World War Hulk

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I am The Last Baron

Is this going to be worth getting when it comes out in a book form? It sounds interesting with the entire premise of The Hulk getting back to earth from being Exiled and his search for revenge over those that sent him into space. But is the actual story any good?
Well, just for start, the image fucking rocks. And the story sounds pretty interesting, something like a "heel" turn for the Hulk (The one and only, not like some shitty wrestler I know..)
So yeah, it should be a good one there.
Shadow: Can you post some links for more info?
I got that image off of Wikipedia. you could also try Marvel's website but they usually don't tell you much about the story in each of the comc books. the Marvel Database wiki may also be a good place to look.
This is what is associated with the entire World War Hulk Crossover storyline. It looks really good with the Story synopsis' that are on that Marvel Database wiki.

Preliminary shipping schedule
May 2007:

-World War Hulk Prologue: World Breaker
-Incredible Hulk #106

June 2007

-World War Hulk #1
-Incredible Hulk #107
-Iron Man #19
-Ghost Rider #12
-Heroes For Hire #11
-World War Hulk: X-Men #1
-World War Hulk: Gamma Corps #1
-World War Hulk: Front Line #1

July 2007

-Avengers: The Initiative #4
-Irredeemable Ant-Man #10
-World War Hulk #2
-Ghost Rider #13
-World War Hulk: Front Line #2
-Iron Man #20
-Heroes For Hire #12
-World War Hulk: Gamma Corps #2
-World War Hulk #3
-World War Hulk: X-Men #2
-World War Hulk: Front Line #3
-Incredible Hulk #108

Augustus 2007

-Incredible Hulk #109
-World War Hulk: Young Avengers
-World War Hulk: Gamma Corps #3
-World War Hulk: Front Line #4
-World War Hulk #4
-World War Hulk: X-Men #3
-Heroes For Hire #13
-World War Hulk: Front Line #5

September 2007

-World War Hulk: Gamma Corps #4
-World War Hulk #5
-Heroes For Hire #14
-Incredible Hulk #110
-World War Hulk: Front Line #6
WOW! i read the Synopsis and is really good! At least is a different twist for the Hulk, and it seems that we are going to see some real violence here! :evil3:
I have all the issues up to this point.

I dont want to spoil it, I'll just say that the Marvel Universe needs to do something to stop this guy. The man is more powerful than he's ever been, and his warbound are as powerful as he USED to be. (She hulk quote I believe)

If you can pick this up, I advise it. The spin offs are kinda crappy, So in my opinion pick up WWH 1-5, and Incredible Hulk and on. I also would sugesst getting the Planet hulk TPB, Its a great lead up.
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