Will Bad News Barrett continue to "roast" wrestlers?


Championship Contender
For anyone who missed it last night, I'll summarize what happened. The Miz wrestled Brodus Clay and during the match, Barrett made fun of them on an open mic from his 20 foot high podium. This literally made me laugh out loud. It was absolutely hilarious for 2 reasons. First, everything he said about them was true. And second, it put all the attention on him and away from the guys in the ring. Also, something as simple as putting the podium at a ridiculous height where no one can touch him has made it a lot more funny.

Hopefully Wade's getting a push, because this quickly has become my new favorite gimmick. Everyone hated it at first, myself included. But I've quickly done a 180 as they've basically taken the glitches out of a bad character and made it pretty great. Do you guys believe this was a one time thing, or do you think he'll continue to come out and play "roast master" during matches?
I quite liked the segment: very reminiscent of Austin/Lance Storm. There is always the argument that it is unfair on the wrestlers in the ring but if they initially just use it for jobbers that I have no issue. Guys like Brodus Clay are perfect for this.

I find Wade Barrett pretty funny and I'm enjoying the gimmick. Obviously, he is a wrestler so I want him back in the ring but for the next few weeks; I'm happy with him on his podium during a match.
I'm totally sold on this gimmick - it is my favourite in the company at the moment and I'm always pretty gutted when BNB isn't on TV now. Last night was just a new step that made it even better, Brodus Clay looked genuinely angry that Barrett was mocking him, and Barrett just looks like he's loving every second of it.

I want him to get back in the ring of course, he'll be able to make feuds by doing what he did last night though (maybe The Miz will be his first feuding opponent)
Glad someone else made this thread. That segment was pure freakin' comedy gold. I thought for sure when he started talking about the main event, that he was going to make fun of Miz and Brodus for being in the mid card, but nope, he went about 10 steps further and started calling this the most boring match he'd ever seen. Barrett's delivery is rock solid and he seems to have really taken to this character thus far. My only complaint is that it's a little too similar to Damien Sandow. Regardless, here's hoping that it translates well when he starts actually wrestling again.
I thought the segment was great. It was easily the best use of the "Bad News Barrett" character thus far. Barrett is someone who can be pretty funny and he's obviously putting a lot of work into trying to get this over.

I much prefer him in the ring and while I'd rather they went with something a little more straightforward with him, given his background as a bareknuckle fighter, his segment last night was the first real ray of hope I've seen for the guy in about a year.
Im afraid I got Some BAD NEWS!! This gimmick kicks ass it really does.. Absolutely love the gimmick,its a great use of his character and Wade is putting a lot of effort into his character. As to why he is not wrestling,maybe he is not medically cleared just yet.. But during this time,its an awesome use of his character! I expect big things from wade and i dont know how the wrestlers in the ring try not to laugh knowing damn well they can hear him just fine!!
I quite liked the segment: very reminiscent of Austin/Lance Storm. There is always the argument that it is unfair on the wrestlers in the ring but if they initially just use it for jobbers that I have no issue. Guys like Brodus Clay are perfect for this.

I find Wade Barrett pretty funny and I'm enjoying the gimmick. Obviously, he is a wrestler so I want him back in the ring but for the next few weeks; I'm happy with him on his podium during a match.

I actually hated the Austin/Lance Storm boring thing they did back then, it wasn't funny enough to justify making Storm(a really talented guy) look like crap. I know it was supposed to lead to something, but of course plans were changed so all we got out of that was damage done with nothing to show for it.

For anyone that missed SD


Not a huge fan of this either. I love Barrett, the BNB segments are usually funny and this is certainly a step up from the nonsensical anarchy stuff he was using earlier, but I found it annoying that he was distracting away from the match(much like JBL and Cole do when they start talking about pointless stuff that isn't related at all to the match going on) and yeah it made the guys in the ring look really bad.

I HOPING it's one of those gets a bigger payoff later sort of things, but really a Miz-Barrett feud hardly seems to be worth it. Especially since they done that before with the IC title a year ago and that was certainly nothing to write home about. Oh well least it hopefully gets Barrett back in the ring. Also does this make Miz a face again? :p
I just didn't care for the act that in ring WWE is putting on a match to "entertain the fans there and at home"....

But then some one comes out and shits on the product.

It's the same as when the broadcast team took a selfie during a match. Don'ttel me what I am watching or actually paying for if I'm there is crap....
If anything it seems to be making Barrett a face by "telling it like it is".

I'm not seeing it as his breakthrough yet... but this could go somewhere if they let him start critiquing the bigger names in this way... The Cena/Orton match for example would be a perfect guy for him to pull this on during the Rumble match... or even during the Rumble itself (of course leading to the moment where his podium lowers and he enters the match himself near the end...) there are some good possibilities from what he's doing IF the bigger names are willing to have the piss taken a bit... after all Barrett HAS beaten Cena and Orton, so he could have a pop at them and it make sense.

Somehow though I think this'll end up with some goofy Authority angle, where he goes too far and starts critiquing Trips et al and thus cementing a face turn...
I just didn't care for the act that in ring WWE is putting on a match to "entertain the fans there and at home"....

But then some one comes out and shits on the product.

It's the same as when the broadcast team took a selfie during a match. Don'ttel me what I am watching or actually paying for if I'm there is crap....

Lighten up. They didn't have Barrett interrupt a high profile, main event match. They had him interrupt a 2-3 minute match between Miz and Clay that they know the fans will be yawning through. So they did something to keep the fans interested instead of getting up and taking a piss break. Barrett even got a portion of the crowd involved in a chant of "This is awful" when they would have been otherwise been half asleep.

