World Heavyweight Championship Contenders Past, Present, Future.


Getting Noticed By Management
I don't know if this has ever been a topic yet but here we go.
PAST- somebody past his prime and maybe he has what it takes to win one more time.
PRESENT- wrestlers right now who are in the Title picture and can win it or keep it (Seth Rollins).
FUTURE- wrestlers that you can see winning the Title in the future WWE/NXT. I would like your opinions on this, list 3 or more in each category a wrestler can appear in more than one category if the timing is right.

Chris Jericho: Were he to return for a longer period, say 6-8 months during his next go around, I could easily see him winning one more World title. It would be a great way to put over a young talent that is ready to make the jump, and Jericho would be the right guy to do it. He would need to resort back to his heel form for this to work though, at least in my opinion.

Randy Orton: It could be argued that Orton belongs in the Present category, but as somebody that's been around for over 12 years and is now working a part time schedule, I would say he's past his prime. Orton could very well, and probably will, win one more World title one day.

HHH: I could see him having a run akin to Vince Mcmahon's in 99, except he could actually hold it for a few months given his background. I could see it happening one day if the right circumstances came about.


John Cena: Will most likely win one or two more in the next few years. He'll probably break Ric Flair's record eventually.

Roman Reigns: Will undoubtedly be WWEWHC within the next year or so. I think this is a given.

Seth Rollins: He's had a pretty good title run and proved he could run as "the man" for, going on 5 months now. John Cena has been in the mid-card and the show has basically revolved around Rollins since Wrestlemania... he'll most likely be around the World title scene for years to come.


Kevin Owens: With the momentum he's got, I wouldn't be surprised to see him win it sooner rather than later. It'll be interesting to see where he goes after Cena.

Finn Balor: Guy's a stud, who has what it takes to be a top player for a lot of years in my opinion. Should be fun once he comes up to the main roster.

Dean Ambrose: I hope WWE sees the potential in Dean Ambrose one day. It might take a long while, with a lot of false starts and Foley-esque moments, but hopefully, like Foley, it all pays off for him in the end.
I don't know if this has ever been a topic yet but here we go.
PAST- somebody past his prime and maybe he has what it takes to win one more time.
PRESENT- wrestlers right now who are in the Title picture and can win it or keep it (Seth Rollins).
FUTURE- wrestlers that you can see winning the Title in the future WWE/NXT. I would like your opinions on this, list 3 or more in each category a wrestler can appear in more than one category if the timing is right.


1. Kane - IF AND ONLY IF he really becomes the destructive, unstoppable, FULL-MASKED, ONE-SLEEVED monster again. I could even see Kane as a monster face. It would take some time that WWE would likely never give. But I would like to see Kane wear it once more. And then LEAVE.

2. Jericho - As a transitional champion, similar to the Rock a couple of years ago. He's still good in the ring, great on the mic, and popular amongst many fans. He's keen on putting over talent. Give him a run where he takes the title en route to dropping it to an up-and-coming main-eventer that the company is high on.

3. Undertaker - Just because I would like to see him win the title at Wrestlemania and then retire. I can't imagine a plausible scenario that is pleasing, but I would like to see Taker retire as champion. I think he deserves it. But since WM32 is likely (hopefully) his last, I don't see it happening, nor would I want it to with some of the possibilities of the near future.


Dolph Ziggler - His title defenses would be fun. He's most charismatic and his character is best displayed by his in-ring intensity. I know he's not super on the mic, but I think he would be OK.

Anyone from the Shield - I see these three guys trading the title a LOT in the future. If done right, it will all be very fun to watch.

Bray Wyatt - But ONLY if they let his character really be what it's supposed to be - The new face of fear. He ain't scaring nobody right now. Major shifts in his success would have to take place before I'd want to see him carry the gold.


Honestly, the future is bright. I, like many, am skeptical of WWE's ability or willingness to really develop characters like the NXT guys coming up, the SHIELD guys, Wyatt, etc. There is much POTENTIAL in the current young guys on the roster, but...
Jeff Hardy- I see him having one last run in wwe. With Jeff becoming Wwe champion one last time eventually loosing to Rollins or Balor.

Big Show/Kane- Wwe will not be able to switch the title between Lenar/Rollins/Orton/Cena for too many times before people start to get bored. And Kane and/or Big Show should get a run before retirement.

Sheamus- Im not the biggest Sheamus fan but the guy can go and entertained me once as champion, so why not again? Besides he is currently the MITB winner.

Rollins- This run has consisted of Rollins being a "chicken**** heel". So when he wins the WWE championship back hopefully he wins it as a face.

