Will Undertaker take on the HBK role of Wrestlemania?


Pre-Show Stalwart
I know the Undertaker already is a valuable part of Wrestlemania and he is a brilliant wrestler. It has always been said that Undertaker manages to get good matches out of wrestlers who are not considered to be too "gifted" in the ring. The young stars who wrestle him have generally improved in the ring during their time with him. And at Wrestlemania he excels as does everyone.

Now with HBK gone, we will all obviously wonder, who is going to guarentee us fans atleast one amazing match at Wrestlemania match every year? HBK always delivers

Well, I'm wondering, will Undertaker take on that role, who pulls out an amazing match every year at Wrestlemania? I mean he is a fantastic wrestler, and in the past has shown he can get great matches out of superstars who aren't considered "great wrestlers". And now I'm wondering, will he step up into HBK's Wrestlemania role and give us that one awe-inspiring match every year?
Well, seeing Taker is 45 years old (a year older than HBK), I don't think so. I think Taker's career is winding down, and I would go as far as to say Taker's last Mania will be next year.

I think Taker always puts on great matches, and he is one of my favorites. But at the same time, you have to be realistic here. How many Mania matches does he have left? I would say two at most. I just don't see him having enough time left to take on that role. He's absolutely talented enough to do so, I just don't see it happening.
It's not going to be a 'passing of the torch' situation, it'll just be more pressure and focus on Taker and the titles. When Shawn was gone the buzz was of course always around Austin's match (mainly because he was in the title match for all but 3 of the WM that Shawn didn't feature) and The Rock's (same applies).

I don't need to reiterate my unparalleled bias towards the Deadman, but to me, this just means that Taker doesn't have to share the glory of having Wrestlemania as his show now. Until recent years, WM was always considered to be the show where you make your name in WWE and try to stay at that level and progress further. Now, it's just 'let's take the 10 guys who've been here for years, and throw them together at WM, and then pick 6-10 more guys for a ladder match, and whoever we pick for that will be this years star.'

So therefore nobody expects anyone on the WM card to excell after WM EXCEPT the MiTB winner, because they'll blatantly become champion. And as a result people only care about HHH's matches, Cena's matches, HBK's matches and Taker's matches. I'm not saying nobody comes to see the heels, but those four guys are always wrestling either Orton, Edge, Jericho or Big Show anyway.

Fans also know that the best matches are going to come from either HBK or Taker because they've wrestled everyone in just about every style. They've wrestled the Hogans, the Savages, the Snukas, the Steamboats, the Flairs and the Warriors in the early 90's. They've grappled with the Angles, the Benoits, the Jerichos and the Harts, and they've been battered and bloodied by the Hardys, Foleys, Austins, Kanes etc etc Shawn's had a bit more experience with the lighter guys, and Taker's had to carry a LOT of big guys through shit matches, but both have lasted through 2, maybe even 3 generations of wrestling. That's why when we reach the Showcase of the Immortals each and every year, we come for those 2, because they are already immortal. Shawn Michaels and the Undertaker are Wrestlemania's MVPs.......... and now one of them has danced at the grandest stage for the last time (apparently).

So now it's all on Taker's shoulders. He'll have to carry the WM weight on his own, but like nick, i can only see him doing it another 2 years. 20-0 is enough. So don't ask 'Is Taker Mr Wrestlemania now?', you should ask 'Who's going to be Mr Wrestlemania once Taker has gone as well?' Well, it'll be HHH for a while, but then who? Orton? Cena? Edge? Kofi? Swagger? Yoshi fuckin' Tatsu?

I shudder to think.
I don't think how much time he has left in his career matters particularly for this issue, because he can still take on the HBK role so to speak for the next two years. I was saying do you think he will be the one to give us that one awesome match at WM from now on (regardless of whether that is only 2 Wrestlemanias). But it seems like from what you have said, and due to HBK's retirement, that now he will be the guy to give Wrestlemania THE MATCH every year until it is his retirement :) Personally I would like to see 20 - 0 :)
I don't think how much time he has left in his career matters particularly for this issue, because he can still take on the HBK role so to speak for the next two years.

I was saying that the role wasn't just Shawn's, not for the last 6 years anyway. Prior to his back injury when Taker had shit opponent after shit opponent to work with, HBK was definitely Mr Wrestlemania. But after coming back since then, Taker's gotten better and better and better. But i'll tell you what really brought Taker to the same level as HBK. The Streak. If they hadn't started hyping the undefeated streak after he beat Flair at WM18, we'd still be saying the matches were awesome, but i don't think we'd say they were one of the two matches we were most looking forward to each year. It's that intangible factor that adds a great deal to Taker's WM appearances, and that's exactly why he should have it. The guys done it all in the ring to help line Vince's pockets for 2 decades straight. He deserves to have that guaranteed interest once a year to ensure the fans don't let him be forgotten about amongst the younger guys.

