WM 29: Triple H (w/HBK) vs. Brock Lesnar [No Holds Barred / HHH's Career on the Line]


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Hi all

This is my first ever thread here. Apologies if this has been brought up before.

As most if us probably now know, Lesnar returned last night & F5 the WWE Chairman, Vince McMahon. The last time we saw Brock he quit after beating Triple H at Summerslam. There had been many rumours the last few months that Lesnar vs hhh II may happen at WM 29 but after last night, I believe it seems the seeds have been planted.

Up until Elimination Chamber I can see Lesnar bringing chaos to Raw and then Triple H returning to comfront Lesnar at Elimination Chamber PPV.

I was disappointed with their match at Summerslam so I would actually like to see another between them but this time it needs to a stipulation/gimmick match. 1 match I would love to see and would defiently end their feud would be - 3 Stages of Hell!

1st fall- Normal
2nd fall- Street Fight
3rd fall- Steel Cage

Triple H would need to win the 1st fall perhaps Lesnar getting Dq'ed. Then Lesnar destroying HHH in a street fight (mirror of Cena vs Lesnar) then we would have only the 2nd ever steel cage match at wrestlemania.

A steel cage would be a fitting ending as Lesnar inside a cage fits his UFC style whilst Hunter as always had a strong cage matches. I would actually have Lesnar win so he can have a strong 2013.

How some questions:

-Would you like to see Lesnar vs HHH II?

- Would you like to see a stip/gimmick match?

-who would you want to win?
First, I like your idea. 3 Stages of Hell is a great idea, but maybe not for WrestleMania.

I would not like to see Triple H vs. Brock Lesnar, one – on – one again. The only way I wouldn’t mind seeing this is if we had a time machine and could go back to when Brock Lesnar was WWE Champion and Triple H was World Champion. Other than that, no, I don’t want to see them go one on one again.

If I had to see HHH vs. Lesnar II, then yes, I would like to see a gimmick match with an added stipulation. The gimmick / stipulation itself doesn’t matter, but I would like to see a few more SuperStars and Legends involved.

If I had to see HHH vs. Lesnar II, then I would hope HHH wins the second round.
I could see it happening unfortunately....this rematch stuff is absolutely insulting. It shows laziness on behalf of the WWF creative team. I could be the next Vince Russo for McMahon compared to the bums they have backstage.
This sounds like a great idea, if they're trying to repeat a match that didn't interest people in the first place, that hasn't been built for at all, and that no one will care about for reasons beyond being told 'you should care about this!'

You'll get HHH/Lesnar II- but not at WrestleMania 29. If it does happen there, it's a waste of the one obvious Lesnar match that simply won't be as compelling in a year- Brock vs. Taker. Brock has spent so little time back in the WWE, and that time spent so far away from Taker, that people still remember Mark Calaway asking a wobbly and dazed Lesnar "so, you wanna do this?" In a year, memories of Brock Lesnar are going to be of everything he's been busy doing in the WWE- not that I expect him back 'busily'. If there's a time to pull the trigger on Lesnar/Taker, it's now, not later.

The seeds are already planted. Present Lesnar as a killer and a terror (but don't let him mention the WWE title until early April- don't encourage people to think along those lines.) Have him maul the absolute bejesus out of HHH, outside of the structure of a match (leaving a match you can sell much farther down the line). Have him cripple (kayfaybe, not Hogan-style) some guest celebrity on RAW. Who could possibly save the WWE from this reign of terror?

And then the sheriff rides into Dodge on a Harley.

The match itself, like most Undertaker matches, follows a formula. But it's a very successful, good formula that's a proven winner. I'm one cynical-as-fuck professional wrestling fan, but if you don't grin a little inside when The Undertaker sits up, shocking his opponent, you're dead to the form.
Last night was a good start to the Lesnar/Triple H rematch, but I'm still not sold on this match happening at WrestleMania - not after seeing it just 6 months ago. What's the point of doing it again? Forget the story to it; what's the point of booking a Triple H and Brock Lesnar rematch?

...the only reason that exists is so Triple H can get his win over Lesnar. That's what the WWE is all about these days, right? Trading wins. Guys don't go over anymore, they simply stay on the same level. Lesnar beat Triple H at SummerSlam so Triple H has to beat him at a future pay-per view. It's lazy booking. The same story is playing out with Rock/Cena.