Future- (trying not to pick the obvious like Balor, Owens, etc)
Uhaa Nation- Bobby Lashley got a major push before he left and Uhaa is everything Lashley is and better. Uhaa can become "The first black WWE champion" and honestly he is the best bet at the moment. :banghead:(since some fans and wwe seem not to really count The Rock)

Magnus- I'm not in the majority of TNA going out of business but he's still young. WWE seem to have been high on Barrett but failed BIG TIME somewhere down the road. So I would bring in Magnus(and Mickie James) and push him the way they wanted to have pushed Barrett.

Randy Orton - Over with the fans. Great on the mic and in the ring. Good character. He definitely deserves at least one more run with the WWE Championship.


Seth Rollins - I'm actually hoping he retains over Lesnar, definitely not clean though. I don't think anyone else is ready at the moment.


Dean Ambrose - I don't think he's ready right now, but he will be soon enough.

Kevin Owens - This guys oozes of WWE Championship material when he's on the screen.

Roman Reigns - Again, let him slowly build back his popularity with the fans.

Bray Wyatt - Maybe after he gets a few wins on his record and actually convinces someone to "follow the buzzards."
Jericho is the most obvious, but he'd have to commit a hell of a lot to get that...probably more than he's willing to.

The standout for me is Matt Hardy - he's at his best at the moment in the ring and fatherhood seems to be working for him, your kids are a great motivator to go back to WWE. If done right, a Matt Hardy return/cinderella story could be great, especially if they put him vs Jeff for the belt with Edge as the ref for example...

CM Punk - yes, it will happen eventually... we don't know when, but he'd be able to walk back in and straight to the title if he actually wanted to... Vince wouldn't turn it down and neither would Trips.

Present -

No one IS in the title picture other than Rollins and Brock right now... Reigns isn't there but they're trying, Ambrose has been wasted yet again... repeat for Wyatt. The only interesting guy right now is Kevin Owens... He could very easily go against Brock as US champion and potentially beat him.


The thing WWE has done well since binning the WHC is getting away from the "everyone gets a turn" mentality when it comes to the title... a lot of guys are never gonna get it now, where 2-3 years ago they'd have all been tried with at least one of the belts... That takes Cody, Barrett, Joe, Ryback and potentially Bray out of the equation.

Cesaro may have resurrected his chances against Cena, but may have equally sealed his fate as the Ted DiBiase or Rick Rude of this generation, the best never to be given the chance.

Realistically these 3 are the only ones currently who have a shot (excluding Owens who I mentioned above)

Neville - Forget the "small" thing, he's someone who can make a transitional run or have a classic underdog win. If they ever do a UK PPV for example, or even a major RAW, then Neville is a classic guy who can win it on "home soil" and generate some buzz. Is he a long term prospect, no, but I can see him getting it... probably from...

Finn Balor - The most obvious guy right now, he's like a replacement for Shawn Michaels AND Taker rolled into one and his big benefit is that a lot of the guys he is coming up with are guys he has worked with for years. He could trade the belt with Neville over the course of a UK/Irish tour and it be major... he could upset an established star like Orton or Brock... he could have classics with guys like Rollins, Ambrose and Jericho.

Uhaa Nation - Of the latest signings, this guy has the best chance of being a major player for years to come. He looks great, has amazing skills like that crazy high leap he can do and has a built in "gimmick", he's one guy I can see them letting keep the name cos "Uhaa Nation" works as a chant, catchprace etc...

Jay Lethal - What? I hear you say... Jay has just entered the critical phase of his career... WWE has taken many of the former ROH champions and made them into top names and 3 of them World Champions in Punk, Bryan and Rollins and 4 when Owens inevitably wins. Lethal is only just 30, but has so much experience that he'd be an easy fit into WWE and someone who could credibly challenge quickly for the big belt... in some ways its sad they chose to do the MachoMiz thing because that is something Jay could have used once in a while for them and done it far better... but make no mistake, Jay Lethal could still end up WWE champion before he is 35-36...
Past: Jericho, would definately give one last awesome title run. of course.
HHH. would love to see the game return for a few months.
Orton. of course.

Present: The shield. enough said.

Future: Balor, will make an awesome WHC one day.
KO, a Owens - Lesnar feud for it would be best for business.
and finally, samoa joe is my best guess. he would make an epic champ

Obviously in an ideal world, Kane would return looking like he stepped right out of 1997, but that's probably not going to happen. Even without the throwback, I think Kane is due a WWE title run to cement his career before retirement. If it did ever happen, he'd surely have to turn face. I can't imagine it'd be possible to sell Kane as an interesting heel at this point in his career.


