Will Hart / McMahon surpass Austin / McMahon

What will be the better feud?

  • Hart vs McMahon

  • Austin vs McMahon

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Going on 10 years with WrestleZone
It's become known as the "McMahon Rub."

It made Stone Cold Steve Austin. It made The Rock. It made Mick Foley. It made Triple H. It's the benefit a wrestler receives when he aligns, feuds, or aligns and feuds with Vincent K. "Mr." McMahon.

Bret Hart's animosity with McMahon is steeped in real life drama, similar to Edge and Matt Hardy, only with 12 years of history and build up. Arguably the most significant event in wrestling history was when McMahon screwed Bret in '97.

So the question is - when we look back on what is going to happen for the next few years, will we look back on Hart vs McMahon as a bigger / better feud that Austin / McMahon?

Reasons Hart vs McMahon will be better

1. It's real life. The issues and history aren't kayfabe storylines, they are legit issues, and the fans know it.

2. We've wanted it for more than a decade. When the Cubs finally win a World Series, the world will go bat shit. Why? Because the franchise has waiting so damn long. 12 years is an eternity to a wrestling fan who is used to constant swerves and no off season, and Hart vs McMahon is something we've wanted since 1997.

3. Young kids can benefit. Though still in the perifory of the feud, Tyson Kidd and DH Smith can absolutely benefit from this feud if they get sent to Raw, which would be f'ing brilliant.

Reasons Austin vs McMahon will be better

1. A legit wrestler benefitted. We got to watch how McMahon impacted Austin's career because Austin was a legitimate contender for the WWF Title. He had guys around him to feud with. Hart isn't a title contender - he can't even wrestle. He's a 50-something stroke survivor, not a 30-something bionic redneck.

2. Austin vs McMahin launched an era. The Hart vs McMahon feud isn't going to re-create the attitude era the way Austin vs McMahon did, and a wrestling boom period isn't going to come out of this.

3. The idea is closure. The Hart vs McMahon feud exists to give fans - and those involved - closure on a bad situation. The idea of Austin vs McMahon was to start something.

I'd love YOUR thoughts on this question!
#1 Bret Hart vs. Vince McMahon might be a real feud, but it'll still be a scripted storyline. There will be some truth to what's said, but with a PG rating Bret Hart won't be able to say what he really thinks. He's also now a humble employee of the person he supposedly hates, couldn't hate him that much then.

#2 I waited 9 years for Bret Hart to return and he did with a perfectly enjoyable Hall Of Fame speech. Now what we'll get is WWE scripted mediocrity.

# 3 Kids would benefit more from watching the excellent Bret Hart DVD that came out in 2005. And why push DH Smitch & Tyson Kidd purely by association? They might be new to WWE but they're seasoned professionals who've been in the game for years. And in the time they've been wrestling they're yet to develop a half intresting persona and they're totally lacking any pizzazz.

Austin vs. McMahon was important and intresting, Hart vs. McMahon will only just manage to be intresting.
There is no doubt that McMahon vs. Hart is the better and more significant feud.

As IC25 mentioned, it is a real-life feud. These feuds are rare in the WWE's version of professional wrestling since one of the PG era's goals is to erase all of the shoot scenerios from the past and drive nothing but non-fictionary storylines into the heads of children under the age of 18.

Vince McMahon has been trying to erase the real-life drama that came out of the Attitude Era for the past five years. In the immediate years after the AE was over, Vince milked the remaining AE feuds and storylines for all they were worth and killed any shred of interest that the audience had in them. Once the PG Era began, the WWE's direction shifted to revolve around nothing but new storylines that make for good television. This is because the WWE has been shrouded in so much controversy in the past. Between the steroid scandals, sexual harrassment hearings, Benoit's double murder-suicide, and the overwhelming deaths of many former WWE superstars, the WWE is trying to move onto a clean slate and erase their tainted image of the past.

