Will Vince/WWE always own wrestling?


Championship Contender
I read the article on the main page with Cornette, and he said that he doesn't want Vince to own wrestling. A few days ago there was an article with Edge where he said the WWE was the NFL of wrestling.

Well, it's not a surprise. The WWE are the biggest company in wrestling, by a huge, huge amount. It would take something amazing for a company to become better than them, and bigger. TNA aren't close at all. Recent BFG ticket sales said that they only sold around 900 tickets for the event, with the rest getting papered. With a 2,000 capacity, it tells you the story.

For the WWE, they could fill a 2,000 capacity venue with 2 superstars making an appearance, let's be honest.

But that shows you the gap. ROH aren't any closer than TNA. The WWE had it's biggest scare with WCW, and were apparently very close to going out of business. But look what the company did, out-did WCW and bought them out. So in a few years time, in 20 years time, in 50 years time, will the WWE still own wrestling? Will the McMahon family still own wrestling?

In my opinion, the WWE will always own wrestling. They're too big a company now, for anyone to take over them. The McMahon family are too wrestling savvy to let ANYONE beat them. If they could stop WCW from doing it, they could stop any other company. TNA? Not a chance.
For a long, long time they will own wrestling.
But eventually someone in the company will make a huge, huge mistake that will seriously cost them. It happens to every company at some point. I know, I know, they've already been through gallons of shit. Law suits, scandals, murder-suicides. They've survived that. But so what? Every company goes out of business eventually, nothing lasts forever. In 1997, people thought WCW would always own wrestling. And we all saw how that worked out. So never say never.

But definately, for a few decades WWE will be on top. WCW was a rare case that will probably never happen again. There's not that many billionare wrestling fans who will decide to get into the industry. Bill Gates won't suddenly decide to create Microsoft Championship Wrestling. So there's no threat from that.

As for the Mcmahons, the company will always be within the family. Or at least within the inner circle of the family. Even if every Mcmahon died in a tragic accident, every member of the family has a trained right hand man who would take over and act just like them. So yeah, if WWE is always on top, the Mcmahons will always be on top. Unless for some reason the grandchildren decide to sell... But wrestling will be in their blood, and WWE will still be making good profits, so that probably won't happen.

WWE became what it was from Mcmahon breaking some unwritten wrestling territory rules and taking advantage of 2 boom periods of wrestling. And no matter how many wrestling boom periods there are in the future, TNA and ROH will never be able to take advantage of them as long as WWE are around. If either promotion even shows the slightest chance that they could be a threat, WWE will buy them out. I think.

But looking at the two boom periods of wrestling, they're generally based around things that haven't been done before. The angles, the connection with mainstream... These are things that TNA and ROH will probably never be able to do. Or at least to the degree WWF/E did. TNA and ROH have never had a truly creative angle in the history of their existances. Unless they up their game seriously in terms of stars and angles, they will never ever come close to even touching WWE.

Ahh, ok. I think that's it. Go-nowhere rant is now over.
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Before I used to hope to hell so, now I hope to hell not. Unless the product moves away from this PG crap I'm rooting for anybody to overtake the WWE and Vince.

His product has been in a steady decline and it's still deteriorating Vince and creative have been blind to this. John Cena while a great worker is not working as the poster boy of the company like Hogan, HBK ,Stone Cold and the Rock did before him. To many fans boo him to be a great babyface lets face facts lots of people don't like the guy I personally do but most people don't cheer him the way they did to the guys I mentioned before.

Lack of quality talent and depth is bad as well the mangling of the tag-team division and the over reliance on people that can't be counted on (Edge and Batista injuries). Also they have most of their eggs in the baskets of old stars at the end of their careers like HHH, HBK, Undertaker, Batista etc.

When these guys leave coupled with Edge's career theatening injury (sorry Edge heads no guarantee he is back there isn't even a time table yet!!) Means the WWE will be burned even worse by their failure to create credible stars and it's a problem that's not going away because Vince has lost his touch.

I've given up on TNA eventually surpassing the "E" but I hope somebody does I don't want to be subjected to the flawed idea of the PG era anymore.

People think the WWE is bad now brace yourselves in the next 5 years it's going to get much much worse.
I read the article on the main page with Cornette, and he said that he doesn't want Vince to own wrestling. A few days ago there was an article with Edge where he said the WWE was the NFL of wrestling.