I was saying do you think he will be the one to give us that one awesome match at WM from now on (regardless of whether that is only 2 Wrestlemanias).

For me personally, that one match was always Taker's match anyway, even more so after the Streak started being hyped every year, so i guess i can only say...... yes?

But it seems like from what you have said, and due to HBK's retirement, that now he will be the guy to give Wrestlemania THE MATCH every year until it is his retirement :)

Firstly, Retirement in wrestling is one of those shady subjects. I think HBK is more likely to just take a LOT of time off, much like Jericho and Show both did. Ric Flair had a retirement match 2 years ago. What's he doing now?

HBK's career being over doesn't mean he has retired from wrestling or can never work for WWE again, it just means that he has to forcibly quit his job, basically. I bet this time next year (minus two days), HBK will be doing promos for HBK/Taker 3.

Secondly, like i said, total Taker mark, plus i'm high so, take what i say for what it's worth. But as far as i'm concerned both HBK and Taker should be inducted into the HOF as active wrestlers like Flair was. I guarantee HHH will be.

When i think of WM i think of 4 names. 2 of them creators; Hogan and McMahon. The other 2 are the best to ever step between the ropes with that banner hanging over the ring; Shawn Michaels, Mr. Wrestlemania and The Phenom, the Undertaker.

Personally I would like to see 20 - 0 :)

Well yeah so would i, i meant there's really no need for Taker to run himself into the ground trying to get to 21-0.
No. Undertaker isn't even healthy to barely make it through a Wrestlemania match let alone a match with someone much less talented than HBK. Early on in the match I you could see Taker was in pain and this was before anything serious had been done to him. Shawn Michael almost carried Taker through that whole match. Taker's hips and knees are in such bad shape and with him getting older and older it's only getting worse. This year he will probably need to take off more time than last year and that time will only increase. Make this topic 5-10 years ago I say maybe but probably still doubt it. I'm sorry but he just not as near talented as Shawn is. Taker can't really make his opponent look as good as HBK can/could. Also Undertaker isn't nearly as "flexible" meaning he really can't adjust to much different opponents.

I completely disagree with the whole one match was Taker's match. It really wasn't even until recently they really started advertising The Streak(Overrated). Anyway for Taker's health sake he need to stop and retire SOON or else he is going to end up really hurt once he does finally move on, so I would be surprised if Taker makes it to any more Wrestlemanias.
No. Undertaker isn't even healthy to barely make it through a Wrestlemania match let alone a match with someone much less talented than HBK. Early on in the match I you could see Taker was in pain and this was before anything serious had been done to him. Shawn Michael almost carried Taker through that whole match. Taker's hips and knees are in such bad shape and with him getting older and older it's only getting worse. This year he will probably need to take off more time than last year and that time will only increase. Make this topic 5-10 years ago I say maybe but probably still doubt it. I'm sorry but he just not as near talented as Shawn is. Taker can't really make his opponent look as good as HBK can/could. Also Undertaker isn't nearly as "flexible" meaning he really can't adjust to much different opponents.

