Will there be another SNME any time soon?


Dark Match Winner
I am not sure if this thread has been done recently but I didn't see it anywhere.

I was thinking though about how much I enjoyed the previous couple Saturday Nights Main Event shows and was wondering if there will be another one in the near future?

I thought it was so cool to be able to watch a wrestling show out of the blue on a Saturday night and for the most part have almost PPV type matches.

I thought this was a neat concept to throw in once in a while so I'm curious as to whether they have scrapped the idea of doing them anymore or will Saturday Nights Main Event come back again?
I would love to see it back, I'm way past my 'gotta go out because its Saturday' phase, so I wouldnt mind watching some good wrestling. When I was a kid, I use to watch SNME every chance I got, it had that 'big time' vibe to it that Superstars didnt. Will they bring it back? Maybe, I dont know the ratings from the last few, but if they were good, then I dont see why not. I would much rather watch something new on a Saturday night instead of a PPV from half a year ago.
I really hope they bring SNME back for another show. It was always one of my faves growing up and it had my favorite match of all time, April 28th 1990, the Hart Foundation vs. The Rockers (when Demolition interfers). SNME always had good matches, a great atmosphere and was a launching pad for alot of fueds and storylines that started on that show back in the day.
They're having a Raw in MSG I believe in November. The last Raw I went to in MSG had the SNME taping afterwards. I know they like the "classic" aspect of MSG and SNME. So if it were to come back that would be a good choice for it to return.

I would like to see it back, and in particular at MSG, since I will be there.
The thing is, I'm an old-school fan that's watched WWF/E for a long time and to me the modern Saturday Nights Main Events just don't have the same feel as in the old days. It used to be all we had was the Saturday afternoon shows that pitted main-roster guy i.e. Ultimate Warrior against career jobber i.e. Barry Horowitz. Also they only had the 4 major PPVs(WM, SummerSlam, Survivor Series & Royal Rumble). So when SNME came up it was a big deal because you got to see title matches and actual main event type matches. These days there are no actual jobbers(excluding those guys Big Show squashed a couple weeks ago). So every match is "established star vs. established star". Add that in with the fact that we already have something like 6 hours of wrestling every week.

All that said, if they do a SNME ever again it should atleast have a WHC or WWE title match as the ME to draw viewers. Even if the match ends in a DQ or no contest, just the mention of having a heavyweight title match would make more people watch.
I doubt they will do saturday night main event anytime soon, they tried bringing it back a while back and think it did poorly in ratings, its hard when they have so many shows right now, raw, smackdown, use to have heat, ECW, NXT now, superstars and more, sorry but they have so many shows going on they should focus on improving what they have before bringing back SNME, when wrestling was just on the weekend it was cool the have SNME when I was growing up now there is so much wrestling on TV its becoming boring cause a lot of the stuff seem water down, they need to go old school, get rid of the PG cause honest with the way kids are these days, I doubt a little blood and violence on TV is going to do anything, there is more violence everywhere, if parents do not want them watching it they should do something about it, SNME use to be what the pay-per-views are now, having supposely great matches once a month or so
I doubt they will do saturday night main event anytime soon, they tried bringing it back a while back and think it did poorly in ratings, its hard when they have so many shows right now, raw, smackdown, use to have heat, ECW, NXT now, superstars and more, sorry but they have so many shows going on they should focus on improving what they have before bringing back SNME, when wrestling was just on the weekend it was cool the have SNME when I was growing up now there is so much wrestling on TV its becoming boring cause a lot of the stuff seem water down, they need to go old school, get rid of the PG cause honest with the way kids are these days, I doubt a little blood and violence on TV is going to do anything, there is more violence everywhere, if parents do not want them watching it they should do something about it, SNME use to be what the pay-per-views are now, having supposely great matches once a month or so

Not to make this a PG vs not-PG thread, cuz lord knows there's enough of those, but if you want to go old school as you say then they don't need to get rid of PG. I mean the Hulkamania days are as old-school as you get and it was PG for the most part. The PG/not-PG argument is getting to be more stale than a fued between Cena and HHH. It's not about PG/not-PG, it's about quality entertainment, and right now it's good, but I personally would like to see a few more high-stakes(title) matches put out there on free t.v.. Not every week, but atleast once a month and maybe SNME could be the avenue in which to do such a thing.
PG / non-PG has nothing to do with SNME. I can tell you four reasons now why SNME would not succeed today:

1. WWE already has six (five after October 1) hours of original WWE product.
2. WWE has 13 PPVs in a calendar year, all featuring both brands. Airing another SNME would be a filler card.
3. The two SNME's in 2006 in prime-time and the four in 2007-2008 after hours didn't have great ratings.
4. The WWE is intent on doing a Tribute to the Troops and WrestleMania video package on NBC instead of wasting 90/120 minutes of programming.

Now, if we still had brand-only PPVs, it would make sense. The 2006 cards were a cross between PPV-quality and Monday Night quality, but with Friday and Saturday prime-time slots "death" amongst ratings, not a chance in hell.
No and there's no need for it. When SNME was a big deal there was no other national TV show for the company. Getting on national TV where everyone could see you was a huge deal for WWF and it worked very well. That being said, the final original episode of the show was about two months before Raw debuted. Once you had that, tehre was no need for SNME anymore. Now with up to 8 hours of WWE programming a week, the website, 24/7 and home video, there's no need for the specials on NBC. It's just not needed anymore so it won't come back.
Didn't they retire this show back in 2007? I could have sworn the last time that we seen this show was when Randy Orton RKO'd John Cena through a chair. And when they brought the show back in 2006 they had it on a regular basis. 2007 had a good amount of these shows as well. But 2008,2009 and now this year hasn't had a single one which should say that they have no intentions on brining it back. It's a retired show and hasn't been seen in over three years. Besides since they brought it back and hasn't been that special anyways. I remember one time they had Kane, Eugene, and Doink teamed up and defeated Kevin Thorn, Umaga, and Viscera on it in the main event. Thinking about that now makes me glad that they decided to pull the plug on it.
There's no reason for it. It was extra production costs for a show got extremely low ratings, compared to Raw and Smackdown. There wasn't any hype for any of the matches, so it might as well have just been a televised house show.

The entire thing just seemed like a waste of money and time.

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