Will HBK ever return for 1 more match?


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I'm a huge hbk fan and I have thought about this a lot since he retired. He had a great last match with Undertaker at Wrestlemania 26 and had a great send off at raw that was well deserved. He said he would never return again and that was truly his last match. WWE started to foreshadow a match with him and HHH dating back to Wrestlemania 27 and started to foreshadow it even more heading into Wrestlemania 28 when Undertaker kept saying HBK was better than HHH.
I personally think HBK will eventually go back on his word and have 1 more match which will take place at Wrestlemania 30 against his long time best friend to see who is indeed the best between the two for the first time in a singles match at Wrestlemania. He will be 48 by then and is still very capable of putting on one more good match. I think if it doesn't happen at Wrestlemania 30 that he will never return.
My question to you guys is do you think HBK will have 1 more match and if so, when would it take place and against who?
48 and still very capable? He retired for a reason.

I don't see it happening at all. HBK has had his time and he's done with matches altogether.

This is pure speculation.
He's no Flair.
I don't think he really has a reason to come back for one last match. Is he capible of it? Sure he is but will he? Good question actually. So many stars have come back for that one last match it would be safe to say you could go with the odds and say he will. Actually HHH is a good posible opponant in the senerio you mentioned but I don't actually see it happening. I think Shawn might actually stick to his word and be retired from the ring. He would be one of the first to do it and stay retired. Shawn does have some class and to go out on top and not come back certainly seals the legacy rather then to come back and be seen in less then the top of his game condition. I think you will still see Shawn in years to come here and there in bits parts. He has already stated he enjoys doing appearances like that. Sometimes its best to never say never so who knows really except Shawn himself.
I can't see shawn coming back for one more match.

The way he left was almost perfect, He's a smart guy and I'd like to think he's more than happy with how his last match went, Maybe some day if he has money issues we might be lucky enough to see him return.
I would like to see it but he seems pretty dead-set on not wrestling again. If you watch the Greatest Rivalries video of him and Bret, towards the end they show Bret and Shawn walking... Shawn walks pretty bow-legged and I don't know what condition his knees or back are in, or if he can achieve top form even with the time off.
I doubt it. There's no real reason for him to. HBK has done everything there is to do and is celebrated as, arguably, the overall greatest professional wrestler of his generation. The fact that he hasn't returned to wrestling, and probably never will, only makes his final match with The Undertaker at WrestleMania 26 all the more meaningful & memorable.

Retirement matches in pro wrestling mean damn near nothing, but Taker vs. HBK II at WM 26 was different because HBK has actually stayed retired. Michaels is almost 48 years old himself and his place in wrestling history is assured. I'd be thrilled to see HBK wrestle again, don't get me wrong. In the right program with the right guy, HBK would have another epic feud that people would be talking about for years. I just don't see it happening though. By all accounts, Michaels is content with his place in the world and with the other projects he currently has going on in his life.
I can't see it happening either. What more does he really have to do? I always wanted to see HBK/Rock, but at this point it doesn't matter to me. He retired for a reason, and seems pretty set on staying home with his wife and kids. He would probably come back and put on a 5 star match, but I just don't see him being like everyone else who "retired". I think he will stay true to his word and stay retired.
Shawn is my favourite wrestler of all time but I don't want him to come back for another match, I want to see Mania get back to having main events built around guys who are fully active roster members, as the part timer nostalgia crutch has went from being an addition to card's with Hogan in the early 2000's, to actually being the central focus of wrestling's biggest event, I don't want HBK adding to that.
HBK is better than that. He doesn't need wrestling to survive unlike most do. Although I'm sure he won't admit it, he probably would LOVE to be in the spotlight again at a Wrestlemania, but he knows he had a storybook ending to his career and will not want to ruin it.
I love HBK. I'm a huge fan of his and I definitely love to make the argument that he's quite possibly the greatest of all-time. However I don't want to see him in another match. Him coming back would just ruin the way he left. Based on what I've seen of his physical condition lately, even if he did come back for a main event match he wouldn't be able to perform at a very high level which is why we'd want to watch him in the first place. His knee and back condition really would limit him and both of the two finishers that we would be expecting require a healthy back and legs. I just don't see it nor do I want to.
Many moons ago, lots of members were sure that we'd get Punk v SCSA at WM. Now, while I respect both SCSA and HBK for their contribution to pro wrestling, I think Michaels has a better chance of having "one more match".

