Will TV-14 return in 'The Reality Era'

Should we go back to TV-14 ratings?

  • Yes,after what you said it only makes sense

  • No,just flat no

  • As much as I want it,it shouldn't

  • It isn't a real era just a moment.

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As seen on last nights Raw Triple H announced 'The Reality Era.' Now with how can you make a PG show more 'reality' based.I mean there is no blood,bearly any cursing,no chairshots for real,hell your not even allowed to throw up.How can we make this 'Reality Era' seem real with real life stuff.You don't get frustrated and say shut the heck up.No you say shut the hell up.You don't get hit in the head with a chair and not pour you bleed like hell.When people throw up on someone even though it is discussing we don't want a "Nickelodeon turkey bumper" censoring it.You want it to seem real again then bring this stuff back.They say they keep it PG for the kids.But didn't Vickie call AJ Lee a bitch last night,didn't Rock have kids chanting "Boots2Asses." We want reality like quality in the era known as the 'Reality Era.'Another thing kids of all ages cuss as well.I have a 3 year old nephew who's first word was "Shut up bitch." Not that I think they should cuss.But this is WWE how do you not want to set a bad example when you have men beating the hell out of each other,turning on their friends for titles,and occasionally calling eachother punk bitches.That is my point WWE is not no "nickelodeon" promotion for 8 year olds.The WWE is for grown ass man and women who's actions won't be influenced by it.So what that being said I think we should go back to TV-14.From what I read on twitter they may but that's only a rumor.I think they should go back to TV-14 and debut the new logo after Wrestlemania.And that's my final verdict,and that's my "Reality."

No. TV-14 will never return in this day and age, not when everyone is so conservative and focused on being politically correct. Why would WWE risk millions of dollars when they are producing a family friendly product that is making them millions of dollars, and has them shining in a better light than they possibly ever have, just so fans who can't get over the fact they don't allow matches with blood pissing everywhere and constant cursing and sexual references which most of the time, weren't even funny, can make a come back.

And there is no "Reality Era". He was making fun of the perception fans have that we have been in this "Reality Era" ever since CM Punk cut the worked shoot in 2011. The same way he was playing up the persona many Internet fans and some fans in-general have of him that he's some shovel wielding burying machine who wants to hold every title in existence and only wants to put himself over, when in-fact he's the entire opposite and genuinely does what is best for business - see: Daniel Bryan's continuing rise in popularity and the fans reaction to him being "held down".

Great to see his promo worked so effectively.
when in-fact he's the entire opposite and genuinely does what is best for business - see: Daniel Bryan's continuing rise in popularity and the fans reaction to him being "held down".

Thank you.

Been saying this since the summer but I was the asshole apparently. Expressed it deeply on here the moments after the Royal Rumble but I was an idiot apparently.

And when Daniel Bryan wins the title at Wrestlemania, everyone here will then pat themselves on the back because "Triple H finally acknowledged the fans", when in reality, the plan to have Bryan win the title at Wrestlemania has been locked for a while and it is so baffling people here could not see it.
I think you're reading too much into his statement. He was just making a point that the reality was he was going to end Daniel Bryan, not actually starting a new era.

Even if I'm wrong, TV-14 is NEVER coming back. They have too much to lose by stripping away the PG rating. Advertisers will walk away and they make SO much more money by being kid-friendly. I think it's time now that everyone moves on from the notion that it will ever return.
Iwc fans are so stupid. Guys triple h was making fun of you guys. There never was a reality era you guys just made it up in 2011.
Listen daniel bryan is boring, he is like a powderpuff of a man yet you all love him correct? We can agree that you ALL are madly in love with a dude right? Ok with that being said you are showing the world that wrestling fans are super gay now. He is just a regular guy but you are soooooo drooling over him, it's very weird and creepy so nooooo you will not see a tv-14 cause you don't deserve it, you will get what you deserve and that is little fairies prancing around like darren young and daniel bryan. Be happy this is what you are all begging for and now after wrestlemania the fruity little wrestling fans will have the champ they demanded, while the rest of us are stuck in baby land.

