Women, Tag Team, Cruiserweights: The Forgotten Divisions


Staff member
Why doesn't the WWE care anything at all about their Women's Division, their Tag Team Divisions, or their Cruiserweight Division? They focus so much upon their heavyweight divisions that the divisions mentioned above have become a joke. I cannot understand it.

The Women's Division has become a T&A showcase only, with little to no emphasis on in-ring or mic skills. See Candice's slow motion water bottle shower in front of the Hardys at the GAB.

Neither of the tag team divisions were even represented at the GAB. Two separate tag titles, and neither was even contested at a PPV. And if they had been, who could have done so? There's barely enough talent for one title, never mind two.

And the Cruiserweight match was a travesty. Having Hornswoggle come from under the ring to pin a cruiserweight was beyond a joke. How can anyone give any credibility to a division when a midget wrestler (not politically correct I know) who wasn't even in the match pins a guy double his size? Even with the surprise appearance, wouldn't any cruiserweight just brush him aside and continue to wrestle?

At a time when talent is thin due to injuries, these divisions could be filling a void, but they're not. They're ridiculous, and I think it's a shame.

Any thoughts?
I agree with everything you said. But I think WWE could scrap one tag title, or have both champs face eachother for the "undisputed" tag title's, and have the 3 titles tri-banded. because what is th point of having london an kendrick on raw? or victoria on sd if they got no belts to go after?

If they made the belts tri-brand it would create something different, and possibly help ECW gain more credability with the use of established stars every now and again
i agree 100% man, i remember when the WWE, or should i say, WWF had some awsome tag teams, nowadays they have like 2 that are actually good, but still dont use them at all, and the crusierwieght was always in the shadow b4, but now its just a joke, cruiserweights seem more like glorified jobbers now =/....

like u said, with all these injuries, they should start giving some spotlight to their other talents... and there has to be only one tag team belt, they dont have enough teams for 2 titles, so i also agree 100% on making them go for a undisputed tag titles...

and whats up with raw getting london and kendrick if their not gonna use them? on SD! they put on a hell of a show, on raw they arent even used... i think they just like how the roster looks on paper o_O

maybe they should make the tag titles tri-brand, and scrap some other titles and make all titles tri-brand exept for WHC, ECW, and WWE... it would help SD! and ECW stop being the numer 2# and 3# show... and would be better for other guys to grow without having to wait for the draft... for example having cm punk as us champ, and from there move on up.. or something like that

anyway maybe the crusierweight division will start being respected again now that jamie noble is giving the ideas, as for the tag teams i dont see what can save them
I think part of the problem is that many of the wrestlers view the titles other than the WWE championship and the World Heavyweight championship as being secondary and therefore meaningless titles. I don't know how the WWE can address this perception, but until it's rectified, the other belts will continue to mean nothing.

Take Rey Mysterio, for example. He's ideally suited to be a cruiserweight champion because of his size, because even with the steroids he's been allegedly linked to, he's still small, too small to be considered a heavyweight champion on either show. But I've read previously that he doesn't want to be a cruiserweight. Instead of being proud to be a cruiserweight champion, he seems to view this as second tier, and that should be wrong. If not cruiserweight, he could restore some prestige to the US title or the meaningless IC title, and make them mean something again.

Even worse is the perception of the tag team division. People tend to feel that a singles push is more significant than a tag team push, like returning to the tag team scene would be a demotion for a singles competitor. It shouldn't be that way. Haas and Benjamin should be part of building a respectable tag team division, but what will likely happen instead is that if either of them gets over, they'll split the team and push someone in singles. Since when is the tag title so meaningless? Hart Foundation, Hardy Boys, Dudleys, Rockers, there have been lots of great careers in the tag team division. Why now is there just shit teams like Deuce and Domino or Highlanders? They had MNM established as a good tag team. I know there were problems with Mercury, but even still, he could have been replaced with someone else, rather than rushing Nitro/Morrison into singles action.

I say put all of the women on one show (Raw), put all of the cruiserweights on SD, and establish just one tag division, rather than spread a very thin tag team situation over 2, if not 3, brands (I can't believe there's talk of a ECW tag team title).

