Will Cena Turn Heel At WrestleMania?

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Uncle Sam

Rear Naked Bloke
Mike Killam said:
In a WrestleZone Exclusive - which you can see at my new site, MikeKillamHasAFatCock.org - we have learned that John Cena will be wrestling at WrestleMania and might turn heel. Our inside source says he might or might not, and plans may change on the night, and they might call an audible, and he seemed like a really nice guy.

It's that time of year again. Pick a side, fence-sitters.
Of course not. WWE is teasing it to get people talking, dirtsheet writers are reporting it because they're shysters, and we're gobbling it up because we're still dumb rubes no matter how much IWC-bravado we try to muster. Cena's going to win the title, force a rubber match, and the superhero will be redeemed.
Isn't it obvious though?!

Not really, I have no informed opinion, but if I had to muster a guess, I'd echo Harthan here and say they don't have the nuts.
He's playing the heel for this match... but it's a one off heel performance for him. The night after WM, he's going to be the same face he's always been.
As awesome as it would be, no way. Too much merch sales, too much Make a wish be a star be nice to people bullcrap. The cartoon era needs its hero, if they havent done it by this point, they never will.
No. It would do nothing to change his mixed reaction and would reduce merch sales. There's no point.
Probably no. They certanly teased it with whole "I have to win" but after Wrestlemania its probably gona be same Cena as before. As others have said, too much merchandising sale and i have to argue about one other thing ant that is that top face in WWE would become empty spot. There is nobody near his caliber to fill that spot at the moment but if the rumors about Cena- Ryback afterwrestlemania feud is true it could be good opportunity to elevate Ryback to that spot...
I highly doubt it. It's been a good tease, but I don't think WWE has the grapes to pull that trigger.

If Cena comes out and cuts heel promos about how much the people suck and yadda, yadda, yadda, the kiddies will be scarred for life.

Cena wins and rides off into the sunset living happily ever after.
Harthan said it best, the WWE doesn't have the balls to pull it off. Everyone can wish for what the WWE should do, but the E won't pull the trigger.
He's gonna grow a moustache and wear aviator sunglasses indoors. Is that a heel turn? Maybe. I have a moustache and wear aviator sunglasses indoors. Does that make me a heel? I've been called worse.
Does it matter? He will get the same mixed reaction from the fans regardless of his alignment. The kids will cheer and the older folks will boo him loudly.

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