Will this King of the Mountain "Tourney" truly change the landscape of TNA?

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Occasional Pre-Show
I for one was very excited to see Cornette make this announcement on last week's impact. Getting some fresh blood into the title scene and what not. I think if they do this correctly, it could be a great thing for TNA. The title scene has gotten quite a bit stale as of late and a shake up is exactly what I think the company needs.

So far we have Kurt Angle in the King of the Mountain. I understand this as it wouldn't be right to "strip" the guy of the belt and not put him in this match. I for one just hopes he doesn't win the title....not right now anyway.

I hope we see a pairing of something along the lines of Angle, Joe, A.J. Styles, Chris Harris, and Christian in this match. Not a huge mix-up but it would get Styles back in the picture and Harris in the picture, since it appears that he and Storm might be finished feuding for the moment. With this combination you could see a match list the next few weeks something along the lines of this:

Sting-Samoa Joe (already booked if I'm not mistaken)

A.J. Styles-Christopher Daniels (have not seen this match in awhile)

Chris Harris-James Storm (culmination of their feud)

Christian-Jarrett (this would be the most sensible if Jarrett doesn't take an extended break because of what happened with his wife)

Now if you have the pairing of above you could see Joe winning the title and then have Angle scream about getting screwed by TNA and Cornette. This leading to some sort of confrontation with Cornette and Jim saying he would make Angle's life a living hell. Putting him against insurmountable odds each week before getting a title shot.

In the meantime have Joe feuding with A.J. Styles over the title, seeing some classics from them once again. Having them feud for awhile with Joe holding on, setting up another Joe-Angle program which is always going to be good for some great matches.

For Sting you can see him and Daniels begin their program starting at Slammiversary and going on for awhile. Seeing this new version of Daniels shine through, although psychotically, something like Raven from a few years back.

For Chris Harris I say throw him in a feud with Robert Roode. See which guy can rise to the top and make it to the next level. I think this would be a great program between the two. Both have personality and this could be a good feud.

Have Jeff Jarrett in some type of feud with James Storm. They have a past together from Planet Jarrett and you could play that up. Storm could say that Jarrett has got soft and forgot what his direction should be.

In the X-division I would have Lethal finally win the X-division title and have Sabin move on to a tag team with Alex Shelly. This would be an amazing pairing and would give Lethal time to shine. Possibly have him start his feud with Sonjay or Petey Williams or both. Could you imagine the 3-way dance matches we could see out of these 3.

For the tag teams I say you have a one and out match with Team 3-D and the Steiners, culminating at Slammiversary with 3-D retaining the titles. Then you could possibly see a face turn by the Steiners and have them feud with L.A.X. over a number one contender's spot. For 3-D's next opponents you could see the next team of Sabin and Shelly start feuding with 3-D and have them take the titles from 3-D eventually.

Abyss can feud with Mitchell's new project, possibly Banderas. For this program to be a hit we need to see a return of Mitchell to his more psychotic state and not the soap opera antics that we've seen with bringing Abyss' mother in and saying that Abyss shot his father, blah blah blah.

Eric Young can be Eric Young, possibly have him in a feud with someone like Austin Starr if he returns or Senshi.

VKM....well hopefully they'll drop off the face of the Earth, just my opinion.

With some of these programs even more I think you would see a more rejuvinated product and this would definately fill two hours of programming if they get to this point until the addition of possibly Sabu and RVD. What do you guys think of this plan. Any suggestions.
KOTM this year will be different....
Christian v joe, v angle v___ v (Robert Rude?)
I would say that JJ would be in the match... but since his wife has passed I am not sure.. I think it would be the right thing to do but not let him win..
Its time for a new champ in TNA but I think Chritian is doing GREAT in the spotlight. I would not put the belt on angle yet

Honestly... I am tired of Rhino being the loser all the time... he keeps puttin people over but gets no title? I would love to see Rhino as champ for a few months and have sting.. or someone win in off him..
Basically Sting needs 1 more title run before he retires this year.

TNA is lacking b/c of 1hr slot... If they got 2 hours or another show... they would be doing great especially developing tallent.
Harris and/or Storm will not be in the match.

It most likely will be Angle v. Christian v. Joe v. Sting v. Styles

Really. Styles should be the first person to hold the TNA title. He holds it for a while and fueds with Angle, producing great matches until Angle finally wins and fueds with Joe until Joe gets the title from Angle. Just how I think it should go.
Really. Styles should be the first person to hold the TNA title. He holds it for a while and fueds with Angle, producing great matches until Angle finally wins and fueds with Joe until Joe gets the title from Angle. Just how I think it should go

I agree or have it the other way round and have Joe win angle second then AJ.