Yes, that powderpuff of a man who wrestles great matches all the time, has been known to work multiple times in a night and still have great performances, and still get over with the fans is such a powerpuff. I mean the bearded woodsman is such a prancing fairy. I mean he'd never take a beating because it might "ruin his looks", You're kidding right? I hope you're kidding because if you're not even logical to think this way.

You're a fool and I'm going to tell the truth. I don't want tv-14 coming back if it means shortening people's lives with chairshots, having people promoting alcohol abuse, and cursing every third word. If that's great wrestling entertainment to you, you can keep it.
For people who constantly demand innovation and new things, a lot of wrestling fans are living in the past.

Why do you people have this imaginary notion that edgy TV equals good TV? I mean, I know TV shows these days are as bloody and violent as ever, but it's not why they're successful. It's because of awesome writing, excellent dialogues, continuity and overall intrigue. Cliff hangers, cool plot twists, interesting character development, clever writing. That's what makes a TV show good. Violence, blood and sex just enhance the concept, they don't make it worth a damn.

The same applies to wrestling. Even though the genre is different from your regular TV show, it's still in the same ball park. If wrestling sucked, it's because the writing was lazy, the storylines were uninspired, the characters were bland.

Make any excuses you want, they are mildly relevant. The death of WCW impacted wrestling - sure. UFC impacted wrestling - sure. But all of this resulted because wrestling lost its edge. Not its "boobs" edge, but its creative edge. Its entertainment value. McMahon got lazy post WCW and has been coasting since. He's running on fumes. Right now WWE makes money through everything BUT Monday Night RAW. Ratings are still in the gutter in comparison with other years. Don't be confused by the buzz, it's Mania season. See you in a month after Mania when Daniel Bryan has overcome his odds and all of his appeal is lost because ... well, we got what we wanted. Then what?

In the WWE you can see glimpses of good TV. Daniel Bryan is good TV. CM Punk was good TV. Everything else is crap. I repeat - everything else is complete garbage. It's the same lazy stuff we've seen for a long time. It's not good. End of story.

So now, TV-14 won't do anything for the product. Innovation won't either. Work with the essentials of what a good show is and you will please your fans even more. We all recognize good television, we've just been away from it (in wrestling) for so long, this boring shit is the standard.

Once the art of writing a compelling show is reintroduced in WWE's creative team, we'll see some real changes. Until then - wrestling will be pretty uninspiring. None of it now is interesting. TNA is trying to do it and they're close but not there. WWE does it with one storyline per year. The indies are not even on the radar.

Kinda sad, but at least there's still wrestling. It could be a lot worse.
The wwe went so child friendly for a while that it was almost embarrassing for anyone but a child to watch.but that was not due to the rating wwe where doing there best to repair the bad reputation they got from the attitude/post attitude years and it worked parents now think its safe to let there kids watch wwe again hence a whole new generation of fans.it was never the rating though it was wwe restricting themselves for there own gain.having said that recently i have noticed a bit more intensity in there shows the matches seem faster pace with more risks involved and a lot of the segments have more of an edge to them.i dont expect to see blood splattered everywhere or naked divas strutting around anytime soon but they do seem to be finally reaching a fair balance in entertaining both children and adults equally imo.
Why cant they go to the TV-14??
The big bang theory has rating TV-14, and they have over 10 MILLIONS watching live. WWE's ratings is going down... And i think they should try to do it TV-14. They say that PG is for every age? Actually it for 5-13, 50-70.
WE WANT TO SEE FUCKING WRESTLING, WE WANT TO SEE BEATING LIKE ON THE PAST RAW! I've really tired of all of that, of this fucking era.... But the SHEILD is only thing worth to watch in WWE.
Why is people making threads about a "reality era" ?
HHH just used the term to play around it during his promo, pretty much mocking the term and using it to express what he is going to do at WM 30.
I'm confused. The poll question asks "should we go back to Tv-14" and the title asks "will wwe go back to tv-14"....if it's the former then hell phucking yea we should. If it's the latter, then no probably not unfortunately.