McMahon/Hart is the last shred of the negative reality of professional wrestling that exists in the WWE. It's the holy grail of a professional wrestling shoot. As a result of the feud, Vince, Bret, and the entire WWE will get the closure they've been begging for as it pertains to the Montreal Screwjob... an incident that's plagued them for over a decade. The best part about the feud is that the fans know how important it is, they are dying to see it, and they also want to move past it. It will bring fans of the past, present, and future together (possibly) one last time to milk the teet of the magic that occurred in the mid-to-late 90's.
It depends upon exactly what it is that you're looking for. When it comes down to pure entertainment value, I think that Austin/McMahon has the edge. It had a classic blue collar vs. white collar feel to it that a lot of people always find entertaining no matter what you're into. Austin was kicking the snot out of this evil, greedy, arrogant ultra capitalist that strutted around as if he owned the world. Austin, on the other hand, was a foul mouthed, blue collar, working class hero type that said what he wanted, did what he wanted and dared anybody to try to stop him. It was a perfect clash of personalities in terms of on screen characters.

When it comes to Hart/McMahon, there are real and legitimate issues between the two. In spite of whatever type of working relationship the two have come to have and agree upon, there's always going to be some very real tension between the two. I doubt that they're ever going to become personally close, they're probably not going to get together at one another's house, go out to the bars after the show and toss back a few like they did back in the old days. There's a reality to this feud that most other feuds in any company at anytime are just not going to be able to touch. Now, both Hart and McMahon have obviously been able to move past some stuff in order for Hart to even come back to the WWE, but I think there's always going to be some resentment and personal tension. It can make for an interesting storyline and compelling television. Somewhere over 6 million people tuned into the last 10-15 minutes of Raw to see the confrontation between these two. People are interested in it and they want to see what happens next. Is it going to be quite as epic as Austin/McMahon? Probably not. Bret Hart, while still in pretty good shape overall, had a stroke several years back and his days of going in there and wrestling a world class match are over. Vince himself is getting up there as well. It's still interesting and intriguing to me.

Each of these feuds delivers something that the other one doesn't and that can easily make one just as, if not more so, compelling than the other, depending upon what you're looking to get out of them.
On a personal level, one blows the other way by leaps and bounds. Austin vs. McMahon appeals to the broader audience, I get that. I'm probably one of the few WWF/E fans that watched the entire feud and was completely disinterested by it. However, i recognize that it brought in a whole new fan base, and it worked (for the short term). However, I always thought that Austin/McMahon did more damage to the WWE. No one cared about the undercard. Entire shows were driven by McMahon vs. Austin, and it simply dragged on for far too long, and really did nothing to elevate anyone else in the process. (Waits for Foley Rock argument).

As far as McMahon vs. Hart, clear winner for me any ways. It's going to be short, sweet, and to the point. Hart is only contractually obligated to Wrestlmania I believe, so we have a 10 week feud with a 12 year build up. This thing has Hogan vs. McMahon written all over it, and those two delivered one of my all time favorite guilty pleasure matches at Wrestlemania 19. No reason to believe that Hart and McMahon won't deliver, and quite possibly elevate the Hart Dynasty and Legacy ( I don't think Orton referencing Hart on Raw will go unused) to a whole new level. Plus seeing McMahon tap in the Sharpshooter makes it worth it.
From the "personal drama" factor involved alone, it would have to be Hart vs McMahon, hands down. Austin/McMahon was a terrific storyline at its time, but it was just that - a storyline. Hart/McMahon on the other hand marks one of those rare incidents in pro wrestling, when reality and fiction mix, and people do no longer have to suspend their disbelief (or at least not as much as usually) - simply because it is real. Or at least, has a very real and legit basis. And if you move a storyline from such a legit basis, it just will be all the more compelling, because as a viewer, you will be that much more ready to accept that this particular feud is indeed personal, and does indeed affect the participants in a real way.

However... the problem is, despite WWE turning the reality of the Hart/McMahon feud into a storyline now, that neither of the participants - and especially Bret Hart - is no longer in any shape or form to truly make it what it could and should be. If you erase the stroke incident from Bret Hart's life, it is easily imaginable he could've gone back to the gym a little earlier, worked out hard, and came back in formidable shape for his age. Now, given the circumstances, I think he is in quite formidable shape - but that is speaking for a stroke victim. I do find it really impressive that he is still able to perform at the level he did last Monday, even if it was "only" talking - but that in and of itself is an accomplishment for a stroke victim I'd say, things could've turned out much worse for the Hitman - but still, he will be miles and miles away from being the "Excellence of Execution" he once was, due to age alone; but he will also be miles and miles way from being the best he could be if he had not suffered his health issues. Now Vinne Mac is in good shape for his age too, and if Hart would be at his best (for a 52 year old), the feud would be awesome, and would most likely shadow everything else that has transpired in WWE in the past 5-10 years.