And have the WWE brass treat these dvisions like they mean something. Because if creative doesn't feel they mean anything, how can we expect the wrestlers themselves to feel otherwise?
Why? I would have to ask Vince McMahon first only because I don't believe any of us has the correct answer. lol just playing.

My opinion is because the WWE has too many titles. I mean c'mon... two pairs of tag titles (possibly 3 soon), 3 world titles, Intercontinental title, US title, Women's title, Cruiserweight title. IMO the Cruiserweight title is being treated just like the old Lightheavyweight title, seeing how both the WWE Light Heavyweight & WCW Cruiserweight titles merged together, so it's no real surprise seeing how it's always been this way... maybe here and there were some ups, but many downs or under..
The WWE doesn't have too many titles if they actually make the brands exclusive and distinct from one another. Vince and the creative team have an attention span of a 2 year old and an IQ just the same.

The man owns the rights to the name of WCW, yet he has, and will refuse to use it because he can't swallow his own pride and admit that name has as much drawing power as his own.

If the brands split into three legit brands with zero interaction with one another, the titles would work. The problem is, he keeps trying to do quick fixes by having boring overdone Drafts, or cross promotional matches, which destroy any credibility of any of the brands, thus creating a downward trickle effect of destroying credibility to certain divisions within the brand.

The creative team has enough problems coming up with halfway decent main event story line angles. This year, the WWE pay per view scene has been horrible to say the least. I have enjoyed zero pay per views as a whole this year, and it's not the wrestlers, it's the booking.

The problem with these divisions are the move restrictions, and a creative team more worried about shitty story lines (Let's Kill Vince, I love Dallas) then actual wrestling or wrestlers.
I totally agree with The Shockmaster. 3 brands, zero interaction.
SmackDown! changes to WCW.
ECW is...well, ECW.

Anyway, ECW should keep their title and bring in a second title, ala X Division. Combination IC/US-Xdivision-Hardcore(Extreme). No Tag Titles. Where do they expect to get teams for that?

WWE Raw should keep the Women's Title coz they're the ones to give T-and-A. Sucks the women's title is a booby playground, but oh well.

WCW SmackDown! should have the World and US. No Cruiserweights. They all move to ECW to make their show more exciting. BTW: Give ECW another hour or so to make this happen.

Since the wrestling "season" begins after WrestleMania, the Raw after Mania could be a Draft. Splitting up the entire company roster into WWE Raw, WCW SmackDown and ECW...ECW.

No interpromotional crap, and the PPV's canNOT be brand exclusive like they used to. Also, don't have just one ECW match per PPV, plz!

Anyway, as for the Tag Titles, just scrap them coz Vince doesn't care about that division.

But, if you wanna' do something innovative:
ECW is just a one-hour show and it's the "C" show. So, you can play and experiment. Move talent and sign new talent to ECW and move the tag titles to ECW. No tag titles for Raw or SD, just ECW. So, ECW would have the ECW Title and Tag Team Title. SD would still have 2 or 3 and Raw would still have 3.

HEre's how i see it, Their is one to many tag team belts, if you got to have two tag team divisions, at less have team to fill the division. Look at what we got right has far as tag teams goes. On Raw you got The Highlanders who are there mostly has jobbers theses days, then you got The World'S greatest Tag team but these got might be on hiatus because of the suspensions of Charlie HAas, then you got London and kendrick and the tag team champion Cade and Murdoch. HAs far as Smackdown goes you got Deuce And Domino and The Majors Brothers. O.k So JEssie And Festus are coming to smackdown but it's been 2 months now and there still there. So by the looks of it, the WWE don'T have enough tag team to have 2 divisions so i say that i would be a good thing to unified both tag blets and only have one tag team division.

HAs far has the cruiserweight division is concern. LEt it dies already, the title pretty much started to mean nothing last year when Greg Helms won the belt. So i'm guessing that now that Hornswaggle is the champion, the title means absolutely nothing.

