Will AJ lose her title and/or leave WWE shortly?

Radical Canadian Goose

Getting Noticed By Management
Sorry mods, I'm not sure whether or not this has been covered yet. There are so many CM Punk related threads around these days, kind of hard to tread through them all.

Anyways, so I have been wondering since this incident started with Punk walking out, will AJ Lee be punished or leave the company altogether. I understand that she is pursuing her dream and she has done it awesomely. However, I feel that she will stand by her man and choose to leave. I am looking at recent examples like Beth Phoenix leaving soon after Edge retired and Michelle McCool calling it quits not long after Taker becoming a part-timer.

Also I see her losing the title shortly, due to Punks absence. If she does leave will it be to Naomi or another diva?

What does everyone think? Are we losing the top diva as well
Batista's probably already hitting that.

Seriously though, it would not surprise me to see her leave as well.

And if that does happen, I do think you're right on that Naomi would be the one to take the belt from her. She's already pinned AJ in a tag match, the crowd likes her, she's really athletic and is a better worker than most of the women (which admittedly isn't saying much) AND having a first ever African-American Divas champion is something that would make a lot of sense and be sort of a big deal. May even get some of that mainstream attention Vinnie Mac craves so much.
Batista's probably already hitting that.

Seriously though, it would not surprise me to see her leave as well.

And if that does happen, I do think you're right on that Naomi would be the one to take the belt from her. She's already pinned AJ in a tag match, the crowd likes her, she's really athletic and is a better worker than most of the women (which admittedly isn't saying much) AND having a first ever African-American Divas champion is something that would make a lot of sense and be sort of a big deal. May even get some of that mainstream attention Vinnie Mac craves so much.

Unfortunately, AJ Fox was once a Divas champ. I believe that Jaqueline may have been a women's champ back in the 90's as well but I could be wrong
Really doubt she leaves. This is a dream she has been pursuing since she was a child really. And I don't think her and Punk have been together all that long. As for her title reign, she's already become the longest reigning Divas Champion ever so there isn't much left for her to do but lose it. Would be surprised if Naomi won it from her though. Pleasantly surprised however.
I don't know how that will go honestly, but in the end it is AJ's decision, I don't think AJ would have any issues staying with the company, Punk has been critical of WWE when it came to some situations involving AJ before, AJ's gotten through them without much of an issue at all (of course those situations could be more-so dirtsheets kicking up the drama for those clicks.), but outside of that, their isn't much to say that AJ would have a problem staying where she is.

As for AJ losing the title, I kind of feel that, that is going to happen soon, and was going to happen soon regardless of what Punk's status in the company is. Considering how long she has held it, it is only a matter of time, has to be a matter of time before someone takes that title. And options of course are either Tamina or Naomi at the moment, at least until Emma or Paige are brought up.
I think Brie Bella may end up taking it from her. Since they are starting to have her and Daniel Bryan's relationship tied into storylines now, it wouldn't surprise me if DB and Brie Bella won the WWE and Diva's Championship around the same time.
It's awkward about sums it up... You'd like to think Phil would be ok with her and not ask her to quit... and you'd probably be right... if anything she is the link that makes it possible for a return for him right now... Hey, you;d like to think he'd be cool and you'd like to think she'd be invested enough but reality is gonna get in the way.

Problem is can AJ do "the road" without him there? especially as it's gonna be without the belt... you all say Brie... Summer Rae has just been announced for Divas 2... so she is a good pick or they have Paige debut (which is long overdue and might add some buzz to Mania on the Diva's front) and shock her... either way she WILL suffer for his decision, it's the WWE way rightly or wrongly...

If she quits for Punk, it's a sad, wrong move... but not the first time it's happened and not guaranteed to kill her career... Jerry did the same for his wife, and as soon as she was gone he was welcomed back with open arms...

JR's post perhaps sums up... Punk isn't DONE with WWE most likely, but he's gonna sit this Mania out and see where the cards fall... if that's the case AJ is probably OK, but if he does ANYTHING else and they're together... she's done, not cos they want her done but cos it's just not gonna work... no one is that professional to work for a company their partner hates... didn't work for Haas either.
What does it matter if AJ Lee stays or leaves? If she leaves tomorrow, the following day nobody will remember her name... She's one of the most irrelevant in WWE, and she's irrelevant in CM Punk's life. WWE and CM Punk don't give 2 shits about her. The smartest thing for them to do is release AJ. WWE would save money and AJ brings no money in for that company anyway...

