Wolfe sidelined by undisclosed injury; Future of London Brawling?

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It's being reported by Jason Powell of PWI that Desmond Wolfe will be sidelined for at least a few months with an undisclosed injury which he has been very "tight-lipped" about backstage at the iMPACT! tapings.

While I know this doesn't necessarily hurt Wolfe (any more) seeing as he wasn't featured in that prominent a position in terms of the ongoing story lines of the company (granted, he was set to compete for the TNA World Tag Team Championships with London Brawling member Brutus Magnus...), this does hurt Magnus quite a bit, as it leaves him without his partner, and as a result without a direction (again).

Thoughts or concerns over the future of either? How will this affect any plans for London Brawling? What do you do with Magnus now?
I just read about this two and it really sucks for both Wolfe and Magnus. I was really enjoying the team of London Brawling and now Wolfe is injured and Magnus has no direction. Hopefully Wolfe is not out for to long and he can come back and continue to team with Magnus because I thought they were a good team. I have no idea what's next for Magnus.
Damn, that's unfortunate. What do you do with Magnus? Well, you definitely don't give him a new tag team partner. I suppose he could get pushed on iMPACT, but what could he chase after? He doesn't fit into any title pictures right now.

The problem now is that, whenever Desmond does come back, you can't just throw them in there for the tag titles. People will forget about them, seeing they weren't even around for 2 months, so you have to build them up once again. And when Desmond returns, they might not even want to push them, or even have them as a tag team.

I suppose the best thing for Magnus right now is to have Chelsea as his valet and just have some occasional iMPACT and Xplosion matches.
This is horrible for Magnus because there isn't a lot he can do. What do you do when Wolfe comes back? Do you keep Magnus involved in the feud or do you quickly shut it down and hope people remember London Brawling? It's tricky because a lot of midcard talent are involved in the Fortune/E.V 2.0 storyline and as BFG is coming up, guys are already involved in feuds. Magnus is like the guy that shows up to the Prom late; everyone else is paired up and he's got nothing to do. Perhaps after Bound For Glory if the E.V 2.0 storyline has died down he could have a program with some midcard faces but sadly, i think he's just gonna float around aimlessly for a while which is a shame because he is a solid heel and i thoroughly enjoyed his work with Doug Williams.
This is a real shame, I really hope Wolfe isn't out for that long. I really liked LB and I thought they were going to have a great feud with MCMG but it's just one of those things. As for what Magnus should do, I think he should maybe have a feud with Lethal over the X Division title then when Wolfe comes back reform LB.
Magnus will be fine. He can keep himself relavent with promos and occasional matches. What TNA shouldn't do is forget about their title shot. What they could do is write them off as Title shots they can cash in MitB style (i.e. when Wolfie can go) and have Magnus serve as a constant reminder that when the MCMG least expect it Big Ben will ring in the start of London Brawling's first Tag Team title reign.

Or if Douglas Williams isn't doing anything, reform the British Invasion.
Just thought of something make Wolfe have some mystery attacker who took him out (possibly the "They" Abyss keeps talking about or Beer Money... would make more sense if it was Beer Money) and tell Wolfe to make some "dead-in-a-hospital-bed" promo where he's all moaning about what happened (do this every few weeks so people remember London Brawling).

Then one of the promos Wolfe turns around and says Douglas Williams helped Wolfe when he was being attacked... *HINT*

If you didn't get it after that big *HINT* I suppose i'll have to tell you...


I mean seriously having 3 pretty decent wrestlers and making err... maybe Wolfe or Magnus the "leader" surely isn't so bad? Then TNA could make this new team win the X-Division, Tv Championship and Tag Team Championship at the same time =o (ideally Williams on X-Division, Wolfe as TV Champ and then maybe one of those inter-change-able belt thingys where it can be Magnus and either Wolfe or Williams?
Or if Douglas Williams isn't doing anything, reform the British Invasion.

I honestly don't think there is any real need to reform the British Invasion. Firstly, it seems that MCMG and GenMe are going to engage in a lengthy feud over the straps for the next couple of months so i don't really see any need to shoe-horn the British Invasion into what could be a very exciting feud. Secondly, i am a huge fan of what Doug Williams is doing in the X-Division. His character's vendetta against the 'high-flying spot monkeys' is logically and is a refreshing change from emotionless drones like Amazing Red flying around.

