Will we ever see another tag team rivalry like E & C vs Hardyz vs Dudleyz?

FlexAmerican Dynamite

Just been watching the classic TLC matches and I became somewhat sad realizing we may never see another entertaining tag team rivalry in the E. You can argue that their trying to revive the division with teams like Air Boom and the new Primo and Epico tag team(Can't remember if they had a team name or not) but if they really cared they would actually have Air Boom face off against real tag teams. Now the question im asking you is do you think we will ever see another entertaining for the long run tag team rivalry? And I don't mean it has to be identical to the E&C,Hardys,Dudleyz feud where they fight each other in multiple gimmick matches at wrestlemania I just mean two or three REAL tag teams really fighting it out for the titles.
At this time I have no idea but I do think it would be awesome. I still think that Curt Hawkins and Trent Baretta should Team up to form the "Dudebusters". Then maybe throw Primo & Epico in there and maybe the trio of Air Boom, Dudebusters and The Colons could put on a half decent WM triple threat. I'd maybe even put together Ted Dibiase & Michael McGillicuty (rename him Joe Henning). Who does WWE have right now for tag teams?

Air Boom
Epico & Primo
The Usos
Curt Hawkins & Tyler Reks
Trent Baretta & Yoshi Tatsu

It's not looking too good...
Strangely, I think we may have been very close but not in WWe - in TNA. With the improvements Bully Ray and Devon have made to their work recently, I think a series involving them, Beer Money and the Motor City Machine Guns could have really rivaled the quality they had with E&C and the Hardyz.

Sadly, I believe this will never come to pass now. On the plus side, the Guns will return and Ray, Storm and Roode have never been in better places (sorry, Devon but I'm starting to doubt they'll find the gimmick and storyline to go with your hard work).
WWE needs to put alot, and let me stress ALOT of time into the tag team division before we can even get a half decent feud out of it. Air Boom was finally being recognized as a legit tag team but now its kinda dropped off. The real problem is that theres really no competition. The division needs both real competition for the champs as well as jobbing teams the same way a singles wrestler beats jobbers on their way to the top. The Barret Barrage started with jobbers and mid carders to gain steam until he is finally working with some one super credible in Ortan. The tag team division doesn't have any thing like this, there are no credible teams other than Air Boom so even when a team does face them it isn't a believable threat. What should happen is to revive or bring back a credible tag team(an example, though not a great one, would be Booker T and Golddust) and have them feud with one of the undercard teams to give some team any credibility.
No, tag team wrestling as we knew it is DEAD. The E&C, Dudleys vs Hardys was a good rivalry, but they had nothing on tag team rivalries like Hart Foundation vs British Bulldogs, Rock n Roll Express vs The Midnight Express. Tag team wrestling was at its hottest in the mid to late 1980s.
Will we ever find ONE tag team as entertaining/good as any one of those teams again?

I hope so, I really love some good Tag Team action!

I really loved Cody Rhodes & Ted DiBiase, but Cody would be majorly held back if they were still together.
I remember a long time ago, after losing tag teams (and stables) like the Wild Samoans and the Four Horsemen, thinking that wrestling would never have a new age of tag team glory. Enter the Rockers, the Hart Foundation, and the very early Road Warriors. Same thing. Re-enter the Road Warriors, Demolition, the New Age Outlaws, etc. Same thing. Edge & Christian, Team Extreme, the Dudleys, ec.

There's always going to be phases of good tag team action, and it's NOT always going to be in the WWE. For whatever reason, they could care less about the division, but don't let that fool you into thinking that tag team wrestling is dead. Tag Team wrestling WILL return at some point to the WWE, it's always just a matter of time. There's always a down-season, always a valley between the hills. BUT, if you really are itching for some good tag team competition, you can always venture outside the borders.

TNA's division is almost as bad as the WWE's at this point, although they are working to correct this. But Ring of Honor currently has the best tag team division in the world. Haas & Benjamin are amazing, the Briscoes are technically amazing (hate their promo work), ANX is my favorite team in the world right now, Future Shock is starting to make a name for themselves, and even the Bravados are technically a good team. You go to any Ring of Honor show and you'll likely get 2 or 3 amazing tag team matches. THat's how much they care about tag wrestling, and their titles.
Air Boom is a good start but thats about it. The Usos, Primo & Epico dont get enough steam behind them to be of any value. Here's hoping Chris Hero gets his health issue worked out so he gets signed, so KOW can reunite. Air Boom vs KOW would be good if given more than 4 minutes on Raw or SD. There is probably enough unused mid card talent to put together a decent team or 2, but nothing along the lines of E&C/Hardys/Dudleys. The key to this though is KOW, without them there is no hope for this division.
Roh have à great tag team rivalry right now with the briscos brothers, wrestling greatest tag team, and the all night express.

