Woman Fired For Being Too Attractive


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In short, a dental assistant was fired because the dentist was afraid he would have an affair with her and had exchanged text messages with her already. What was in the texts wasn't mentioned, nor was whether or not she had any interest in a relationship with him.

This is what those "right to work" laws mean: employers can fire someone for something like this and there's no legal recourse. Good to know that instead of a man having to control himself, he can just fire someone instead.
Meh, I could see it, on the grounds of a non productive working enviornment. Same thing if two employees came in a fist-fought every day, one or both would end up fired. Just the other end of the spectrum.

Bear in mind we dont know what was said in those texts. It was probably not disclosed to protect her from looking unprofessional.
This picture isn't doing her any favours.

I'd be willing to bet his wife saw the text messages and she's the one really behind the firing.
I'd be willing to bet his wife saw the text messages and she's the one really behind the firing.

That's what happened. It was the guy's wife, who was jealous at the relationship between the two, that made him fire the woman.
Meh, I could see it, on the grounds of a non productive working enviornment. Same thing if two employees came in a fist-fought every day, one or both would end up fired. Just the other end of the spectrum.

You can prevent yourself from fighting with other people by acting decently and avoiding conflict. Hell, there are entire books written about how to behave yourself in a workplace. You can't prevent yourself from being attractive. The two things are not alike at all.

Bear in mind we dont know what was said in those texts. It was probably not disclosed to protect her from looking unprofessional.

Well, considering it went to court you'd think those things would be aired for the sake of strengthening the employer's case. As someone who has had an extremely jealous girlfriend look over his shoulder and throw a fit when he receives a text message from a girl, even an innocuous one, I wouldn't be the least bit surprised to learn that all she did was throw a few "LOL"'s his way, or throw a winking smiley face in at the end of a text. If the texts were really damning than the employer's attorney would have had no qualms about showing them to the court.
How do you think the woman that got the job after her feels? There's really no getting around the fact that her new boss clearly doesn't think she's even remotely attractive.

In short, a dental assistant was fired because the dentist was afraid he would have an affair with her and had exchanged text messages with her already. What was in the texts wasn't mentioned, nor was whether or not she had any interest in a relationship with him.

This is what those "right to work" laws mean: employers can fire someone for something like this and there's no legal recourse. Good to know that instead of a man having to control himself, he can just fire someone instead.

Clearly KB is about to get fired from staff and is looking for an excuse.

Don't worry WZ, Dagger has already inquired about how he can "help" out.
How do you think the woman that got the job after her feels? There's really no getting around the fact that her new boss clearly doesn't think she's even remotely attractive.

There's a thought. Maybe I shouldn't have gotten so excited when my employer jumped to hire me.:suspic:

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