Yes. I realize that those four guys are money - that they put asses in the seats and sell pay-per views. But really, you only need one match to push the buy rate at 'Mania, to push it from its guaranteed 700,000 buys to 1 million+ buys - and that match, for the second straight year, is Rock/Cena. I doubt anyone is going to say: "Well, I wasn't going to buy 'Mania with Rock/Cena at the top and Triple H vs (insert wrestler) and Lesnar vs (insert wrestler) BUT now that it's Rock vs Cena and Triple vs Lesnar, I'm definitely buying!"

I often use the phrase "long-term value" when critiquing the WWE's decision to book a match - and I just don't see the long-term value in pitting two part-time wrestlers against one another at the biggest show of the year when the match isn't even the feature attraction.

It would have made much more sense for CM Punk to go after McMahon. After all, it's Punk that has the issue with Vince ... not Lesnar. Then Triple H could avenge his father in law with a match at 'Mania against Punk. That puts a full-time wrestler in a big-time feud heading into Mania, and it provides him the rub of working with one of the biggest names in the industry at the biggest show of the year. There's value in that for Punk. Now, before people say that I'm just a Punk fan boy that wants to see him in a main event feud for Mania, the odds of Punk NOT being in a main event feud at 'Mania are slim and none. Most likely, he'll wrestle The Undertaker and be the next victim of The Streak (a program/match that I'm sure will be entertaining.)

Still, I'd rather see Punk vs Triple H. That scenario would leave Lesnar open to take on The Undertaker. Though some might think this contradicts my previous claim about not seeing long-term value in pitting two part time wrestlers against one another - "the streak" is the game-changer in this scenario. "The Streak" is a WWE brand that the company will sell for the next 25 years through DVD's, mentions and Hall of Fame inductions. Adding Lesnar's name to that list would enhance its credibility. Simply, there's long-term value to it.


A bit off-topic. How awesome is Paul Heyman at selling the seriousness of a situation?
Triple H VS Lesnar II is inevitable. Someone has to avenge McMahon's attack. Triple H is the one guy, who makes sense. In fact, Triple H will kill two birds with one stone in this match: he'll gain redemption for the loss at Summerslam, and he'll uphold the honor of the McMahon name.

Because Triple H is going to win this match, there's no doubt about it. Losing to Lesnar twice in a row wouldn't make sense, and we've already seen the triumphant monster dominate one time last year. Now it's time for a feel good moment after a redeemed Triple H defeats the big bully for one those tender Wrestlemania moments.
After Monday I don't really see how this match will NOT happen as its pretty much set in stone at this point. Someone has to defend Vince for what Lesnar did and Triple H makes the most sense by far.

This is honestly the last match I want to see from Lesnar (seriously, who thought it was a good idea to have HHH vs. Lesnar the first time let alone the second time?) and I feel its a complete waste of Lesnar's talents. Have him face someone who I don't know ACTUALLY WRESTLES on a consistent basis. What's the point of HHH beating Lesnar? It does nothing, it elevates nobody and its a big waste of Lesnar's talents not to mention a waste of his price.

That's my biggest issue with WM at this point so far (or at least how it looks like it will shape up.) its just a bunch of rehashing old feuds that should have already ended. At least Cena vs. The Rock has a different twist to it as the title is on the line, Lesnar vs. HHH is the EXACT same storyline as before but instead of injuring HHH he injured his father in law. If you are gonna do the main event from Summerslam again at least try to do something different.
I don't particularly want to see this match but I'm not against it. I'm sure it will be intense and physical - we will definitely be entertained. I think HIAC is a very viable option. It suits both guys to be in this match and would allow them to solve the feud in an old-fashioned manner. It would also prevent the shield getting involved.

If Lesnar is going to be gone as soon as the bell rings than I want HHH to win; however, if he will stick around for a few months than I want Brock to win this. It would be good for Lesnar to win and then someone else to help and avenge Vince. Ryback would be a great option. Let him feud with Lesnar for a few months and give both something to do help Ryback get over.
It's obvious this match is definately going to happen at WM29, I really do think HHH/Lesnar should have been a one time match which we saw at SummerSlam, the act that HHH doesn't get his rematch, that shouldn't even be a problem, With Brock Lesnar having limited dates, they should use them date and build better feuds and matches that we haven't seen.

Also, the OP said something about being disapointed about the SummerSlam match, not I, although it wasn't better than Cena/Lesnar, it was still a good match for what it was.

Would you like to see Lesnar vs HHH II?
Yes, I don't mind it, as long as it isn't a normal match, which I don't think it will be.

- Would you like to see a stip/gimmick match?
There were a few talks amongst websites, not sure if they have valid sources, but stating it might be a hell in a cell, to me, I wouldn't mind it all, let them fight in HiaC match for 20 mins, it should be good.