But if you're talking about wwe tag division then i doubt we'll a major tag team rivalry like those we've seen 10 years ago simply because vince mcmahon doesn't believe in tag team wrestling.
If the WWE really wanted to, they could easily put Hawkins and Reks, The Usos, and The New Colons in Triple Threat (insert stipulation here) matches on every PPV from the Royal Rumble to TLC. Imagine that on the card at least once a month, twice on October.

We could get Tag Team Wrestling back to where it once was with Demolition, The Hart Foundation, and the Rockers in the late 80s.

The Legion Of Doom, The Nasty Boys, and Money Inc in the early 90s.

Austin and Dude Love, Chainsaw Charlie and Cactus Jack, Kane and Mankind, The Rock and Sock Connection, and Pepper and Socko in the late 90s, what??

The Hardy Boyz, The Dudley Boyz, the Copeland / Reso Boyz of the early 00.

Edge and Hogan, Hurri-Kane, and Flair and Piper??

Okay, John Cena and Shawn Michaels in 07, John Cena and Batista in 08, John Cena and David Otunga in 10, and John Cena and The Miz in 11…was there really a point to any of these?? Did they have to make Rated RKO (and the other 20 Tag Teams in those 2 Ten Team Battle Royals on the 4/2/07 Raw), The Legacy, The Nexus, and The Corre look like they can’t beat a makeshift team when they are an actual Tag Team??

I think the future looks bright. As long as they have Air Boom as the Tag Team Champions and have their own WWE channel, nothing can stop them from airing.
If WWE tried hard enough with the tag team division than they could have a good one. Not with Air Boom or Primo and Epico. Uso's could be good. WWE just needs to take some time in the tag division. It will happen eventually.

On another note can someone please tell me what i have to do to be able to post my own thread. I am farely new to WrestleZone Forums.
I seriously doubt it as WWE wants to put zero and I mean zero focus on tag team wrestling anymore, which is very sad because some of the greatest singles wrestlers of all time started out in or at one time were a part of some of the most amazing tag teams.
Absolutely not any time soon.

After reading the first post and not even knowing who any of those tag-teams are, I can clearly tell it won't happen. Instead of trying to just have actual tag-teams be relevant, important, and an actual draw to the show, they are now utilized as a way to introduce a few new guys. Nowadays, the "popular" teams are just two random "over" guys thrown together. Air Boom? Oh yeah sweet, that's the new Hardy Boys.

Again, it all comes down to the star power WWE has none of. There are the few top guys (Cena, Kane, Orton, CM Punk, Triple H, the Rock), and forced top guys (Big Show, Mark Henry), and then the "future of WWE" guys (Del Rio, The Miz, Ziggler, Bryan). There's no time to build a tag-team feud. And honestly, who would care? You either throw 2 of these guys together, or bring in 2 new guys no one will care about.
I'd like to see it but I doubt it will ever happen.

Back in the day you had tag teams that were great because guys had worked together for a long time

E&C were best friends
The Hardys were brothers
The Dudleys cut their teeth in ECW

Even before then with the great tag teams like Legion of Doom. Those two were good friends who came up together. Now most teams seem forced. I like Air Boom and Kofi and Bourne seem like good friends but its still a pretty random pairing.

Another issue is one guy usually has to take a back seat to the other in modern tag teams. Jeff was way more popular than Matt, Edge waas the more tolerable than Christian, even today Kofi is a guy who makes main event appearances while Bourne still wrestles on Superstars on a fairly consistent basis. Too many big egos
As much as I would like to see that, I highly doubt it in this day and age.

That reason is because there's no team that the fans really Love or Hate. It's either "Oh yea they're pretty cool" or "Who are these guys?"

The good thing about it too is that these teams were established and didn't cross paths until late 1999. Their TLC Matches are what they're known for but people forget the other matches they had with each other.

Hardyz vs E & C in the first Tag Team Ladder Match

Hardyz vs Dudleyz in the first Tag Team Tables Match

Hardyz vs E & C in the Tag Team Steel Cage Match

Hardyz vs Dudleyz in the Tag Team Steel Cage Match

These teams were so established and had so many great matches outside the TLC Matches and set the bar for the Tag Team Division and took it to new heights and I don't think the teams of Today and re-create it.

Air-Boom barely gets a reaction.

Epico and Primo, IMO get no reaction.

I barely see The Usos on TV anymore.

I don't even know what other teams are in the WWE. Unless these guys get some crowd support and have some matches with each other, than that it can't be and will not be done. I just don't see it.

They should:

Give the three teams I mentioned above some more matches, air time and promo time. That's how the Hardyz, Dudleyz and E & C got over. Great matches and promos.

Bring Cryme Tyme Back.

Do whatever they can to bring in the Kings of Wrestling.