Although he's not really in the title picture right now, Sheamus has an almost guaranteed run as champion with MiTB. When he does eventually cash in, I think he's a believable character with potential to be a successful multi-time champion in the future.


Rusev's main selling points are his size and athleticism. If we see more character development in the coming months, I think Rusev could be a big part of the main event scene in five years time. If his character is allowed to grow past the split with Lana, Rusev could bring an otherwise absent element to the title picture. A heavy hitter with a unique, entertaining style, and more than one aspect to his personality.
Past-Cena, Taker,Sting (If Rollins is still champ I expect him to face one of them at Survivor Series),Triple H (May happen at SummerSlam if he is still champ)

Present-Dean Ambrose and Roman Reigns (Only way I see Ambrose getting another shot is in a Shield Triple Threat. Roman, I could see them feuding soon.

Future-Finn Balor,Samoa Joe,Kevin Owens- Some could argue their all past or present but in WWE their not. They all could be believable.

I do however feel that a guy like Orton or Jericho will never be world champion again.
Past - The most obvious ones that can still go are the Rock and Jericho, however I don't think they would commit enough to get it, Rock is pretty much a legit Hollywood Star (don't cry Miz) and Jericho is busy doing all other kinds of stuff. Other than them I don't know, Hulk Hogan?

Present - Cena is bound to break flair's record, an he is not getting any younger,although if he keeps up with his training and all, he could last a long time, look at Kane.

Orton - Can't have one without the other, I'm amazed he hasn't answered Cena's open challenge yet!

Ambrose - He totally deseved the title last time, and, well maybe not hold the title for long, but I think he could pull it off.

sheamus got the MITB so yeah of course.

Future - Owens but he has to have a crazy run with the US belt first, be really dominant, build him to be "Lesnarish" guy

Balor - I'm a huge fan of Balor, and it's pretty obvious they have huge plans for him, I see him doing an Owens but with the Intercontinental title, and have them fight for the WHC later, continuing their NXT rivalry at Wrestlemania, that would be awesome.

Triple H: Let's face facts He is still in outstanding shape and is every bit the ring general and tactician He always has been... and His Family kind of owns the company. I also truly believe this would be massively counter-productive as the WWE is in desperate need to create new Stars.

Randy Orton:It's not quite time to put Mr. Orton out to pasture just yet In My opinion He has more then enough left in the tank to be an credible champion. Unlike Mr. Helmsley He is very much still in the hunt for not just one but multiple championship reigns.
John Cena: I know He has had His many doubters but I have never had a problem with his wrestling ability. What people need to understand is that the WWE severally limits how there talent preforms especially move sets, so IMO Cena is not entirely to blame, but to tell the truth I now realize WWE limited move sets so we wouldn't get 12 guys on the roster using super kicks, senton splashes, ect... so while I like that WWE has loosened the reigns a little so to speak it has gotten a tad bit repetitive and redundant. With that being said John has done a great job re-eventing Himself as a wrestler for the masses IMO He is as good as He has ever been and will regain this sports top prize. Although I most admit I have enjoyed his time away from the main spotlight to help establish Kevin Owens as a future main eventer.

Kane:He is currently in the best shape of His entire WWE tenure and I truly believe He has earned one last reign through sheer loyalty and His never wavering devotion to not only the WWE but His craft, still looks very sharp in the ring and has just enough steam for one last ride at the top.

CM Punk:If He absolutely bombs in the UFC He could always pick up where He left off. This man was born and bred to be entertaining Us in a ring and on the mic. This one is a long shot but with the WWE You never know.


Seth Rollins:This guy is outstanding in the ring, He has taken the opportunity to be "The Man" and ran with it. Do I enjoy Him being the cry-baby heel absolutely not but He has and will (hopefully) continue to develop into the character that will bring out His full potential. He is passable on the mic but still has a long way to go if He ever wants to become a WWE Mega Star, which IMO He has the skills to become.

Daniel Bryan:I hope He returns from His seemingly career ending mysterious injury because this guy has it all, I think that Bryan V.S. Rollins would have quickly established both Men as the official top stars in the sport today and if booked correctly the rub both characters would have received would have had a very positive impact on both of their careers moving forward (especially Rollins who is in need of an non- Shield believeble rival).

