighting it out for the WWF Championship, that Chris is what you should be talking about. Backlash will be the biggest PPV of the year because it will be the night that…

Benoit cuts in.

Chris Benoit: The night that I make Kurt Angle tap out to the crossface for the second time.

The Rock: Well sure that’ll happen but what the people will be talking about is the pinfall victory by The Rock over, the biggest piece of trailer park trash, Steve Austin.

A very loud pop from the crowd as Benoit extends his hand for a handshake between the two men. Rocky looks at the hand for a moment before grabbing it and accepting the shake.

You’re Looking For Us?

The camera switches to the parking lot area of the building where The Undertaker is walking alone. His brother Kane is nowhere in sight as Taker continues to look for Edge and Christian. He yells out for them to come and fight him but nobody responds. Thirty seconds or so pass and The Undertaker isn’t having any luck find the tag team champions. ‘Taker isn’t happy at all at the result this venture. He turns his back and heads back inside…


Like a pack of dogs Edge and Christian surprise The Undertaker out in the parking lot with Kane nowhere in sight. It’s two on one and ‘Taker is being beaten like a government mule tonight. The Tag champions grab ‘Taker by the hair and pull him over to a car. Edge holds ‘Taker in place while Christian gets a run up and then drives his knee into the bod. The attack continues as Edge bounces ‘Taker’s head off the car at least five times before handing him over to Christian who does the same thing.

Michael Cole: Stop this, has Smackdown not got any security? First Crash and now The Undertaker is being destroyed by those two punks.

Taz: The tag champions are sending a huge message tonight. They will back down from anyone Cole.

Michael Cole: Not back down? How the hell does this attack show that? This is sick Taz.

With ‘Taker trying to fight back up to his feet Edge delivers a swift boot to the face. Christian goes into the mount position and hammers away with rights to the face of ‘Taker who just happens to be bleeding. Blood drips down his face as Edge and Christian look around the parking lot. Christian gets an idea and whispers it to Edge. These two wolves grab ‘Taker and drag him over to a car. They move to the side, right next to a window.

Michael Cole: Not this, please not this. Someone stop them. Damn it somebody call the police!

Taz: ‘Taker is going head first through that window Cole.

Michael Cole: Come on ‘Taker, fight back.

Taz: This is going to be sick.


The glass shatters as ‘Taker goes head first into it. Edge and Christian give each other a high five for their efforts here tonight. However it would appear celebration time is over. Both Edge and Christian see what is coming and they head for the hills as Kane comes running toward them. The monster quickly heads over to his brother while the tag champions make their quick exit from the building for tonight.

We now head back down to the announce table with Michael Cole and Taz.

Michael Cole: Ladies and gentleman that was disgusting. I cannot believe what Edge and Christian just did to The Undertaker out in the parking lot. I’m all for the guys fighting it out in the ring but why in the world would you do something like that? In my mind Edge and Christian should both be suspended for what they just pulled off tonight.

Taz: Suspend? Hell no, keep bringing this to Smackdown. This is excitement at its best Cole.

Michael Cole: If this is what excitement is then I don’t want any. What we just saw makes me sick and I hope that The Undertaker and Kane get Edge and Christian in a match very soon. I hope that Edge and Christian get what they deserve.

He’s Not A Mute In 2001

“Glass Shatters”, well here comes the heat magnetic. Yep, Steve Austin, the WWF Champion makes his first appearance on Smackdown tonight. We nearly went a whole show without the champion but he is here tonight for a huge champion vs champion match. With the WWF Championship hanging down from his right hand, Austin steps inside the ring and heads up onto the second rope. The crowd absolutely hate Austin and everything he has become since joining forces with Vince McMahon. Seemingly a little late The Big Show makes his way down to the ring and he will be at ringside for this contest. Austin gives him a quick nod before “Break Down the Walls” hits. Big pop from the crowd as Chris Jericho, the reigning Intercontinental Champion and the man who will face Eddie Guerrero in a unification match at Backlash, steps out. He turns his back to the crowd, raises his hand up, and stands there so the crowd can take pictures. Soon after Jericho spins around and heads down to the ring.