So all there is to talk about is the woman'S division. O.k so the division isn't in the best of shape and part of it is mostly for those people that like T& A and i understand that. But were i don'T agree with is that the division isn'T all about T&A. It'S also about wrestling. People criticize Candice alot since she won the belt, but let me tell you something, this girl is one of the most improved Diva that the WWE got right now. Compared one of her match that she did last year to one of her most recent match and you see you improved she is in the ring. I thought that the woman'S division would die when Trish and Lita left last year because i couldn'T see anyone talented enough to take their place. But when i see somebody like Candice Michelle or Mickey James wrestle like they do on a regular basis, i got faith that the woman's division is in good hand and we will get a lot more classic woman's match in the future. I just can'T wait to see BEth Phoenix and Candice wrestle at unforgiven. It should be a good match.
Okay the womans division is a lost cause because none of the woman today can actually wrestle, the wwe uses woman as basically like a who sex thing, Everywhere you go there showing off there bodies like what the starter of this thread said, see Candice Michelle GAB.

I believe the cruiserweight division has gotten more credibility with Hornswoggle as champ because everyone knows he is champ. The cruiserweight division lost a very important part when Rey moved to main event status, he is the best cruiserweight in the business today IMO. I also believe though that a way to fix the womens division is put all woman on one show which could lead to more match ups.

The problem with the tag titles is there is not a team with really any recognition, Back in the day there were many good tag teams, L.O.D, The British Bulldogs, the Steiners and so on. they were recognized as tag teams and some of the best the world has ever seen and no team today could live up to all that.

These division could have been utilized properly with all the recent things going on but no woman wrestler can actually wrestle to put on a good show, and no tag teams today have enough tag team tactics like the teams of yesteryear . Also the only way i ever se the tag team being utilized properly is if they only have one tag team championship and move all the tag teams to one Roster, instead of seeing one decent tag team on each brand all the decent tag teams could be on one to solidify recognition on the belt, and use the not so good tag teams to try to make them better. If that makes any sense?

But i believe they weren't used properly on each brand because each specific brand lacks talent to make it become popular again. The Tag Division is depleted anyways and i believe IMO there is no saving this division or the womans division until they cant get raw talent.
1) i see why some people want to unify the tag titles. the division is lacking major talent right now and no one is stepping up creatively. but combining them isnt necessary. a better solution is to sign more teams (the naturals) or even create new ones. haas is gone and shelton is alone - tell me shelton and someone like elijah burke wouldnt make not just an athletic team, but an entertaining one as well. Burke is being wasted, he needs a story. no unification, just more teams and oh yeah, they actually need to have tag matches. that always helps.
2) the womens title isnt taken seriously nowadays. are you telling me people took it seriously even when trish and lita had it? no. nobody really takes the women seriously even if they are talented. which i think they are, dont get it twisted, im not diva-bashing. the womens division looks on the ups with beth back and candice improving. but you gotta keep the women who can wrestle on raw. VICTORIA!! i was really pissed when she got "drafted" huge mistake. she can help the girls get better quicker then any other diva. let the girls fight bro.
3) i love the old cruiserweights of WCW - psichosis, juventud, rey mysterio JR. and all the rest of the luchadore gang. they rocked, took huge chances and put it all on the line for the fans, exciting and entertaining. helms, noble, all the whitebread cruiserweights can go somewhere as far as im concerned. waste of roster space. whens the last time you were excited about a jamie noble match? or any crusierweight match in the last 2-3 years?
4) ECW shouldnt be touched until they can expand it. they only have like 6 guys who see television daylight and no time to get anyone going with a storyline. let the ecw title mean youre the top dog. its all they have time for. they dont have enough talent to add another title. expand the show, expand the roster, and theyll have more time to actually create a show, rather then throwing the same 6 guys in a different mix every week.
1) i see why some people want to unify the tag titles. the division is lacking major talent right now and no one is stepping up creatively. but combining them isnt necessary. a better solution is to sign more teams (the naturals) or even create new ones. haas is gone and shelton is alone - tell me shelton and someone like elijah burke wouldnt make not just an athletic team, but an entertaining one as well. Burke is being wasted, he needs a story. no unification, just more teams and oh yeah, they actually need to have tag matches. that always helps.
2) the womens title isnt taken seriously nowadays. are you telling me people took it seriously even when trish and lita had it? no. nobody really takes the women seriously even if they are talented. which i think they are, dont get it twisted, im not diva-bashing. the womens division looks on the ups with beth back and candice improving. but you gotta keep the women who can wrestle on raw. VICTORIA!! i was really pissed when she got "drafted" huge mistake. she can help the girls get better quicker then any other diva. let the girls fight bro.
3) i love the old cruiserweights of WCW - psichosis, juventud, rey mysterio JR. and all the rest of the luchadore gang. they rocked, took huge chances and put it all on the line for the fans, exciting and entertaining. helms, noble, all the whitebread cruiserweights can go somewhere as far as im concerned. waste of roster space. whens the last time you were excited about a jamie noble match? or any crusierweight match in the last 2-3 years?
4) ECW shouldnt be touched until they can expand it. they only have like 8 guys who see television daylight and no time to get anyone going with a storyline. let the ecw title mean youre the top dog. its all they have time for. they dont have enough talent to add another title. expand the show, expand the roster, and theyll have more time to actually create a show, rather then throwing the same 8 guys in a different mix every week.
Okay the womans division is a lost cause because none of the woman today can actually wrestle, the wwe uses woman as basically like a who sex thing, Everywhere you go there showing off there bodies like what the starter of this thread said, see Candice Michelle GAB.

