Will he do it again


Pre-Show Stalwart
I was watching SD with a friend of mine and during the Antonio Cesaro-Christian match we talked if Christian is going to win the big one ever again. My friend is sure he will win it and had some very good arguments. But in my opinion Christian will never going to be world champ again. And don't get me wrong I am a huge Christian fan ever since he was in a tag team with Edge and I will be very happy to see him as champ but I just can't see him win it again.
What about you?
I was watching the match with Cesaro and I said to myself. "Christian should not loose this match, if he does he looses all credibility he gained from being Heavyweight and Intercontinental champ over the months".

Then he won, so it was ok. But I really thought they were going to go the other way considering Antonio's current push.
My feelings on Christian is that he WILL be a #1 contender or in a tripple threat type match again in the next year or so YES. But he will not be the World Heavyweight Champion again NO. He cemented himself in the "Former World Champion" bracket which he deserved, and that made him a credible contender if WWE needed an extra slot or if injuries incur. Christian can be that guy in Elimination Chamber, Money In The Bank....any of those kinds of things.

But Christian will never hold the big titles agian....and does not need too.
I don't think I can ask anymore from Christian.

Leaving WWE for TNA, winning a world title there and then coming back to WWE and winning a World Title there as well is a big achievement, supposing that Vince may have punished him for leaving WWE.

Christian holding one more World Title reign or main-eventing will be good no matter what only because Christian is over with the fans and excels inside the ring. I really want to see Cena vs. Christian feud over the WWE Title.

Or I will put WHC Title on Christian and have him feud with new comers like Ziggler, Daniel Bryan, The Miz and Punk for a while.
I think Christian can still win at least two more World Heavyweight Championships and/or at least one WWE Championship. With the success that he gained in TNA as a two-time NWA Champion and as one of their solid main-eventers, the WWE couldn't help but make him a world champion in their company as well (and due to the fact that Edge retired), giving him the WHC twice in the very least, so I don't see why he can't win it again. Too bad they couldn't let him overshadow Randy Orton, making his two WHC reigns forgettable. Like what someone said in a previous thread, I would like to have their roles reversed, with Christian as the face and with Orton as the heel. It would have suited them better, with Orton putting Christian over, giving the latter the big, clean win.

After knowing that Christian fought and defeated Antonio Cesaro on Smackdown, I'll be quite interested if a feud between them would ensue, especially since I haven't seen much of Cesaro enough to interest me. He could put Cesaro over without him losing like with what Mysterio did to Ziggler during their feud. He can then move towards bigger and brighter things, both figuratively and literally, the World Title Picture.

If I were to choose whether Christian should win at least two more WHCs or at least one WWEC, I'd choose the latter. Please WWE, give Christian the WWE Title!
I think Christian has become extremly boring since his return!! He needs some kind of overhaul, I prefer him as a sneeky bitchy heel as too what he is now,But the same goes for Orton im sick too death of him and he has only been back two weeks..
He will definitely be a contender. I'm a fan of Christian and would personally like to see him have at least one more world title reign. Christian still puts on great matches. Rather face or heel doesn't matter, Christian deserves to be in the main event. If Sheamus retains at Summerslam i wouldn't mind seeing a Face vs Face feud, Christian vs Sheamus. Maybe even have a three way feud and add Randy Orton. It would be something different compared to his other defenses. He would have to defend against two former world champions. Both pushing Sheamus to the limit. They could have Sheamus get the win in the Triple Threat too and after going through a brutal match, Dolph Ziggler cashes in his Money in The Bank briefcase to become World Heavyweight Champion. Christian is good for title matches because he guarantees a good show. He makes the champion look good no matter what.
I think he will be in several more title matches, but i don't think that he will win one more WHC or WWE title, maybe he will be tag team champion or intercontinental champion again, don't get me wrong, i wish he would win the top titles again, but unfortunatly i don't see that happening.......
Christian is one of those guys that excels at making his opponent look good. He has done it many times in the past and will no doubt continue doing it. Unfortunately, he has never been a great draw. Yes, the fans like and admire him, but he has never been close to the top.

As for his holding the big one, I highly doubt it. Make no mistake, I would MARK out if that happens, but it is highly unlikely. He would be involved in a few triple threats and other multi-man matches, but likely lose while making his opponents look credible.
Even if Christian never touches the World Title, he is one of the most overachieving stars on the current roster.

Despite the fact he is talented, look at the facts: his look sucks, stopped the 'Capt Charisma' gimmick that got him over, and is seemingly the new version of Rey Mysterio.

