World Heavyweight Championship Contenders

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As the entire wrestling world, especially the IWC, knows by now, Daniel Bryan cashed in his Money in the Bank briefcase last night and captured the World Heavyweight Championship. Some have met this with elation, some have met it with disdain, some are cautiously optimistic, some are flat out pesimistic. Wherever you ultimately fall, Bryan is the World Heavyweight Champion for the time being. So a few questions:

Who do you think Bryan will feud with?

Who would you prefer to see Bryan feud with?

In no particular order, I'd say the likliest candidates runs like this:

Randy Orton - Orton is the biggest star on the blue brand and one of the biggest and most over stars the WWE has produced during the past decade. At only 31 years of age, Orton is already a 9 time World Champion and has cemented himself as one of these guys that's going to be one of the top guys whether he's carrying a championship or not. Orton's name is certainly going to be one that's floating around as a possible contender whether he's a heel or not.

Sheamus - Prior to Mark Henry's injury, Sheamus is the guy that I saw next in line for a shot at the title. Since coming to SD!, the WWE has gotten things back on track with Sheamus and he's consistently been one of the most dominant guys there. If you look at Sheamus over the past few months, I think it's looked like the WWE has kept him in a holding pattern until things were settled between Henry & Show. After all, they've put him in matches on SD! against Jinder Mahal & Jack Swagger, including a match at last night's ppv. Neither of these guys are anywhere close to Sheamus' level right now and those matches ultimately just seem like little more than a reason to get Sheamus on television. The Great White also has to be someone that's in the running for a shot.

Big Show - Considering that he was the WHC briefly last night, one has to think that Big Show simply isn't just going to go away. It's like you're going to cash in a winning lottery ticket for a $100 million jackpot, only for a gust of win to whip the ticket from between your fingers and into a sewer grate. I'm guessing that Show has a rematch coming at any rate so, worst case scenario, WWE just has Bryan drop the title back to him in a lackluster & ultimately disappointing way.

Mark Henry - Mark Henry's run as WHC is, quite possibly, the single best World Championship run the WWE has seen in years. Henry established himself as a dominant monster heel with a legitimately menacing presence, consistently delivered high quality stuff on the mic and managed to put on interesting matches. Henry has apparently suffered a badly pulled groin, according to latest reports, that began on Raw via his match with John Cena last Monday. Who knows how long Henry will be out but it seems that he also has a rematch coming.

Wade Barrett - Over the course of the past month or so, the WWE has also really gotten back on track with Wade Barrett. Barrett's matches with Randy Orton & Sheamus have been not only entertaining but have resulted in some huge wins for Barrett. Things started to go downhill for Barrett at last year's TLC match after losing to John Cena. Nexus quickly deteriorated, The Corre was altogether a lackluster & half assed effort as a faction and Barrett's run as Intercontinental Champion was disappointing. But, with wins over Orton, Sheamus and, yes, even Daniel Bryan, Wade Barrett is once again a force in WWE.

Christian - I'm not sure what Christian's status is in terms of his ankle injury, but you have to look at him as being someone who will stick his nose in the World Championship scene. Christian's feud with Randy Orton over the course of the summer resulted in some outright fantastic matches and, generally speaking, I think the WWE knows that Christian is someone that you can count on to deliver entertaining feuds & matches. Christian has been on his "One More Match" campaign for a while and his matches against Orton & Sheamus have cemented him as a "go to" guy on the blue brand.

As for me personally, I'd prefer to see a Bryan vs. Christian feud to start things off. They could deliver some high quality matches and Christian is someone that I think could really help Bryan get more comfortable on the mic. I also think that, out of those guys listed, that he's the least likely to take the title off Bryan at this time. There remains a lot of uncertainty regarding Bryan's ultimate future as WHC and I think most people would like to see Bryan get a solid run with the title. Nobody wants to see another MITB cashing that results in a lackluster title reign as we saw with CM Punk & Jack Swagger. Against Christian, I don't think the anxiety would be nearly as high and it could help establish Bryan as a babyface player over on SmackDown!.
I'd love to see Bryan vs Christian feud, too. But this will probably have to wait. Christian is still recovering, as far as we know, and both Big Show and Mark Henry have rematch clauses.
Another thing I'd like to see is a feud with Cody Rhodes, but Rhodes got his hands tied right now.