However, since I tuned back in full time when Rock, Nash, Jericho, and Brock came back it seems as though they have been slowly taking steps in that direction. Like the OP said, there have been situations where the content really didn't reflect a PG rating. It's been continuing on this path for some time and HHH's beating of DB was evidence that it has increased significantly.

I think it's because guys from the old school have been coming in and out and HHH having more of a say in things. Obviously he feels this way judging by the remarks he makes about the fans and wrestlers being little biotches nowadays.

Why someone wouldn't be in favor of this trend continuing is beyond me. Yes, more violence doesn't necessarily mean better entertainment but it certainly can work in conjunction with it. It's happening now, again with HHH and DB...great storylines with brutality. A perfect match. I don't know what kind of man doesn't like that...but to each his own I guess.
When it comes to the labels of PG or TV-14, I think a LOT of people get too hung up on them.

Generally speaking, most of the time when a lot of people go on about TV-14, they think it was much better because wrestlers cursed more or that blood was used in some matches or that the Divas walked around sometimes in nothing more than a G-string, high heel shoes and pasties covering their nipples. That's not going to be coming back as Triple H's "Reality Era" comment was another jibe at the internet. I've seen the term "Reality Era" used at various times on the WZ forums and I'm sure it's been on others as well.

When it comes to wrestlers swearing more in their promos, the problem isn't the use of swear words, it's that Vince McMahon is such a control freak and is so distrustful that he wants to be absolutely sure what's gonna come out of the wrestlers' mouths.

As far as blood goes, there's no real use in it when you get right down to it. Sure, the sight of blood in some matches does add a certain visual element to the match itself, but it's not necessarily essential. Besides, bleeding all over a someone who might have an open cut or getting blood in his mouth is a good way of catching something. Abdullah the Butcher had Hepatitis for years, didn't tell anyone, and wound up giving it to some guy at an indy show several years back. If I'm not mistaken, the reason Cowboy Bob Orton was released back in 2006 had to do with having Hepatitis C. He bladed during an angle with The Undertaker, though he claims that he told big Johnny about it. Orton's side was that he was still told to go through with it and that everything was cool. Taker didn't know about it and got Orton's blood all over him; allegedly, he went ballistic backstage and rightly so. He wasn't infected, so he lucked out. With as many ring rats as some of these guys in WWE and on the indy scene bang, there's no telling what sorta infections might be running around in their systems.

As for essentially using the Divas as *********ory fodder, it won't fly in this day and age. Various political groups, women's rights organizations, feminist organizations, sponsors and politicians would be all over WWE. Remember, we live in a time where every single thing is blown out of proportion and turned into a federal case.
what we need is a storyline like db and the whole kane and authority vs the shield right now along with matches like luke harper vs cena....... i mean damn man, people were chanting this is awesome during a match with cena and one of brays "stooges" i mean the matches are getting better and some storylines are starting to pop up. one of the last storylines i think was good was the miztruth im being held down storylines. we dont need a lot of boobs & blood if they take the harper match and shield storyline and spread some of that to some other superstars.
No. Why should it? If you NEED them to cuss, bleed, flip off, show titties, and be grotesque, you probably aren't actually a wrestling fan. It's easy to get people to react to crazy things. Jerry Springer, 90% of the tude era Raw undercard, and most reality shows do it. It's not that hard.

I like it when guys have to be more creative and make no mistake, they have to be more creative when they can't just do something wild to get over. I DO think the tone will change, maybe more sophisticated/reality based though. In other words, more Zeb Coulters, less Boogeyman.
I think some people forget what the PG rating actually means, so here's a reminder:

Quoted from tvguidelines.org
Parental Guidance Suggested
This program contains material that parents may find unsuitable for younger children. Many parents may want to watch it with their younger children. The theme itself may call for parental guidance and/or the program may contain one or more of the following: some suggestive dialogue (D), infrequent coarse language (L), some sexual situations (S), or moderate violence (V).