If, as is rumoured, TNA do make some cuts on the roster, Magnus may be able to get a bit more TV time and try and remain relevant until Wolfe comes back. But i think once the dust has settled from Bound For Glory we may have a clearer idea as to what the next few months hold for Brutus Magnus.
Correct me if I am wrong, but isn't this the same guy that failed some WWE health test around this time last year that prevented him from singing with the company? I think that just speaks volumes right there.

Hopefully they continue a partnership with Magnus and Chelsea. They have great chemistry and I feel Chelsea is one of the better character actors on the show.
When you say "speaks volumes" what do you mean? To me this suggests he could have a real issue which is disheartening. I just hope you are not chalking this up to steroid speculation because chances are you could feel like a total prick in a few days.

It does suck because I was digging the team. However, they could just have Magnus "borrow" his girl for a while. That advances the storyline, albeit slowly, then if wolfe is ok then they could pick it back up where they left off. Not sure why people are dismissing Magnus' abilities in a singles match or thinking a team put together quite recently is inseparable.
When you say "speaks volumes" what do you mean? To me this suggests he could have a real issue which is disheartening. I just hope you are not chalking this up to steroid speculation because chances are you could feel like a total prick in a few days.

I would never make steroid allegations. :shifty:

In all seriousness, if he is the same guy I am talking about, then yeah.. Desmond on the surface looks like a pretty healthy guy minus the all concussions. Concussions can lead to brain damage you know. Plus, look at the track record the WWE has when it comes to the health of their wrestlers. If they feel you aren't healthy enough to wrestle, then maybe you should take their advice. They have been in business longer than eight years, you know.
I'm not sure what the various heath issues, if any, there are with Desmond Wolfe. I've often wondered why the WWE passed on hiring him as it's never been ultimately disclosed. I don't know what the deal is with the injury so I'm not gonna say anything about it.

It's just rotten luck, however, as it seemed that Wolfe looked like he was about to head down the road towards becoming relevant in TNA again. I know it might seem to be a step down when you consider how hot Wolfe was prior to the beginning of this year, but at least it was something more meaningful than being Abyss' bitch.
We do not know exactly why WWE turned him down after physical. Who says it was because they thought he could not wrestle? It could just have been not wanting the potential liability of paying him when an injury was an above average possibility or more likely the possible bad press. Are you really talking down to Wolfe if it is concussion issues? Nevermind waiting, you already are a prick.

Plus, look at the track record the WWE has when it comes to the health of their wrestlers.

Their track record is pure shit. Unless you ignore everything before about a year ago. If you take that giant liberty then maybe they have a mediocre track record.

then maybe you should take their advice. They have been in business longer than eight years, you know.

So if WWE tells someone to jump off a bridge, should they do it? Or maybe ride a questionably safe zip line down from the rafters ... but right, great track record.
I think it might be safe to say these guys are done as a team... That promo the other week with the MCMG's wasn't good at all, it came off as very poorly acted and very amateurish by both teams. I really don't like TNA but I am a huge Nigel McGuiness mark, the guy can wrestle with the best in the world and should be getting a push as one of their premium heels, but sadly, he is just another pawn lost in the clusterfuck of a chess game that we call TNA.

And for the record, if I hear one more cheap British rock reference used for another British tag team I will switch to any baseball game that is on. Vince Russo i get that you are trying to be witty but Frank Trigg vs. AJ Styles at my first ever PPV a couple of Septembers ago in T.O. seriously pissed me off.
It is a shame that Wolfe is out and I really hope it has nothing to do with the recent drug testing done by TNA. Regardless, Magnus should be okay with them mainly focusing on him on Xplosion because of its British TV deal. Keeping him with Chelsea as a manager and focus on singles matches with a possible midcard feud. However, it looks like the current TNA midcard is already full with feuds and there are few faces for Magnus to feud with. But they should be alright keeping him on Xplosion for a while with occasional Impact matches/promos and Wolfe will be back just in time for the MCMG and Gen Me feud to end.
It's sad to know that Wolfe won't be around for a while. As for Magnus, hopefully TNA won't screw this up and put him back on Xplosion. There definitely needs to be a storyline explanation for Wolfe's absence and the removal of London Brawling from the tag scene. The logical explanation would be that Gen Me took out Wolfe in order to take their spot at the last ppv.
And after what happened to Alex Shelly at the ppv, I'm guessing that Magnus will probably be paired with Sabin in an 'odd-couple' type of team to challenge Gen Me. Alternately, Magnus could pick up a temporary partner (dupe) in a mock-face turn, only to turn on said person once Wolfe returns. Rob Terry would probably suffice for this. Either way, it will keep London Brawling in the minds of the fans until Wolfe can return.
I think this news is very strange, to be honest. Clearly if he was injured in some way then they'd have just come out with what injury he has and his expected time for recovery, as they do with every other wrestler in any company that is taken out by some injury. I find it pretty suspicious that Wolfe was ready to sign with the WWE some time ago but because of him "failing a pre-screening physical test" he suddenly jumps to TNA. And now he's gone for "several months" because of an undisclosed health problem. I can't even guess specifically what it might be, but it seems to me like this could be a future problem that goes beyond just recovering from some physical injury.