Match 5# - Steve Austin vs Chris Jericho

The match has been going 50/50 for the most part and now at the 9 minute mark of the match Steve Austin has Jericho trapped in the corner and is stomping a mud hole into him. The crowd boo like mad as Austin steps back and sticks the double finger salute to them before driving his boot right into the face of Jericho. These two have been going back and forth in this contest and Austin looks to end it now. He gets behind a fallen Jericho, taunting him with the bird, and stalks him for the Stunner. Slowly Jericho begins to stand, pulling himself to his feet, as Austin moves closer toward him. Kick to the guy by Austin connects, he goes for the head but Jericho pushes him away and delivers a spinning kick. Cover by Jericho ...1 ...2 ...KICKS OUT! Ever so resilient Steve Austin kicks out of the big kick to the face. The champion pushes himself off the canvas and Jericho comes forward. He grabs the head of Austin, kicks him in the gut, and hits a neckbreaker.

Back on his feet Jericho kicks Austin in the head and then pulls him to his feet. Austin fires a right hand to send Jericho stumbling back into the ropes. Quickly Austin runs forward and clotheslines Jericho over the top rope and to the outside of the ring. The official asks Austin to bring it back inside the ring but he gets nothing except attitude from the WWF Champion. Austin slides to the outside of the ring and grabs Jericho by his long flowing hair. Austin goes to slam the head of Jericho into the ring post… JERICHO COUNTERS AND SLAMS AUSTIN INTO THE STEEL INSTEAD!

The crowd pop like mad, now Jericho slides back into the ring to break the count before going back after Austin. Much like Austin earlier, Jericho has him down on the ground and drops his boots into him. Much like he is known for Jericho steps away and does a little spin yelling “Come on baby”. Being the aggressor at this point Jericho grabs Austin and sends him back inside the ring with Austin’s head staying outside of the ropes. With one hand on his head Jericho uses the other to pound his forearm into the chest. Then Jericho loads up his forearm and strikes with a massive European uppercut.

Once Jericho heads back inside the ring he covers …1 …2 …KICK OUT. Jericho looks a little exhausted after wrestling this very intense contest. With Austin moving around on the canvas, Jericho stands up and waits for the perfect chance to strike. Jericho points toward the crowd, runs forward, and backflips for the Lionsault – AUSTIN GETS THE KNEES UP – BUT JERICHO LANDS ON HIS FEET AND TRIES TO TURN AUSTIN OVER FOR THE WALLS OF JERICHO!

The crowd is going nuts, everyone is standing as Jericho tries to lock in his submission move tonight. Austin is fighting to escape but Jericho is in a great position to end this match. Jericho’s face shows the pain he is in and how much this match means to him. It’s champion vs champion, which man has more in the tank. Austin attempts to keep on his back but Jericho has him about ¾ over and having the hold locked in. “No, no” yells Austin as Jericho turns him over and locks in the submission.


Jericho doesn’t have his hands fully locked in but he has the hold in enough to get Austin in a position to tap out. These two are right in the middle of the ring and Austin seems to be fading. Of course Michael Cole is going nuts at this and is talking about how Austin is going to tap. Things aren’t as easy as what Cole thinks because Austin fights. He slams his forearms into the mat and begins to crawl toward the rope. Slowly Austin is getting to the promise land – JERICHO PULLS HIM BACK INTO THE MIDDLE OF THE RING! Austin is in a huge amount of pain as Jericho pulls back in this move. Both these men have gone back and forth in this contest and it looks to be Austin’s to win until…


Of course Jericho gives the hold up and he meets Eddie for the fight on the outside of the ring. Jericho runs off the ropes and jumps through the ropes and lands on Eddie. Jericho fires away with right hands to the face of Guerrero and unleashes weeks of frustration. The match is called a no contest more for the history books than anything else.

Result: No contest between Steve Austin and Chris Jericho at 14:12

The sneak attack by Guerrero has failed as Jericho hammers away. This feud just took a turn for the worse and the fans couldn’t love this anymore than they already do. It’s a straight out fight between these two and it is even for the moment until Steve Austin comes over and strikes Jericho in the back of the head with the WWF Championship.

Through the force of the hit Austin trips over and lands on top of Jericho. Seemingly because he is in an appropriate position Austin gets in a couple of shots to the face before heading backstage with the title in hand and The Big Show. Jericho and Guerrero begin to stand up on their feet and they go at it again! Both men fire shots to the other as they are locked up in the clinch.

Both men go down to the ground, still holding each other, with the people cheering like mad. Suddenly the WWF security team, who get a major boo, make their way down to the fight and break it up. They try to grab Jericho and Guerrero but both men break free and attack the other. Once again security tries to stop the fight and manage to get both men a part. We fade to black for the commercial break as Guerrero and Jericho yell at each other with security holding them.