Just saying.
I think she either joins him on the sidelines or he kicks her to the curb. Otherwise, all he's getting on her days off is sloppy seconds (42nds, whatever). Batista can and will hit that, he did it with all the others. Even Taker took his broad off the road when he was done fulltime and there aren't many guys you'd think who would have the balls to hit something Taker's claimed.

If he doesn't, you're looking at a Hardy/Lita situation. She's there as road entertainment for the boys, just like the rest of them. Just because her designated hookup is off the road doesn't mean her job description changes.
Unfortunately, AJ Fox was once a Divas champ. I believe that Jaqueline may have been a women's champ back in the 90's as well but I could be wrong

Unfortunately? If that's a diss on Alicia Fox, then that's pretty foul. She's a good diva in her own right, and put some real work in during her series with Melina.

Jacqueline was too, but will that count? Does WWE consider the women's and diva's lineage together?

Naomi could be a good champion too, so I do think she will win it just to punish AJ for being involved in that situation with Punk. Will she leave, though? I don't think so. As much as she seems down to ride for Punk, AJ loves this business A LOT. Remember she legit tattooed her title win on her neck. They still show pictures of her fangirling when she was little over Lita and others. I don't think she'd go anywhere unless they really decided to stick it to her hard, and they wouldn't because she's too good for that.
Unfortunately? If that's a diss on Alicia Fox, then that's pretty foul. She's a good diva in her own right, and put some real work in during her series with Melina.

Jacqueline was too, but will that count? Does WWE consider the women's and diva's lineage together?

Naomi could be a good champion too, so I do think she will win it just to punish AJ for being involved in that situation with Punk. Will she leave, though? I don't think so. As much as she seems down to ride for Punk, AJ loves this business A LOT. Remember she legit tattooed her title win on her neck. They still show pictures of her fangirling when she was little over Lita and others. I don't think she'd go anywhere unless they really decided to stick it to her hard, and they wouldn't because she's too good for that.

Sorry, wasn't trying to diss Alicia Fox (didn't mean to call her AJ either, just got caught up in my topic lol.) I was just responding to a previous poster who stated that Naomi would be the first African American Champ. I was stating tha Unfortunately he was wrong.
I seriously hope not. If AJ leaves, the entire divas division would fall apart. She's the only one worthy of being at the top of the division, given that she's the best diva they have had since the days of Lita and Trish. There is nobody on the roster who could possibly lead the division into the future if AJ left. Nobody. Natalya has the in-ring abilities needed, but AJ is far superior on the mic. Plus, who would she feud with in an angle that the fans would care about in any way shape or form? Everyone else sucks. At least now they have a worthy champion who can feud with the divas that suck, she needs opponents for her title retentions, so having her feud with each of them one by one is fine. AJ is good enough to make people interested in seeing divas matches for once. Name even one other girl in WWE who can do that. I sure can't.

The division needs AJ desperately. She's great in the ring (at least in comparison to the other divas), good on the mic, is attractive, and has an interesting character. She's everything they could ever want in a diva. How in the world do you replace that in a division full of people who suck? I've heard a lot about Paige and Emma from NXT. If they got moved up to the main roster and are as good as people say, them feuding with Natalya over the title is the only shot the division has of survival without AJ. Even then it would be a stretch, as we do not know how interested fans would be in these feuds. AJ needs to remain the Divas Champion until someone worthy of defeating her can do so, and she needs to remain a focal point in the division for a very long time. I highly doubt they will find another diva as good as her for quite some time. I really hope she does not leave. It would take a miracle for them to increase fan interest in the division without her.
That is correct. Jacqueline was WWE Women's Champion back in 1998 a few years after Alundra Blaze (Medusa Miceli) went on Nitro to throw the belt in a trash can. Also, Jazz was a two time champion in the early 00s, and Layla was a Women's and Diva's titleholder as well (okay, technically she's not African-American, she's African-English, but is a lady of colour.)
Nah, I don't see it, however awkward it might get, you may as well stick the final nail in the coffin for the Divas division if AJ is gone. At least there is another anti-diva waiting in the wings though, Paige.