Well, it's not a surprise. The WWE are the biggest company in wrestling, by a huge, huge amount. It would take something amazing for a company to become better than them, and bigger. TNA aren't close at all. Recent BFG ticket sales said that they only sold around 900 tickets for the event, with the rest getting papered. With a 2,000 capacity, it tells you the story.

For the WWE, they could fill a 2,000 capacity venue with 2 superstars making an appearance, let's be honest.

But that shows you the gap. ROH aren't any closer than TNA. The WWE had it's biggest scare with WCW, and were apparently very close to going out of business. But look what the company did, out-did WCW and bought them out. So in a few years time, in 20 years time, in 50 years time, will the WWE still own wrestling? Will the McMahon family still own wrestling?

In my opinion, the WWE will always own wrestling. They're too big a company now, for anyone to take over them. The McMahon family are too wrestling savvy to let ANYONE beat them. If they could stop WCW from doing it, they could stop any other company. TNA? Not a chance.

The WWE is definitely the NFL of wrestling in terms of financially and popularity however i would not call them the NFL of wrestling in relation to their product which i believe is worse than TNA and ROH's which is sad considering these two companies are only 7 years old.

TNA is the only other mainstream company which can go head to head with WWE and TNAs ratings have been floating around just a 0.9 to 1.3 for a few years and many would agree that with the WWE having four shows a week and one of those before Impact and intending to go to the full five a week according to Vince Mcmahon will make the WWE immoveable.

TNA have released many staff recently and Jarrett cannot get along with them and TNA is a company that will never compete with the WWE ever. So the WWE will maintain their dominance forever but at least another company can compete with them for the better in ring product.

TNA and ROH are the company's formed post WCW and ECWs demise and when WCW was really bad they were getting a 2.6 rating. TNA is barely getting above a 1.0 rating and it has been that way for some time. Really WWEs main competitor relies on the established names to get them their ratings and once they phase out WWE could be alone in the mainstream.
Im really, really surprised that no one has mentioned the existing promotion thats gonna demolish wwe, possibly very soon. UFC. Yes I said what no one wants to say. UFC is based in wrestling, but its real. I love "sports entertainment" as much as the next guy, trust me. But UFC not only can, but will eventually cause the demise of professional wrestling. Sorry. Had to be said
The reason you can't include the UFC in this, is because the UFC is real. Wrestling is sports entertainment. UFC is just real fighting. They're different. They are in indirect competition with eachother, but not in direct competition. Therefore, they won't greatly affect the WWE, to the degree that Vince starts changing the way the WWE does matches. Maybe all matches will be cage matches? Lol.
Before I used to hope to hell so, now I hope to hell not. Unless the product moves away from this PG crap I'm rooting for anybody to overtake the WWE and Vince.

His product has been in a steady decline and it's still deteriorating Vince and creative have been blind to this. John Cena while a great worker is not working as the poster boy of the company like Hogan, HBK ,Stone Cold and the Rock did before him. To many fans boo him to be a great babyface lets face facts lots of people don't like the guy I personally do but most people don't cheer him the way they did to the guys I mentioned before.

Lack of quality talent and depth is bad as well the mangling of the tag-team division and the over reliance on people that can't be counted on (Edge and Batista injuries). Also they have most of their eggs in the baskets of old stars at the end of their careers like HHH, HBK, Undertaker, Batista etc.

When these guys leave coupled with Edge's career theatening injury (sorry Edge heads no guarantee he is back there isn't even a time table yet!!) Means the WWE will be burned even worse by their failure to create credible stars and it's a problem that's not going away because Vince has lost his touch.

I've given up on TNA eventually surpassing the "E" but I hope somebody does I don't want to be subjected to the flawed idea of the PG era anymore.

People think the WWE is bad now brace yourselves in the next 5 years it's going to get much much worse.

Come on, you should know the wrestling industry goes in cycles. Or rather, it goes through phases of fads. The PG era is Vince Mcmahon's latest fad. Any intelligent person would know that it won't last for longer than a few years. Then perhaps we'll see another boom period.
But basically, don't think that the PG thing is in WWE's distant future. Like you said, it's just an "era".

The current kid fans will grow up. Then Vince will want to cater to them. It's like the 90's. The kids grew up with the squeaky clean role models of Hogan and Bret Hart. Then when they got older, they wanted something more adult and we got the attitude era.