But given the circumstances, I think Austin/McMahon will go down as the better and more important feud; it took wrestling into an entirely new era, it was executed by participants who were well in their prime for their respective roles, and could live up to all the expectations both inside and outside of the ring. And whilst Hart/McMahon will most likely be able to deliver on an emotional/out-of-the ring level, the Street Fight it will (apparently) ultimately come down is simply not something that does The Hitman (and his former in ring abilities) justice, I'd say.

It will be a nice way to finally close the book on the Montreal Screwjob some 12 years later, and will definitely be a Wrestlemania Moment to remember when (and if) the (until a few months ago) litterally unthinkable happens, and Bret "The Hitman" Hart steps into the ring against Vince McMahon in the WWE for one last time - but as said, due to Bret's health issues and both men's progressed age now, it will not all it could be I think.

Austin/McMahon however WAS everything it could've ever been and more, and by far and long exceeded any expectations anyone could've ever had - for no one would have ever believed a "simple" wrestling storyline could launch an entire industry to such heights. So, reluctantly though it may be, I must give the nod to Austin/McMahon. For me personally, few moments in wrestling history (pretty much since watching that legendary Bash at the Beach some 15 years ago as a boy, when THE Hulk Hogan suddenly turned heel and shocked the world) have meant as much to me on a personal basis as Bret Hart's music kicking in last Monday on RAW, and seeing the Hitman walk down the WWE aisle once again. So as much as I'd like to give McMahon/Hart the nod, for being 12 years in the making, and being essentially more real and legit than anything else that has EVER happened in pro wrestling and that has then been turned into a storyline, I think it will not be able to surpass Austin/McMahon in terms of overall importance. It will probably be the most involving storyline WWE has put out in a very, very long time because of the circumstances it started with, but I don't think it will be more important than Austin/McMahon. But it should by all means go down in history as one of pro wrestling's best, true, and longest feuds; and one that has seemingly been put to rest for good at last.
Good topic, IC. With that being said ....

Absolutely not. There is no way Hart vs McMahon will come anywhere near surpassing Austin vs McMahon. No way in Hell.

Part of the reason for that is Vince McMahon's character is old and stale. He was a new concept when he first turned and feuded with Austin. The idea of a Heel Owner was something new back in 1997-1998 and therefore the crowd seeing an employee (Independent contractor in this case) rebel against his boss was something fresh and inviting back then.

Today, that is nothing new, and combine that with the fact that the Vince McMahon Heel boss character has been around for 12 years now, and the fact that so much times has passed since the Montreal Incident, then no ... there is no way Hart vs McMahon has any chance of coming close to what Austin vs McMahon accomplished.
It simply can't based on the fact that Bret can't go the way Austin could during the peak of the feud. Yeah, Austin's neck was still a wreck at the time, but he put on physical match after physical match, including a surprisingly awesome cage match with Vince.

Bret, on the other hand, may have a stroke if someone tips him over...but then again, maybe Bret's in fine shape, having not put his body through real physical turmoil in a decade. Either way, Bret will still be limited thanks to almost a decade of ring rust, being 52 instead of pushing 40, and trying to resist the urge not to pull one of his glorious snap punches.

Also, the story is already established with Bret and Vince...there's a clear reason for them to hate each other and a clear conclusion. McMahon and Austin, however, just kinda happened, and made everyone tune in weekly to see what was gonna happen next, how was Austin gonna torture McMahon, what sort of road block will the boss put in front of Stone Cold this week, etc. There's wasn't a surefire conclusion cause there wasn't a surefire direction...all we knew is that Mr. McMahon was the boss and Stone Cold didn't take shit from authority.

And possibly the BIGGEST concern of all...what percent of today's audience remembers Bret Hart? The ratings pulled in around a 3.8, which isn't even the highest rated RAW of the last FIVE years, let alone the ratings juggernaut they were anticipating. If this happened right after WCW closed, this should would have pulled a 6 or a 7. However, 12 years after the fact, the audience is half the size it was during the MNW heyday and, therefore, doesn't have the same number of fans who would remember Bret during those days. Granted, they could possibly pull some old fans back in, but not enough to usher in a new golden era of wrestling.