I'm thinking the most likely scenario is that Bryan will have a mini-feud with Big Show. Big Show may or may not turn full-on heel, I believe a very short feud could work between both of them as faces, too, if needed.

After that, I don't know, but probably Wade Barrett. Smackdown needs more heels, really, D.Bryan is lacking options for feuds (unless he turn into a heel himself, but I don't see this happening).
Who do you think Bryan will feud with?

Big Show. Something will happen here which will involve one of them transitioning into the heel role for a small feud. Big Show and DBD have been friends so to speak on Smackdown for the last couple of months, Big Show has helped DBD and vice versa, so Show has a gripe not only for how he won the belt after Show's nine year drought but also for betraying a friend. Big Show's hand is hurt so DBD will retain whatever which way, I see him using the Lebell Lock as I think WWE have set this whole thing up as such, but either way I expect there to be an angry Giant on Smackdown and he'll be looking for revenge.

Who would you prefer to see Bryan feud with?

Much like Jack-Hammer, DBD vs. Christian for the World Heavyweight Championship is a win-win-win situation for me. My support of Danielson coincides with my support for Christian pitting both men in a match for the belt means I wouldn't mind what the outcome is as two of my favorite Smackdown Superstars will be WWE Champion. The match itself happening will be a winning situation also, last time they faced they'd a great match, so stick 'em on PPV and give them some time and you never know what these two could produce.
Wade Barret;
Came on to the scene as Nexus Leader and was liked By most anti Cena fans .. Some people say he cut a good promo and had good mic skills , He then moved on to SD! and formed the corre with Heath/Justin. Then has since the Corre parted ways , has seen him self mid card and now moving up towards the main events versing Orton and leading a team at survivor series ...

And now ...

I Think Wade could Become the next WHC Holder .. some may disagree yet i think he has quite a huge fan Base in his native England and has gained some fans from around the world forming The Barrett Barrage .. i knew that he could win a major title since his first week on NXT Season 1 . And I would love to see him with gold round his waist ... sooner rather than later ... I Think Wade Could really Become an asset to smackdown if the give the right push and could make him the face of SD! ...

What Do You Think ?

Does Wade Deserve A Title Shot ?
Do You Agree Or Disagree?
And If Not Wade , Who Else ?
Yes I think it is. Even though Orton won last night at TLC i think they are done for now and maybe cross paths again in the near future but since Mark Henry is legit hurt and Big Show will probably be "medically" unable to perform he might get taken out of WHC chase for a while and I see a Wade Barret feuding with Daniel Bryan maybe for Royal Rumble and Elimination Chamber. Wade is ready for the WHC and has been for a while but the main event is crowded on both RAW and SD right now so its just a matter of whos next and it looks like Bryan and Barret will be feuding next. I actually will be liking this feud so hopefully it starts soon
Well I voted for not just yet. Not because he lacks anything but because I want to see a main eventer who gets to that level without a title win being his jumping point. Undertaker and Kane (sort of) did it and I think Wade could do it too. I think Wade should have some main event feuds and THEN win the WHC from Bryan bevcause that would be a great match! He shouldn't get in it now but soon, very soon.
Not before Cody and Dolph.

I'm sorry but Cody doesn't look like a world champ to me. Midcarder at best, going after the US or IC titles. Dolph, I could see as a world champ. Cody just doesn't say main eventer to me. I think Wade Barrett deserves to get the world title before Cody ever sniffs the belt. :)
he`s only been around a year and a bit, there is no need to rush. Let him work on his ring work some more and actually build personal feuds & history with other stars without being just rushed into them like nexus and survivor series (seriously that captain thing came out of nowhere).

He`s a big guy. he can do this well into his forties. there is no rush.
He's definitely the first one that came to mind to be the one feuding with Bryan for it when he came out and cashed in the briefcase last night. I hope they truly stick to the brand extension though, because Bryan and Ziggler could have an even better feud with some classic matches.
All of them are rightful contenders but i feel as if Christian and Daniel Bryan dont have enough star power to make a MEANINGFUL fued. Orton and sheamus can't fued with Bryanv unless one of them turns heel which is highly unlikely and i doubt DB will either. Henry would just be a miss-match aswell as boring and Big Show will probly get his rematch soon but i feel as if wouldn't Big Show just walk over him? People were talking about A Big Show heel turn but then Bryan wouldn't have a worthy run as champ, so therefore Big show should continue the fued with Henry and this man should move up the ranks to face Bryan...Wade Barret!

