Words From The Prison: Predictions for 2013

Mac Attack

I'm neat.
Frequent visitors of the Prison, hopefully you clicked on the link and are looking at the very first mini editorial from me. I will be making these on wrestling topics and will do them in hopes of adding interest to the Prison and myself for that matter.

Without further ado, my predictions for 2013.

1) John Cena will hold the WWE championship the most in 2013.
When thinking about John Cena’s 2012 one word that I will make up comes to mind. Titleless. John Cena will beat the Rock for the WWE Title at Wrestlemania. John Cena will continue to hold on to the title for at least the entire summer if not more. Taking into the amount of time spend with the title we will have CM Punk for about a month. The Rock for around 2 months, John Cena for about 5 if not more and the other 4 will be with either Cena or the winner of MITB. This will bring relevancy back to John Cena and will allow him to continue his excellence.

2) The Shield will break into the Shards.

The Shield is becoming boring. For being a Shield against injustice they surely have attacked the same guys over and over again with the common factor being Ryback. The Shield can only go so far doing this and once it gets old I don’t see it continuing. I had high hopes for the Shield and actually hope this prediction is wrong however I highly doubt that it will be. With that being said you can easily change this in one easy move. Have the Shield attack Rock at the Royal Rumble and cost him the match. Not only would they receive mega heat but also actually follow their tagline of a Shield against injustice. And yes The Rock having a free title match is an injustice to the WWE lockeroom.

3) The Rock will have a match in 2013.

I’m going with my gut saying that the Rock will have a match at Summerslam. I don’t know why I feel this way just think it makes sense especially with the Rock boosting viewers to Raw currently. As for who his opponents will be I have two options and two scenarios. Option Number 1: John Cena. I feel like there will be a rubber match between the Rock and Cena and it will not occur at Wrestlemania. If they truly want Summerslam to feel important again using the Rock will be a great way to go. Option Number 2: Brock vs Rock. This basically writes itself with the history they have as well as their current boosting of PPV buys, Put the two together and I’d say Summerslam hits 500,000 buys.

4) Vince McMahon will officially retire.

Another gut opinion but the time is coming sooner than later. Vince McMahon will have to retire soon enough and if the reports are true about his health going down than I think it would make sense for him to retire. HOWEVER depending on how they do this I would be okay with Vince McMahon having one last match in 2014 at Wrestlemania 30 seeing that it is his invention and seeing as it would probably sell tickets being his last match. Gut feeling says it will happen in 2013 towards the end of the year however the Wrestlemania 30 storyline could actually work….as long as he’s okay being backseat to Cena vs Undertaker.

5) Newcomer of the Year will be Bray Wyatt.

I am a huge fan of his work in FCW/NXT and actually believe when he debuts he will find instant success. His gimmick is creepy good however somewhat unrealistic which is exactly what WWE needs. Characters who are over the top dark characters get over. EX: Undertaker. With the sadistic nature of Bray we will be able to get interesting storylines with someone who has a lot of wrestling potential. He would make a very good summer debut too.

6) The U.S Championship Gets Some Swagger

Jack Swagger will be the main U.S champion of 2013. He shall return as a face and take the title of Antonio and be the All American American Champion. He has been waiting to get over and quite frankly what better way than to be a solid midcard champion. He won’t ever be a main event champion but a good U.S champion will be good use of him. While we are on the topic Antonio will become World Heavyweight Champion before the year ends. He’s that good.

7) Tag Titles with a Tad Talk of Divas

Team Hell No has almost run their course. The only problem is they have beaten all the competition time and time again. I’m genuinely curious as to how they make the people who defeat them look better than them. However the one idea that I’m going with is that two random singles stars will team up and take the titles. This team will then start having friction. Team 3MB will then get a title match and due to one title holder turning on the other 3MB get a cheap win. This allows for the smaller tag teams to shine. Where’s Rhodes Scholars in all this? I don’t know but don’t see them lasting much longer actually. I threw in divas into this section for the sake of making a Diva prediction. I predict that the Diva’s division will be on a downhill spiral all year. They still will look good though. Yay us.

8) Around the World in 365 days. End of Title Talk

The Intercontinental Title will get around more than a free hooker by WWE standards that is. I truly believe we will see at least 6 different IC title holders however I’m going to predict 8 different ones including Wade Barrett. The IC title will lose value and creative will be blamed for all of it. I’m not thrilled about this but when the IC title is currently held by a guy who should be Main Event this has to happen. Oh and yeah Randy Orton shall be one of those 8.

9) Let’s Talk About Injuries

Christian returns, Mark Henry returns, and Alex Riley returns. Now for the who will get injured part. Antonio Cesaro has been dealing with injuries, The Miz every year has survived big botches that should injure him and this will be the year where finally gets injured. I’m predicting Sin Cara, CM Punk, Brodus Clay, and Jimmy Uso. Why did I pick all of them? Every year in the WWE injuries happen randomly. I picked randomly a list of stars will it happen hopefully not.

10) List of Breakout Stars

-Tyson Kidd
-Ricardo Rodriguez
-Bray Wyatt.
5) Newcomer of the Year will be Bray Wyatt.

I am a huge fan of his work in FCW/NXT and actually believe when he debuts he will find instant success. His gimmick is creepy good however somewhat unrealistic which is exactly what WWE needs. Characters who are over the top dark characters get over. EX: Undertaker. With the sadistic nature of Bray we will be able to get interesting storylines with someone who has a lot of wrestling potential. He would make a very good summer debut too.

The real question is how long until the idiotic smarks in the crowd stop chanting "HUSKYYYY! HUSKYYYY!"

The Shield is becoming boring. For being a Shield against injustice they surely have attacked the same guys over and over again with the common factor being Ryback.

This is true. And it's because they're not a shield against anything other than faces in the main event level. Some of their attacks have had no "injustice." What did Sheamus do wrong? Breathe? Even stupid logic can be explained. But no logic whatsoever is just that, stupid.

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