I completely disagree with the whole one match was Taker's match. It really wasn't even until recently they really started advertising The Streak(Overrated). Anyway for Taker's health sake he need to stop and retire SOON or else he is going to end up really hurt once he does finally move on, so I would be surprised if Taker makes it to any more Wrestlemanias.
Ok, I’m all for everyone having an opinion, but yours is terribly wrong. The Undertaker is one of the greatest wrestlers to ever step foot in a ring. Yes, he has been in pain in recent months, but he has worked through it, and he is more than healthy enough to make it through a Wrestlemania match. His knee injury in the match was not legitimate, it was part of the match, hence why Shawn was working on it during the match, so he was not in pain early on in the match. Shawn did not carry Undertaker through that match, Undertaker contributed just as much. You talk about him as if he is Mark Henry or something! And he can put on good matches with people less talented than HBK, recent proof of that at Wrestlemania are Batista, Edge and Randy Orton. Not only Wrestlemania, he is able to put on great matches a lot of the time, such as CM Punk, Rey Mysterio and even Festus in a match a while back on Smackdown if you remember that. I don’t know what you are thinking because he is tremendously taltented. And he can adust very well to different opponents, it has been said numerous times on WWE television and on forums that he has adjusted his wrestling game over the years to adapt to different opponents, his character, the time and his abilities. And you know what, he is still great. One of the best wrestlers I have ever seen.
I think Orton will step up. He's seems to be the one guy right now that is capable of stepping to the plate. He's changing it up and getting a great reaction from the live crowds. I can see Orton blowing the roof off WM27 given a good opponent and storyline.
I for one would like to see Taker pass the torch at WM27. While I loved the HBK match this year I was a bit disappoiinted that it wasn't a younger wrestler given that rub.
Ok, I’m all for everyone having an opinion, but yours is terribly wrong. The Undertaker is one of the greatest wrestlers to ever step foot in a ring. Yes, he has been in pain in recent months, but he has worked through it, and he is more than healthy enough to make it through a Wrestlemania match. His knee injury in the match was not legitimate, it was part of the match, hence why Shawn was working on it during the match, so he was not in pain early on in the match. Shawn did not carry Undertaker through that match, Undertaker contributed just as much. You talk about him as if he is Mark Henry or something! And he can put on good matches with people less talented than HBK, recent proof of that at Wrestlemania are Batista, Edge and Randy Orton. Not only Wrestlemania, he is able to put on great matches a lot of the time, such as CM Punk, Rey Mysterio and even Festus in a match a while back on Smackdown if you remember that. I don’t know what you are thinking because he is tremendously taltented. And he can adust very well to different opponents, it has been said numerous times on WWE television and on forums that he has adjusted his wrestling game over the years to adapt to different opponents, his character, the time and his abilities. And you know what, he is still great. One of the best wrestlers I have ever seen.

Well opinions can't be wrong, thats why they're called opinions and not facts. As for Taker "selling" his injury during the match...you could clearly see when he gets hurt HBK isn't even touching him at that moment. As for the statement about not having matches with people less talented with HBK, I mis worded what I was trying to say. Pretty much unless it someone talented he can barely make it a good match. Punk..Rey..Edge..Batista and even Festus are all pretty good. But the best example I can think of was HIAC against Punk. I could see Punk was trying to do all he could, but it just simply wasn't a good match and Taker being hurt played a big part of that. He might have been able to do all these things years ago but he is SHADES of himself now, his character is highly OVERRATED especially in todays world of wrestling, it worked 10-15 or 20 years ago but not in todays world.

Taker WAS great and one of best in recent memory but he needs to move on.
Well opinions can't be wrong, thats why they're called opinions and not facts. As for Taker "selling" his injury during the match...you could clearly see when he gets hurt HBK isn't even touching him at that moment. As for the statement about not having matches with people less talented with HBK, I mis worded what I was trying to say. Pretty much unless it someone talented he can barely make it a good match. Punk..Rey..Edge..Batista and even Festus are all pretty good. But the best example I can think of was HIAC against Punk. I could see Punk was trying to do all he could, but it just simply wasn't a good match and Taker being hurt played a big part of that. He might have been able to do all these things years ago but he is SHADES of himself now, his character is highly OVERRATED especially in todays world of wrestling, it worked 10-15 or 20 years ago but not in todays world.

Taker WAS great and one of best in recent memory but he needs to move on.