I know Punk has plowed his way through a few of the former Divas, but I don't think he'd actively encourage AJ to commit career suicide just to prove a point and 'stand by her man'. As mentioned before, she's been dreaming of being a Diva since she was little. I'm sure some of you have seen the video of her as a kid crying when she met Lita. She said in an interview how as kid she had a Kane poster above her bed. Over a decade later she's mounting him in the middle of the ring. :D No way she gives this up, and I don't think even Punk is selfish enough to encourage her to do that. (That's not an attack on Punk by the way). Probably warning her to watch her back though.

As for losing the title though, yeah that'll happen soon anyway, regardless of Punk situation. Especially with the second season of Total Divas coming.
I think AJ leaving would be a big mistake by both AJ and WWE. I understand stand by your man theory, but in reality they are not engaged or even married so that stand by your man theory doesn't really even apply. It does for DB and Brie though.

AJ leaving though leave the door wide open for some new Divas but at the same time, WWE is now showcasing their dirty laundry and that is not best for business.
AJ Lee tweeted CM punk departure and then deleted it. so it's an interesting fact.

That tweet was a fake, back to the topic I really don't think this would affect AJ, how long have they being going out? A few months, if it was a year then yeah i'd understand her standing by her man but I think it's a bit too early in the relationship to throw your career away.

Look none of us know what AJ is thinking so we just have to wait and see how this plays out.
Whether Punk is on the roster or not, I'm expecting AJ to drop her title at or around WrestleMania XXX. AJ is the longest reigning female champion WWE has had in more than 20 years and has beaten or probably will beat anyone currently on the WWE roster that's worth watching wrestle against her. Emma, from NXT, has been shown on camera a few times lately and she's been working some dark matches, so she'll probably be wrestling on television before too long as will Paige. I'd say one of these women has a good shot of ending AJ's run as Divas Champion.

As far as WWE sort of punishing AJ over the CM Punk business, it's possible. Numerous reports say that Vince can be spiteful and stubborn. AJ probably would have been punished during the misunderstanding that happened at Tribute to the Troops had it not been for Punk exerting some influence and all parties explaining the misunderstanding. Like anyone else, Vince can let stubborn pride & ego get in the way of what makes sense.

However, in a lot of ways, Triple H has been something of a calming influence on Vince. Remember when Bryan's match against Orton was stopped on Raw because there was suspicion that he'd been injured? Reportedly, Bryan went off on Trips backstage for doing it, but they talked things out and while Vince, reportedly, suggested that Bryan be punished, Triple H talked him out of it because he understood where Bryan was coming from, as he's been in the same spot himself. No disrespect was intended, it was just a case of concern and misunderstanding. Being a wrestler himself gives Trips a perspective that Vince simply doesn't have. Because of that, I think there's a good chance that AJ won't be punished, nor should she be, for something that's supposed to have been resolved. She shouldn't be used as a scapegoat for management to take its frustrations out on because of the Punk situation. The entire women's division in WWE would fall apart without AJ. A lot of the Divas have improved quite a bit inside the ring, but AJ is, hands down, the most interesting woman WWE's had on the roster in quite some time. She's easily the most popular of the Divas, even though she's a heel, and the little girl works her ass off.

However, if AJ's smart, she'll keep her mouth shut when it comes to this whole situation. If she's asked what she thinks by someone backstage, I think the best thing she can do is say that whatever's going on is between Punk & management and that she hopes that everything can be worked out. Also, if AJ was to leave WWE because of Punk leaving...well...there's a very good possibility that AJ would be throwing away a long, promising career that eventually sets her up financially for the rest of her life. Not to put Punk down or anything, but the guy's got something of a reputation as a man ****e. He's reported to have had flings & relationships with half the women who've been on the roster for the past 10 years and there's no telling how many ring rats he's hooked up with over the years. Of course, I don't know how deep or serious their relationship is, it's just that, going by past reputation, I'm just not sure how committed of a guy CM Punk is. AJ's living her dream right now, that's something that most people don't really get the opportunity to do, so quitting WWE because her boyfriend has, supposedly, quit just doesn't seem like a smart move.
Women only have a limited shelf-life in wrestling. A.J, as WWE's most popular female performer in quite some time, would be foolish to leave the promotion. She has the makings of being a female legend, but only if she continues within that promotion.