So far qualified is Angle and Joe and the match booked for next weeks impact is...Styles vs Jarrett. i cant see Jarrett winning because of his wife's passing, so i presume AJ will win, because if not what match is AJ going to be thrust in to at slammiversary....
I think that AJ deserves to be the first TNA Champion. It will be a breath of fresh air to TNA. But I think they are going to give Joe the strap. All I know is that I cannot be angle. Angle needs to turn to a full blown heel like he did in WWE before he wins the title.
I doubt this will truly change the landscape of TNA much at this point. The landscape was pretty much changed when they started hiring all the WWE talent and pushing them to the top so I don't expect it to change overnight. Angle hasn't even been in town for a year and hasn't even won the title yet, so I honestly would predict him to be the guy walking out of Slammiversary sporting the gold...IF his run to MMA doesn't take place. Otherwise, it's kind of a crapshoot as the only guy I'd see sporting the title as a legit heel that can really garner sufficient heat is Cage. He's the only one they've been able to keep a solid heat build around on a consistent basis in recent months. At present, Jarrett wouldn't get booed for anything because of all the personal issues he's had to deal with, so that is out of the question. If not Christian, then I'd probably look for Joe or Angle to take it. Anyone else in the match will likely just be for filler sadly. Hopefully I'm wrong and they throw a wild curveball...but I'm not always that lucky, so who knows?
I hope that Cage wins, he is one of the best on the mikes right now and has great heat. After it should maybe lead to a Cage Vs Joe feud which ends up leading to Joe wining the title at maybe Bound For Glory? Which would give more than enough time for Cage to do some dastardly deeds to really build his heat to even greater levels and have a Joe win mean that much more and the perfect timing with the hopefully 2 hour show talks of in the fall!
I agree with the thoughts of Cage being the best heel at this point but I don't know how much heat he will truly garner as he is still cheered by a big percentage of the fans. If they put the belt back on Christian I hope they do some things to make him a full blown heel. I don't know how they could do this as Team Cage did leave Abyss a bloody mess a few weeks ago and he's still getting cheered, of course this might be the case no matter what he does. I would like to see him do some truly evil things to one of the fan favorites and try to get him over as a heel in that way.

Angle as a true heel would be great to see again, possibly have him teaming with Cage and having them do some truly evil sh#$ would be fun to see. Maybe have Cage play up his Canadian roots and have Angle denounce the U.S. I know this would be truly old school and I don't know how it would come off but just a thought. Could you imagine Angle coming out in maple-leaf wrestling gear. Would be pretty funny.

As far as the title scene after Slammiversary I would prefer to see Joe get it just because it is about damn time. If not they need to make it like a quest for Joe how he keeps coming up short. Have him talk about his quest for the title, make it out to be a RVD in the original ECW type story behind it. That would make it mean even more when he does get the belt.

If not Joe I would love to see Styles win another title. I would like to see him win over anyone but I just think Joe is more deserving seeing as how Styles has had the title before. If Angle does go heel I would like to see Styles go back to his face roots but keep his new attitude and persona, make him more of a tweener but I would like to see him stop being Christian's lacky.

In conclusion I have to give it to TNA the last few weeks. They are truly mixing up the main event scene on Impact each week. I think this could hopefully change the landscape of at least the main event scene, which is truly what the company needs at this point as it has been centered around Cage-Sting-Angle for a little too long in my opinion.
Here's the way I see it:

Kurt Angle vs Samoa Joe vs AJ Styles vs Christain Cage vs Robert Roode

as far as a winner goes...I'll have to say I see Samoa Joe taking the gold home with him. AJ and Christian have both had more then one run as Champ...so I don't think either oneof these two will get the belt back so soon. Angle has been with TNA less then a yearand i don't think he's really ready for a title run yet...and Robert Roode is definitely a future champion but that's just it...he's a FUTURE champion he has the potential and the heelheat to be a successful champ with a long run as champion but it's way too soon for Roode....This is why TNA needs another mid-level title i mean i know the X-Division has no weightlimits but honestly outside Samoa Joe the whole division has been nothing but Cruiser/Light-Heavyweight guys...maybe a TV title or something like that to put guys like Roode, Tomko, Chris Harris, maybe even Rhino chances to really shine instead of just jobbing to real main-eventers
I think giving Samoa Joe the title would be the best thing for the company, he deserves that title and would a good person to represent TNA as the new alternative to WWE hes got grea mic skills and even better in ring skills

as for robert roode being in the kotm match i dont see it, i see him and eric young having some sort of match for control of erics contract
I agree that it should be Joe. Guys like him are the future for TNA. And while I love Kurt Angle, the only reason he's not the future for TNA is because guys like Joe, Daniels, and AJ have the youth factor weighing in for them. Why I have not seen Samoa Joe with the title yet is beyond me. And I also agree that we need a new title for the mid carders. This way it helps to build some guys like Truth, Robert Roode, Lance Hoyt, Harris and Storm, etc. TNA needs a solution for the talent that's between the X-Division and the World Title. If they had something like that, then they wouldn't have problems with the mid card talent and it might have kept Monty Brown in there, not that I'm missing him. But yeah, I say Joe walks away with the belt.
Get Cage to be full fledged HHH type heat is for him to play on Jarrett for awhile. Everyone knows whats going on with Jarrett...but not put it on family issues...Have Cage keep putting down Jarrett as a coward and such and somehow during the ppv have Jarrett interfere or cut a pre recorded interview...then have Cage win and have another Cage/Jarrett fued while Sting/Daniels and Joe/Angle finish their fueds...not sure what to do with styles
Wow, I am shocked that I actually picked the Storm-Harris match. I honestly just found out about this when I tuned into Impact. I think it was a hell of an idea. A way to culminate their feuds and get one of them a world title shot. Even though I don't see either of them winning the title, at least it will put them on a higher level as singles competitors.

Even though neither won outright, I think it was a hell of a match and truly added to the KOTM Qualifying Tournament. These guys have ended up having a great feud after a slow start and I wonder if this is the last time we will see the two wrestle each other, at least for the time being.
I think that AJ deserves to be the first TNA Champion.

I think it should be AJ as well. AJ has been with TNA since day 1, plus depending on the finish a AJ/Christian feud or AJ/Joe feud would be nice follow-ups to this ppv.
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