No. Taker IS great. One of the best of all time, and most definately will never be forgotten because he is so unique. And he was selling his injury in the match, who cares if Shawn wasn't touching him, the "injury" occured when he jumped from the top rope to do old school. And it was part of the match, because the rest of Shawn's offense was based on working on his "injured leg". And when Undertaker had a good match with Batista, many of the reviews said, "Taker managed to get a good match out of Batista" who at the time was being criticized on all wrestling websites for not being a good wrestler. It has also been said countless times on these websites that working with Undertaker makes the rookies in ring work better.You say he can't make it work with someone not talented, but the thing is, most guys in WWE are talented which is why they are there. So pretty much no matter what guy I say you would say they are atleast quite talented. Shawn has wrestled guys who are no less talented than the guys Undertaker has faced. His most recent Wrestlemania matches have been terrific (apart from Mark Henry which wasn't THAT bad), eg; HBK (who did not carry him it was an equal effort) Edge, Batista, Orton. Undertaker is NOT overated, he is NOT shades of himself. He is still an amazing wrestler and the day he retires will be a sad day, and we will definately notice when he's gone because his character has such a significant and unique persona. And from what I've seen, the crowd still goes crazy when they hear the gong, he can still wrestle very well, he is still a huge draw even without the streak, which is NOT overated. Honestly I've never disagreed with something more. I'm not saying he shouldn't retire soon, I'm saying that what you have said about him is completely wrong.
No. Taker IS great. One of the best of all time, and most definately will never be forgotten because he is so unique. And he was selling his injury in the match, who cares if Shawn wasn't touching him, the "injury" occured when he jumped from the top rope to do old school. And it was part of the match, because the rest of Shawn's offense was based on working on his "injured leg". And when Undertaker had a good match with Batista, many of the reviews said, "Taker managed to get a good match out of Batista" who at the time was being criticized on all wrestling websites for not being a good wrestler. It has also been said countless times on these websites that working with Undertaker makes the rookies in ring work better.You say he can't make it work with someone not talented, but the thing is, most guys in WWE are talented which is why they are there. So pretty much no matter what guy I say you would say they are atleast quite talented. Shawn has wrestled guys who are no less talented than the guys Undertaker has faced. His most recent Wrestlemania matches have been terrific (apart from Mark Henry which wasn't THAT bad), eg; HBK (who did not carry him it was an equal effort) Edge, Batista, Orton. Undertaker is NOT overated, he is NOT shades of himself. He is still an amazing wrestler and the day he retires will be a sad day, and we will definately notice when he's gone because his character has such a significant and unique persona. And from what I've seen, the crowd still goes crazy when they hear the gong, he can still wrestle very well, he is still a huge draw even without the streak, which is NOT overated. Honestly I've never disagreed with something more. I'm not saying he shouldn't retire soon, I'm saying that what you have said about him is completely wrong.

Once again it's all opinion and none fact so there for it really can't be wrong, even though I disagree with you, I don't call it wrong because it isn't fact it's all opinion. It is my opinion since Undertaker has come back, he has been no where near his old self for the most part. He has pretty much buried Punk at Hell in a Cell, because he still really couldn't do anything taking bumps at all. Really how many bumps does he take? Usually zero.

The Streak is VERY Overrated because it is all scripted anyone could do it. The only thing that is amazing about it is that he has been to 18 Wrestlemanias and thats it. Also it has only been recently where WWE has really pushed and advertise The Streak.

Taker's character is one of the worst parts about him TODAY. In today's world of wrestling there are really no over the top gimmicks anymore because simply they don't work. Taker's character doesn't really allow him to be pushed as human, there for he goes on runs where he is more SUPER than SUPER Cena. Once again I'm not talking about the past, I'm talking in the present. Gimmicks now a days are generally more realistic and just more abstract version of the wrestler who has them. Taker's gimmick and character is so much protected by the WWE it is ridiculous. The 90's and early 2000's just called they want their gimmick back. Personally I always thought it was pretty funny that his most hated gimmick from what I seen was what I thought was one of his best, when he was the Biker. He was pretty much just being himself, no supernatural powers just human.

Once again, because I think you are being blinded by being a fan of him, I am saying since he has come back he has been no where near the same guy in the ring. Will the crowd cheer for him? Sure why not that's their right, but this is my opinion, and I know a few other that I have spoken too who also feel this way.

And of course it will be a sad day when he retires, because from what I am seeing which is his plans of two more years at least, which once again means skipping to either Summerslam, I think Survivor Series should be more realistic each year and only here for Wrestlemania, I would be surprised if he doesn't wind up in a wheel chair and just being another one consumed by the wrestling industry, unless somehow he gets an AMAZING surgery done...his hips and knees are almost gone, and once that happens there isn't much left anyone can do.
no, undertaker WM purpose is the streak, not to thouroghly entertain us. He also doesn't have the athletisism that shawn does, and his knees are bad, thats why he normally takes time of after mania. But Taker is just getting old now, he just doesn't have the capacity to be on shawns level, maybe its time to hang up the boots, Taker
Once again it's all opinion and none fact so there for it really can't be wrong, even though I disagree with you, I don't call it wrong because it isn't fact it's all opinion. It is my opinion since Undertaker has come back, he has been no where near his old self for the most part. He has pretty much buried Punk at Hell in a Cell, because he still really couldn't do anything taking bumps at all. Really how many bumps does he take? Usually zero.

The Streak is VERY Overrated because it is all scripted anyone could do it. The only thing that is amazing about it is that he has been to 18 Wrestlemanias and thats it. Also it has only been recently where WWE has really pushed and advertise The Streak.

Taker's character is one of the worst parts about him TODAY. In today's world of wrestling there are really no over the top gimmicks anymore because simply they don't work. Taker's character doesn't really allow him to be pushed as human, there for he goes on runs where he is more SUPER than SUPER Cena. Once again I'm not talking about the past, I'm talking in the present. Gimmicks now a days are generally more realistic and just more abstract version of the wrestler who has them. Taker's gimmick and character is so much protected by the WWE it is ridiculous. The 90's and early 2000's just called they want their gimmick back. Personally I always thought it was pretty funny that his most hated gimmick from what I seen was what I thought was one of his best, when he was the Biker. He was pretty much just being himself, no supernatural powers just human.

