Will we see the "great one" tonight?

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Suck It!!!!
here is an article from wrestling-radio:

It has been reported over the last week that WWE has a big angle planned for tonight's Monday Night RAW leading into SummerSlam on Sunday.

Speculation is once again pointing toward The Rock's return as a shock surprise before the night is over.
With that said let us look at the key facts which point toward The Great One's return.

* The Rock's latest film "The Other Guys" has hit the top box office spot this weekend with $35.6 million - he is very much in demand.

* It is being reported The Rock is not on set for his latest film "The Fast and The Furious 5" today.

* The Rock promised a summer WWE appearance and hinted at working with Vince McMahon on a special project....summer is almost over.

* SummerSlam has often been a PPV associate with The Rock.

* Chris Jericho made his WWE debut on this day 11 years ago ... The Rock was there to greet him.

By the end of tonight could we be saying FINALLY! ...

ok so all the arrows are pointing at the rocks return tonight
ok so in early 2010 the rock said he will be returning to entertain the "wwe universe" in a way like never before during the summer, well on the last raw before summerslam there is supposed to be a big angle planned,

so could this mean that the rock will return and be revealed as the gm,
or could he just make a cameo,
or could he be added to the wwe team,
or are all the facts above just a coincidence?

well even though this is just a rumor i will be looking at all of raw tonight just to see if he will return
anyway what do all of you make of all this,
is there a slight chance we'll see the great one tonight?
Hmmm, possibly. Possibly not. For me it's a 50-50 chance.

See, we have the clues that The Rock could return tonight, actually, we have a lot of clues. But, I still have this doubt in my mind that he's not gonna show up. I would be damn shocked if I heard his theme music tonight.

If you want to know for sure, call the Sacramento, CA Airport and ask them if The Rock arrived there. Lol, I'm kidding. :)
I hope so but I'm not really sure.

Come to think of it there have been alot of clues pointing towards his return but I will believe it when I see it, if his music hits tonight I will be shocked.
we'll all be shocked if his music hits :) could you just imagine the noise of the crowd after they hear "if ya smell what the rock is cooking" :p
I hope this thread isn't setting my expectations too high but it brings me back to 10 years ago. I remember back in the height of the Attitude era, i was awaiting the return of the HeartBreak Kid. It seemed like every month, i thought he would make a return. I believe 3 years from 1999 to 2002; I knew he had a back injury from reading PWI or other wrestling publications that i bought from the store; I remember thinking "will the HeartBreak Kid return to professional wrestling." Well, after all that wait, it actually came true. He did appear couple shows during those three years. But when he came back to wrestle Triple H, and the years that followed; everything i asked for.

It would be nice to see The Rock return. If he does tonight, great. If he doesn't, hopefully the next time lol.
I hope this thread isn't setting my expectations too high but it brings me back to 10 years ago. I remember back in the height of the Attitude era, i was awaiting the return of the HeartBreak Kid. It seemed like every month, i thought he would make a return. I believe 3 years from 1999 to 2002; I knew he had a back injury from reading PWI or other wrestling publications that i bought from the store; I remember thinking "will the HeartBreak Kid return to professional wrestling." Well, after all that wait, it actually came true. He did appear couple shows during those three years. But when he came back to wrestle Triple H, and the years that followed; everything i asked for.

It would be nice to see The Rock return. If he does tonight, great. If he doesn't, hopefully the next time lol.

Being a HUGE HBK mark, I remember those days too and evrytime the IWC would say look all of these clues point to HBK returning tonight, it rarerly happened. I wouldn't get my hopes up though if I were a diehard Rock fan. He's been working pretty damn hard to distance himself from the WWE and it just logically doesn't seem plausable but hey if I'm wrong, atleast hopefully we will get to see a Cena/Rock showdown. That would be EPIC!!!
it would be cool, especialy if he interupted chris jericho, like jericho did 11 years ago to the rock, and if he makes fun of the hair cut jericho had back then
If something like this were to occur, I would freakin' faint. And again if it were to happen yo, well leemurf, I would give you a BIG WET KISS because of this thread. Lol jk! But seriously a hard pat in the back if it occurs. Thanx for the up
If he doesn't come tonight I would be shocked. It seems we have been waiting for ever to come back. I think he will and maybe will be added to the 5 on 7 match at SummerSlam
I do not know about "all the arrows" pointing to this. In fact, the only thing that might be out of the ordinary is him not being on set today. Even that is somewhat wishy washy. It took me a long time to warm up to the Rock but he eventually won me over. I still think he is somewhat overrated but if he came back to an actual prowrestling show it would be obviously special. Then again he cannot even say candy ass so it might bring on Austin levels of disappointment. I will not watch raw based on this flimsy evidence but maybe I will peak at the overrun.
Im with you all, Iv waited for a Rocks return..I dont think it will be to wrestle, But i do think he could be revealed in some other fashion (GM maybe?) I do think theres a 70-30% chance we might see him tonite...

