Winners of the ECW Title


So I got to thinking about the ECWWE Title which has just been won by Christian. What does everybody think it means that in the entire time of the ECWWE Title, that nobody has ever held it twice? Is that a good thing? A bad thing? A fact that after someone holds it, they are generally pushed and built as a bigger superstar? Or is it a nonissue all together?

Looking at past holders of the title, Morrison, Punk, Henry, Matt Hardy, Big Show, Lashley, just to name some... they've been pushed after they've held the title. At least most have them been pushed. I don't know. I might be looking into that a little more than it needs to be but I just found it interesting that nobody has held this title more than once in almost two years.

Also, on a totally unrelated note, what does everybody else think about having the ECW Title only contested in Extreme Rules matches? I mean isn't it logical? Why is the land of extreme no more extreme than Velocity was back in the day? It's just dumb. ECW is good to watch now for its in-ring action because we get the most solid matches out of the superstars on that show, but make them extreme! I don't know... just a thought that I'm sure many others think would be great too.
First off, I want to say that I AM ECSTATIC TO SEE CAPTAIN CHARISMA AS THE NEW ECW CHAMPION! I really think he deserves it and I'm really glad he won it. Now, ECW is filled with many people who could fued with Christian over the title... I think the most likely are Jack Swagger, Vladimir Kozlov (if WWE think he's ready), Finlay, and Mark Henry. Defeating any of those challengers would be a major plus for Christian.

Now that Christian is the ECW Champion, that leaves less possiblity for Tommy Dreamer to win it, but what can I do? To answer your other question: I would love to see the ECW Championship only being defended in Extreme Rules matches. It would give some of the ECW superstars a chance to show off a bit of their more sadistic side. But ECW today is not the same ECW it was so, that seems very unlikely.
Bobby Lashley won it in December 06 and again in June 07.

Anyways, I'm pretty happy to see Christian win it. Hopefully his fued with Swagger continues as i really liked their contract signing promo, they are getting better as time goes on. And after the draft there are some new opportunities for fueds there now with Kozlov and co. I wouldnt mind Bourne getting in on the title hunt too. His match with Matt when he was champion was really good and i think he'd be able to work a pretty awesome match with Christian.

Time will tell, but very happy with Christian getting the belt.
I think it'd be good for the ECW championship to be defended under extreme rules because it gives wrestlers a taste of gimmick matches that are used a lot in upper midcard and top of the card level feuds. Look at Backlash for example, there was the Hardy's I Quit match, and a Last Man Standing match. I think at the very least it should be defended at Extreme Rules via Extreme Rules, and at Night of Champions. Hopefully with Christian as ECW champion it may be given more prestige, and I'm not just on about order on the card because even at Summerslam 06 the ECW title was 2nd on the card, I'm talking about its worth as a title.
heres a list of the wwe ecw champs in order

1.rvd-he did get a major push afterward yes
2.big show-bigshow has always been off again on again as a major star so no big deal
3.lashley- yeah he got a nice push(still love lashley vs cena at GAB 07)
4.vince-this was just to build up lashleys character
5.lashley-again as above


6.nitro-nice call giving it up to this talented young man
7.punk-also same as above with number 6
8.chavo-he hasnt gotten any real push, hes kinda stayed at the same place most of his carrer. the ecw title for him was prob just to make up for getting ride of the crusierwieght
9.kane-just a monster to build up smaller names
10.henry- same as kane
11.matt-wwe testing to see if he could do well as a singles champ
12.swagger-cant wait to see if wwe builds him up b/c he could be the nextr angle
13.christian- pretty big name prob to build up swagger and bourne

see the point of ecw nowadays is pretty much a training ground and when they give the gold to already established names its just so someone can fued with them to get them bigger. when it comes down to it the ecw championship is what you make of it, i consider it about the same rank as the us and ic gold though obviously tna consider it a world title :)
The ECW Title is a stepping stone. Once you win it you are normally brought forward to bigger and better things. That's why people like RVD, Punk, Lashley, Morrison, Hardy and now probably Christian, have won it. It's a way to escalate them to bigger things and to give them a taste of being number one in a brand. It normally seems as if once you lose the title you are drafted away from the brand, so you lose chances to win it again, except for Lashley's case.

And I think that only having the title defended in Extreme Rules is a really good idea. ECW needs a cliche to kinda get them more prestige, and that might be just the thing.
Here is something to take note of. I have no problem with Bobby Lashley being the only two-time ECW Champion up to this point. With a new draft at least a year away, I think Jack Swagger will probably wind up winning the gold again at some point in time since he'll clearly be remaining on ECW, and I wouldn't be surprised to see Christian lose it and eventually win it back either.

However, let's take a look at the WWE Champions since the point in time when the ECW Championship debuted in the WWE. Since then, the WWE Champions have been RVD, Edge, John Cena, Randy Orton, HHH, Randy Orton, HHH, Edge, Jeff Hardy, HHH, Randy Orton. The title has been OWNED by HHH, Orton, and to a lesser extent Edge. I'd rather there be a new champion and no repeat champions because as is the case here, it gets repetitive always having the same guys involved in the title feuds.

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