Will Bret Hart ever make another WWE appearance?

Louie Lips

Occasional Pre-Show
After the whole screwjob at Breaking Point, it got me thinking about Bret Hart. I was wondering if he would ever make another appearance, such as a run in, or maybe a final match with Shawn Michaels to settle the score, or maybe even in the Punk-Taker storyline since its a screwjob. However so, the question is simple. Will Bret Hart ever make another WWE appearance?
its possible if it were for the hart dynasty
but their is no way that it will happen in a wrestling sense
that part of his life is over
and will be for ever be over
I'm pretty sure that Bret can't take a lot of bumps because of his head injuries...but I hope to see him in the ring FINALLY forgving HBK and seeing them shake hands like real men. Bret forgave Vince...but not HBK...I don't get it but I hope when he does forgive HBK that we'll get to witness it!
Not a chance he will ever wrestle again. Sad to say, but between the head injury and the stroke, he is just plain done. I would love to see him return in some capacity, but I just don't think he has any need or desire to do so.

I met him at his book signing and he looks perfectly content to be a former wrestler.
He will never wrestle again, and I'm not entirely sure about him even standing in a WWE ring again. Would I love for him to make an appearance at some point? Absolutely, but I'm not getting my hopes up.
I think it's possible we'll see Bret again, but I really don't know how this will happen. He went in the Hall of Fame in 2006, but decided not to appear at WrestleMania the next night. If he wouldn't make an appearance at Mania the night after his induction it's hard to imagine a circumstance that would bring him back. I think he is content to have his induction as his final sendoff. With that said, time heals all wounds. Bret loved his time in the WWF and he has expressed interest in being an agent. If he were to show up he would not want to acknowledge the screwjob in an angle, but I don't know how Vince can resist. Vince brings up the screwjob all the time despite Bret being gone for 12 years. Bret can forgive Vince. He can even forgive Shawn, but he won't be able to bring himself back unless he can truely get over Montreal once and for all. I would love to see Bret come back at least one more time. Just imagine the crowd reaction if he showed up on raw in Calgary. Especially after all the teases over the years. That would be priceless. If there's one thing I know, it's never say never in wrestling.
Bret will never wrestle= physically unable. i think hbk will sincerely apologize to bret. i think when the screwjob was concocted, wwe/hbk and hhh didnt realize that they'd be exposed as much as they were. i don't think hbk will apologize for the screwjob, but he will apologize to bret for 1) being a jerk to bret 2) helping kill off bret's run/character behind the scenes 3)hbk will have to admit he was jealous of bret... if hbk does this and comes clean, i am sure bret will forgive him. besides this is the only blemish on hbk's record and i am sure this must have taken a toll on hbk as well... i think if bret and hbk made up, bret wud possibly make one final appearance in a respectable manner and say goodbye... i cud see bret working as a ring agent as they need him. he cud really help the youngsters. no one had better story telling, ring psychology and was as innovative as bret.
About the only way I can see it happening is if they make DX a heel faction and the Hart Dynasty face.

Then let them have a match where DX are beating them down, let Bret make a run in after HHH and one of the Hart Dynasty are fighting towards the back. From there Shawn and Bret can have a stare down while the remaining Hart Dynasty member blindsides HBK with a chair or title belt (I make the assumption that DX would be tag champs here and that the match is no holds barred).

At Bret's urging the Hart member (lets say Tyson Kidd) pins HBK for the title. From there Bret would give a couple of slaps to HBK to wake him up a little bit, say paybacks a bitch and holds up Kidd's arm.

From there have HHH run back in and knock Tyson Kidd out of the ring. He would move to Bret with a menacing look but before he could get to him he is blindsided by DH Smith back out side of the ring where they along with Tyson Kidd brawl.

While Bret is looking at the action on the outside have Shawn get up and tune up the band, Bret turns around sidesteps the kick , clotheslines Michaels, grabs Shawns legs gives him the gut stomp, looks to the crown and locks the sharpshooter in.

Focus in on Shawn, he resists for a second and then starts to tap like his leg is going to be broken. Bret holds on to the hold and calls for a microphone, the announcer comes in holds it to Bret and he says I want to hear him say I quit. The announcer puts the microphone to Shawn, he resists for a few seconds and finally says I quit.

Bret breaks the hold, Shawn rolls outside and limps up the ramp with HHH while the Hart Dynasty get back into the ring with their new belts and each raise one of Bret's arms in victory.

The key is getting HBK and HHH to agree to go heel, then to do a job to the Hart Dynasty. Shawn has sounded contrite in the last few years I think he would do the honours for Bret to send him off into the sunset as it were.
I hope to see Bret again, he was "the excellence of execution" i heard rumors of him one day inducting HBK in the Hall of Fame... that would truly be fitting for Michaels... as for forgiving him.. that will come one day... Bret said if Shawn ever calls him and sincerely apologizes then they'll bury the hatchet.. will we see Hart again doing something, yes. Will it be wrestling? Sadly no... i would pay alot to see him wrestle in person..
Hall of fame is the only WWE event we`ll see him. I`m thinking to induct Owen, if wwe ever decide to do that.
So basically the common consensus here is that for anything to occur, Shawn Michaels would need to be apologizing to Bret with his tail between his legs?