The PG rating still gives WWE plenty of leeway should they need it. If they need a swear word or two, then fine. If they need a small amount of blood for a promo or a match, then okay. They just don't have carte-blanche to do it in excess under this rating, which is just fine with me.

If WWE's creative staff can't create compelling television within the boundaries of this rating then it's a problem with the staff, not with the PG rating. WWE has been PG more than it's been TV-14, and some of its best moments and matches occurred under the PG rating. Creative has no excuses.

It seems like modern WWE hasn't fully tested its boundaries under this rating and at times has limited itself more than it actually needs to. It's not surprising either. WWE's had to deal with quite a few controversies in the past decade and a half. Any time they do something controversial storyline-wise, fans and the media are right there to jump down their throats.

Should they feel compelled at some point to return to TV-14, I won't be against it. I just don't think they need it any time soon.
No it shouldn't return. WWE is better off PG.. Some people might not like it, it may be more entertaining as TV-14 to some people, but those people are going to still watch a PG product. All of WWE's sponsors prefer the product to be PG. That's a big reason why they keep the product PG, to please the sponsors.
So what that being said I think we should go back to TV-14. From what I read on twitter they may but that's only a rumor. I think they should go back to TV-14 and debut the new logo after Wrestlemania. And that's my final verdict,and that's my "Reality."


The reality that the WWE most likely isn't going to change anytime soon is probably going to come crashing down on your world and hit like a ton of bricks.

As seen on last nights Raw Triple H announced 'The Reality Era.' Now with how can you make a PG show more 'reality' based.I mean there is no blood,bearly any cursing,no chairshots for real,hell your not even allowed to throw up.How can we make this 'Reality Era' seem real with real life stuff.

What Triple H said was more of a reference to that the Daniel Bryan fans are going to wake up from their dream world and into "reality" when Triple H beats Bryan and proves that the people of the YES Movement are living in a fantasy instead of reality. But, to add to the rest of your post, there doesn't need to be blood, cursing, and chair shots to make a good show. If the WWE was to add all of that stuff with no type of real reason for it, then you might as well move it from Monday and Friday nights and stick it between shows like Maury and Jerry Springer during the afternoon.

You don't get frustrated and say shut the heck up. No you say shut the hell up.

Which they do.

You don't get hit in the head with a chair and not pour you bleed like hell.

Which is one of the reasons chair shots to the head have been banned in the WWE. That and it's a serious concussion risk and with the ever growing knowledge that people are getting about concussions, it's probably for the better that head shots aren't used that much if at all.

When people throw up on someone even though it is discussing we don't want a "Nickelodeon turkey bumper" censoring it.

What about a the standard FCC black bar when people are throwing up then? It's not like the WWE didn't censor things when they needed to back when it was TV-14.

You want it to seem real again then bring this stuff back.They say they keep it PG for the kids.But didn't Vickie call AJ Lee a bitch last night,didn't Rock have kids chanting "Boots2Asses."

Both of these incidents fall under the PG rating.

We want reality like quality in the era known as the 'Reality Era.'Another thing kids of all ages cuss as well.I have a 3 year old nephew who's first word was "Shut up bitch." Not that I think they should cuss.But this is WWE how do you not want to set a bad example when you have men beating the hell out of each other,turning on their friends for titles,and occasionally calling each other punk bitches.

And 95% percent of the time it's the good guy who didn't turn on his friend, didn't resort to underhanded acts, and things like that who comes out on top in their feud. As for that other 5% of the time, if the good guy didn't win then, either he or someone else is bound to beat the bad guy. Moral of the story could be that the WWE could be putting out is, be good and good things will happen.

That is my point WWE is not no "nickelodeon" promotion for 8 year olds.The WWE is for grown ass man and women who's actions won't be influenced by it.

