Will WWE Network follow in the footsteps of Healthcare.gov


SFIV Sensei
I'm wondering if anyone has the inside scoop regarding the infrastructure/architecture of the WWE Network service. I hope they enlisted some prime IT consultation. I have a feeling that the network is going to be crippled under the load of so many people subscribing & trying to watch content on day 1.

If there are issues, I'm wondering if a month is going to be enough time for them to work out all the issues before having to deal with potential millions of simultaneous connections trying to stream Wrestlemania 30.

Somehow, I doubt the WWE braintrust has really taken into account how much load this service is going to be under...
McMahon is smarter than Obama so I have no concerns about this. KIDDING, relax Obamabots.

The WWE Network will have a lot of traffic obviously, but it's going to be streaming video. It's not a software program. Obamacare's website problems weren't just about being overwhelmed w/ the traffic, it was a combination of the traffic and the program being buggy as hell.
The WWE Network is something that the company has been working on for close to 3 years now. When they initially publically announced the network in September 2011, I think Vince definitely jumped the gun and heavily overestimated the overall value of an entire channel of nothing but WWE produced content would have as a standard or even as a premium channel. Television providers obviously had the same feeling, otherwise the network probably would have been launched a long time ago.

The overall idea of the network WWE is going for now is essentially what Netflix has done. Since WWE's official announcement of the launch of the network, I have little doubt that Vince has had people going over every single solitary detail with a fine toothed comb. This is one instance where Vince's control freak issues can pay off and I would imagine that WWE has been constantly testing the network for glitches and problems.

Netflix has over 40 million subscribers worldwide but, frankly, I don't see the WWE Network coming close to that. I might be extremely surprised, but I certainly don't expect it to happen anytime soon. WWE officials have stated that they hope to have 1 to 2 million subscribers by the end of this year. I'm not sure exactly when the network will be launched internationally, so I'm doubting that there'll be millions of people in the first 24 hours attempting to subscribe to the network all at the same time here in the states. So, I don't think there'll be any glitches to worry about.
Good concern, but WWE isn't housng it the MLB AM, or whatever does the MLB.tv, is. I don't know how many people buy into that I've heard some bad but many god things about that service.
McMahon is smarter than Obama so I have no concerns about this. KIDDING, relax Obamabots.

The WWE Network will have a lot of traffic obviously, but it's going to be streaming video. It's not a software program. Obamacare's website problems weren't just about being overwhelmed w/ the traffic, it was a combination of the traffic and the program being buggy as hell.

McMahon is smarter than Obama....not kidding.

I'm not concerned that the network will experience the issues that healthcare.gov had/has. They've been working on this for over a year so I trust that they have got it all worked out by now. If they don't have it worked out and it has a sh*t ton of problems I better get a motherf*cking refund for the 1 year subscription I'm planning on buying.
McMahon is smarter than Obama....not kidding.

I'm not concerned that the network will experience the issues that healthcare.gov had/has. They've been working on this for over a year so I trust that they have got it all worked out by now. If they don't have it worked out and it has a sh*t ton of problems I better get a motherf*cking refund for the 1 year subscription I'm planning on buying.

Obamacare is not about healthcare is is there for control and to overwhelm the system so they can implement a single payer system
I can't lie... it's something I've thought about too except not to the scale of the healthcare thing. But like Hammer said, with as much work that has been put into this and figuring out exactly what the WWE Network was actually going to "be," I think the systems and whatnot that they'll use will be able to handle it. I'm so jacked for this I can't even handle it.
This is funny, just had a convo with my friend while watching Raw this past Monday night. How stupid is it that we can't sign up for the WWE Network right now? Why don't they allow people to preorder this? If we could pre-order, it would save the website some strain when they have hundreds of thousands of people trying to sign up all in the same day. The website is going to be clogged come Feb 24th. I just think this WWE Network has been a flop so far and its not even out yet.

It was rumored last year to come out and it didn't. Now this year they expect everyone to sign up on the same day it launches, it's going to be a mess. Even the advertising of the WWE Network has been awful. Sure, we see and Ad for it when they go to commercial every time but why didn't they bust out the heavy hitters to promote the WWE Network.

Where the hell is Hart, DX, Hogan, Austin, Rock, Taker, Cena, Lesnar, or even D-Bryan? These guys should be promoting the network. Think about the commercial spots and endorsements they could be doing to sell the product. If you had a guy like Hogan reppin the 80s crowd, Attitude guys reppin the 90s, and The current stars reppin whats going on now, it would make the fans from all these decades, who probably have stopped watching, want to buy it to relive some of the great moments.

All around, the WWE Network has been booked poor, which is no surprise as we can see from the current product. The website is going to crash, people are going to get pissed, and the WWE Network could flop in the first day. I think in the long run, it will all work out and I want it to. Yet, this has just been bad marketing and bad business on WWE's part.

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