I think this gimmick is great and refreshing. Bret Hart once said the best promos are when a wrestler brings an element of truth into them. And that's exactly what Barrett is doing here.
With the obvious dearth of heel characters. I think Barrett needs to nail this gimmick enough and get a role as one of the top heels. I believe he is more than good enough to thrive in such a role. I still say, put Kane, Maddox and Vickie out of the Authority and let Bad News Barrett be a part of it in Kane's role. He would be perfect with this current gimmick.
I was just going to say I could really see Barrett being the midcard guy in The Authority. He and Langston could put together a good feud I think. Maybe he should be kept on his own and you shouldn't mess with what works, but I'm not opposed to the idea either. Hopefully this new gimmick is the start of a big push for him. I had been saying that Langston should defend against a heel Sheamus or Henry at WM30, but if Barrett continues to put great promos together, then give him something meaningful at Mania.
Off the subject off this I think the guy Barrett has pulled out of the rumble for is Papa Shango with the clue he gave in his tweet.
Yeah, it must be Papa Shango or Boogeyman. I don't understand this move at all, though. While it would be nice to see Papa Shango again and everything, I LOVE Barrett's new gimmick and think he deserves to be a part of the Rumble.
I loved that segment.Barret will always have a warm place in my heart no matter what he ends up doing.

Barret roasting jobbers from his 20foot high podium is hilarious.

I'm just having fun now, but it would be hilarious to see Barret in a Judge Barret gimmick winning matches with his hammer like Finlay did with his shillelagh.

On a more serious note, I really do like where this is going if he keeps it this way, because it can go a lot of places storyline wise, as having him just insult crowds, is fun and all but gets stale and has no direction.

Man screw this I got work in 4 hours, good night.
As hillarious as Bad News Barrett's trolling was, am I the only one that caught the REAL bad news from the match? We just witnessed Brodus Clay's "Main Event Playa" gimmick become 100% buried in less than a minute; The Miz literally beat him in one actual move. So much for Clay's post-Funk future.
I honestly love the gimmick and I think that Wade Barrett has done a great job of melding with his character. I found myself compulsively tweeting to Wade every potential bad news story I could imagine. I realize he probably has a WWE rep check his twitter for him, but it was still fun to feel like I was trolling on a celebrity.

I'm hopeful that they take it to another level like they did on Smackdown. I don't have a lot of nice things to say about the WWE's creative team, but I think that giving him a giant podium had tremendous comedic affect. I wouldn't be surprised if it was Barrett's idea.

I imagine that Wade might evolve into the gimmick of being a snarling judge, or Barrister as it would go along with his name, where perhaps he'll get a Piper's Pit style interview segment. Maybe he carries a giant "Barrett's Rule Book" where matches that apply those rules have to follow ridiculous stipulations like "no skipping". Just brainstorming, but that's what a good gimmick makes the fans do.

I've got some BAD NEWS for Kane. He was off on his math. CM Punk doesn't have a 0.000000186 chance. If you figure that each person who enters cuts the odds in half every time, he really has a 0.00000000186 chance. *bangs the gavel*
As I said in another thread, I see this as yet another Wade Barrett failed gimmick. I think the gimmick is funny and interesting but so far, the audience doesn't seem to care for the most part. It has all the potential in the world to be hilarious but it appears that while production is giving it a good effort with the heightened podium and the "stamped" graphics, Wade HAS to do a better job coming up with his zings. When your whole gimmick is to poke fun at stuff in an offensive yet jokingly way, it has to be funny to the crowd or messed up enough for them to either boo or go "OHHHHHHHHHH DAMN!".

I hope that eventually it will catch on but as of now, Wade's got far too much stink on him (sprayed on by the creative team) for me to be optimistic. Perhaps they should have thought up this gimmick 2 years ago.
Ladies and Gentlemen, could I have some decorum please! Bad News Barret is a great success, but I'm afraid I've got some bad news. When Wade gets back in the ring, he is going to get his ass handed to him again, crawling around in the Mid Card, trying to get hold of a Pay Per View match.
WWE missed the boat twice with Barrett in two nights.
They should have had him at no30 in the Royal Rumble and then on RAW this past Monday night when DB was out for the opening segment. Actually, those occurences could be used as a way to have BNB replace Kane(who can go back to being the Monster) as the Director of Operations. On the way, please also take Vickie and Maddox off of TV.
Imagine that youre putting on a play in front of a large audience and you have this guy on top of a 20 foot podium with a microphone, laughing and announcing everytime you make a mistake. Thats Barrett. Its funny but I dont see how its good for the product.

By the looks of it, every week or so, BNB will pop up and give us bad news about something & people will boo for 10 seconds & then give up. Barrett is a potential star in terms of well he can wrestle & his talent is being abused by him standing atop a podium, banging a gavel & shouting for a few minutes.
The roasting wrestlers thing isn't even that great either. It just seemed like another shitty way to get Barrett some heat. Even that failed, just like the past times he's appeared.
It all happened because of that injury back in 2012. Wade Barrett's downfall. If only Big Show had been a little more careful.
I think I got some bad news, that Bad News Barrett, need to wrestle and not standing up there talking all the time.

Because it will just get boring, and have that shit in the ring instead.
Wade Barrett's problem is he's English, and Vince McMahon hates non-Americans, OK they're pushing Cesaro who's Swiss, and Emma from Australia, but on the whole, has there ever been a non-American or Canadian go above upper mid card in recent years? OK I know there's Alberto Del Rio and the Great Khali, but they're kept around purely because ADR is needed to appeal to Mexican fans and Khali to please Indians.

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