You're right, the WWE isn't catering to 8 year olds. The WWE is for anyone who wants to watch it. It's a show that the family can sit on the couch and enjoy together. Families are more likely to pay for the ppvs as opposed to the grown men and women who are more likely to click on a link and watch it for free. Families are more likely to go out and buy the merchandise as opposed to older men and women who show up in some old school shirts that they bought when they were kids. To quote Triple H it's what's "best for business."
I think the current product of the WWE,is fine the way it is now.. I dont want a TV 14 programming to return,the product is at a great place right now.. It has something for everyone,i dont want to see chair shots to the head again.. The writers and producers lately are on a roll. True some years ago,it wasn't as good as it is now..

If wrestling was boring its due to the writers not coming up with anything to draw the people in.. The product has something for everyone,kids,adults we can all get behind.. Its truly great right now..

As far as the Reality Era goes,there is no reality era! Trips was indeed playing it up,to say what he will do at WM30
I don't exactly disagree with anything said about Trips making fun of the supposed Reality era, but I think we have seen a very slightly increased acknowledgement that kayfabe is wearing thin with live crowds and the WWE has to adapt to this change in the context of their programming.

I'm not saying they're going to change anything drastically, but they do also have to book a little differently. Triple H's meta-work of Daniel Bryan fans over the last few months is a perfect example. The angle has worked for the kayfabe kiddies and for the knowledgeable longtime wrestling fans, and I think you'll see more of that in the future. In that sense, maybe there is a tiny little something to the idea that we're entering a new era.
lol the "reality era" isn't real. And if it were real most of you shouldn't be looking forward of it because Triple H's realiy era is one were 175lb men don't beat 275lb men. The fakest thing about pro-wrestling is that guys like Daniel Bryan don't get destroyed in a matter of seconds.
Meh. I'd rather have a strong writing/strong promo/strong character era over a boobs, beer and cuss words era. That type of stuff gets old when you aren't 13 anymore.

I wouldn't mind a more relaxed standard of language so we don't have to hear dumb shit like poopy head, but profanity and nudity won't cover up the real problems in the WWE over the past few years: shitty booking, boring/bland characters, and bad writing. The fixing of those things are far more important than a TV rating.
lol the "reality era" isn't real. And if it were real most of you shouldn't be looking forward of it because Triple H's realiy era is one were 175lb men don't beat 275lb men. The fakest thing about pro-wrestling is that guys like Daniel Bryan don't get destroyed in a matter of seconds.

This really isn't always the case. Even in a real fight a skilled man can beat a larger man. Before mma became main stream and adopted weight classes Royce Gracie was famous for beating men that were larger than him.

To use a former pro wrestler as an example Dan Severn was submitted by Royce Gracie. Severn weighed about 250 to 260 and Gracie was about 175. There's no reason a "reality era" couldn't include booking that featured wins by smaller "skilled" guys over slow brawlers. Of course this point is mute as the reality era isn't a thing.
This really isn't always the case. Even in a real fight a skilled man can beat a larger man. Before mma became main stream and adopted weight classes Royce Gracie was famous for beating men that were larger than him.

To use a former pro wrestler as an example Dan Severn was submitted by Royce Gracie. Severn weighed about 250 to 260 and Gracie was about 175. There's no reason a "reality era" couldn't include booking that featured wins by smaller "skilled" guys over slow brawlers. Of course this point is mute as the reality era isn't a thing.

Not to mention, even in pro wrestling, you hear backstage stories about how guys like Chris Jericho beat Bill Goldberg, or how Joey Styles knocked JBL all the way the fuck out lol. A skilled smaller fighter beating a musclehead isn't unrealistic at all. A more legit style of "combat" in the WWE might actually mean more smaller guys win. Only thing is, it's hard to fake MMA style combat because it's so physical.
TV-14 would help ratings sure, but it wouldn't help the product.

Sure, more people would tune in to see the swearing, violence, and if its anything like the attitude era, barely clothed women, but how would that make for better stories? Better matches?

IMO, I prefer matches without ref bumps and chair shots to the head. Just two wrestlers going at it with violence that makes sense. Extreme Rules matches should only be for serious rivalries, not to just pop some ratings

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