I feel this guy is ready and as I live in the UK he has a huge fanbase here and the Barret Baragge is a intresting gimmick to have and is built as a mean brawler who takes no nonsense. Him and DB could put on some amazing matches together and there history could be involved here.
I believe it'll be Barrett, and while I think they'll be good with their Nexus background together I would much rather see a feud with Ziggler. Hopefully this is why he lost the U.S. Title last night, so that he can start showing up on Smackdown and get something going with Danielson. I think if they met at WrestleMania, it could steal the whole damn show.
No not yet. He needs to get built up a bit more, he doesn't have a main event feel to himself yet, maybe a clean win over Orton at the Royal Rumble. That would make him look like a main event person.
-If Daniel Bryan can establish himself as a legitimate champ a feud with Orton would be amazing down the road. They dont need to be rushing into that right now, even though he is champ they still need to build him up.

-Sheamus doesnt make any sense either. Henry would be a crappy choice. They kind of already had a feud.

-Christian would be a nice, but I'm not sure if Christian will bring enough star power. DB vs Christian seems like something that would open up a ppv.

-Big Show makes the most sense. Even though I'm not too thrilled seeing Big Show in another title feud. He was the one on Smackdown that got Daniel Bryan thinking about cashing in the briefcase before WM. I'm sure they can turn this into an interesting storyline.

-Wade Barrett is another good choice. They have history with each other with Nexus.

If he can make it to the Elimination Chamber with the title I would consider that a really good first title run for him.
I agree Danielson vs Show is probably what we are gonna get from now till RR and it will be much like Show vs Benoit from back in the day. The typical David and Goliath storyline I'm sure. I think Danielson loses the title to Wade Barrett at Elimination Chamber, and then Sheamus who is my pick to win the RR will beat Barrett at WM28 to when his first World Title.
Wade is being pushed for a very specific reason... I am as sure as can be that they will put Summerslam in London next year... the 20 years later angle and Olympic buzz will be too much for them to resist... for it to work there has to be a Brit in the main event... Barrett picks up the Bulldogs mantle, from a business standpoint if they don't do it then they are crazy... the gate alone would be the biggest ever...and it'll be on the new network so the old argument of time difference won't matter as much...
In my opinion not just yet. In order to be seen as a credible contender to the championship he NEEDS to beat Randy clean sooner or later.
Ye, it will happen in 2012. He is being pushed as the big heel on SmackDown and he does impress me every week. The man was gold on commentary in FCW, I just hope if he's injured in his push they give him a Punk like role.

That being said, Wade is on his way to be a top heel, he doesn't need a stable a good feud with the most stellar wrestler in Orton will do him wonders.
Yeah after seeing Big Show promo on Raw, its got to be him facing DB at RR. He did a really good job. It will be interesting to see what happens with these two. IMO Show will turn heel.
I'd love it if Orton and Bryan go to Wrestlemania for the title. I've been like a broken record praising Orton's matches in this year and how he's gone from good to great. And to take all that and put him in the ring with DBD for the Heavyweight Championship would be phenomenal.

I think Wade's feud with Randy will come to a head at the Rumble and Orton is the dark horse this year to win it. In the while Bryan has to start beating people cleanly to build up his cred heading to 'Mania. Him holding the title is till 'Mania 50-50, but I'd love
Randy Orton Vs Daniel Bryan for the World Heavyweight Championship

*cheap pop*
Big Show immediately comes to mind. He's not exactly the best possible partner for Bryan(I believe that will be Christian), the story basically wrote itself during TLC. Bryan should go over here.

Barrett is not a bad pick because he's had history with Bryan thus it would be easy making an angle between the two. However, both are not yet in a level that they could carry a title feud on their own. They're talented but they're not that popular yet. Build Bryan more as a champion and let the Barrett Barrage roll, it's not the proper time yet for the two of them to clash for the world title.

Christian is someone who I would love to see Bryan(Be it past, present or future) feud with. This is not because I want to see "MILLION MUVS" in one match but rather, I feel that Christian can bring the best out of Bryan in terms of his character. Plus, they're both great in the ring. The downside would be, as much as Christian is a top guy, I think that he doesn't have enough star power to make the audience care for their feud. Bryan has to match Christian in the star power department to make this feud work in terms of popularity because the latter's star power won't be enough to carry this feud. In other words: Build Bryan more.