the womens division isn't a lost cause because none of the girls can wrestle. In fact several of them can wrestle, Hell Phoenix could probably out wrestle 90% of the mens locker room by herself. (A bold statement but its true, just like Jillian Hall can do things that many of the cruiserwieghts, Except for the likes of Londrick, Moore, and the Hardy's wouldn't attempt to do.)

The womens division is more or less a lost cause because WWE has decided to break the line between "Eye Candy" Diva and "Hot but good wrestler" Diva, by putting the belt on Candice and then trying to push her as the "New Face" of the division without her really having any skills whatsoever (neither good in ring skills nor very good promo skills) thats why the womens division is failing, because WWE is now to the point where they'll put the belt on anybody.
the womens division isn't a lost cause because none of the girls can wrestle. In fact several of them can wrestle, Hell Phoenix could probably out wrestle 90% of the mens locker room by herself. (A bold statement but its true, just like Jillian Hall can do things that many of the cruiserwieghts, Except for the likes of Londrick, Moore, and the Hardy's wouldn't attempt to do.)

The womens division is more or less a lost cause because WWE has decided to break the line between "Eye Candy" Diva and "Hot but good wrestler" Diva, by putting the belt on Candice and then trying to push her as the "New Face" of the division without her really having any skills whatsoever (neither good in ring skills nor very good promo skills) thats why the womens division is failing, because WWE is now to the point where they'll put the belt on anybody.

The problem with the womens division is making the 'eye candy' as the wrestlers and stopping those who can wrestle actually do some moves, I've seen videos of Phoenix and Hall who have impressed me, but they're not being allowed to show it fully in WWE. I remember Ech showing me a video of Jillian hall doing a 450, but that's on the banned list. Then there's the fact she's stuck in a horrible gimmick that people just think about the gimmick rather than ability.
The womens division is more or less a lost cause because WWE has decided to break the line between "Eye Candy" Diva and "Hot but good wrestler" Diva, by putting the belt on Candice and then trying to push her as the "New Face" of the division without her really having any skills whatsoever (neither good in ring skills nor very good promo skills) thats why the womens division is failing, because WWE is now to the point where they'll put the belt on anybody.

I agree with you on one point in this statement, Candice isn't the best at promos. But something you got to gave her and the she deserve the spot she's in right now. This girl worked really hard at improving her wrestling skills and it shows. Last year, she wasn't able to give or take a kick properly and she only had 2 move in her arsenal, a elbow drop and a choke hold. But look at some of her matches from the last couple of month and you can't tell me that she'S not a talented wrestler and doesn't deserve to be were she his right now. The woman's division is not falling because of Candice Michelle or the WWE decision to market T&A has well as talent, it's because the fans don'T want to watch woman wrestling, that's why. Personally i thought that the last 2 match between Candice and Melina were really good matches and i sure hope that the BEth Phoenix vs Candice at unforgiven will be has good.
The problem with the womens division is making the 'eye candy' as the wrestlers and stopping those who can wrestle actually do some moves, I've seen videos of Phoenix and Hall who have impressed me, but they're not being allowed to show it fully in WWE. I remember Ech showing me a video of Jillian hall doing a 450, but that's on the banned list. Then there's the fact she's stuck in a horrible gimmick that people just think about the gimmick rather than ability.