- Who would you want to win?
Brock was a bad guy in the last fight they had, in a normal storyline, the good guy would always win after what Brock had done, but obviously WWE wasn't going to have Brock lose 2 matches.. Triple H all the way for me.
IMO hhh wont be at mania, he's cut his hair off and is looking all boardroom now however that leaves us with an all together more frightening prospect.....


who backed Ryback into his first wwe championship match?
who's the person who always calls upon ryback to sort out people that are pissing him off?
and who says ryback at every possible opportunity when hes on raw?

I sat through goldberg vs lesnar and was in all honesty horrified at what I saw and unfortunatley unless shane decides to throw himself off the titantron again I dnt see there being another direction they'll take lol
Triple H VS Lesnar II is inevitable. Someone has to avenge McMahon's attack. Triple H is the one guy, who makes sense. In fact, Triple H will kill two birds with one stone in this match: he'll gain redemption for the loss at Summerslam, and he'll uphold the honor of the McMahon name.

Because Triple H is going to win this match, there's no doubt about it. Losing to Lesnar twice in a row wouldn't make sense, and we've already seen the triumphant monster dominate one time last year. Now it's time for a feel good moment after a redeemed Triple H defeats the big bully for one those tender Wrestlemania moments.
Or...... Something you are forgetting. Triple H is the only person to fall victim to the Streak 3 times. At one point he said he didn't want to try to end it because it would be bad for business. But then Taker beat him. Twice. Yeah, Triple H will most likely appear looking for revenge. But if he wants to guarantee Lesnar gets the punishment he wants, gauding him into going against 'Taker and The Streak seems more plausable.
Or...... Something you are forgetting. Triple H is the only person to fall victim to the Streak 3 times. At one point he said he didn't want to try to end it because it would be bad for business. But then Taker beat him. Twice. Yeah, Triple H will most likely appear looking for revenge. But if he wants to guarantee Lesnar gets the punishment he wants, gauding him into going against 'Taker and The Streak seems more plausable.

Triple H's character has too much pride to ask another man to handle his business, even if it is The Undertaker. This is something personal. Lesnar attacked his father-in-law, and storyline wise, Lesnar is the guy, who pretty much forced Triple H into a semi-retirement.

The F5 to Vince reminds me of Randy Orton's RKO to Stephanie years ago, because it reached the point where Triple H had to step in and get physical. I honestly can't imagine Triple H just letting so many things go, and Brock crossed the line, when he hit Vince with the F5.
If and when this match takes place I can easily see it being booked as a No Holds Barred Match. Since Lesnar beat HHH the first time, the vast majority of fans will be expecting HHH to even the score come WrestleMania. However, since Lesnar has been re-signed for a couple of more years, the WWE has a vested interest in keeping him look strong. It's very possible that they will go for the swerve and have Lesnar beat HHH for a second time. Now, if this were to happen, it likely wouldn't be another clean victory. If indeed it turns out to be a No Holds Barred Match, the Shield could easily interfere and take out HHH, allowing Lesnar to capitalize and get the win.

In this scenario, everybody benefits. Both Triple H and Lesnar remain "strong", the audience gets a shocking outcome, the Shield gets the rub from being involved in a high profile WrestleMania match and a feud between Triple H and the Shield is set up for the future. The Shield interfering makes logical sense, firstly because they are associated with Lesnar's manager Paul Heyman, and secondly because they would have good personal motivations for taking out HHH. The Shield always talks about the injustices that take place in WWE, so taking the fight directly to HHH and the McMahon family makes sense. Having Paul Heyman, CM Punk, Brock Lesnar and the Shield aligned against the WWE "establishment" could be an interesting storyline going forward.
As I said in regards to Lesnar's return in the WWE section of the forum, Lesnar's attack on Vince McMahon was the lynch pin for the rumored return match of Triple H vs. Brock Lesnar. The storyline is that Vince broke his left hip after being put in the F5 by Lesnar last Monday. In actuality, Vince is really going to have surgery on his hip as it's been giving him trouble for a while. Trips will probably come out on Raw this Monday, or possibly the next Raw, to comment on what happened and to confront Brock Lesnar. It's possible that Trips vs. Lesnar II will be the first match officially announced for the WM card.

As for the match itself, I fully expect it to be held under some sort of no DQ stipulation. It could be held as a street fight, possibly Last Man Standing, or possibly even Hell in a Cell. At any rate, it won't be a standard 1 on 1 match.
Would you like to see Lesnar vs HHH II?
It isn't one of my top choices for a match, but I wouldn't mind seeing them go at it in a street fight or even a HIAC. Monday's Raw planted some prett good seeds to make the feud personal, and I think that will make this match a bit more interesting than the last.