{Commercial Break}

Michael Cole: Welcome back to the Smackdown ladies and gentleman, it is now time for the main…

Cole stops, he is getting a message from someone in the headset.

Taz: What’s up Michael?

Michael Cole: I have some breaking news ladies and gentleman about the upcoming Raw is War next Monday night. It appears that the chairman of the WWF, Vince McMahon, has an important message regarding the WWF Championship match at Backlash. One could only wonder what Mr McMahon is going to have up his sleeve this Monday.

“Medal”, main event time is upon us everyone. Two great athletes will go head to head in the next contest as Smackdown draws to an end. First up is Kurt Angle, who wears his gold medals down to the ring, while the crowd give a huge boo. The Olympic Hero does his spin inside the ring before being cut off by “If Ya Smell”. The roof comes off the building as The Rock marches down to the ring with an intensity not seen before. The Great One enters the ring, climbs onto the top rope and raises his arm up while smelling what the people are cooking. When The Rock gets down from the turnbuckle Kurt Angle blindsides him with a cheap shot. He starts to hammer away in the corner as the bell sounds in the background.

Match 6# - Kurt Angle vs The Rock

Match Summary: It’s the big main event that the fans wanted to see tonight. Both Rocky and Angle went back and forth with the advantage and it caused some very entertaining action. At the nine minute mark both men were down on the canvas after The Rock executed a superplex on Angle. Both men were stirring a little but both men were exhausted. The Rock was forced to use the rope to stand and he found little energy left in the tank. Slowly Angle pushed himself up, unknowingly being hunted by The Rock. Contact was made as The Rock placed his arm under Angle and attempted the Rock Bottom – but Angle countered and shoved The Rock into the turnbuckle. Angle then rushed up, grabbed The Rock around the waist, and nailed him with a massive German suplex.

But one is not enough for this Olympic Hero, in fact Kurt Angle wants to punish The Rock more and more, as he now rolls over with his hands still locked. Both men are puffing from exhaustion, who has more in the tank? Angle looks for another suplex and hits it perfectly even with his heart pounding away. The arms are still on hold, The Rock tries to fight out with some big elbows to the head… this works and The Rock manages to break free. Like a lion that has just broken from his captives The Rock busts out and runs toward the ropes. The Peoples Champion hits the ropes hard and returns firing back with a thunderous clothesline to take Angle down. Just like a sack of potatoes Angle hits the deck but is quickly pulled up to his feet by The Rock, and he is hammered with a big punch right to the jaw.

Angle stumbles back, holding his jar, as The Rock moves forward and grabs Angle by the arm before sending him into the ropes. The Rock arches his head, possibly looking for a high impact move of some sort, as Angle comes flying back... right into the backdrop… NO! Angle counters, he grabs the head and goes down to the canvas in a pure wrestling counter that he would have learnt from his Olympic wrestling trainers. The crowd can’t believe it, The Rock can’t believe it, and maybe Kurt Angle can’t believe the counter he just pulled off. Still the situation looks grim for The Rock as Angle tightens his grip. The entire purpose of this hold is to bring the chin down to the chest which can knock someone out and if Angle can do this he will win this match. The ground wrestling game of Angle is better than anyone in the WWF and The Rock knows this, he can sense that his time is numbered if he doesn’t break out of this position.

With timing running out for The Rock he fires a couple of punches in an attempt to break the hold. No luck at first but Angle does make the mistake of coming to his feet and giving The Rock some leverage. Things didn’t look good as The Rock fell down to a knee and Angle continued to tighten his grip even more. The Rock will not give up though; he continues to fight with punches to the stomach… HE BREAKS THE HOLD! Angle trips backward as The Rock charges forward with a huge right hand followed another. Once again The Rock strikes, this time spitting on his hand before the punch. Angle goes down to the mat and The Rock is in control. The crowd are up on their feet as The Rock moves around the ring, waiting for Angle to rise. Like a caged animal The Rock is waiting, he wants to move now but Angle isn’t up yet. Now Angle is back to his feet and The Rock moves in, Rock Bottom set up… ELBOW BY ANGLE… THE ROCK IS SENT SPINNING BACKWARD… ANGLE RUSHES OVER FOR THE ANGLE SLAM!

The Rock pushes off the back of Angle, spins him around, and then nails the Rock Bottom in the middle of the ring. The crowd go nuts as The Rock quickly goes for the cover…1 …2 …3!