So? Just Because Jillian Can't do all the moves that she could in the indys, and beth can't wrestle like she used to ands she lost alot of her intensity because WWE made her drop weight doesn't mean that she doesn't have her mic skills and promo skills to get by on, thats what brought girls like Jillian and Mickie and Melina to the dance in the first place. The main problem for all the girls is getting over with the crowd and managing to find a foot hold or a catalyst that would help them. For Mickie it has her Feud with Trish, for Jillian its her Brooke hogan gimmick that draws her great heat. Even through Beth really has yet to establish herself I know that she;d be able to deliver her promos with skill as she has charisma.

I think WWE is making a mistake with Candice, I just don't think she has what it takes to be truly over, sure she can win as many matches as WWE wants her too, put unless Candice and WWE make a change as far as how Candice presents herself and as far as improving her mic skills and promo skills, Candice will just remain to be seen as eye candy. And that would probably bring the whole division down as WWE would probably start putting the belt on girls like Maria and Ashley instead of realizing that they need to just not have the likes of Candice and Ashley and Maria go near the belt at all.
I agree with you on one point in this statement, Candice isn't the best at promos. But something you got to gave her and the she deserve the spot she's in right now. This girl worked really hard at improving her wrestling skills and it shows. Last year, she wasn't able to give or take a kick properly and she only had 2 move in her arsenal, a elbow drop and a choke hold. But look at some of her matches from the last couple of month and you can't tell me that she'S not a talented wrestler and doesn't deserve to be were she his right now. The woman's division is not falling because of Candice Michelle or the WWE decision to market T&A has well as talent, it's because the fans don'T want to watch woman wrestling, that's why. Personally i thought that the last 2 match between Candice and Melina were really good matches and i sure hope that the BEth Phoenix vs Candice at unforgiven will be has good.

I'm going to tell YOU the same thing everyone else tells ME when I try and go this direction. In the WWE, especially in the Womens Division, you can't survive on wrestling skills alone, just like you can't survive plainly on charisma alone (at least in the men's division) but in the womens division charisma and having the ability to play the crowd and get a reaction, is FAR more important than wrestling skill. Candice is improving her wrestling skills, thats good for her, but the girl can't entertain or put on a descent match without incorporating some kind of sex appeal to get the crowds attention, and thats rather sad, thats why her image is cemented as an "eye candy" diva, and thats really why no one takes her seriously, IMO. I mean not all the divas can wrestle properly, but ANY of them, I mean ANY girl in WWE can use sex appeal to get over with the crowd and get a cheap pop, its nothing special. All I see WWE doing when I see Candice incorporating sex appeal to get cheap pops, is just paving the way for the next sad plastic bitch when she holds the belt.
So? Just Because Jillian Can't do all the moves that she could in the indys, and beth can't wrestle like she used to ands she lost alot of her intensity because WWE made her drop weight doesn't mean that she doesn't have her mic skills and promo skills to get by on, thats what brought girls like Jillian and Mickie and Melina to the dance in the first place. The main problem for all the girls is getting over with the crowd and managing to find a foot hold or a catalyst that would help them. For Mickie it has her Feud with Trish, for Jillian its her Brooke hogan gimmick that draws her great heat. Even through Beth really has yet to establish herself I know that she;d be able to deliver her promos with skill as she has charisma.

I think WWE is making a mistake with Candice, I just don't think she has what it takes to be truly over, sure she can win as many matches as WWE wants her too, put unless Candice and WWE make a change as far as how Candice presents herself and as far as improving her mic skills and promo skills, Candice will just remain to be seen as eye candy. And that would probably bring the whole division down as WWE would probably start putting the belt on girls like Maria and Ashley instead of realizing that they need to just not have the likes of Candice and Ashley and Maria go near the belt at all.