I compare Christian to Rey, because if Eddie lived Rey wouldn't have been in a farting distance of the World Title. Same goes for Christian if Edge didn't suddenly retire. On that note, I still feel Edge's sudden retirement hurt Del Rio longterm...Edge shouldn't have retained in retrospect.
Will the WWE put a World's Title on Christian again? Maybe. Will it mean anything if they do? Not really.

We're in an era where having a World's Championship doesn't necessarily mean you're one of the top guys in the company, or even on the show. Champions are frequently minted so that they can lose the belt and be more credible mid-carders. Christian just isn't the kind of guy you build a show around. He's popular, sure, but a lot of wrestlers are popular. (If they aren't, they don't last long.)

Christian seems to be a focus on SmackDown whenever Randy Orton is injured, suspended, or what ever comes next to put Orton back on the shelf, and that's a good spot for him. He can move up and down the card without damaging his credibility, and that's a very vital role in any professional wrestling company. Under those terms, I can easily see the WWE putting another World belt on him. I don't, however, see the WWE building a television program around him as a champion, as they've done with Punk or even Bryan.
Ok one second @thelonecharles Christian may not have won the title that quick if Edge didn't retire but I still believe Christian would have won a heavyweight title. Edge vs Christian feud was going to happen that year for the title and I'm pretty sure Edge would have had no problem putting his buddy over. But back to the main topic I think Christian will win the world title possibly one more time but I don't think it can ever happen has a face. He is a way better heel.
Don't think he would pull it off again. If he went back to TNA which I doubt, maybe, but not in WWE. I think WWE is holding him back. In TNA he was main eventing week after week, PPV after PPV etc. Maybe Vince just wants to get back at him or something but Christian was from the Attitude/Ruthless Aggression era. There times are coming to and end and now it's time for the Reality era ppl. Christian's time is coming to an end in the WWE IMO. If he stayed in the WWE, he probably would have won maybe 1 or 2 world championships but I don't think he would have been as big as he was in TNA.
Honestly, the WHC might as well be the U.S. Title or the Intercontinental title. The WWE title is really the only top title in the business...the guy holding that is the champ. I have such little interest in when Ziggler is going to cash in his MITB because I know all he can win is the WHC. They should make that available to cash in on either champ...then you'd actually have some more mystery and guessing behind these things instead of knowing more or less what's going to happen.
I'd say there is a possibility, but I don't think he would ever become THE guy for a brand and have a good title run, he would be more or less a transitional champion and hold it for a month or two if someone gets injured or they just need to get the title off of somebody, his purpose on the main event stage now is to occasionally give an up and comer a good feud for the title where he never wins it but for now he will stick in the upper mid card doing occasional feuds and putting guys over.
WWE has done an awful job with Christian since his return. He had a much more interesting heel character before he returned and suddenly he's a face again with no real explanation for it[other than that he inducted Edge in the HOF]. Christian has been proving himself and his critics wrong since he became NWA Champion in TNA before. And since that time, he's been having great matches and proving himself to be worthy of being a champion. He went from getting consistent World Title matches and now he cannot even win a mid-card belt. Christian is one of the few people that excells as either heel or face and can make you take notice of a storyline. They've stuck him in pointless matches and lackluster feuds that anyone would be hard pressed to excell in.

Will he win again? I doubt it. It seems that McMahon has never believed Christian is main event material and the position he is stuck in proves that.
Christian's problem is perception, right or wrong he is viewed by WWE as a Top Mid Card Guy, he's a step below Kane and Big Show who are probably at the bottom of The Main Event tier. RAW 1000 didnt help his chances moving forward either, not when his match vs Miz LOST 890,000 viewers. When a Triple H promo does better than you thats not good.

Moving forward I think he'll shuffle around the mid card and if he's lucky he'll end up in a feud with some younger guy WWE cares about and his work will get noticed, maybe he'll move up. He is talented, just hasnt clicked with the audience the same way Edge did.
Before RAW 1000, I would have said it was almost a sure fire thing.

Christian was #2 babyface on Smackdown, in the top 5 faces in current full timers. And he was establishing a soild run as IC champ, which he hasn't done in a long time. I was sure that Vince was taking him more serious and he was going to be in that top tier for awhile.


His IC reign was starting to lag and he lost the belt to the Miz, which was probably a good decision.

