Wolfe/Magnus obvious direction?


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Now as we all know, wagnus have just won the xplosion tournament giving them the number one contendership for the belts.

I think that this storyline has quite an obvious path and i want to know whether you guys think I'm right:

wagnus and mcmg fued till the next ppv and retain. During this fued, we see hints of Chelsea/magnus being together behind wolfes back. Leading to the eventual split up of wagnus and a fued leading to a bfg match up betwen Wolfe and magnus.

I say the Chelsea affair story because when magnus joined commentary about 3 weeks ago on impact, he often commented on Chelsea being beautiful. And his new gimmick is that of a narcissist, leading to Chelsea liking him.

So with that said these are the questions I pose to you;

is my guess likely to happen?
Is magnus going to put of good matches against guns/wolfe?
Would you like to see Wolfe having a face turn due to this?
Sometimes the obvious booking decision is the right one. And in this case, I think that's the best way for this angle to unfold. I can't really see Wolfe as a face so it would have to be Magnus, but I think they could put on some good matches with Beer Money, and have a solid singles feud with one another.

Unless TNA really thinks this is a tag team for the future, I think the angle will unfold very similarly and possibly exactly as you have it stated.
I can't really see Wolfe as a face so it would have to be Magnus

I can see why you don't think that Wolfe would work as a face. But he is tremendously over with the fans. Eg the first ever top 10 vote, wolfe won easily.

And also I don't think a narcicist face can work. Finally, Wolfe can't not become the face in this situation after he has his girl taken from him, we'd have to feel sympathy.
Being over? Who isn't over in the Impact Zone? I could be a Jew hating, narcissistic, pedophile, asshole, and I could be over. So it doesn't really matter who breaks it off ass a face, they will just have a different direction, same reaction. Making it feel like nothing occurred.

Anyways I hope the end result is Wolfe is away from Magnus, face or heel, with a clear direction of what they want to do with him. Magnus can be a glorified jobber to put people over. Thats what I see happening to.
Being over? Who isn't over in the Impact Zone?

Abyss is a heel, who is booed. As is Morgan, Orlando Jordan, Raven, just to name a few.

I could be a Jew hating, narcissistic, pedophile, asshole, and I could be over.

If you were good in the ring, then you probably would be over, which isn't exactly a bad thing. It shows that the fans appreciate who is a good wrestler and good on the stick.

So it doesn't really matter who breaks it off ass a face, they will just have a different direction, same reaction. Making it feel like nothing occurred.

I'm fairly sure that Magnus will be booed after this, as he will be fueding with wolfe. And TNA fans love wolfe, as i have already stated.

Anyways I hope the end result is Wolfe is away from Magnus, face or heel, with a clear direction of what they want to do with him.

You say this without seeing the two work matches with each other yet. Whats to say they dont put on great matches, and have a great fued, peaking at BFG.

But yes, i agree in the long run they need to break apart, hopefully with Magnus and Wolfe both looking strong and moving into the upper-mid card.

Magnus can be a glorified jobber to put people over. Thats what I see happening to.

I think this would be stupid as Magnus is a huge young prospect for TNA. I believe he is only 23, he has the look, is good on the stick, and this fued will show us if he can go with the best of 'em (wolfe/MCMG)
I think it would almost be more amusing if the whole thing turned into a joke. Magnus bagged chelsea and Wolfe was like, eh whatever you can have her and they kept teaming together. Then the next week Magnus is like why are you still following me around Chelsea?

Another option is to do the "obvious" direction but play off the whole woman beating stuff that is in the mainstream now. Have Wolfe try and draw some serious heat that way.
This team of Magnus and Wolfe could eventually turn Wolfe face since the Impact zone cheers him along with everyone else. I prefer him as a heel though, but as long as Wolfe can actually win matches then I'll take him in any fashion. I don' t think they should break up Magnus and Williams before we get a chance to see them on Impact. I'm sure they could give the Machine Guns a run for their money. It would be great to see how these two interact together as a team. Maybe later on the two can feud each other. I just hope it leads to Wolfe getting some direction with gold around his waist soon.
I doubt the team will fail.

Wolfe needs a push since being demoted from the main event, and Magnus isn't doing anything at the moment, this whole team would elevate this two british jobbers to no end.

Just like the teaming of two young guys who where segmented in bad gimmicks in the X division, what happened to them? they became the motor city machine guns.

This team has already made an impact beating Ink Inc to get their shot at the titles, all they need is time to progress and i believe that time will come sooner than later.

Wolfe will hopefully give magnus the ability and mic time to shine and i believe both men will see their first title reign as TNA tag team champions.

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