But in short, I don't think we'll ever see something as great as that again. Not in this era anyway.
It all depends. My theory about tag team wrestling has been repeated around these parts for years, but I'll repeat it once more:

It's only ever good when the main event is good.

The reason is simple, when you have megastars, you can put your kind of stars in the tag division. Do you really think Edge would wait 8 years for a WWE title today? Of course not. Secondly, the big stars basically sell themselves, so more creative time goes into the little guys.

Hogan, Savage, Warrior in the main event = Bret Hart, Shawn Michaels, Davey Boy Smith in tag teams

Austin, Rock, Untertaker in the main event = Edge, Jeff Hardy, Dudleys in tag teams

Daniel Bryan, Sheamus, Dolph Ziggler in the main event = Jimmy Uso in tag teams.

If the main event gets better, so will everything else. It almost always does.
There's definitely phenomenal tag team wrestling out there if you're willing to look for it. There are few things that bother me more than people who bemoan the state of tag team wrestling in the WWE and TNA (rightfully so), but refuse to go into the indies to go and see the fantastic tag team wrestling that's out there. I'll profile some of it.

-ROH - Ring of Honor has some of the best tag teams in the world. The World's Greatest Tag Team, the Briscoes, and the All Night Express. In 2011, ANX and the Briscoes had an incredible blood feud that culminated in an awesome ladder match that rivals the best of the WWF's prime match. With the rise of new tag teams in 2012 and the retention of all of those strong names, you can certainly expect continued tag team excellence from them.

- DGUSA - 2011 had loads of great tag team wrestling for Dragon Gate USA. They held a title tournament at the start of the year and crowned new champions. There are constantly great matches among the greats of Dragon Gate, as well as mixing up with unique American talent.

- CHIKARA - CHIKARA has amazing tag team wrestling. The Colony, the Batiri, UltraMantis Black and Hallowicked, the Throwbacks, and FIST. They all regularly do battle and they meet in some epic clashes. Pick any night of CHIKARA wrestling and you can find excellent tag team rivalries.

Right now, all over the indies, there is tag team wrestling to rival the greatest heights of Edge and Christian, the Dudleys, and the Hardys. Just look for it. If you want the best example to go seek out, watch some Briscoes vs ANX. It's worth your time.
There's definitely phenomenal tag team wrestling out there if you're willing to look for it. There are few things that bother me more than people who bemoan the state of tag team wrestling in the WWE and TNA (rightfully so), but refuse to go into the indies to go and see the fantastic tag team wrestling that's out there. I'll profile some of it.

-ROH - Ring of Honor has some of the best tag teams in the world. The World's Greatest Tag Team, the Briscoes, and the All Night Express. In 2011, ANX and the Briscoes had an incredible blood feud that culminated in an awesome ladder match that rivals the best of the WWF's prime match. With the rise of new tag teams in 2012 and the retention of all of those strong names, you can certainly expect continued tag team excellence from them.

- DGUSA - 2011 had loads of great tag team wrestling for Dragon Gate USA. They held a title tournament at the start of the year and crowned new champions. There are constantly great matches among the greats of Dragon Gate, as well as mixing up with unique American talent.

- CHIKARA - CHIKARA has amazing tag team wrestling. The Colony, the Batiri, UltraMantis Black and Hallowicked, the Throwbacks, and FIST. They all regularly do battle and they meet in some epic clashes. Pick any night of CHIKARA wrestling and you can find excellent tag team rivalries.

Right now, all over the indies, there is tag team wrestling to rival the greatest heights of Edge and Christian, the Dudleys, and the Hardys. Just look for it. If you want the best example to go seek out, watch some Briscoes vs ANX. It's worth your time.

I meant WWE but thanks for the helpful information on where to find better tag matches. i quite honestly never considered the indies. I quite honestly don't even know where the first place I would look.
No. Air Boom are no more with Bourne likely not returning after his second wellness policy violation, and none of the other tag teams are worth mentioning. They had an opportunity for something good with Air Boom VS Awesome Truth, but even that would not have even touched the days of Edge & Christian VS The Hardys VS The Dudleyz. WWE are focusing too much on finding new singles stars that it has killed their tag team division, and then one half of their star tag team got himself not one but TWO wellness policy violations in the middle of a huge push. So much for the tag team revival.

TNA had a strong tag team division for a while. Then one by one they split up just about all of their teams. The British Invasion, Beer Money, Team 3D, Motor City Machine Guns. Now we have random pairings like Samoa Joe and Magnus. TNA got closer to the days of Edge & Christian VS The Hardys VS The Dudleyz than WWE ever did, but they too have split up too many teams too quickly. I don't see either federation ever coming close to those days again. Tag team wrestling is becoming a thing of the past due to the focus being primarily on singles runs in both companies now.

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