And besides folks, Bret is NOT the big trump card...that honor belongs to a certain Mr. Johnson...
I don't see Hart vs McMAhon overcoming the Austin/McMahon Feud for one main reason. Hart is past his prime and not physically able to go for a long run feud. I do see him staying around longer than his 4months because fans love him. Maybe as permanent GM or something along those lines.

Another reason is that Hart has a character. At the time Austin was just finally making it big and the Austin McMahon feud skyrocketed it. Hart doesn't need that.
Absolutely not. There is no way Hart vs McMahon will come anywhere near surpassing Austin vs McMahon. No way in Hell.

Part of the reason for that is Vince McMahon's character is old and stale. He was a new concept when he first turned and feuded with Austin.

Couldn't agree with you more. Austin was something we hadn't seen before, and that's well-documented. But it's often overlooked that McMahon's persona was something pretty drastically different as well. The corrupt owner angle has been done to death at this point, but man was it ever fresh and exciting in the hey day of the Attitude era! Smart marks were few and far between in that time, and a lot of casual viewers still had the "does he really hate him" question in their mind, which helped bring WWE a whole new audience who wanted to see that elimant of "reality TV" if you will. At this point, anyone who regularly watches wrestling is well beyond the whole kayfabe thing, which somewhat detracts from the realism element....
Hart and Mcmahon will not surpass Austin and McMahon but will still be a good match. THe reasons are :
Hart is past his prime
McMahon is getting old and boring now
Back then Austin and Mcmahon was a great storyline.
However it could surpass it because:
It is a real thing not some storyline
Could put Hart Dynasty somewhere in the mix which would be great
Kids who are young could learn a lot about their past, which most don't know.
I highly doubt McMahon/Hart will even come close to Austin/McMahon, as Sid said Austin/McMahon was something new, something we hadn't seen before, a wrestler attacking the owner of the company was unheard of back then, now it's just common place, and pretty much expected every time Vince is in the ring with a wrestler, add to that that Austin/McMahon lasted for years, and defined an entire era in wrestling, where McMahon/Hart looks to just be a short 3 month storyline then with the blow off coming at WM, after that it's done and on to something else, if the Hogan/McMahon feud couldn't out do, or how ever you want to word it, the Austin/McMahon feud then I fail to see how Hart/McMahon could even come close, as for the 12 yrs. in the making and it being based of real events, most new fans prolly don't know or really care about the Montreal Screwjob, kids today simply don't care much about wrestling history, to them this is just another "Vince feuding with a legend at WM" thing and not much more
I cant see it surpassing Stone Cold. Stone Cold drew more than Hart into the feud, the feud could be related on a lot more people than the Hart feud could be, the feud lasted a lot longer than Bret Hart's 5 month contract, and Bret Hart probably, though I don't discount his ability to wrestle right not, can probably not have as many physical encounters as Austin.
Austin vs. McMahon wins out here, by a country mile! Here's why:

- Bret vs Vince is KAYFABE now. It may be rooted in a shoot incident and WWE and Vince are doing a good job milking that 12 year old cow in a time when the company needs a boost. Works for WWE but it also works for the fans cos we get to see Bret on Raw again, getting simulated closure out of those who screwed him in Montreal. And the best part of it is that Bret, despite his physical limitations, STILL HAS IT! He's still the Hitman! As awesome as this feud can/will be, it doesn't change the fact that the true drama and true animosity has, quite obviously, been resolved. It's great to watch still but given Bret's inability to wrestle like he used to, it'll never truly come to a head as Austin/McMahon did.

- Austin/McMahon ushered in a whole new era of sports entertainment. The wheel was completely reinvented when those two started going at it. Austin was a hungry challenger for the title and was able to back up the character gimmick he had with awe-inspiring performances and some uber memorable spots. Bret's far past his prime and could never match the heart that Austin had back then now. And why would he? He did it before Austin did.