Once again, because I think you are being blinded by being a fan of him, I am saying since he has come back he has been no where near the same guy in the ring. Will the crowd cheer for him? Sure why not that's their right, but this is my opinion, and I know a few other that I have spoken too who also feel this way.

And of course it will be a sad day when he retires, because from what I am seeing which is his plans of two more years at least, which once again means skipping to either Summerslam, I think Survivor Series should be more realistic each year and only here for Wrestlemania, I would be surprised if he doesn't wind up in a wheel chair and just being another one consumed by the wrestling industry, unless somehow he gets an AMAZING surgery done...his hips and knees are almost gone, and once that happens there isn't much left anyone can do.

Well I think you’re making him seem like Bret Hart nowadays. Undertaker can take bumps and he does.
If you’re going to say the streak is overated because it is scripted you might as well say everything in WWE is overrated. The streak is not overated because it is so unique and legendary and not only is Undertaker’s legacy but it has helped to push guys (bar HBK) who have tried to end it. And WWE have advertised the streak since Wrestlemania 18 really when he did the symbol holding up 10 fingers to represent his 10 wins. Since Wrestlemania 21 has been when guys have become really kayfabe passionate about trying to end it.
Taker’s character is brilliant. No there are not any over the top gimmicks anymore, but that is a bad thing in my opinion. There NEEDS to be more over the top gimmicks, because they would work better than most think. Taker’s gimmick is still very popular. If not over the top gimmicks, atleast more charismatic and unique gimmicks like Stone Cold and The Rock. When you see Undertaker, HBK, HHH, The Rock, Chris Jericho, Edge, Stone Colds’ entrances, they are all different and unique aren’t they. When you hear the first split second of their entrance music you know it’s them. These days the guys are all so similar when you hear the first second of their entrance music it’s hard to tell who it is. No one stands out like those guys all did. And to compare him to SUPER Cena is ridiculous because he is not constantly put over.
You say I am being blinded since I am a fan of his, but that is not true. Like most fans, I believe Taker is still good, his ring work is still praised in reviews. I’m not saying he shouldn’t retire soon, because he should, but not because he’s not good anymore, rather because he shouldn’t stay too long. I honestly think you are greatly exaggerating about much of what you say.
Undertaker might be a little too old to take HBK's role. His retirement is coming so even if he did take the position, it wouldn't be too long. However, I was thinking of actually John Morrison to take the role. Deep down I have a feeling that, given the right push, JoMo can actually stand out as the next HBK. He has the charisma and he held the IC title for quite some time and who knows he might even hold the WHC in the near future. But until that day comes, I think Taker will be the next Mr. Wrestlemania. He is the man with the undefeated streak, after all.
Undertaker might be a little too old to take HBK's role. His retirement is coming so even if he did take the position, it wouldn't be too long. However, I was thinking of actually John Morrison to take the role. Deep down I have a feeling that, given the right push, JoMo can actually stand out as the next HBK. He has the charisma and he held the IC title for quite some time and who knows he might even hold the WHC in the near future. But until that day comes, I think Taker will be the next Mr. Wrestlemania. He is the man with the undefeated streak, after all.

You know what, you're right. I could definately see John Morrison becoming the next HBK, I just wish they would give him his push already. The guy is 30 years old now, they need to hurry up with it, he has been in WWE for like 6 years at least now, but they have wasted that time. The guy has the in ring skills, he's over with the crowd, he's not that bad on the mic; what are they waiting for? But now that you mention it, as for the Undertaker, yes he does have his own Wrestlemania role already with his streak. I've always considered both Undertaker and HBK as Mr Wrestlemania because they each provide their own certain something every year for us at WM. But as you said, I believe he will have that sole role of Mr Wrestlemania until his own retirement.
He already has, he's put on an MOTY contender at Mania five out of the last six years, and while two of them were with HBK, the fact that they're considered two of HBK's as well as Taker's best matches really says something about both. I would say Cena could step into the role as he has put on good to great matches at the last five Manias, although one of them was with Shawn and the only other one I'd really put on the level with Shawn's Mania work is the match with Triple H. But he's certainly shown that he can step up when he's needed to, especially on PPV's, and I look forward to hopefully seeing him and Taker have another classic at one of the next two Manias.

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