Result: The Rock def. Kurt Angle @ 13:00

“If Ya Smell”. The crowd is hot, the match is over, and The Rock is the victor here tonight on Smackdown. After expanding so much energy The Rock has some trouble making it to his feet but he does find whatever is left to make his way over to the official and have his hand raised. The Rock then moves over to the turnbuckle, climbs onto the second rope, and flings his right arm up in the air; which gets a major reaction from the crowd. In just over two weeks The Rock will face off against Steve Austin for the WWF Championship, who will walk away the victor? With everything on the line can The Rock continue to win or will his dream of being the champion again come to an end? The Rock stands tall on the turnbuckle as Smackdown fades to black…

End Show

Rosemont, IL
April 29, 2001

WWF Championship
Steve Austin © vs The Rock​

Unification Match
Intercontinental Championship/European Championship
Chris Jericho © vs Eddie Guerrero ©​

Kurt Angle vs Chris Benoit​

WWF Women’s Championship
Chyna © vs Ivory​

April 14, 2001


After weeks of speculation William Regal has made the official call that Edge and Christian will defend their WWF Tag Team Championships against The Brothers of Destruction at Backlash. The call was made just after Edge and Christian left The Undertaker knocked down after slamming his head through a car window. The WWF Commissioner saw this attack as Edge and Christian firing a shot into battle and quickly signed these four men to competition for Backlash. These four men did come into contact with each other just a few months ago at No Way Out but this it will be two on two. There is nowhere left to run for the champions and their time at the top may be coming to an end when they face off against the two demons of Death Valley.


April 14, 2001


Let the ECW fans go crazy because one of their home grown guys will be making his way to the WWF. It was leaked to the internet that someone had signed with the company and today the WWF announced that the man was indeed Rob Van Dam. The former ECW wrestler impressed WWF officials with his work in the ring and his ability on the microphone when he was allowed to go out and shoot his personal issues to the audience. Rob Van Dam is expected to be brought in as a face but the idea of him being a heel has not be dismissed. Paul Heyman in fact put forth the idea of RVD being angry about the closing of ECW and he would show resentment toward the WWF fans become of it. Ideas of how to bring RVD in are floating around with a possible debut after Backlash looking like the best guess.

Official Card for WWF Backlash:

Date: April 29, 2001
Location: Allstate Arena in Rosemont, Illinois
Tag Line: “Nothing goes unpunished”
Theme Song: "Young Grow Old" (performed by Creed)

WWF Championship Match:
Steve Austin w/ The Big Show vs. The Rock

Unification Match
WWF Intercontinental/ European Championship Match:
Chris Jericho vs. Eddie Guerrero

Kurt Angle vs. Chris Benoit

WWF Women’s Championship Match:

Chyna vs. Ivory w/ RTC

WWF Tag Team Championships Match:
Edge and Christian vs. The Brothers of Destruction
Bearded Review

-Excellent show as always Proph. Can't really complain much and you did a good job furthering everything here. Matches were top notch like usual and I'm happy to see a load of action on the show. Three main event quality matches in Benoit/Eddie, Austin/Jericho, and Rock/Angle. That says something.

-My favorite part of the show tonight (and the whole BT overall) has been the Crash Holly/Triple H saga. It is amazing how you have elevated Crash into a quality opponent and hopefully we see him have a nice run through the midcard. I'm glad to see Triple H finally get the upper hand and pretty much lose it as he completely destroyed Crash tonight. Looking forward to what comes next on Raw potentially.

-I also really enjoyed the Matt Hardy promo. This could go two ways. We could see Matt successful in the singles rank and berate Jeff for potentially holding him back or we see Matt successful and when Jeff returns the two dominate the tag division like they are capable of.

-Speaking of the tag team division, the E/C and BOD hide and seek game was a nice touch on the show. Thoroughly enjoyed those segments and you building E/C as viable opponent for two guys as dominate as Taker and Kane is impressive, kudos there.

-Only really had one "issue" with the show and that was the Benoit promo. I've never wrote for Benoit and I just imagine it is pretty difficult to write for him as he was never much of the promo guy. I just wasn't feeling it, but again I just imagine it difficult to do, so I'll be lenient as the rest of the show (promo wise) was stellar.
Time for Live Review of SmackDown!

Good opening here with The Undertaker and Kane. It's just like Edge & Christian to not come out and Taker and Kane gotta go back there and find them. Let's see what happens.

Nice little opening match, but I wonder what Raven's deal is?