Ultimately, Bret can't hope to achieve that level of success. Hell, WWE would really need a helluva talent in his prime to step up and deliver that kind of quality again. That doesn't mean that this angle won't be terrible to watch.
The main thing is that Austin MacMahon marked an Era in Wrestling, and it itself got transpired from the animosity of Montreal incident and that also gave Vince the Edge of the Ultimate Heel at the time.

This "new" feud is somewhat what the fans would have wanted to see years ago, now that is transpiring well, time has passed and both men have grown older. Bret VS Vince probably will be a one match affair and the Hitman will destroy Vince at the end (like Every wrestler he has faced, in the end the legends always win, except Taker but he needed that lost to get back from the Dead). Probably it will be a Street Fight at Mania and will end up with Vince tapping to the Sharpshooter, and that will be it.

Will be a nice send off for someone who deserved it a long time ago.
I think Austin/McMahon was far better, and always will be. Not to knock McMahon/Hart but honestly the orginiality of Austin vs. McMahon is what made that special and truly one of a kind (I also highly doubt there will be a full fledged Hart vs. McMahon DVD like there was the Austin vs. McMahon DVD/VHS). Another reason I think is because the Austin vs. McMahon angle made tons of other superstars. I won't go deep into those particular stars because we all know who they were. Bret Hart feuding with McMahon doesn't hold the same impact because Bret Hart doesn't really have anything Vince wants (i.e. the WWF/E Championship). Bret Hart may come across now as the person trying to bury the hatchet with McMahon being Mr. McMahon more than just being Vince McMahon (rememeber, HE, NOT Mr. McMahon the character who 1st screwed Bret, thus this can be seen as a "character" of McMahon doing this to Bret instead of the "real life person", making it less reaslistic than what it should be...or perhaps all and all, I'm nit-picking
i dont think it will surpass austin vs mcmahon, but it should if your a true fan. because this is the fued that started it all. it was the montreal incident that really through vince into our eyes as a vlain and him screwing bret was the first real super heal action he ever took nd rode that wave right into austin.

Now his first original heel acton is comin back to roost. if your a true wrestling fan it most def has more significance.
It's either choose Hart vs. Vince because of the emotional standpoint or Austin vs.Vince for the excitment. In terms of importence, it would have to be Austin"s feud because this ushered in a new age of wrestling and, quite possibly, single handedly saved WWE from collapsing from WCW. I would put the Hart feud in terms of what fans want to see insted of what was really best for the WWE. It dosnt really matter at this point because we are finaly geting to see what we wanted to see in such a long time. Being part of the IWC for a good three years now and overall fan of four, I cant turely say what is better. Im just reading the textbooks on Threads like these.
In the kayfabe world, Austin/McMahon was huge and started the new era in WWE. In the real wrestling world though, Hart/McMahon planted the seeds for Vince to become the evil boss and gave fans the first real look outside of the kayfabe world. The great thing about Bret/Vince in the beginning was that it wasn't a work. Now though after 12 years it isn't as intriguing as it once was.

I don't think we would of seen Austin/McMahon if it wasn't for the events that happen 12 years ago in Montreal. The thing is that the Austin/McMahon feud capitalized on Bret/McMahon and became relevant and exciting when Bret was anything but at that time. Bret faded into obscurity while Stone Cold and Vince stole the show and revolutionized Raw. There was just so much passion and intensity with Vince and Austin even though it was a work.

Bret and Austin along with Bret and Shawn had some great intensity too, but I don't think Bret and Vince can have that in the 2010 PG era. Maybe I'm wrong, but last Monday's confrontation on Raw wasn't as shocking or exciting as I thought it could be. Maybe if Bret would of came back to Raw 5 years after the Screwjob, then it could of been more memorable. Now it's great to see Bret back, but he is kinda out of place.

Basically the real life feud between Vince and Bret is the best feud, but the kayfabe wrestling feud between Austin and Vince is better than the wrestling feud between him and Hart.
No way would the Hart/McMahon fued even come close to Austin/McMahon, it will be good, very interesting to see what's going to happen between the two, although I reckon Vince tapping at WrestleMania's what's going to happen, but who knows with WWE?

Austin/McMahon was just a fucking juggernaught, people couldnt believe there eyes half the time, there was this psychotic madman trying to control his own company, then there was this guy who didnt take shit from no one but was every bit as evil as McMahon fighting him every step of the way.