As for him being out, it's obviously disappointing. I was enjoying London Brawling and I thought they had lots of potential together; it also gave them both something to really do and show their talent since they weren't being used for any major storylines or pushed on their own. It sucks for Magnus especially, but I'm sure he'll be able to regroup, and if this is just for a few months then they do have a chance to overcome this hurdle.
Desmond is one of my favorites, and I'm sorry to hear he will be out so long. He is one guy that deserved a big push and didn't get it. London Brawling (horrible name) looked like it had a good future and would have been great against MMMG. For the first time Magnus showed some personality and made me want to watch him. I hope he doesn't get lost during Desmond's absence. If I were booking, I would keep him active and have Chelsea as his valet. Magnus would move in on Chelsea and when Desmond gets back a huge feud would break out between the two.

Bring wolfe back in the shape he was in when he first joined. He can come back as a lone wolfe and do his thing as a singles wrestler again. I still cant forgive TNA for how epicly they fcuked up with him after the angle feud which got him over like fuck in my eyes. He can come back and have a lil feud with magnus, who by this time will be shagging chelsea. I say throw magnus into midcard and have chelsea as his valet/lover. Wolfe comes back at some point isnt happy about magnus doin the dirty with chelsea, beats magnus, chelsea tries to get back with wolfe, wolfe ditches the bitch live on impact and flies solo once again. We all know wolfe can carry a singles strap with ease. He just has to be allowed to do his thing in and out of the ring. Putting him in 5 minute matches, win or lose is just burying the guy.
I don't get why they would take him off TV... don't get me wrong, if he's having concussion problems get him out of the ring as long as he needs, but he could easily be used in another role.

Why not have him take a manager type role with Magnus, push Magnus to either the X-Division or TV Title, then the night he wins (and by that time Wolfe is cleared to wrestle) *Bamb* Wolfe beats time down... then they have a Mid-card feud that actually means something!
I've heard a few different rumors on what the "injury" is, and all I am gonna say is that I hope it isn't related to past concussions / head injuries. That would be terrible. But whatever it is, I hope he ends up okay

I really like Magnus, and I think a singles push would be interesting. Although I'm kinda unsure about that, since it seems that if you aren't in the mainevent scene then there is a good chance that you don't appear on Impact regularly. There's just not enough time for every wrestler to get airtime, but I'm sure all of you already know that. If Magnus were to disappear now I would be disappointed. Maybe have him feud with Jay Lethal? Lethal was supposed to be getting a big push and then it just kinda ended, so if he were to feud with Magnus then that would help both of them to stay relevant.

As for Wolfe, again I just hope he's alright. Maybe when he comes back, it will turn out that the time off ended up helping him somewhat by allowing the viewers to forget about all the jobbing he had been doing previously.

I do not think "London Brawling" will be brought back when Wolfe returns. I think TNA will, by then, have Magnus in a singles push, or possibly have let him go by then, if they decide they don't have anything for him now (hopefully this does not happen.) I'm not sure what this means for Chelsea though. They may release her. I won't really miss her but it's not like I want to see somebody lose their job, so I just hope everything works out alright for all three of them.
Well I'm gutted about this, cos I really like Wolfe. It's such a shame now that he was finally getting back onto TV and stuff again.

I'd like them to keep Wolfe on TV if possible. Keep him cutting promos with Magnus and have him in a management role. Obviously this might not be possible depending on Wolfe's injury, but it's what I'd prefer. And keep Chelsea as well. She's fit.
I wouldn't go so far as to count out Magnus simply because Wolfe is sidelined. As dissapointed as I am with Wolfe getting injured, this could be Magnus's chance to break out on his own seeing as he's spent most of his time in TNA as a tag team wrestler. I can see him as a viable contender to the TV title if it gets off AJ soon. Maybe he can keep Chelsea as a valet and perhaps start an on-screen relationship with her while Wolfe is gone.

This could in turn lead to a face turn for Wolfe when he returns and a program between the two. Although I'm not sure how or if Wolfe can pull off being a face.

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