Will Fandango go anywhere?


Savior of Unwashed IWC\\\\
I apologize if someone had already made a similiar thread, but what happened to Fandangos push? I am actually a big fan of him, ever since he was Johnny Curtis in NXT. He has had the opportunity to debut at the grandest stage of them all, and he WON against CHRIS JERICHO. We all thought WWE had big plans for him but whats the last exciting thing hes done since having his theme song become a big hit to the WWE Universe? Feud with Miz?.. Now I see him JOBBING to ZACK RYDER on superstars and this past monday night Mark Henry(Ironically the guy who killed Johnny Curtis's debut back in 2011). And he did not have an entrance on Raw. Again I am a big fan of Fandango and I find this whole dancing gimmick extremely amusing. So what do you guys think is gonna happen to him and his future. Will he go anywhere?
Fandango will go nowhere as a heel. As seen in England and at Survivor Series his music is still over and his character has good potential to be a face but I think the reason he is being held back is unfortunately Total Divas. Summer Rae not being a Total Diva means she has to be a heel and that means Fandango does aswell. A dancer who is a good wrestler with music that is over and a hot dance partner works far better as a face. 6 more months as a heel and the character will be dead
I don't think he will go anywhere, which is kind of a shame as he is fairly good in the ring. I just don't think this gimmick has a long lifespan, and the huge popularity he had after Wrestlemania was only ever going to be a short term thing, it was a craze that soon wore off.

I wouldn't be surprised to see Fandango either jobbing or totally off tv within 6 months to a year and getting repackaged or released. He won't be doing anything of note in WWE in the near future.
I fear that Fandango's career is in a very poor, almost unsalvageable, position. When first brought in, the gimmick was great. It was different and it was entertaining. Moreover, Johnny Curtis can definitely wrestle and people were really starting to warm to Fandango.

I know it's a cliché but turning Fandango face might be a decent option. The dancing, the "Fandangoing" and Summer Rae makes it easy to cheer him. Other than that I don't think there is much that can be done to take him anywhere spectacular.

It's a shame. As Curtis, there is little that separates him from the pack. He is just another Curtis Axel but possibly worse at wrestling. There is no star potential. He is good, but nothing special. The Fandango character made him different and beating Jericho should have been a great way to start.

I remember he got a concussion before an Intercontinental Title match. I wonder if the original plan was to put the belt on him and how much better off he would be.
I think with this gimmick he'll go nowhere. As pointed out, the whole dance schtick with a hot partner is something for faces, plus, it has a very limited shelf life. His concussion during his push didn't help him either. At this very point, he may be even released and no one will notice.

May be turning face will help him. As a comedy heel, he really doesn't have much to do.
Fandango's 15 minutes are fame are over, and have been over since the end of RAW the night after WrestleMania. Thanks to Chris Jericho's compulsive need to put over every opponent WWE puts in the ring with him, Fandango was massively over for one night, but that was it. Johnny Curtis needs to be sent back to developmental and come up with a new gimmick.
He has the same problem Los Matadores have and that's the commentators. All the commentators talk about when Los Matadores are on is El Torito and when Fandango is on its all about Summer Rae. Both of there managers are more over than they are and it is holding them back when commentators further rub it in.
The Fandango character while a great idea,and Johnny Curtis sure as shit can wrestle hes athletic as can be. I think though the gimmick has worn off,i really dont see him doing anything in the near future i hate to say this i dont think within a year we will see him in the WWE! I think he unfortunately is an unsalvageable place as well..
I think he needs to turn face, and become more of a Macho Man type, by the terms of becoming more intense like Macho Man was. I say this because when you look at him inside the ring, his look, his attire, and his manager, he has a lot of the qualities Randy Savage had in the 80.s

Summer Rae = Miss Elizabeth
Fandango attire = Macho Man attire 1991-1996
Top rope Leg Drop finisher = Macho Man Flying Elbow finisher
High flying ability = Same as Macho Man

Those are just a few things I see in Fndango that are like Randy Savage, of course he is no where near what Randy Savage was or become, and most likely never will. But I think it could be a good role for him to try and fill. Sort of like how Ziggler has some what become the modern day Mr. Perfect minus the "I'm perfect" gimmick.

But I think if WWE were to ever try this, without just making him a ripoff clone, just have Fandango become more intense, and a little more risky flying around the ring.
I will ever understand why everyone in the IWC is always so negative...

I'll go to bat for Fandango. 1.) The guy has charisma. Even though he's got a corny accent, he looks like he's having fun every single time he comes out to the ring. That's good enough for me. 2.) I don't know if too many people can get past the entrance, dancing gimmick, and hot dance partner... but the dude can wrestle. Watch a recent match of his that isn't a relative squash. His skills as a wrestler overall are actually above average. Most people can't see that, though, as for most of the match they're fantasizing over Summer Rae. 3.) The guy just needs an actual program. Yes, he's had a "shot" with Jericho. But other than that, he hasn't had an actual program to highlight his character or his abilities. To be fair, the WWE doesn't even know what it's doing with it's WWE Championship picture, so should any of us really question what they're doing with Fandango? As long as he keeps learning how to get better on the mic and in the ring, the guy has nowhere to go but up.

One more thing: People commenting on his 15 minutes of fame, only important moment was RAW after Mania, blah, blah, blah... just admit it. At this point, Fandango has 100% surpassed ANY expectation that ANY person on the IWC gave him from the beginning. But, no. Go ahead. Keep talking him down like he's Max Moon or something.
Like many people said before, turn him face. His major problem right now is he's a heel that people don't want to boo. They like the music, they like the dance, and they like the hot valet. There's no way for the man to draw heat unless they're going to do that weird jealous boyfriend thing with Summer Rae, and I can't think of a time that ever turned out well.

If not then stick him with 3MB, make some kind of silly fake band with fake dancer act. Like if they're just going to make him a jobber comedy heel might as well put him with the jobber comedy heel staple, least he would get more TV time that way.
I agree that theres no reason he should be a heel at this point in time..he is essentially a face being booked as a heel and thats hurting him more than anything at this point. I say turn him face as in start sticking him with your Rybacks, Axels for start, then work him into a serious program with someone where he transitions his character, drops the dancing, and maybe gets a remix version of his song to add an edge to him. He has a lot of talent and anyone thats writing on here is just going to write him off is plain foolish. You dont get that over with a stupid ass gimmick like that. He has something, we dont know if he has "It", but he has something
I just don't think this gimmick has a long lifespan, and the huge popularity he had after Wrestlemania was only ever going to be a short term thing, it was a craze that soon wore off.

It's as simple as that, and not such a terrible thing. I don't have much problem with a gimmick being short term, especially when the essence of the performance (the dancing) occurs outside the ring. Once the match starts, Curtis is nothing special and, that being the case, there was nothing to sustain the gimmick.

At the beginning, the original Fandangirl is what we focused on at first, and when Fandango came onstage, we got to watch their entire dance routine. Two weeks ago when they appeared, I counted the camera cutting away from them eight times during the dance routine to show the audience, which is absurd, imo. In fact, during the past two weeks, the cameras don't even show the two of them at the top of the ramp; instead, they're already in the ring. If that doesn't signal the phasing out of a gimmick, I don't know what does.

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