Randy Orton is a megastar so for sure he has the star power to draw the crowd's interest. He's also a great performer in every aspect. However, there won't be as many promo-time for Bryan compared to a Bryan-Christian feud because Orton feuds focuses more on action and that's not bad but Bryan still lacks in the personality department of his character and an Orton feud won't exactly help(Compared to a feud w/ Christian) on that regard. Make a Bryan-Orton feud once Danile Bryan has become significantly more over than he is now. Establish him more before pitting him against a megastar otherwise this may end up flat like that Del Rio-Cena feud.
Logic would dictate that Big Show turns heel out of frustration at what Bryan did, and will be his first contender. Henry is another option, although that depends on how long he will be out for his injury. Plenty of options remain after Big Show finishes his angle with Bryan. Sheamus, Orton, Barrett, and Christian are the first names that come to mind. Big Show can keep Bryan occupied through the Rumble and Elimination Chamber, after that I think the best option by far would be Christian for the Wrestlemania feud because they would be able to put on a show stealer and Christian's promos building up to the match would be awesome too. Sheamus or Orton could be next for spring/summer feuds, and during this time Barrett will have been built up to be the guy to dethrone Daniel Bryan at some point in late summer, probably Summerslam. That's how I see it playing out, for now.
I'd love to see Daniel Bryan's first title defense come against Wade Barrett. This makes sense for me on so many levels. He would be able to maintain his face persona, which I really want, at least for a little while, and be opposed by a heel Barrett. It allows WWE to continue to build upon the momentum that Wade Barrett has had for the last several weeks, putting him in a title match (albeit unsuccessfully I hope). It exploits their past Nexus affiliation. And I would be very entertained by seeing Daniel Bryan repeatedly kicking Wade Barrett in the side of the head.

I guess the most logical opponent would be Big Show, but I for one hope this doesn't happen. You would have to think that Show will be looking for revenge after the treatment he received at the PPV at the hands of DBD. I'd like to see Kane come out and decimate Show, and put him on the shelf for a while. This would allow the Bryan/Barrett program to kick off, while simultaneously making Kane look like he unstoppable monster that I guess his new mark has reverted him into.
Hes just not ready. I think in maybe 2 or 3 years yes but thats WWE's problem, they give titles to people who just got into the WWE. I think there should be at least a 2 year wait for everyone
Wade Barret;
Came on to the scene as Nexus Leader and was liked By most anti Cena fans .. Some people say he cut a good promo and had good mic skills , He then moved on to SD! and formed the corre with Heath/Justin. Then has since the Corre parted ways , has seen him self mid card and now moving up towards the main events versing Orton and leading a team at survivor series ...

And now ...

I Think Wade could Become the next WHC Holder .. some may disagree yet i think he has quite a huge fan Base in his native England and has gained some fans from around the world forming The Barrett Barrage .. i knew that he could win a major title since his first week on NXT Season 1 . And I would love to see him with gold round his waist ... sooner rather than later ... I Think Wade Could really Become an asset to smackdown if the give the right push and could make him the face of SD! ...

What Do You Think ?

Does Wade Deserve A Title Shot ?
Do You Agree Or Disagree?
And If Not Wade , Who Else ?

Wade got booed at the Smackdown (or raw?) that was done in England a month ago.

I personally love Wade and hate that they refuse to let him beat Orton. I could see him winning the belt at elimination chamber and feuding with a face like Sheamus.
I would love to see Wade Barrett become World Heavyweight Champion. However, I'd love to see that happen against someone OTHER than Daniel Bryan. Honestly, DB has lost every match against Wade Barrett. Last thing he needs is another loss to the same guy. I was seeing that pattern with DB when he faced Alberto Del Rio, until RAW as WHC when he made Del Rio tap out.

Christian going up against DB would be ideal and I'd personally like for them to build a program for a feud. The only thing I'm uncertain about in this scenario is his return date and how it will or will not be in conflict with DB's potential heel turn in the near future.

Sheamus is on a roll and he certainly deserves a run with the WHC. But, once again, just like Wade Barrett, I'd like to see him win the title off someone OTHER than DB for the same reasons. The only way I can see a satisfying title win from either Sheamus or Wade Barrett against Daniel Bryan is if Daniel Bryan beats either guy cleanly beforehand. Until then? No. DB needs all the momentum in order to build himself as a legit main event contender. A victory over either of these guys before losing his title would work him wonders.

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