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Will I Ever Return To The WWE? - JBL.

Johnny Scumm

InZayn In The Membrane
A questions I get daily on Twitter or Facebook I want to answer, and answer in a way I can point people to this blog-since I know I will continue to get this questions everyday from people who find me for the first time and want to know.

I want to say thank you for caring enough to ask the question.

Will I return to WWE? I doubt it, but you never know. I am not looking for a job and they are not asking me to return so it has not come up. I had to retire due to injuries, and yes, the 23 second match with Rey at Wrestlemania was my idea-at that point in my career due to injuries I could not have had any type of real match.

I was so hurt at that point that I literally couldn’t walk anywhere of distance and didn’t have the ability to work out. I hated being out of shape and realized I was tired of smoke and mirrors to hide my inadequacies-I didn’t want to be one of those old guys who had held on too long and I was in danger of becoming exactly that.

It’s taken over two full years but I am currently in the best health, and shape, I have been in over a decade. I am training for the NYC marathon on November 4th and am down to 240 pounds, my goal is to be down to 225 pounds by the marathon. To give an example, at the first match with Eddie (the bloodbath) I weighed in at 265 pounds-and was in good shape at the time-for me.

After the marathon I am climbing the tallest volcano in the world Chirabazo in Ecuador in February as part of a climbing school program in which my goal is to climb the seven summits-with Mount Everest being last in 4-5 years.

I play golf daily and workout regularly. I have a very healthy lifestyle living here in Bermuda. It has taken me a couple of years to get my health back and have no idea if I would lose that health again permanently if I returned. I had some short term memory problems when I first retired which has gone away.

Remember, I played 14 years of football before I wrestled 17 years, so my body has pretty much had it. I am happy to see it recovering because I wasn’t sure it would. I was really worried about my quality of life as I aged-I still don’t know long term effects, but it is great right now to feel good.

The most important thing I have ever done is working with some great folks here in Bermuda to put together a program for kids using rugby. The folks here are world class and we hope to start our program the second week of November.

This program is by far the most important thing I have ever been a part of, the ability to work with young people and, hopefully, influence them for the better is an amazing opportunity. I hope to make it my life’s work.

I do my Fox TV show on Friday mornings-so I stay here in Bermuda till Thursday, fly to NYC do my show and return on Friday.

Would there be any scenario I would return? Yes. I enjoy commentary and love performing-I am a lifelong wrestling fan who loved the art of the business. I hate travel and as you can see, for me; my life is just what I want right now. But, if the right spot opened up than WWE is my family and I would think strongly about returning. The one return I did in Dallas with Stone Cold and Michael Cole made me remember how much I loved the business.

So, we’ll see-odds are no return, but you never know.

Will I go to TNA? One of my best friends Bruce Prichard is there running talent relations and I have always gotten along great with Eric Bischoff as well as Dixie Carter-all I consider friends. I also have some wonderful friends working there as talent. It would be an enjoyable experience working there and their schedule is very appealing.

However, at the end of the day, I am a WWE guy-and would have a hard time working anywhere else. I had an offer to do radio somewhere other than TRN-who I worked for several years and I turned it down out of loyalty. I do my Internet show but that is with TRN’s blessing. Loyalty to me is always above money.
I’m not saying it’s 100 percent no option, but right now I have no desire to go anywhere other than WWE-even though I am not under contract and may never work there again. Odds are I will do something in the future, but maybe a one off-who knows. Wrestling though is pretty much off the table.

I am creating my own website www.JohnLayfieldShow.com that will be a fun place with all my media in one place-my radio show, blogs, videos and regular news stories. I hope to create an interactive fun place to get all one’s news.

I still do fundraisers for the troops through American Freedom Foundation which I am very proud of. As you can see I have my plate full-especially since I still have all my investments I look over as well. I am busy and happy, my golf game is terrible, but I live on a great golf course in Bermuda-Mid Ocean Club-and play almost daily.

Bottom line-I am not looking for a job and WWE is not looking to offer me one. I hope this answers the question I am asked most frequently. However, I have never enjoyed more the interaction of social media-it’s like being in the locker room again, a lot of fun without the travel.

Again, taken from his Facebook Page.

I was shocked to see that the Match against Rey was his idea!

Any thoughts?
I'll deny it. There are so many times I care to listen to ruminations about the brightness of the lights.

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