Good to give us an update on Jeff. Let's us know you haven't forgotten about him. say Triple H was mad is an understatement. This what The Game does best; he beats people up and he enjoys it. Man, if Crash is smart, he knows to not mess with Triple H ever again, but something tells me this isn't over.

Matt Hardy added a lot of power to this promo. Very well done. But something tells me there's something more to this. I'm gonna stay tuned.

Taker and Kane still looking for these guys. Making them look a little lost....if you know what I mean. But I see the whole cat and mouse game they're trying to play.

Sick promo from The Game. made him into a cold blooded killer, and I don't think he's done.

Great match between Benoit and Guerrero. A classic as only these two guys can put on. Really enjoyed reading this match. But I felt as if Eddie shoulda won and gain some momentum for Backlash, and afterwards, he acted like he won. I don't get it. Then again, Benoit's match is a little more important.

BUT, it does look like Backlash will see the end of either the European or the Intercontinental Championship....interesting.

Funny segment here with Benoit here and Rock.

APA squash on RTC. Maybe a Chyna appearance would've helped, but oh well...

I like this aggressive side of Edge and Christian. If you're going up against Kane and Undertaker, you need to be aggressive and MAN, that was downright violent. Taker will never be the same, but where was Kane?

A great match between Austin and Jericho ruined bu Guerrero. I like this because Eddie is acting desperate after hearing the announcement about the Unification Match and he'll do anything to make sure he gets some much needed steam heading into Backlash. Nice.

Rock vs Angle - another great match. A GREAT Main Event to be honest. And Rock gets a much needed win here. And all the focus is on The Great One as the show closes. I like how you didn't have any interaction between Austin and Rock. Savor the moment as much as possible before Backlash.

Overall, I like the show. You added some much needed depth to the feuds you have heading into Backlash, and you aren't giving away too much in terms of interactions and promos and you're saving it for RAW, or maybe next SmackDown.

With the addition of E & C vs Kane and Taker, Backlash looks EXTREMELY promising. I really can't wait!

And you already have RVD signed up......? HELL YES!
Hey Proph or Kid Horror a review as promised:

Now, I want to but I can't review your show in detail because I'm short of time AND this era, I am not very known of. You see, I started watching pro-wrestling in late-2006 and I don't know how those guys talk, how they walk or even how they wrestle. I'll give it a try anyways.

I like all your feuds right now. What interests me especially is of course Austin-Rock because they were two of the giants of the game at the time. You had a nice opening with Taker and Kane posing as challengers for the tag-titles. I like where this is heading and we may be looking at new champs soon. All your feuds have been interesting me so far and you've done a nice job. I'm sure your BT! is successful and I am indeed waiting for Backlash which I hope you write in full cause I don't like recap. I've said it before.

Anyways, that's all I can do for you mate. Sorry. You may as well get this post deleted if you feel it's cramping up your show because I can't say much I don't know about. Good luck and keep writing.
World Wrestling Federation
Raw is War! April 16, 2001
Knoxville, TN

With just 13 days separating the most anticipated rematch of all time between The Rock and Steve Austin this edition of Raw is War! cannot be missed. Already announced about the show is that the WWF Chairman, Vince McMahon, will open the show with a HUGE announcement concerning the WWF Championship match at Backlash. Speculation has been running rapid over what the news could be but nothing is being leaked.

Something just as big will be taking place when The Undertaker goes one on one against, his WrestleMania 17 opponent, Triple H. Both men have other issues running through their minds but this week they need to focus on the task at hand. After being put through a window can The Undertaker focus and come out on top just like he did at WrestleMania? Will Triple H be able to get back on the winning path as he looks to gain the victory he just missed out on weeks ago. Only one thing is certain, Triple H vs The Undertaker will take place and it is a must see!

I was just over two weeks ago that Jeff Hardy suffered an injury that will have him sidelined until November. The injury hit the WWF fans hard and someone who was hit even harder was Jeff’s brother Matt. The Hardy Boyz were at the top of the division since 1999 and now the team is in ruins. Matt Hardy has been left without a partner and looks lost. This week however Matt will attempt to gain some retribution as he takes on the man that caused all this, Christian. Two men that have faced each several times under tag team rules but this week it is one on one. Can Matt Hardy gain retribution or will Christian take out another Hardy?

Whether you like it or not, learn to love it, because it’s the best thing going.

~ Confirmed ~
Vince McMahon makes a huge announcement
WrestleMania Rematch: The Undertaker vs. Triple H
Matt Hardy vs. Christian

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