World Heavyweight title effected by Brock Lesnar's return?

One to Remember

Championship Contender
It may not seem like it but Brock Lesnar has returned to WWE, the company which he lit up in just a decade ago. As you all know on july 22, 2002 Lesnar jumped ship to the SmackDown! brand, then under the reign of Stephanie McMahon-Helmsley. When Lesnar refused to perform on Raw the following Monday then Raw GM Eric Bischoff appointed Triple H with a championship known as the "World heavyweight title", a title to cover the half of the WWE roster Lesnar no longer dealt with as a brand specific wrestler. The title controversy is similar to one we might see in the UFC or boxing when a champion is injured or unable to defend his title for whatever reason. We then have the emergence of an "interim champion" and from there a new lineage is created. There is then usually a bout to determine who is undisputed champion between the old champion and the "new" champion. I think the return of Brock Lesnar, the last man to hold the WWE Undisputed Championship, hurts the credibility of the World heavyweight championship. I could easily see a story line in which Lesnar preyed on every man who ever held the WHC to put to rest any debates over the legitimacy of his title reign. I could see him claiming to be WHC because its title holder has not taken on Lesnar and none of them have in ten years. I could see him occupying himself in this dynamic in between his bouts with HHH on Raw. He could very well be the man to end the brand extension and the WHC.
sorry, I do not see how this is relevant. The second title was developed because Lesnar defended his title solely on Smackdown, thus Trile H was awarded the World Heavyweight Championship. Lesnar never held the World Heavyweight Championship, he held the WWE title three times and as part of having the WWE Title the first time in 2002, it was the Undisputed, but that only lasted for a couple of weeks. He lost and regained his WWE title 3 times, so I dont see how he can say he was never beaten for the belt. That HHH was the World Champ and Lesnar was the WWE champion at the same time ten years ago doesnt really mean anything. Unless I have missed the point of your original post mate.
the point is with the return of lesnar, we now have the perfect candidate to unify the two titles. If Lesnar beats Triple H IT retroactively downgrades the WHC into nothing. In UFC and boxing when the last unified champion defeats the interim champion of the splintered lineage that lineage ceases to exist. WWE should run a storyline featuring him attacking all former WHCs and the current just to keep him occupied. Thats my proposal for what he does after he battles HHH, and thats my view point on title lineages..
Lesnar isn't signed for nearly enough dates to feud with everyone on the current roster who has held the WHC title. Hell, the current WHC isn't even enough of a draw to feud with Lesnar..what are you going to have him feud with Christian and Mark Henry next?

Please. And I don't think WWE still (not that I completely agree with this) has absolute interest in completely wiping out the brand extension. As it is, I think having the WHC in today's climate is almost like the real IC belt back years ago, where it's helping push guys like Ziggler, Cody (soon), etc... who wouldn't be in the WWE Championship picture at all if that were currently the only title. That part of keeping the brand extension I do agree with.

Also, 99% of the people out there don't remember anything that happened last year in their own lives, they're not going to remember what happened 10 years ago in the WWE.

Here's the list of people I see makes sense for Lesnar to feud with until WM. Not saying any of these for sure will happen, of course. Austin, Taker, Rock, Cena again, Vince, maybe Punk and Orton.

They're not paying Lesnar what they're paying him (reportedly) to feud with Sheamus.
Lesnar it a name that is all right now. The WWE used him because of how big the rock's return was. Lesnar is not rock. Lesnar is a putz, he ring work is amateur at best. The guy who just left a company where he only fought once a year and heading to a company that has you fight once a week min.

Lesnar is a weak little draw for stupid WWE fans who want some crappy nostalgia feeling. Lesnar is big, that is all. His return was a waste and pointless it was simply to keep John Cena busy while the wwe force feeds the fact that CM punk is champ. ( it's not working) Punk is still not over like Cena ( he is the only wrestler who is loved and hated in such a huge capacity)
Lesnar it a name that is all right now. The WWE used him because of how big the rock's return was. Lesnar is not rock. Lesnar is a putz, he ring work is amateur at best. The guy who just left a company where he only fought once a year and heading to a company that has you fight once a week min.

Lesnar is a weak little draw for stupid WWE fans who want some crappy nostalgia feeling. Lesnar is big, that is all. His return was a waste and pointless it was simply to keep John Cena busy while the wwe force feeds the fact that CM punk is champ. ( it's not working) Punk is still not over like Cena ( he is the only wrestler who is loved and hated in such a huge capacity)

You obviously know nothing about Pro Wrestling to say his ring work is amature at best. How can you compare UFC actual fighting to WWE which is a mock fightling slash wrestling all predetermined. Lesnar is a WEAK draw really????? According to who's standards in Lesnar a weak Draw. He had one of the loudest pops I have ever heard upon his return to WWE. He DOMINATED Cena at Extreme Rules anybody with half a brain could see that. Yea Cena won but with a fist loaded with a steel chain and an FU on the ring steps. It looked to me like Cena got a lucky win in that match. Lesnar was brought in for big marqee match ups. He had one with Cena he will have one with HHH at SummerSlam and he will hae another one at WM next year with either the Undertaker or someone else.
With Lesnar signing a limited appearance contract with an endstate at wrestlemania against the undertaker I think that the WWE is missing out on one of the biggest most profitable storylines in WWE history.