Then RAW 1000 saw Taker, Rock, Lesnar, HBK, HHH, return and he became an afterthought. And since then...
-Rey Mysterio returned
-WWE is taking to Damien Sandow
-WWE is taking to Jinder Mahal
-Ryback is getting promo time now
-Lesnar/Heyman/HHH/HBK taking up air-time

So while he may have expierience another boost, I think it is all too apparent that Vince has no plans for him to be a World Champ again and honestly (Even as a huge Christian fan) I can't really blame him. At most MAYBE a short WHC reign if someone is injured, circa Khali 2006.
I'm afraid not, much like Rey Mysterio, I think the only reason Christian won the World Title is because of the circumstances with Edge, it obviously came as shock to the company and the fact that he dropped the title just '5 days later' proves that the WWE didn't really have a storyline in place. As for me saying much like Rey, that is just relating to - in my mind - the fact that I don't believe that Rey Mysterio would have won the World Heavyweight Championship at WrestleMania 22, if not for the unfortunate death of Eddie Guerrero.
Christian achieved more in his return to WWE than I ever thought he would. I was a huge Christian fan when he and Edge first split. I thought he was on track to challenge for the WWE title before he left for TNA. He kind of stalled out right before going to TNA and winning their title. When he returned to WWE I never thought he would win the big one. He did and had a great feud with Orton, but sadly I think that will be all for him as far as the World Title goes. I think he may challenge for it, but will be for the reason of putting the champ over. Christian has definitely overachieved and I would think he is happy with his career.
Christian is a great utility guy with star credibility. But I think his days at the top of the card are over. I noticed he lost his match to Sandow last night. Regardless if he ever wins another world title, he will always be needed in WWE. If anything, Christian should be remembered as an unselfish star who is willing to put the future of the company above his own ego. Kind of similar to the role Jericho now plays, granted Jericho is protected more and is a much bigger star than Christian.
Christian is a great utility guy with star credibility.

Well put. Christian has essentially the same qualifications as the modern-day Chris Jericho; a former champ with great credentials whom you know is always going to acquit himself well no matter who he's fighting.....yet someone whose title-holding days are mostly over. I say "mostly" because it's sometimes necessary for guys like Christian/Jericho to win a major title for a short time in order to keep their reputations intact as almost-champs.

In any case, just as Jericho battled C.M. Punk in a series of matches for the title, there was obviously no intention by management of his winning the belt, right? But his being there served Punk well and gave the organization a top-level contest to promote. The same with Christian: he wrestles at the level of Sheamus, Orton or Bryan.....or anyone else who holds the title or is getting close to it. Christian gives instant credibility to anyone who squares off against him, but I think his days as champion are numbered, unless it's a transitional thing to keep his own rep at a high level.

All this is representative of a career well-spent.....not over, but on cruise control.
I don't see Christian getting another run as World Champion anytime soon, if ever. There are too many other younger guys on the rise right now and the title scenes for both the WWE and World Heavyweight Championships are either set or about to be set for the forseeable future.

I'm a fan of Christian, have been for a very long time, and I'd have no personal problem if he got himself another title run. It's always nice to see wrestlers with talent and work hard get to the top, even if it's just for a little while. However, Christian's best role right now is probably putting over other talent while still looking great in the process. He beat Cesaro in a relatively short but good match. Cesaro looked good and it looked like the match could go either way. With Cesaro possibly winning the United States Championship this Sunday, I don't think things are over between he & Christian. If I'm not mistaken, his loss to Christian was his first one on one loss since coming to WWE.

There are a lot of talented young guys in the mid & upper mid-card picture right now that are much younger, fresher and healthier than Christian is. Guys that're showing a lot of promise like Cesaro and Sandow look to be on the rise. The Miz has returned, is the IC champ and will hopefully get back on track. A strong run with the title could do a lot for him. Cody Rhodes is someone that could easily move back into the mid-card title scene or main event picture at any time. Daniel Bryan is among the most entertaining guys going in WWE right now. Ryback is getting over well , as is Brodus Clay. There are several guys that haven't made it to the main roster yet, are said to be close and are already generating lots of positive buzz like Dean Ambrose and Seth Rollins.

Christian is still in good shape, he can still go inside the ring and still has what it takes. At the same time, he's getting older and he's started to have injury issues for the past little while. His ankle injury, for instance, kept him out for the last few months of last year and most of the first half of this year, including knocking him out of WrestleMania. Christian is someone that has a lot of respect and credibility among fans. Other veterans that are popular and have shown a lot of staying power over the years, such as Rey Mysterio and Kane, have also started to have issues regarding injury and age. While they're still able to deliver, and with their best days probably behind them, using that credibility to help put over others that're both younger and healthier might be a better role. I look for Christian to retire within the next few years, same with Kane & Mysterio, so it'd be a good way to use their status to elevate some lower guys on the roster.

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