She's the longest reigning women's champ in quite some time and she's only on her first reign. If everything goes as it should, she'll leave wrestling around her fifth in a similar way Trish moved on.
AJ has been losing, jobbing, and being misused for along time now. She is and has been a match or two away from losing the title anyway so Punk has nothing to do with it.
Not a chance. As stated above, women have such a limited time in the business they're going to make the best of it while they can. AJ is no different. While I think she will still be an amazingly hot little piece of ass for the next 10 years, she won't be in WWE for that long. Just because Punk "left," doesn't mean she'll leave whatsoever.

As for losing the title, I think she'll have it awhile. Unless a Diva comes up big in the next few months and the fans really get behind her, AJ will keep it. Even as a "heel" AJ still receives the best pop of all the Divas. I said before, the only one I can even see gaining footing for the fans to get behind and want to see roll around the ring with AJ is Summer Rae. She's got that tall athletic Stacy Keibler type of body on her which is just...such wow. That I'd like to see.
It's interesting today that Steph is out "flattering" Stacy Keibler... so it's very likely some overtures are being made... could cover things if AJ ends up having a break.

The thing that someone missed with Trips is that he was the guy who was punished for the MSG incident, so he would probably...not certain...but probably be quite anti others going through that experience. While he took it with good grace etc, I doubt he would think it was right...

Also WWE have to consider if they did "punish" AJ in any measurable way then they would be likely opening themselves up to a sexual harrassment suit. Sable and Joy Giovanni both launched suits cos of how they were treated in the WWE and while the "ways of the WWE" or "Titan Training" may operate slightly differently to how many companies do day to day their commitment to things like the BeAStar campaign would be very seriously undermined if someone in AJ's situation was found to be punished... She has been moderately de-pushed as a result of her behavior a few weeks ago, but again there is an element of reasonableness... if someone calls your partner "fuck face", ex or not, you're likely to react negatively even at work... so cooler heads probably prevailed.
If AJ were close to leaving or unhappy, I could see her walking away too. But she's not. She loves the WWE, she loves wrestling, and obviously they're treating her extremely well right now. There's no reason for her to leave, and I really doubt Punk would ask her to. He didn't leave because he was being mistreated, or at least that was just a small part of it. He left because of general burnout and nagging injuries, which aren't the WWE's fault, and because he was unhappy with their booking, but not their booking of him. So he his isn't really a "stand by your partner" situation. Also, I think the Jerry Lawler/The Kat situation is more like this one than Beth or Michelle.

As for her losing the title, after this long, I really doubt they're going to rewrite their plans just to punish AJ. She's already the longest reigning champion ever, I'm guessing it's coming to an end soon regardless - likely at WrestleMania. My guess would be either Tamina turns on her or, more likely, Brie gets the title on the same night her fiancé does. I think that would've happened even if Punk didn't leave, and I don't think him leaving changes anything.


I think she either joins him on the sidelines or he kicks her to the curb. Otherwise, all he's getting on her days off is sloppy seconds (42nds, whatever). Batista can and will hit that, he did it with all the others. Even Taker took his broad off the road when he was done fulltime and there aren't many guys you'd think who would have the balls to hit something Taker's claimed.

If he doesn't, you're looking at a Hardy/Lita situation. She's there as road entertainment for the boys, just like the rest of them. Just because her designated hookup is off the road doesn't mean her job description changes.

What does it matter if AJ Lee stays or leaves? If she leaves tomorrow, the following day nobody will remember her name... She's one of the most irrelevant in WWE, and she's irrelevant in CM Punk's life. WWE and CM Punk don't give 2 shits about her. The smartest thing for them to do is release AJ. WWE would save money and AJ brings no money in for that company anyway...

Just saying.

I LOVE the fact that these two idiot trolls didn't get one single bite between them. Good job, everyone.
Nah, she's not going anywhere. She seems to have a real love for the business and she's only 25 or 26, I think. Besides, if she has half a brain (and she certainly seems as though she does), then she has to realize that Punk doesn't have the best track record with relationships. She can't expect him to be her meal ticket if she were to leave. And she hasn't been with WWE long enough to have the kind of money saved up that I'm sure Punk has.

As far as punishment goes. For what, really? Because she got into a shouting match? She's the best thing (arguably the only thing) going in the diva's division, and should hold the title for at least a year in my opinion. The division is hanging on by a thread and she's the only reason why. She's the only interesting character, and one of the best-looking of course. Natalya is the best worker and deserves another title run eventually, but I wouldn't have AJ drop the belt any time soon.

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