Great point. I also think that as long as WWE has legit women wrestlers like Beth, Victoria, and Jillian that they should get to be champs and the eye candy should remain just that, thats why we have bikini contests and bra and panty matches.

The problem is that most WWE fans would rather see Candice or any other hot as hell diva over legit women wrestling, so the WWE puts the belt on Candice to give her more TV time and talk her up even more.
I'm going to tell YOU the same thing everyone else tells ME when I try and go this direction. In the WWE, especially in the Womens Division, you can't survive on wrestling skills alone, just like you can't survive plainly on charisma alone (at least in the men's division) but in the womens division charisma and having the ability to play the crowd and get a reaction, is FAR more important than wrestling skill. Candice is improving her wrestling skills, thats good for her, but the girl can't entertain or put on a descent match without incorporating some kind of sex appeal to get the crowds attention, and thats rather sad, thats why her image is cemented as an "eye candy" diva, and thats really why no one takes her seriously, IMO. I mean not all the divas can wrestle properly, but ANY of them, I mean ANY girl in WWE can use sex appeal to get over with the crowd and get a cheap pop, its nothing special. All I see WWE doing when I see Candice incorporating sex appeal to get cheap pops, is just paving the way for the next sad plastic bitch when she holds the belt.

I get you point and your right, she does use sex appeal to get over with the crowd but every divas past and present at some point use sex appeal to get over. I can't tell me that Trish Stratus didn't use sex appeal when she won her first woman's title. How about Sable, Ivory, Gail Kim, Victoria. They all used sex appeal at some point will becoming woman's champion and nobody said anything about it because they were good wrestler that knew how to work before coming to the WWE. All i'm seeing is that maybe in some fans eyes, Candice is still mostly eye candy and i respect that but for the casual fans, she a better wrestler that she was a couple of years ago and she deserve to get a chance at carrying the woman'S title like Trish did 6 years ago.
Great point. I also think that as long as WWE has legit women wrestlers like Beth, Victoria, and Jillian that they should get to be champs and the eye candy should remain just that, thats why we have bikini contests and bra and panty matches.

The problem is that most WWE fans would rather see Candice or any other hot as hell diva over legit women wrestling, so the WWE puts the belt on Candice to give her more TV time and talk her up even more.

But is Mickie James not Hot? Is Melina not Hot? how bout Jillian? These women can not only fulfill the wrestling side of the match, but also the entertainment portions of the storylines that would keep fans in their seats and make them want to watch more, and not because they think that "oh, one of them may strip the other of their clothes", but because the girls are delivering solid storylines with solid dialog that the fans will be intently following the story and will start focusing less on exactly how the women look and what their wearing and whether or not their coming across as actress's playing out a story, or just ****es spinning in a circle trying to get peoples attention. And if Candice was too this point, then I wouldn't have a problem, but the fact is she's not, and the WWE now has themselves in a bind because it looks like their trying to push Candice as this new leader who can't even perform like she should.

I get you point and your right, she does use sex appeal to get over with the crowd but every divas past and present at some point use sex appeal to get over. I can't tell me that Trish Stratus didn't use sex appeal when she won her first woman's title. How about Sable, Ivory, Gail Kim, Victoria. They all used sex appeal at some point will becoming woman's champion and nobody said anything about it because they were good wrestler that knew how to work before coming to the WWE. All i'm seeing is that maybe in some fans eyes, Candice is still mostly eye candy and i respect that but for the casual fans, she a better wrestler that she was a couple of years ago and she deserve to get a chance at carrying the woman'S title like Trish did 6 years ago.