Would you like to see a stip/gimmick match?
I think it will definitely be a gimmick match. Possible a street fight. I could see them doing a Last Man Standing match, but my personal favorite would be for them to go at it in the cell.

who would you want to win?

Since Lesner is only around for limited dates I would want to see him win. I wanted him to build momentum from the start keep winning and then have some one finally step up to stop him. In reality though this is HHH's match to win. He took the loss last time, and he will get his revenge this time for himself and for the McMahon's after the attack on Monday.
I think this match is inevitable but I think it's a waste of time, Triple H will win and it will achieve absolutely nothing as Triple H's best work is done behind the scenes these days.

Lesnar is a beast and has signed a new 2 year deal, his entire aura is built on being unstoppable so why have him stopped by a guy who will work 2 matches a year at most? It's pointless, keep Lesnar strong and wait for the moment to have someone who is active and could use the win to boost their status, stop him.

Sadly I see no way of avoiding this match, Triple H wants that win back and will get it at Mania, probably in a gimmick match.
Like most I've been completely down on the idea of this match. But then I remembered something - about 5 or 6 weeks prior to WM 28 I (and most everyone else) was down on HHH/UT II or more technically III. I was down on this because as much as I am critical of others, I am still partially a stupid fucking smark. Through the upcoming weeks they got me invested and put on my favorite match of all time. I doubt HHH and Lesnar could duplicate things but throw in Heyman, Vickie, Maddox, Vince, Steph, Sable and maybe Michaels and you could have a very interesting storyline followed up by an incredible match.

I'm not convinced this will happen but I'm no longer against and it and kind of excited for it, especially if it also means we are getting Punk/UT.
Would you like to see Lesnar vs HHH II?
Honestly, I don't know why everyone's bi***ing about this match, as long as it's not a normal match like last time, I don't have a problem with it, they can redeem themselves for their poor first match.

Gimmick match?
The first time at Summerslam, I really wanted the match to be a last man standing match, I feel like if they were given enough time, this would be a perfect match for them to tear the house down. so yeah, Last Man Standing.

If Triple H wins then Paul and Brock have to leave the WWE and never come back.
If Brock wins then Vince has to hand over ownership of the WWE to Paul Heyman.
It adds drama to the match and will make it different from the first one which had nothing on the line

who would you want to win?
I would want Brock to win, but with WWE's logic Trips would probably win and Brock and Heyman would find a way to come back at a later time. (It also gives them a reason for Lesnar's absence until his next match).
I hate that this match is happening but now that it is I wonder what the stipulation will be. I'm hoping for something like submission or some sort of match in a structure, basically anything that allows The shield's match to be a street fight.
I can't edit my post but I wanted to add first blood match as an option, it would play off the Raw brawl and maybe given who is involved could be made an excretion to the rules.

Another possible option could be 3 Stages of Hell with the final fall being held in a good old fashioned steel cage.
I think it will be a Hell in a Cell match. They could go the last man standing route, but I think Hell in a Cell is Trips's match. As others have said, The Shield will probably be involved in a Street Fight of some sort so they're not going to do that with Lesnar and Trips as well.
I'd like to see something similar to an MMA caged based structure for Triple H vs Lesnar

**speaking of Shield any rumors as to who they're matching up with at WM?
This is just silly. If Triple H agrees, Lesnar could choose ANYTHING. What's stopping him from forcing Triple H's legs and arms to be tied to each other? Or having Triple H be taped to the mat? Or a "Triple H has to saw off his own dick to win" match? It would frankly be ridiculous for Triple H to say yes. And it would be even more ridiculous for Lesnar not to take advantage of Triple H's stupidity.

All in all, this is probably one of the most illogical plot points in a long time. And that's saying something.

Do you guys agree with what I'm saying, or do you think there's an actual reason as to why it isn't incredibly stupid for the kayfabe Triple H to say yes?
I think it's idiotic to suggest that Brock would make any of those stipulations.

I don't agree, but I see your point; it's somewhat illogical.

What's illogical is to attempt to make HHH look weak by challenging him to blindly accept a stipulation. We all know the match is going to happen, and we all want to know what the stipulation is. Suggesting that fans would fall for the idea that HHH would back down in case the stipulation is too tough is just BS!
With kayfabe reasoning, Triple H would be so eager to destroy Lesnar after what he's done to his close friends and family that he wouldn't care what type of stipulation Lesnar chooses. Couple that with the fact that HHH would be confident he could beat Lesnar this time and there is your reasoning.

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