But i am also with you all, as being a HUUUGE HBK Mark myself since back in his first match (hey im 31, i grew up watching him, lol) But i waited and waited every time to hear HBK's music..so im hoping to live that tonite with the rock again..
I can't tell you how badly I am hoping he will show up tonight, That would be SOOOOO Epic. But I can't help but have doubt, it just seems to good to be true.
well remember on the smackdown anniversery when he had the special video message he still said candy ass and stuff like that
I do not know about "all the arrows" pointing to this. In fact, the only thing that might be out of the ordinary is him not being on set today. Even that is somewhat wishy washy. It took me a long time to warm up to the Rock but he eventually won me over. I still think he is somewhat overrated but if he came back to an actual prowrestling show it would be obviously special. Then again he cannot even say candy ass so it might bring on Austin levels of disappointment. I will not watch raw based on this flimsy evidence but maybe I will peak at the overrun.

Actually, He made an Appearance on Smackdown's 10th anniversary last year, and he was allowed to say Candy-Ass, But that was a year ago, So I guess we will just see.
Not to be a party pooper or anything but if there was any chance of this happening I think the IWC would have gotten wind of it weeks ago and be buzzing non stop. When was the last time WWE managed to keep anything under wraps effectively I mean come on. Don't get me wrong if that music hits tonight I will mark the fuck out but I'm gonna have to chalk this one up to very very unlikely.
Not to be a party pooper or anything but if there was any chance of this happening I think the IWC would have gotten wind of it weeks ago and be buzzing non stop. When was the last time WWE managed to keep anything under wraps effectively I mean come on.

Um, The Nexus. There, I gave you one. See that underlined part? Yeah, did you know that last week on Wrestlezone.com, they planned a "big angle". That's still information.

But, I'm still going with what I said on my other post.
Only reason I mentioned it was that they were bleeping ass for Austin when he hosted, right? I especially suspect the suggestion of sticking up and the ass is going to be a big no no. So if you like eyebrow, jabroni references and everyone playing nice then you would like pg rock. Honestly, now that I think about it I hope he stays away. Attitude era guys just come of as awkward and disappointing in the PG era in non-wrestling roles.
I would DIE! That would be freaking awesome... I'm not keeping my hopes too high, but god I would be near tears. lol lol if he does come back i would want to see him interact with alot of people, Cena of course, orton, the great one could rip on sheamus all damn night, jericho would be good i'd also like to hear...

Rock: What is your name??
Miz: I'm The Mi..
Rock: It doesn't matter what your name is!
If the Rock returns, the WWE is going to hear the biggest pop in at least five years. Plus with the nexus angle and team Raw all dysfunctional, I could definitely see the Rock coming out and talking about how he took out WCW or teamed up with Austin to take on the NWO. I don't see him as the GM since he would then probably have a recurring role and he is not going to wrestle, the studios behind his movies would go crazy. So IF he comes back, I think he is going to give a motivational speech to team Raw.
the Rock
has come back

to lead Nexus.

He could also be the Raw GM. There's no kayfabe reason that he couldn't keep running Raw by phone. He could do occasional promos via the Titantron, appear 6-10 times a year in person and the rest of the time just phone it in.

I'd have him hand Cole a designated cell phone to replace the corny '90s email beep though.
I think Rockfan has a very likely scenario. However, if that is the case it would mean he likely wouldn't interact with many other wrestlers which would be a shame. As someone pointed out, how awesome and funny would it be for him to rip into The Miz lmao

GM is unlikely as he would have to become a semi-regular on the show after finally "revealing" himself. Not to mention it would be very short term and we'd have to change GM's AGAIN...
Who really knows guess we will have to see to find out. I had this theory still that the Rock is actually the Mystery GM because if you really think about he hasn't done any of the Rock's catch phrases.

Also the last time the Rock returned there really was no news about it his music hit and it surprised the hell out of everybody.
The Rock returning to WWE television would be the most electrifying move made by Vince and company in the last three to five years, and just the possibility of The Rock returning tonight means I wont be taking my eyes of the screen.

How realistic of a possibility is this though, I for one am going to try not to get my hopes to high, after all when was the last time we saw The Rock, excluding the hall of fame I couldn't tell you.

A returning Rock would probably mean the most sales ever for a Summer Slam.
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