Well I guess at that point it depends. Really, I don't know whether wrestling skill or entertainment skill is more important, I would just figure that since the womens division is so much smaller than the mens division, and since many of the women in WWE can't wrestle properly anyway, charisma and mic skills carry alot of weight. Unfortunately, there's not alot of girls in WWE that have alot of either one today. WWE just got to the point where they grouped most of the girls with wrestling skill and mic skills on one show, the problem is the current champion isn't very strong in either category, so what do you do, what can you do? I guess WWE will just bury Beth and the rest of the Divas on RAw in an attempt to get Candice over
I guess WWE will just bury Beth and the rest of the Divas on RAw in an attempt to get Candice over

I really hope that's won't be the case because as much as i love seeing candice as champion right, it wouldn't be believable to see candice win against BEth unless she gets help from some of the other divas. But seeing has this is the same WWE Push Trish Stratus to the moon for the last 5 years and that Candice is supposed to be the next Trish, i wouldn't be surprise if that happens.
I really hope that's won't be the case because as much as i love seeing candice as champion right, it wouldn't be believable to see candice win against BEth unless she gets help from some of the other divas. But seeing has this is the same WWE Push Trish Stratus to the moon for the last 5 years and that Candice is supposed to be the next Trish, i wouldn't be surprise if that happens.

At this point, its very possible, and even though the whole thought is complete bullshit, if WWE had plans to take the belt off Candice, then they would have done so already, so obviously they still see a use for her, even if she sucks out loud form all areas. I wouldn't be surprised if WWE gives her the John Cena treatment and just jobs talent under talent under Candice, until A) the general public give up and except her as a good wrestler, which probably won't happen if she doesn't improve in the slightest, plus they'll probably be alot of people that'll hate Candice (like me) from ruining the credibility of superstars like Jillian and Mickie etc. Or B) WWE will see that Candice can't perform to the level that they want and strips her of the belt. (fingers crossed on B)
But is Mickie James not Hot? Is Melina not Hot? how bout Jillian? These women can not only fulfill the wrestling side of the match, but also the entertainment portions of the storylines that would keep fans in their seats and make them want to watch more, and not because they think that "oh, one of them may strip the other of their clothes", but because the girls are delivering solid storylines with solid dialog that the fans will be intently following the story and will start focusing less on exactly how the women look and what their wearing and whether or not their coming across as actress's playing out a story, or just ****es spinning in a circle trying to get peoples attention. And if Candice was too this point, then I wouldn't have a problem, but the fact is she's not, and the WWE now has themselves in a bind because it looks like their trying to push Candice as this new leader who can't even perform like she should.

Thats true. My only thought is that WWE thinks Candice is the hottest and has the most draw power.

Yes Mickie is hot, yes Jillian is hot, and I personally think Melina is the hottest diva in wrestling today. Its all a matter of taste when it comes to looks, but there is no denying who the better performers are. Unfortunately like I originally stated, the WWE thinks Candice is the hottest and thats what the fans want, so she is champ (I'm not saying I agree with it).
At this point, its very possible, and even though the whole thought is complete bullshit, if WWE had plans to take the belt off Candice, then they would have done so already, so obviously they still see a use for her, even if she sucks out loud form all areas. I wouldn't be surprised if WWE gives her the John Cena treatment and just jobs talent under talent under Candice, until A) the general public give up and except her as a good wrestler, which probably won't happen if she doesn't improve in the slightest, plus they'll probably be alot of people that'll hate Candice (like me) from ruining the credibility of superstars like Jillian and Mickie etc. Or B) WWE will see that Candice can't perform to the level that they want and strips her of the belt. (fingers crossed on B)

Personally, i'm thinking that they might take the belt off her at unforgiven simply because everything that they've done with her until this point is the same thing they did with Trish when she started has a wrestler in 2001 except for the way she won the title, everything else is the same. If you remember correctly, the first feud Trish had for the woman's title was against Jazz which is the equivalent of BEth Phoenix, so if you follow that logic, Candice will be in feud with beth for awhile, the a good possiblity that she will drop the belt during that feud. So i not to scared anymore about this.