Brock Lesnar:although I must admit I enjoyed His wrestling style a lot more during His first WWE run this guy is still one of My favorites in the ring. I wish He would accept that this is His true calling and sign a better contract for WAY more appearances, at least every RAW and Pay -Per-Views, I have thoroughly enjoyed Him being a regular part of Raw these past few weeks. I think there is room for so many untapped feuds Daniel Bryan, Wade Barrett, Cesaro, Rusev and Sheamus.

Sheamus:I truly feel this is a make or break year for the Celtic Warrior, IMO He is a middle of the road competitor. He is not truly OVER with the crowd but I like his rough throwback type of wrestling style. I think He really needs to steam line His character because His current gimmick is not cutting it. I'm not talking about a complete overhaul but something obviously needs to be done before He cashes in on His money in the bank but I am hopeful that He is talented and different enough to standout in a WWE that is currently so talent rich.

Dolph Ziggler:The WWE has to move on this guy, He is very talented although a bit sloppy in the ring, He sell moves sometimes overselling but I am still high on Him because He can and most likely will drag a solid match out of His opponent, the problem is with Him being in the Upper Mid to Mid card beating him becomes more of a stepping stone unstead of a major victory when the new flavor of the month shows up You just know that ol' Dolph will fall to them sooner rather than later. The WWE needs to elevate Him to the main event so that they can utilize Him to create new and meaningful Super Stars and the only way to establish Him is to make Him a credible World Champion.


Kevin Owens: I have followed this guy throughout His career and He has always impressed Me, to be such a big man and move the way He does makes Him a true althletic freak and an very unique attraction for the WWE and believe it or not He hasn't even scrached the surface on everything He can do just yet. IMO He is great on the mic it's an aquired taste but I like it, He is an especially talented competitor inside the squared circle and has the potential to become a huge star in the WWE. I hope His momentum doesn't flatline because it would be a crying shame and a waste of potential star power.

Ceraro:horrible on the mic but outstanding in the ring. I can think of worse directions the WWE has gone in than The Swiss Superman, much like Ziggler the time is now with Ceraro, He needs to be established as soon as possible to be used as a means to create new Super Stars not as a stepping stone He is far to talented for that treatment. Again like Ziggler making Ceraro a credible champion could go a long way. Except this time they probably should not have Him to blatantly enrage the masses by teasing the swing and not follow through as it absolutely killed any momentum He had coming out of Him feud with Swagger. Glad to see WWE give Him another chance to shine recently.

Luke Harper:This man was by far the most talented in ring competitor out of The Wyatt Family, He is truly amazing to the ring and His unique promo style fits Him, I thought He would receive a decent push after His Intercontinental championship win but He failed to hold on to or gather momentum as champion, thought He would get some time to shine when He briefly feuded with the ever popular and majorly overrated Dean Ambrose but even after a hand full of wins and some good matches (excluding that horrible match at Extreme Rules) still no rub. Then they placed Him back with His very green former partner to which I thought at least they make a compiling an dominant tag team but Rowan was recently injured regulating Harper to dark matches. IMO if they invested just have of the time in Harper as they did with Wyatt He would be a main eventer by now or at least a better version of the upper mid carder Wyatt is?

Rusev:I think that He is well on His way, really good in the ring and I love his dominant heel persona. I don't think even the WWE know how far this guy could go over if marketed correctly thought He should have gone over in Rumble and in feud against Cena although admittedly if He did either of those thingsthen Seth and Owens would have suffered setbacks from the ripple effect. I look forward to Him continuing to develop His character and pray His silly feud with Ziggler and Lana is short lived.

Samoa Joe:Just like Owens I have followed his career and I absolutely love His talents in the ring and on the mic. I think He is ready right now to make a huge impact in WWE but with NXT being so depleted at the moment I don't believe He will be moving to the main roster anytime soon. I believe WWE missed out on a huge opportunity with the Owens/Joe rivalry as it had the potential to shoot NXT into the stratosphere but maybe just maybe We will get this on the main roster in the future and maybe just maybe for The WWE World Heavyweight Championship. I am opportunistic about the WWE' s very bright in-ring future and hopefully WWE continues to bank on unique in-ring WRESTLERS not entertainers.

I know I will probably get blasted about not mentioning:

Roman Reigns:(GREEN)

Dean Ambrose: (Weird Cartoonish Character seems more at home in the Pre-Attitude Era. The constant Overselling and No Selling Moves)

Bray Wyatt:(Talented on the mic and limited in the ring)

Finn Bàlor:(WAY OVERRATED IMO, talented yes but I don't really see what the hype is about)

Sami Zayn:(Super talented just missed My list, although I hope He will be huge also)

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