Will, are you getting pissed with Luther yet?


Is hanging up the boots
Luther has taken up a gimmick here on the forums that is almost identical to Will's. He even posts exactly like him. I personally find it hilarious.

Does everybody else love Luther's new posts and gimmick?
Love it at the moment.

Soon enough it's gonna get pretty annoying. And he'll probably keep the gimmick just to annoy everybody.
Luther was annoying long before he decided to imitate greatness. lol And I'd hardly say he posts like me. He's just picking up slight things I do, with quotations and bolding.

It's called enunciation and grammar. Luther had no idea how to do either until I came along. It's like a kid with a new game, he's happy with learning how to play something but sooner or later he'll get bored and find something else to do. Until then I find it amusing that he wants to be like me.
Imitation is the sincerest form of flattery.

lol Luth is just trying to find the next form of ass-kissing.

He must have noticed everyone claiming to always read my posts, dispite being almost endlessly long.. and yet they still read them, so he clearly assumes I have mastered the ways of making people pay attention to me. Envious is more like it.
Nah Will only you could make me read a post that long, without actually making me. That likely makes no sense.
lol Luth is just trying to find the next form of ass-kissing.

He must have noticed everyone claiming to always read my posts, dispite being almost endlessly long.. and yet they still read them, so he clearly assumes I have mastered the ways of making people pay attention to me. Envious is more like it.

I don't read your post, just kinda skim over them real quick, and argue with the shit your wrong about, LOL
Will you should do something like Will_Hull and do the same stuff as Luther.
I don't read your post, just kinda skim over them real quick, and argue with the shit your wrong about, LOL

Lawls. I read em, cos they're just that damn good. But I never reply to em, cos he might reply back and debating with Will is a scary concept. He replied to a post I made a few days ago and I read it and was like, Woah. And couldn't reply :lmao:
Will you should do something like Will_Hull and do the same stuff as Luther.

I wrote some stuff in white lettering in one of those "banned" posts I made, where I was mocking him back. I think it was in the CM-year anniversary thread. I doubt anyone got it though. lol

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