Honestly, the good stuff from WWE's past and the good stuff that will come in WWE's future more than balances out the current underwhelming quality of the product. And the current product isn't even all that bad, people are just making too big a deal out of less blood. They're still putting on good shows. SD, ECW and Superstars are all good, sometimes great. Raw is just going through a rough patch. And at least half of WWE's PPV's this year have been good.

Don't let the slight crapness of certain areas of WWE's current product turn you off from the great stuff they can have in the future.
I'm not so sure the WWE lose the PG rating in the future, unless there's a huge fan backlash. I mean, I agree with you about the cycles in wrestling. The young fans will grow up, but the only problem is there's ALWAYS going to be little kids going to wrestling events.

Therefore, Vince & the WWE are always going to have to shape the product around them. It's all going to depend on what percent the kids make up the WWE's audience. If it's lower, then they can tune it up. If it's a lot, then sorry, but they won't change. Still, anything can happen.
TNA is the only other mainstream company which can go head to head with WWE and TNAs ratings have been floating around just a 0.9 to 1.3 for a few years and many would agree that with the WWE having four shows a week and one of those before Impact and intending to go to the full five a week according to Vince Mcmahon will make the WWE immoveable.

Indeed, TNA is the only company that is in some sort of a position to become competition but for that to happen something very crazy has to happen.

TNA´s House shows draw what ? 500 people ? They have to go to Germany or Australia to get 1000 people.

Their PPV sales are incredibly low and their merchandising is down there too.

TNA is not a danger for the WWE, at least not in the near future.

ROH ? Please, as popular as ROH is around the world it´s just an independent promotion just like PWG or JAPW.

Let´s face it people the WWE is the NFL of wrestling, I can´t see any other promotion even being considered real competition, with TNA struggling to get ratings like ECW and ROH getting their biggest stars taken away there´s no one who could take down the McMahon empire in the next few years.
There's no chance in hell of the WWE going anywhere. Vince owns wrestling, TNA isn't a shadow on Vince's radar. They won't be for a long time either. Vince could easily sell out Madison Square Garden or the Staples Center while TNA is having a hard time filling ECW Arena sized venues. This PG Era is a fad, just like someone posted. WWE was pretty much just like PG in the late 80s to mid 90s and then they took off and the Attitude Era was born. Vince has the wrestling business on lock, ROH isn't any competition business wise, please stop these sad fantasies that the WWE is one day gonna be threatened by them. Not gonna happen.
No, they won't. I think within the next 50 years, WWE will lose it's #1 spot by a significant margin. It won't be TNA. I don't think the product has the name or has the ability to beat WWE significantly. For a short time, YES, in the grand scheme of things, NO.

However, somebody else will challenge WWE eventually. It will most likely be somebody with a similar structure to TNA's private corporate structure where there are no "stockholders" or no "Conglomerate" to attend to. WWE is a public company. WWE will always have the stockholders. For a company to beat the WWE, they need to be able to make big quick decision without the fear of their stock plummeting. That's how the WWE beat WCW. That is how WWE became so popular in the 80's.

WCW, in order to beat WWE, didn't worry about small losses of income or profit. They didn't worry about the backlash of the stockholders that Turner had, mostly because WCW was a division of the company Turner shielded and protected. When the corporation got involved, when the mergers happened that made Turner into a conglomerate, it ruined WCW and made it so that it had no chance to recover against WWE, a privately owned company.

By the time WWE became public, WCW was already being destroyed by the corporate bosses that ran AOL Time Warner. WWE's stockholders, because they had little power but financial power, could not destroy WWE. They have limited it's success and the risks they can take due to the dependence on making MORE money instead of struggling to compete with another similar entity.

The #1 company does not need to make more money than WWE to beat WWE. At least not right away. WCW, if privately owned in 1997/1998, would have eventually bought WWF from Vince McMahon. There was nothing to stop it. No creative blunder (some of which WAS in-directly caused by the corporate structure at Time Warner) could truly stop them.

All the WWE needs to be unseated as the #1 Sports Entertainment Wrestling product in the world, is another company that is privately owned and funded by powerful and financially wealthy individuals, that is allowed to take risks with no worry of loss of stock worth and is more interested at being #1 than making $10 Million a year in profit rather than $3 Million. That is what WWE cares about and that is how you BEAT WWE.

I think it can happen. We will see.

Though keep in mind... AOL Time Warner wanted to turn WCW PG in the late 1990's and more family friendly in order to make more money and get a more wide variety of advertisers. Sound familiar?
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