Remember when CM Punk "ran away" with the title for a couple of days? Remember how for the first time in years wrestling entertainment almost seemed REAL again?? Why didnt we see a Brock Lesnar vs CM Punk match at SummerSlam for the title!?!?!? We have ALL seen Brock vs Cena and Brock vs HHH more than we really care to see. Why not have Lesnar take a title (that has not even headlined a PPV in MONTHS) and give it some value?!!? Why not have him take the title and literally "walk away" from the business for MONTHS.

Bring him back at the Royal Rumble to lose the match against "Insert Name Here" via an Undertaker distraction of calling him out at Wrestlemania.

At the end of the day we bring back some value to a title that has been kicking off the 2nd hour of Raw for literally FOREVER. Lesnar gets a type of heat NEVER seen before on WWE Television.......sure to gain mainstream exposure.

................This is how I would have booked everything, it would have given fans a chance to see a match that they havent already seen a million times aswell as another match against another freshface at Royal Rumble and then the endstate that the WWE payed for a year prior
You obviously know nothing about Pro Wrestling to say his ring work is amature at best. How can you compare UFC actual fighting to WWE which is a mock fightling slash wrestling all predetermined.
I just want to make sure the quote is there so I can show you how much I don't know.

He DOMINATED Cena at Extreme Rules anybody with half a brain could see that. Yea Cena won but with a fist loaded with a steel chain and an FU on the ring steps. It looked to me like Cena got a lucky win in that match.

Now go back and read you last quote....Predetermined. Lesnar can look bad ass all you want. I will quote eddie Murphy. "I can fight for shit, but when I am the star I can kick 50 guys ass at one time".

Lesnar was brought in for big marqee match ups. He had one with Cena he will have one with HHH at SummerSlam and he will hae another one at WM next year with either the Undertaker or someone else.

He was brought in because the Rock was a hit and UFC crowds were laughing at him getting his ass kicked in back to back matches. His UFC career was all but over, and WWE fans don't like originality they like the same old crap. Vader got just a big a pop as Lesnar, Vader is washed up too.

As to say Lesnar will be in a fight with triple H...just like Cena because his wrestling talents are weak. He fought Cena, with Cena trying to wrestle. Triple will try and wrestle but it will be a fight nothing else. WWE is trying something new, Just like when they tried to have a boxing tourney. You can't say when lesnar will quit again. UFC offers a contract he'll quit, maybe NFL failing again or crappy hunting. You can't tell what Lesnar will do and that is why his dates are limited he isn't a good investment. He is cute for a few matches here and the old timers or announcers.
The only way I could see a UFC like interim champion type feud would be to have Lesnar win and walk away. Then the WWE has a tournament to name a new champion. We get a new WWE Champ and then Lesnar returns at some point to prove who the true champion is. We saw this with Punk/Cena at Summerslam last year, that was the closest thing to a UFC situation that you pointed out. I don't quite understand the comparison with the World Title. You could say anyone that has held the WWE Title wanted the same thing. It just doesnt make sense.
The only way I could see a UFC like interim champion type feud would be to have Lesnar win and walk away. Then the WWE has a tournament to name a new champion. We get a new WWE Champ and then Lesnar returns at some point to prove who the true champion is.
That is exactly what happen on Raw in 2002. He won the Undisputed title, walked away from Raw, they created there own branch of the title. Same thing just prolonged.
From Brock's stand point the WHC and its title holders represent a group of wrestlers that refused to engage him yet claimed to be champions. this scenario could keep him busy for a few months
Lesnar it a name that is all right now. The WWE used him because of how big the rock's return was. Lesnar is not rock. Lesnar is a putz, he ring work is amateur at best. The guy who just left a company where he only fought once a year and heading to a company that has you fight once a week min.

Im sorry his ring work is amateur at best? Were talking about a guy who was a two-time NCAA All-American right? His ability to chain wrestle, brawl, or overpower opponents at any time is one of the rarest combinations pro wrestling has ever seen. His in ring work is what got him over. It sure as hell wasnt his mic skills lol.

I could see a Lesnar-Orton feud happening. Orton is the youngest WHC ever and Lesnar is the youngest WWE champion ever. It could be a Wrestlemania match if Rock-Brock falls through.
"ghost of benoit" "they should had tApped out" lmmfao.

In order for WWE to get their money's worth and to tap into what eever steam Lesnar had from his UFC tenure he needs to fued with top names that are on the larger side. Sheamus, Khali, Henry, Show, or Swagger. Of course they all held the world title. I would also like to see Brock take on Ryback or Zeke.

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