Personally I think a more fitting send off would be Shawn apologizing, somehow setting up a situation in which Bret is screwed again. It would give him a ton of fodder for his next book and something to complain about for the next 15 years.

Would love to see Bret in the ring but he is too convinced that he is Jesus in wrestling tights. Some shit happened way back when, get over it.

I don't see anything happening any time soon, but maybe if Vince pulled out the checkbook, you never know.

Just My Opinion
Addressing the people who say Bret Hart will never wrestle/get in a wrestling ring again:
There is a wrestling promotion in my area called NorthEast Wrestling that is promoting Bret Hart for a couple of their shows. Obviously this is mostly for an autograph thing, but for both shows they are also advertising Jim "The Anvil" Neidhart (a regular at NEW events) and the return of the Hart Foundation. While this may or may not mean he will be in a tag match, or merely be in a skit that will end with Hart throwing a few punches, it DOES mean that he will be in the ring having some sort of a fight (I've been to enough NEW events to know that anybody who is promoted is at least gonna brawl someone).
You can view the promos by going to the wrestling promotions self-named, dot com website (northeastwrestling). Unfortunately, I wont likely be going to either event, but hopefully somebody who lives in the area will attend and let us know what happened.
I'm not saying Bret Hart is trying to get back in the ring-he obviously can't-but perhaps he's using these shows as a way of warming up for something.
Bret Hart means alot to alot of people. BUT Bret really doesn't have a place in today's wrestling era unless it involves the HOF or a mention during a telecast. What's he gonna do otherwise..mentor the Hart Dynasty? Bret's happy wherever he is. I don't expect seeing him unless it's an autograph signing,acting in some shitty movie, or in a WWE HOF in the near future. I've always liked Bret but the Bret I liked was the 90's version of the hitman. Thanks for the memories.....now ride off into the sunset...
No we never will see the Hitman in the ring again and its a pity. Every time the WWE does something goofy where they play his music I still get goosebumps.
I think it'd be really interesting to see his hall of fame induction, but as far as getting in the ring, it'll never happen. He's never gotten fully over his stroke. I'd put money on him never taking a bump ever again.

In response to the Gribbler, great thread man, but it was a harsh dig at Bret there. He was the best wrestler in the world in his day. He came from a pure pedigree, and if Hart hadn't put Michaels over, who knows where he'd be right now. Michaels, HHH and Vince screwed the man on his last day in a job that he'd worked his arse off in for 13 years. In that time he went from a jobber to a constant main eventer. He carried shows at times, and often carried opponents and partners. I've read his book, and its not just moaning, its a bloody good read!

But personally, I wouldn't want to see him back in the ring. Although he is probably my favorite wrestler of all time, I think some great competitors have ruined their legacy with later performances (see Roddy Piper, Scott Steiner, Mick Foley, Ric Flair etc. etc.) and I like my memories just as they are.
I think Bret Hart's induction into the Hall of Fame in 2006 was ment to be his WWF/E Swansong, much like Steve Austin in 2009.

I think it is possible we could see Bret Hart make a one time appearance in a WWE ring, even if it isn't all that likely.

But what could he do? I like the idea of him confronting McMahon and Michaels to finally put Montreal to bed.

He would of course be the person to induct Owen in to the HOF, but his widow wants nothing to do with Wrestling, so that isn't likely to happen.

Bret Hart still makes appearences in various promotions as a commisioner/athority figure, and has even thrown the odd punch or placed someone in a Sharpshooter.

So I think if Bret Hart makes an appearance in a WWE ring it would only be once.
Listen, HBK didn't screw Brett. Brett screwed Brett. Brett was selfesh and jealous of HBK and the success he was having after he beat him at wrestlemania 12. The screw job....Brett fault. Think about it. Brett didn't want to drop the belt/ lose to hkb in montreal and mind you his contract expired that night. He said he was going to drop the title the next night on raw and he wasn't even under contract. He didn't want to job to hkb so I agree what Vince did. I wouldn't want him taking my title to wcw and putting the most prestige title of the company in a trash can. So fuck Brett Hart and everything he think he stand for.
hell no... bret hart is totally away of the WWE, and I think, because of him refusing to appear in WWE, is that VKM is putting so much teases about bret
The only appearance I can forsee him doing is inducting Shawn into the Hall of Fame. I can definitely see it happening, as his tone has definitely softened towards Shawn over the past couple years, and I think he even stated at one point that he would be up for doing it, if Shawn would pick up the phone and apologize directly to him. Quite frankly, I am surprised that Shawn hasn't done that yet, if that is the case ... although I know Shawn has apologized on many occasions to the fans ... but he really does need to apologize directly to Hart for his involvement in this.

But that is the only appearance I can forsee him doing. It's not like his own kids are wrestling for them now, and I doubt he is going to do anything for the Hart Dynasty. If they were his own kids, that's one thing, but they aren't.

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