Women of wwe



with trish gone and lita leaving, the WWE are going to need a woman with the
right skills to carry the womens division, while it seems mickie james is the woman the have in mind, I belive that trinity would be a better choice, she seems to be the better in-ring-performer to me.

what do you all think?
i have never seen Trinity perform.. all i have seen of her is her skimpy nasty outfits, and from seeing that i classify her and being another ****** that doesnt know how to wrestle.. but hey if she actually was in serious match with someone then i'd see her skills & maybe consider her 'carrying' the divison, but for now thats what i think of her. : ). Mickie is a great choice, shes a phenominal wrestler.
She can perform just fine, this is what I am saying about underusing her, she has a high flying technical style, I have seen her live a few times and was really entertained by her matches not just stupid chauvinist crap like the strip poker segment
Lita is probably the person I would compare her to, she has a similar agility and high flying ring style, i'm not sure about her promo work but she has been in films so she must be ok
i think that mickie and beth phoenix or how ever you spell it are two of the brightest stars for the wwes womens division. Beth suffered a broken jaw early in her match and she still finished it with out a hitch. She was supposed to come back fror the women tourney but she won the ovw chapionship so i guess she wont be back untill maby after mickie wins the title.
In my opinion Mickie James and Melina will most likely carry the torch in the womens divison from now on. Victoria might to if wwe decides to use her again, its sad because victoria can wrestle. I disagree with trinity based solely on the fact that she is in ecw, if she was moved to raw then i would change my mind. Same thing with Jazz. Torrie and Candice are up in comers but both of them need more experience in my opinion. Im sorry maria fans but maria cant wrestle. wwe should trade maria for Jillian, who can wrestle but like victoria is underused. so as of right now my picks stand at mickie and melina.
I think Mickie, and Melina will carry the division at first, then when Beth Phoenix is ready(or when WWE is ready)to come back then she'll probably take a big role in carrying the division, Melina seems like she could be the Diva to replace Trish, she reminds me alot of her, especially in the way they brought her in, she was MNMs manger, where Trish was T & As manager and they seem be to training her the same way, Mickie and Beth both seem like the are ready to carry the division right now
i think you guys are right they never did finish that whole beth/mickie storyline so i think they will run with that for now.victoria is the best woman's wrestler on raw and she dosen't get the respect she deserves,she needs a long title regin and a great storyline to make her a star again,the wwe has 3 or 4 pretty good/okay woman wrestlers in ovw maybe they will call them up,i also agree that raw should get rid of the non-wrestler women and send them to smackdown/ecw and smackdown/ecw should send there women wrestlers to raw,wwe should have never fired nidia,gal kim,and molly holly,i truly don't see the women division lasting much longer if they don't find some good women wrestlers,wwe needs to get back to the way the women's division was when the brands split you had alot of women competing for the title now you got two women wrestling for seven months over the title then maybe a new woman will debut and take the title,wwe needs to get the division together or get rid of it.
There are so many possibiliies out there for the women's division. More than just Beth and Trinity but, I would love to see more female wrestlers from OVW and other developmental territories. And, Trinity can wrestler well, I've seen her in different feds and she's pretty good.

Flames Out
On the Beth Phoenix front: I have read her profile which says that she prefers to work as a heel. Now that Mickie James is a face (I must have missed how she turned face again, but it certainly seems that way), it seems likely that they will wind up feuding again, only this time with a role reversal.
showtyme27 said:
i think you guys are right they never did finish that whole beth/mickie storyline so i think they will run with that for now.victoria is the best woman's wrestler on raw and she dosen't get the respect she deserves,she needs a long title regin and a great storyline to make her a star again,the wwe has 3 or 4 pretty good/okay woman wrestlers in ovw maybe they will call them up,i also agree that raw should get rid of the non-wrestler women and send them to smackdown/ecw and smackdown/ecw should send there women wrestlers to raw,wwe should have never fired nidia,gal kim,and molly holly,i truly don't see the women division lasting much longer if they don't find some good women wrestlers,wwe needs to get back to the way the women's division was when the brands split you had alot of women competing for the title now you got two women wrestling for seven months over the title then maybe a new woman will debut and take the title,wwe needs to get the division together or get rid of it.

Another idea is to go back to the way it was way back when they first split Raw and Smackdown! into seperate brands,when the womens champion could jump from Raw to Smackdown!, that way they wouldn't have to have divas switching shows or anything like that, jst an idea though and probably one they won't use( they could also do the same thing with the cw title as well)
just a side note the lita vs mickie match has stipulations to vote on for c yber sunday they are:
A. No disqualification
b. Diva lumberjacks
c. Submission
wrestling247 said:
just a side note the lita vs mickie match has stipulations to vote on for c yber sunday they are:
A. No disqualification
b. Diva lumberjacks
c. Submission

We have a forum and thread for that, please use it.
currently there is talk and rumors that lita will be leaving the wwe very soon aws the current womens champ i think that the wwe is doing the same thing for her as they did for trish. After lita leavs the only person who is in position to take the title from her is mickie james. If mickie does win the title from lita it would leave the door open for a beth phoenix return to somehow rekindle the feude they were going to have before beths jaw got broken.

your thoughts
I think Raw should bring back Beth Phoenix as a heel, and Jillian Hall should be moved over to Raw because unlike any of the other Divas on SmackDown!, she didn't come from the Diva Search and is actually pretty talented in the ring. At some point, they should also bring in Nattie Neidhart as well.
yeah the diva search divas are there for T&A they have no talent in terms of wrestling. i totaly agree with you on jillian to raw as she is being held down on sd
There are very few good divas who can wrestle but maybe Victora aswell as Mickle James
i know people dont think so but i think in the near future wwe's gonna try to turn candice michelle into sort of a younger trish stratus. but yea mickie james will def win back the title in the next couple weeks or at survivor series
For now, Victoria is the best female wrestler the WWE has to offer- she is amazing in the ring. I want to see Victoria with the title, not Mickie James or Candice Michelle. Candice still needs to work her in ring skills out in a solid non-title fued. Victoria really does deserve the title.

Flames Out|

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