That's why Austin/McMahon worked, they were playing a game of who's the bigger psychopath. Bret and McMahon is rooted in real life, that alone makes it interesting, it will be the only good thing involving McMahon since his fued with Hogan, but it will never, ever reach the levels that Austin/McMahon did.
Austin VS McMahon is the greatest feud in wrestling history. Nothing will ever touch it as it was a once in a lifetime thing. Everyone who has ever hated an authority figure could relate to it because of wanting to get away with doing things to them like what Stone Cold did to Vince. It was entertaining every step of the way.

Hart VS McMahon may have been 12 years in the making due to legit real-life issues between the two men.... but this feud would be more about getting closure. Hart is a legend among legends and certainly doesn't need the rub of a huge feud with Vince. It would help his family members in the Hart Dynasty if the three of them were brought over to Raw, but Bret himself doesn't need a feud like this for anything other than closure.

I think that Hart VS Vince could still potentially make a VERY interesting feud, but it won't be anywhere near the level of Austin VS Vince was because that feud was so legendary that nothing within the current product could ever hope to even come close to it. Nothing ever will because it was so easy to relate to and extremely entertaining.
no chance in hell that happens, bret is way pass his prime, for them to even consider that, at the time ausin vs mcmahon was done austin was getting hot. and that rivalry will never ever be done, that was one of the best
Ok first off hands down there is no possible way I can see Hart/McMahon ever being better than Austin/McMahon.

1. I don't see any true shock value coming soon, especially after Raw 1/4, compared to
the weekly shock of something that Austin did to any of the McMahons at any given

2. The Austin era did change wrestling as we knew it back then, even though now its
stale and getting worse. I dont see Hart having the same effect at this point in his

3. The Austin fued lasted for a few years, whether McMahon himself, or a hired gun.
No way Hart can make a big enough impact in a matter of months.

4. Hart had sentimental value, and all the WW"F" originals want to see Bret get his
revenge for Montreal, and the sad thing is everyone here knows its gonna happen.
No shock value there, unless McMahon pulls something out of his ass at

5. Austin saved McMahons ass, cause McMahon may be out of business today if it
wasnt for him.(Yes I know it was McMahons idae) however Autins character was all
him, the whole time.
You're kidding, right? There's no fucking WAY that this will ever surpass Austin/McMahon. Never ever again in the history of professional wrestling will there be a feud that launched something as big as that one did. Austin/McMahon changed the face of wrestling as we know it forever. It launched a whole new era, a whole new product, a whole new everything. New fanbase, new stories, new look, new attitude. That was such a monumental time for the WWF. This will be great, if done well, done correctly. I wish they wouldn't have done it in the middle of the PG-Era but beggars can't be choosers. It has the opportunity to make a big impact, but noe like McMahon/Austin. Nah.
I am also going to agree with Lord Sidious, and add to the reasons Austin/McMahon was better than this potential Hart/McMahon feud. At the time, Steve Austin could still wrestle, Bret Hart can't. Bret's physical limitations due to his stroke will mean the culmination of this feud will be something like a street fight, where Hart doesn't have to take too much abuse in a ring. It will be quick, and with the short time frame of his contract, it will be over, and never gone back to. With Austin/McMahon, they drew it out over a long time, and hinted at it well after the feud was officially over. Austin was with the WWE for years afterward, and you still got the feeling that McMahon would try to screw him over, every time they were in the ring together, or Austin would give him the Stunner. You can't have that with Bret Hart. When its done, it will be done, end of story.

I would also dispute the "personal" aspect of the Hart/McMahon feud. Up until Hart signed a contract, you could get away with that. But, the second Hart signed a multi month contract, that excuse goes away. If he were just guest hosting one night, and one night only, sure, you would have to say its still personal. But, the fact that Hart signed a contract belies that concept. Obviously, McMahon and Hart have patched their differences already, otherwise Bret wouldn't have signed on through Mania. That means this, like Austin/McMahon, is now just storyline. It stopped being personal, now its just business. It only seems like its personal because of the history. Its the memory of it being personal. Its like loving a girl, breaking up, and then a decade later remembering what it was like to love them, rather than actually still loving them. You don't still love them, you only remember that you once did.
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