Now i only want to say something to all the fans that hate Candice, which is not a lot at this moment. Give the girl a break, she's been in the wrestling business for 3 years now and for a girl that's been in this business for 3 years, she's became a better in ring performer that some of the other divas that been in the business for a lot longer. People always talk about push new talent in the wwe. Not just in the heavyweight division but in other division as well. But now, when somebody like Candice Michelle want to step up and learn be the best in-ring performer she can be, fans just dump on her and say she talentless. That's just not right in my opinion and that's why the WWE doesn't do anything with any of those divisions. Because they know that has soon as they decided to push somebody in the tag team division, the cruiserweight division or the woman's division. Fans will turn on them and they will lose fans because of it so instead of pushing these divisions, they just let them be and push the heavyweight. At less they only have one thing to worry about.
My opinion on "The Lost Divisions:"

Women's: Out of all the divisions, this is actually the closest to NOT being a lost one. In fact, they're seemingly restarting this division with a whole new crop. Candice, Jillian, Melina, McCool, & Maria are all coming into the division as strong options to compete against Beth Phoenix, Victoria & Mickie James. Thats eight divas right there, thats actually just as many superstars as they currently have in the Tag Team division. And if you think about it, thats not me joking, either.

Tag Team Division: Both Raw & Smackdown have a total of 4 teams. Raw has Cade/Murdoch, London/Kendrick, & World's Greatest Tag Team. Smackdown has Deuce & Domino. Thats it. If I'm missing any, tell me.. but don't say "M.V.P. & Matt Hardy" as they aren't a legit Tag Team. The Daltons are "coming" but aren't here yet, as are the *new* Hart Foundation. The Tag Team Division is by far the worst of the three, but at least W.W.E. is making small steps to rebuild it, IF (big word) they actually bring in these other teams & build them properly.


Cruiserweight Division: This division hasn't been lost, so much as given up. They have all the proper pieces to make it a great division. Shannon Moore, Gregory Helms, Chavo Guerrero & Jimmy Yang were all in W.C.W.'s version & made it great.. there is no reason why W.W.E. can't make it even better. The only reason this division sucks, is because they don't know how to market & use it properly.. because McMahon has never & will never be high on using "smaller" wrestlers. Bring back Billy Kidman & Juvi. Switch Elijah Burke & C.M. Punk over to compete in it. E.C.W. is nothing more than a glorified mid-card banaza anyways.. its a wonder that its even still going.

Overall.. yes, each of these divisions take blows because W.W.E. can't focus properly anymore. They fought so hard to get IN the media's eye, as a talented corp. that can put on an entertaining show.. now they're doing all they can to get OUT of the media's eye, because they're being buried by them. I guess the old saying "Be careful what you ask for." really is coming into play, to haunt them.
I totally agree with The Shockmaster. 3 brands, zero interaction.
SmackDown! changes to WCW.
ECW is...well, ECW.

Anyway, ECW should keep their title and bring in a second title, ala X Division. Combination IC/US-Xdivision-Hardcore(Extreme). No Tag Titles. Where do they expect to get teams for that?

WWE Raw should keep the Women's Title coz they're the ones to give T-and-A. Sucks the women's title is a booby playground, but oh well.

WCW SmackDown! should have the World and US. No Cruiserweights. They all move to ECW to make their show more exciting. BTW: Give ECW another hour or so to make this happen.

Since the wrestling "season" begins after WrestleMania, the Raw after Mania could be a Draft. Splitting up the entire company roster into WWE Raw, WCW SmackDown and ECW...ECW.

No interpromotional crap, and the PPV's canNOT be brand exclusive like they used to. Also, don't have just one ECW match per PPV, plz!

Anyway, as for the Tag Titles, just scrap them coz Vince doesn't care about that division.

But, if you wanna' do something innovative:
ECW is just a one-hour show and it's the "C" show. So, you can play and experiment. Move talent and sign new talent to ECW and move the tag titles to ECW. No tag titles for Raw or SD, just ECW. So, ECW would have the ECW Title and Tag Team Title. SD would still have 2 or 3 and Raw would still have 3.


I agree with you on the whole change SD to WCW SD. I think if they have three even brands they should have three titles per brand.

WWE RAW: WWE Title, IC Title, Women's Title

WCW SD: WCW Title, US Title, Cruiserweight Title

ECW: ECW Title, Television Title, Tag Team Title

I think it'd workd, and if it doesn't it wouldn't matter because nothing they do these days does anyways.

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