Good points have been made regarding HBK's knee and back, yes, but he was in the game (haha, phrasing) more recently and it's not his neck that's in trouble, which would be life-threatening. Perhaps I could see him work a good street fight.

I'm not saying that he SHOULD return or that he WILL, but I'm saying that if, indeed, we can believe Austin can do it, surely Shawn's odds are better.
I hate "one more matches." Hell, I hate that chant from the fans. It's so annoying. What's one more match gonna accomplish anyway? The only time I marked out for that one more match was when Ricky Steamboat returned and faced Chris Jericho. That was awesome, but it didn't ultimately accomplish anything. Yes, Chris Jericho beat one of his heroes, but did it matter? The same can be said here. Shawn Michaels had the final match of the year with the Undertaker. There was no better way to end his career. Returning for another match makes no sense. There's just no need for it. Look at Ric Flair for example. Shawn Michaels RETIRED him from the WWE, and yet the old man just won't stop. How does that look? He had his last great match, yet he's tarnishing that with all of these half-assed quality matches that will never surpass that. It's just kind of sad and embarrassing. If you retire, stay retired. If you want to continue, then don't retire in the first place; it just makes you look awkward otherwise.
Not gonna lie, a selfish side of me wants Shawn to come back. It happens every time I watch the Mania matches with Taker on DVD, but coming out of retirement for one more glory run (or in this case a match) past your prime never works out. Flair in TNA is a prime example, and fuck, if you want to use real sports as an example, Jordan with the Wizards. Bottom line, you don't fuck with a storybook ending, at all. Stay retired Shawn.
The Heartbreak Kid's retirement as it stands is sort of poetic as far as wrestling retirements go. He went out after having a classic match, at WrestleMania, against the last legend standing that was on his level, and he did so on his back. For me, Shawn staying retired bolsters his legacy. I don't want him to wrestle again, I don't want to fantasy book him wrestling again, and if he does wrestle again, I will pay good money to see it if need be. I really hope he doesn't put me in that position, though.
I want to look at this in kayfabe terms in a minute. First...

The selfish part of me would love to see Shawn return and work another ten years. I'd also love to see Undertaker and HHH work full-time, Chris Jericho to stop taking breaks every 6 months, and Rey Mysterio to stay healthy. Getting that out of the way...

Having Shawn return for another match would be disrespectful to the Undertaker and the stipulation put in place. Undertaker is one of, if not the, most respected men in the business, and Shawn returning to work again, even one more match, would be disrespectful to Undertaker's legacy, as well as Shawn's.

There was a part of me that wanted to see Shawn break the streak, just for his career to continue. But the man retired healthy and happy, in a great place in his life. With all the health problems he's had in the past, being healthy now, why return to risk injuring himself, tainting his legacy, and disrespecting his stipulation with Undertaker?

Involve him in angles, use him on the mic to put over others, hell, use him as a referee again. Just keep him out of the ring and honor the stipulation. It only adds to his legacy to do so.
I would like to see it but he seems pretty dead-set on not wrestling again. If you watch the Greatest Rivalries video of him and Bret, towards the end they show Bret and Shawn walking... Shawn walks pretty bow-legged and I don't know what condition his knees or back are in, or if he can achieve top form even with the time off.

Last I heard, his knees were part of the reason he retired. I think his knees are pretty banged up.
I'd bet money that he will return for one more match. Not an extended run, just one feud. NO ONE stay retired in professional wrestling.
A while back there were some rumors about HHH wanting to have his final match against HBK at Wrestlemania XXX, but HBK seems like he wants to keep his word about the retirement and make his one appearance around Mania time every year.
I hope not, his exit was PERFECT. Flairs exit was amazing as well and he ruined it by coming back for more. HBK is retired. He had an amazing farewell. He should ride off into the sunset and only come back like he has been lately.

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